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Real men like curves, bones are for dogs

  1. #1
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    I can't stand girls that have this mentality and in an effort to cover up their own insecurities they have to put other women down, women who may go way out of their way to protect their figure.
    A couple weeks ago or so, I was talking to this girl online and I hit her up, and she replies back with how she likes the band "failure" as well. Not a lot of girls know of the band failure, much less people in general.. but anyways, she looks alright and I tell ask her if she wants to meet up for coffee one evening soon.

    My days that I can meet up with girls like that are limited because I work nights and sleep during the day so I never can "go out for lunch" or hang after they get off work on days that I work. We set something up for a few days later in the week anyways. Anyways the day comes and I text her a little bit before we were supposed to meet up and say hey still meeting up in a couple hours? And she's like "oh hey sorry I can't my roommate and I are going to watch something on tv tonight, I forgot that blah blah blah was on tonight"

    I just text her back "already take it easy" or something like that and delete her contact. like 5 days later, its my day off again and I kinda want to go do something besides drinking at home. (I was already kinda buzzed) and I'm looking through the dating app to see if there is a girl that would like to go to the arcade with me (this arcade has all these vintage pinball machines and you can drink beer in there, but at the time I was under the impression it had to be something with a lid like wine)

    I can't really find anyone so I go through my phone and I see a number in my call log, and I assume its some girl that I drunkenly spoke to briefly one of the last couple nights but I can't remember who it is. I send a text saying "hey whats goin' on, wanna go to the arcade with me later?" and she was like "yaa lets do that"
    I ask to see a picture and its that same girl that stood me up evidently. I'm like (meh whatever guess I'll hang with her, I just want to get out and do something)
    I tell her I'll buy the tokens and for her to just meet up with me with a cheap bottle of wine and she agrees as long as its white wine because she doesn't like red wine.

    I'm getting ready to leave and she tells me she's at the store and she can't find any wine that she likes. (so in my head I figure well I'm just going to grab a brew for myself before I go then) She sends me a text saying "should I bring cups?" and I say "why if you can't find any wine that you want" and she goes "yeah you're right im just going to grab a water, do you want anything?"
    And I say "yeah I told you I wanted a bottle of wine..." and she's like "okay I'll get one"

    Anyways I get there and I'm just chilling outside having a cig before she gets there. She text me telling me she is pulling up. She gets out of her car and starts walking up to me, and it soooo does not look like the girl in the pictures, i mean it does, but uglier and a whooooole lotta fatter. plus she's incredibly short so shes like this lil blob and she's just has a very unkept appearance/ is frumpily dressed. (she at least came through on the wine)

    I'm thinking to my self (aaaaahh hale nah nigga! I'm so over this bs, not only did she stand me up earlier in the week, and the whole wine thing played out like I was pulling teeth, and she looks like ass, I'm so over this)

    I tell her "hey I'm sorry I can't do this, later" and walk off to my car and she calls me asking me what was wrong and why did I leave. I explain to her that she's just been really difficult and her not looking like her picture was the last straw and I don't feel want to do this. She starts telling me I look like a hobo with my beard (the pictures she saw of me I had my huge jihad beard... so I dont see what the problem is) and she tells me she's sure I have a small dick. (I don't have any hang ups about my dick, kinda weird for her to tell me this, when I told that hooker as well that I didnt want to pay that much to bang her, she mentioned my dick to lol and I didn't even tell any of these girls that they were fat.

    But yeah girls like that and my daughters mom have that mentality to diss guys that don't find them attractive and to diss women that aren't overweight..

    A real man wants whatever he wants not what a woman implies what real men want. How would a woman know what a real man wants anyways if they aren't men?

    Like bill the cat is someone who I would consider a real man on here but he's gay and likes young skinny dudes and muscle jocks, nothing inbetween and definitely no fatties. He likes what he likes.

    And I don't like when ugly bigger girls call themselves BBW's, you have to actually first be beautiful to be one, you're not one just because your overweight and trashy looking. But hey I guess the term has just taken on a meaning as means to throw out instantly that they want guys that fetishize and fat women on a pedastul. I mean if you type bbw in google you're going to get a bunch of porn..

    And also sure I like girls with curves, but a lot of these girls bringing up that real men like girls with curves typically go beyond just being curvy they get into squatty lumpy territory Why not just say something like "real men like rolls" lololol

  2. #2
    Haha that must have been crushing for the girl, but serves her right. Shit personality + shit looks.
  3. #3
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^this man, I know I'm not the best looking guy but one dating site I put a few pictures showing what I really am because I would feel weird falsely advertising. I even put a picture a full body picture of me in my underwear so they can see whats up. A lot of girls when I start texing them I will be like hey can you send me a pic? And some of them get so weird about it and say they already have pictures on their profile.. and I say well why are all of you pictures myspace angle shots? and they will tell me because thats how they look the best.. sure I'm taller than most girls.. but in real life I'm not going to constantly be looking at you at an akward higher up angle...

    About six seven years ago I met up with a girl in the next county over and man dude, I almost did walk off when I first met her, (i was more of a noob at that time at online dating, I didnt start doing it until I was 21) and only saw one picture of her face on her profile, and I did speak to her over the phone and she sounded cute)

    But when I met her she was just like this other girl i was talking about and her fake cute/sweet voice was no longer there, she sounded incredibly dykie, since I drove out all that way I did hang out with her for a bit.

    After I left she started texting and calling me all the time for the next few days but she would call and wouldn't sound happy.. yet she was calling me.. she would be like "HEY DUUUUUUG...." and on top of it all she was obviously very depressed and not willing to at least attempt to put her best foot forward into being a fun person to hang out with, she just wanted some guy to hang with her, hoping that he'd be such a sap that he'd go along with it despite her being a wet blanket, but knowing she had a pussy some guy every now and then might go for it. It was kind of sad, she told me how her boyfriend went off to the navy and started dating some navy bitch (what do you expect to happen) and how she rage quit paying for his phone (navy guys pre-deployment seem to generally be huge opprotunistic mother fuckers like tort)

    I honestly told her why even call me if you're just going to sound all sullen and weird and depressed.. Anyways I met up with her one last time, she came into town and got a motel room for us, I fucked her a couple times, but I didnt really enjoy it and when I would talk to her afterwards it made me cringe because I didn't like her voice. In the morning I told her look I gotta go, (id already been their for seven or eight hours) and she got upset and was telling me she had the room still until noon.. its like who gives a fuck. I was nice about it and left.

    Because I was such a noob at the time and actually cared about not hurting peoples feelings that don't mean anything to me, I told her I was kinda gay and I like guys and iwas just fucking her to see if I was or not (my friend a the time who is now dead, old me to tell her that, he's terrible with giving advice) she ent up asking me if I wanted to hang with her and her gay friend. lol I told her no way and I dont want to hang with her anymore, She called me several days later drunk and crying asking me If I could "try again" with her. I told her no and that was that.

    A lot of girls bring on their own relationship problems in that they are skeptical of guy because things that have been done to them in the past and pigeon hole every guy and never give anyone a chance. Sure I've been fucked over plenty of times, but I've also had a lot of good experiences and dealt with girls that were more upfront / less inhibited by their past.

    I've had some girls tell me that they think its just not going to happen and I respect that a lot compared to some girls that will make excuses/ lie / pussy foot because they are too afraid to be straight forward and seem like a bitch, but infact they end up seeming even more like a bitch when they do otherwise because it's plainly apparent what their deal is.

    shits crazy fam... But yeah fuck fat chicks that misrepresent themselves
  4. #4
    I'm legitimately wondering what a girl that Bill Krozby finds unattractive looks like.
  5. #5
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^captain falcons gf/wife
  6. #6
    so it goes...

    captain falcon's wife < girls Bill Krozby finds attractive < below average looking women < average looking women < actually attractive women

    i see.
  7. #7
    Obbe Alan What? [annoy my right-angled speediness]
    so it goes…

    captain falcon's wife < girls Bill Krozby finds attractive < below average looking women < average looking women < actually attractive women

    i see.

    i want to see a totem pole of that
  8. #8
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^it would be pretty funny fam
  9. #9
    infinityshock Black Hole
    post pics
  10. #10

    Jokes on her, I'm a licensed forklift owner/operator.
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