2017-02-07 at 5:37 AM UTC
Buy some expensive jedielry with cash with no paper trail in another city. Then just say you found it, and sell it.
2017-02-07 at 5:56 AM UTC
It's good for a one off or something but the IRS will buttsex you if you try to be too clever.
The best way to launder large amounts is still to simply set up a cash business.
2017-02-07 at 5:58 AM UTC
Takes money to launder money.
2017-02-08 at 1:34 AM UTC
Go to the bank with a duffel bag full of gold you buy with drug money from ebay over 10 years and say your grandpa left you a map and you dug it up (only if they ask though)
2017-02-08 at 1:49 AM UTC
My friend's dad sold mad weed over the course of 20 some odd years he just filed his taxes as a professional gambler to my knowledge everyone bought it since he never went to prison.
2017-02-08 at 2:10 AM UTC
the washers in my apt complex only cost like a $1.25
2017-02-08 at 2:31 AM UTC
i just leave it in my pockets when i toss my clothes in the washing machine