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Wtf? I only JUST found out about this.

  1. #21
    Originally posted by NARCassist well i knew like everyone else, you couldn't go on that forum and not know at the time. but specky is trying to claim he had advanced knowledge of it before everyone else did. so why didn't he let everyone know?


    No, we all knew there were feds sniffing around at the same time Spectral knew. Where did he say he had advanced knowledge?
  2. #22
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by nigger and retard cock/ass ist well i knew like everyone else, you couldn't go on that forum and not know at the time. but specky is trying to claim he had advanced knowledge of it before everyone else did. so why didn't he let everyone know

  3. #23
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by infinityshock i didnt go on that stupid ass fag fest forum in the first place at all, you dumb nigger


  4. #24
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    As soon as the investigator and the fed showed up, I knew exactly who they were, and I told zok, but zok said not to worry about it.
  5. #25
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    ffs guys, i'm trying to make a cunt out of spectroll here, give it a rest will ya, jesus.

  6. #26
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by nigger and retard cock/ass ist boring
  7. #27
    Originally posted by -SpectraL As soon as the investigator and the fed showed up, I knew exactly who they were, and I told zok, but zok said not to worry about it.

    So you always run to daddy whenever something bad happens huh. And just do whatever the man tells you. I expected more from you spectral. You have a real defeatist attitude for someone who claims to take such pride in this community. With your level of skill, you could have easily phished zok or wires’ admin account and scrubbed the IP records if you wanted to
  8. #28
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by Fox Paws So you always run to daddy whenever something bad happens huh. And just do whatever the man tells you. I expected more from you spectral. You have a real defeatist attitude for someone who claims to take such pride in this community. With your level of skill, you could have easily phished zok or wires’ admin account and scrubbed the IP records if you wanted to

    Not my webspace. Zok's problem, not mine. I only modded the forum, so there was only so much I could do.

    In fact, just a couple of months before this happened I had a big blowout with zok, because I told him no one was going to be incriminating themselves in a forum I ran. Zok was reversing bans I had put in on morons who were incriminating themselves and pulling the entire forum into a subpoena situation or a shutdown. Zok didn't want to listen. He just kept saying it was their problem if they got busted, not his, even though it was already against the site-wide rules to incriminate yourself or anyone else on the boards! For example, one moron even said he was going to go down to a specific concert and disrupt it... how? Who knows. But I told him to shut the fuck up about it, he kept going, so I punted him for a month, but zok and wires started crying about it and unbanned him and said it was OK if he threatened the concert. I was the big meanie. So I ended up telling zok I didn't want him as my co-mod in Bad Ideas anymore, because he's too much of a fuckup and has no sense of perspective. So he removed himself from the forum. Then, just a couple of months later, the feds and investigators started arriving.

    I tried, not my problem.
  9. #29
    That kind of devil-may-care attitude is exactly why nobody respects you.

    You’re a renegade, a maverick. A rebel without a cause. You son of a bitch!
  10. #30
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    I said.. "Hey, zok! You got feds!". And he said, "If you drink a cup of my warm piss I will give you 100% control and ownership of". And I then told him to go fuck himself. At which point he advised me that drinking urine was perfectly safe and clean, and that he'd done it before himself. At which point I told him he was disgusting and that I would never drink piss, especially someone else's. Then he's like, well, if you don't drink the piss I can't do anything. That's where our relationship really started to go downhill fast. I said, you know what? You really are one dumb, stupid, obstinate, backstabbing, careless, retard. Don't you even care about the community? And he says he doesn't really. That he never really wanted any of us there in the first place - which is a lie - he's the one who got Jeff to put his site on the Totse TTFN, and got Jeff to recommend his site to all the stranded refugees. So, yeah, zok was a real bitch, IRL. I always had hope for the kid, the entire time, no matter how stupid he got, but it ended up that at the end of the day he was just a totally selfish, self-centered goof, only looking out for his own sorry hide.
  11. #31
    LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery Space Nigga [my yellow-marked arboreous hypnotist]
    Do we still have feds sniffing around? Nothing illegal really goes on here anymore.

    ...except the pedophiles.
  12. #32
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Lanny will tell you.
  13. #33
    Originally posted by LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery Do we still have feds sniffing around? Nothing illegal really goes on here anymore.

    …except the pedophiles.

    This website is a shell of a shell of a shell of diminishing controversy. No one in law enforcement would give two fucks about anything that goes on here.

    It’s sad how it went from totse with text files explaining how to make bombs, pull off major scams, etc, to zoklet telling people how to print coupons and steal shit from Home Depot, to this garbage where a bunch of retards argue about eating meat and whether or not rainbows exist objectively.
  14. #34
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Terrible admins. I've been saying it the entire time.
  15. #35
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery Do we still have feds sniffing around? Nothing illegal really goes on here anymore.

    …except the pedophiles.






    the holocaust(TM) never happened and is a juden-kike conspiracy

    heil hitler

    ^ that right there is grounds for several years imprisonment in several third-world kike-controlled countries.
  16. #36
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Or insult the prophet Muhammad.
  17. #37
    benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by Fox Paws This website is a shell of a shell of a shell of diminishing controversy. No one in law enforcement would give two fucks about anything that goes on here.

    but lanny has a penchant for loggs.
  18. #38
    infinityshock Black Hole

    that should do it
  19. #39
    SBTlauien African Astronaut
    I remember this. Zok had no choice. They would have gotten what they wanted had he not co-operated.

    Dem feds.
  20. #40
    SBTlauien African Astronaut
    Originally posted by LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery Do we still have feds sniffing around? Nothing illegal really goes on here anymore.

    …except the pedophiles.

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