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Do You Value Things?

  1. #81
    RestStop Space Nigga
    I value meth and red bone butts. Realist thing posted in this thread. You're welcome.
  2. #82
    Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by Sophie Yes but the Universe is a closed system. The overall entropy has a tendency to increase over time.

    Sure, on the universal scale entropy increases. But the region of space accessible to humans is not a closed system, and there is no general principle that says entropy must monotonically increase in that region. In fact we observe the opposite, entropy often decreases around us. So any argument that the second law explains why consumer goods degrade in human timescales fails, the second law does not apply to consumer goods on human timescales.
  3. #83
    HTS highlight reel
    Originally posted by Lanny Sure, on the universal scale entropy increases. But the region of space accessible to humans is not a closed system, and there is no general principle that says entropy must monotonically increase in that region. In fact we observe the opposite, entropy often decreases around us. So any argument that the second law explains why consumer goods degrade in human timescales fails, the second law does not apply to consumer goods on human timescales.

    Sure it does - consumer goods are functional in very few states. There are infinitely more numerous states that exist in which consumer goods are nonfunctional. And over time, the probabilty of any given consumer good occupying one of those infinitely greater number of nonfunctioning states increases.

    That may not be entropy in the sense that a physicist uses it, but it's certainly the metaphor they use to explain it to laypeople.
  4. #84
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Yes but HTS, complex and intelligent life is in direct opposition of entropy. A human being is an orderly and extremely complex state of matter.
  5. #85
    HTS highlight reel
    Originally posted by Sophie Yes but HTS, complex and intelligent life is in direct opposition of entropy. A human being is an orderly and extremely complex state of matter.

    I mean, yeah. I understand what Lanny is saying. But humans also die and rot so lol entropy wins.
  6. #86
    Originally posted by Sophie Yes but HTS, complex and intelligent life is in direct opposition of entropy. A human being is an orderly and extremely complex state of matter.

    That's like saying a tall building shows that gravity can be defeated.

    Human beings need large inputs of energy in order to live. And for 95% of them pretty much all they do well is turn perfectly good food into shit.

    In other words in order to maintain their low entropy state humans create massive amounts of entropy.
  7. #87
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Lanny Sure, on the universal scale entropy increases. But the region of space accessible to humans is not a closed system, and there is no general principle that says entropy must monotonically increase in that region. In fact we observe the opposite, entropy often decreases around us. So any argument that the second law explains why consumer goods degrade in human timescales fails, the second law does not apply to consumer goods on human timescales.

    you dont understand the meaning of half the words you use
  8. #88
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Issue313 Human beings need large inputs of energy in order to live.

  9. #89
    Grimace motherfucker [my enumerable hindi guideword]
    Originally posted by infinityshock you dont understand the meaning of half the words you use

    You became lost reading his post because you lack understanding. HOW EMBARRASSING!
  10. #90
    ITT: Lanny schools people who failed grade school level science.
  11. #91
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Grimace You became lost reading his post because you lack understanding. HOW EMBARRASSING!

    ill jam my foot up your ass and lose my boot in your transverse colon then you can explain your lack of understanding on how that even happened.
  12. #92
    Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by infinityshock you dont understand the meaning of half the words you use

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