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Disciplining your furr babby

  1. #21
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by mmQ I went to the petrol station and bought a newspaper without intending to. When I got home I couldn't resist rolling it up and plumping it on Chootie's nose a few times, for being a bad Kitty bitty, even though she wasn't being bad. She liked it though, so calm down.

    mq, i thought you were an american?

  2. #22
    cerakote African Astronaut
    my cats enjoy being smacked (as do ALOT of cats), so its not really a viable method of discipline/reprimanding them for something unless my demeanor lets them know im aware they fucked shit up and im about to be on their ass. i generally just yell their name and "no" or "stop" or whatever and they are well aware of their names so one wont freak out because they think my outburst is directed at them. i never really could get behind the idea of punishing pets for things seeing as alot of the time its because theyre just animals and they dont know theyre doing anything wrong
  3. #23
    Originally posted by NARCassist mq, i thought you were an american?


    He lives in ND, idiot.
  4. #24
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon He lives in ND, idiot.

    since when did americans start saying 'petrol station'?

    even i say gas station when posting online coz i know most americans won't know what the fuck i'm on about otherwise.

  5. #25
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon He lives in ND, idiot.

    it's not common for americans to say petrol as opposed to gas
  6. #26
    cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra it's not common for americans to say petrol as opposed to gas

    in my experience, pretty much every instance of the word "petroleum" being used is in reference to the whole field of products/employment/business rather than gasoline, but that could be because im in texas and there is a huge amount of petroleum related industry here
  7. #27
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Hahaha you massive faggots. Or should I say faggouts? I say petrol one time...

    Fargo North Dakota . Fuck off.

    Gas station. OK. Is that better? I said petrol ironically . Do you not know me? Jesus.
  8. #28
    Originally posted by NARCassist since when did americans start saying 'petrol station'?

    even i say gas station when posting online coz i know most americans won't know what the fuck i'm on about otherwise.


    Originally posted by aldra it's not common for americans to say petrol as opposed to gas

    Yes, geniuses. But it is in North Dakota.
  9. #29
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Eat my petrol fueled asshole
  10. #30
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    My fucking god. Memememenene what are you doing! Why does Bling from Sheffield talk so stupid compared to you?
  11. #31
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by mmQ My fucking god. Memememenene what are you doing! Why does Bling from Sheffield talk so stupid compared to you?

    he's a dirty northerner. they're like the rednecks of britain.

  12. #32
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by NARCassist he's a dirty northerner. they're like the rednecks of britain.


    I hate them. I do like, though, the standard British accent. Not even slang, just your accent. I like the word WIF, and ALROIGHT. Also I love saying m8. M8.
  13. #33
    u sahould meet up, b frendz and post video
  14. #34
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    U guise remember the xpoast vs trayvon meet up?

    Of course you dont because ur all pussiez
  15. #35
    poast has a chronic case of faggot nigger, fuck his gay nigger ass
  16. #36
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    He owns 4 pool tables though
  17. #37
    come to tinychat bybaby
  18. #38
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by mmQ I hate them. I do like, though, the standard British accent. Not even slang, just your accent. I like the word WIF, and ALROIGHT. Also I love saying m8. M8.

  19. #39
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Yeah I'm not watching that. I can tell it's not funny .
  20. #40
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    You British faggots have ONE good comedian. It's not that guy.
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