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Technologist caught on tape grocery shopping.
2020-02-14 at 7:51 AM UTC
2020-02-14 at 7:52 AM UTC
2020-02-14 at 7:54 AM UTC
2020-02-14 at 7:57 AM UTCNa, pigeon.
2020-02-14 at 7:58 AM UTCLol imagine a herpes blister walking into a store and stealing cheetos and 7 LP members are crowding around it and it just keeps coming at them trying to touch them and infect them and they keep backing off because they don't want to get infected.
Aaaand that makes me think of an actual good shoplifting strategy. If you just put a bunch of makeup on that makes it look like you have a bunch of open sores, use a bunch of fake blood, maybe put a bunch of fake parasitic tape worms latched onto your body and then steal high end electronics, nobody will want to stop you. LolThe following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire! -
2020-02-14 at 7:58 AM UTCGoing all the way through it. For absolutely no reason AGAIN
2020-02-14 at 8:02 AM UTC
2020-02-14 at 8:04 AM UTCYa bud. U know how I get.
2020-02-14 at 1:54 PM UTC
2020-02-14 at 6:38 PM UTC
Originally posted by -SpectraL As soon as she started damaging merchandise, I would have been able to pin her to the ground and cuff her.
I'm not even sure if you can do that these days, maybe you can depends.. but I remember one time when I was in highschool I worked at HEB, and this dude (I didn't know it at the time) was undercover and he dressed like a surfer/skateboarder bro and he went outside where I was loading carts just hanging and then this fat dude came out with an entire case of beer and he let him walk into the parking lot and told him to stop and the guy knew what was up and thru the case of beer at him but the guy dodged it and put down on the concrete..
same surfer lp did the same thing waited outside and just stepped in front of the door with this lady was coming out with a ton of groceries and told her to "hold it bitch" or something like that.
I got stopped by lp once taking a beer once years ago and they followed me out and asked what I was doing, and I was like hey I'll just give it back to you its only like 2 dollars.. and went home. I've never done that again, but the weird thing I can tell who lp's are because whenever I'm just being normal I see people giving me looks like I'm doing something but I never am anymore, just that one time.
I guess sometimes I look shady or something, a couple months ago I was at HEB buying earbuds, like you have to get someone to unlock the deal.. so I was just there looking at them for a second.. and this black guy came up to me asking me what I need.. and I was like earbuds and he's like what kind do you need? And I said I don't know man I was just looking at them lol -
2020-02-14 at 6:40 PM UTCClearly there was some rule in place to where she called multiple black dudes NIGGERS right to their face and they didn't do anything. That's practically unheard of .
2020-02-14 at 6:53 PM UTCThat bitch in the OP is mental. She needs long term care.
2020-02-14 at 6:57 PM UTC
Originally posted by Bill Krozby I'm not even sure if you can do that these days, maybe you can depends.. but I remember one time when I was in highschool I worked at HEB, and this dude (I didn't know it at the time) was undercover and he dressed like a surfer/skateboarder bro and he went outside where I was loading carts just hanging and then this fat dude came out with an entire case of beer and he let him walk into the parking lot and told him to stop and the guy knew what was up and thru the case of beer at him but the guy dodged it and put down on the concrete..
same surfer lp did the same thing waited outside and just stepped in front of the door with this lady was coming out with a ton of groceries and told her to "hold it bitch" or something like that.
I got stopped by lp once taking a beer once years ago and they followed me out and asked what I was doing, and I was like hey I'll just give it back to you its only like 2 dollars.. and went home. I've never done that again, but the weird thing I can tell who lp's are because whenever I'm just being normal I see people giving me looks like I'm doing something but I never am anymore, just that one time.
I guess sometimes I look shady or something, a couple months ago I was at HEB buying earbuds, like you have to get someone to unlock the deal.. so I was just there looking at them for a second.. and this black guy came up to me asking me what I need.. and I was like earbuds and he's like what kind do you need? And I said I don't know man I was just looking at them lol
Those employees can't do anything but watch and wait for the cops, because of store policy, but LP wouldn't hesitate to nail her to the floor for damaging merchandise. Looks like they weren't there. Nobody on shift. I used to wear a dark blue painter's over-all and I dabbed some paint spots on it and carried a lunch pail, and morons would be loading up almost right beside me and wouldn't give me a second look. Then outside, once they're pinched, it's always I KNEW YOU WERE ONE! I always respond, well, if you knew why did you done it then? -
2020-02-14 at 7:01 PM UTCDespite the sports bra,I question whether she works out...
2020-02-14 at 7:07 PM UTC
Originally posted by -SpectraL Those employees can't do anything but watch and wait for the cops, because of store policy, but LP wouldn't hesitate to nail her to the floor for damaging merchandise. Looks like they weren't there. Nobody on shift. I used to wear a dark blue painter's over-all and I dabbed some paint spots on it and carried a lunch pail, and morons would be loading up almost right beside me and wouldn't give me a second look. Then outside, once they're pinched, it's always I KNEW YOU WERE ONE! I always respond, well, if you knew why did you done it then?
It was probabbly more like this.
2020-02-14 at 7:44 PM UTCaww its disabled
now im a sad panda -
2020-02-14 at 7:59 PM UTC
Originally posted by -SpectraL Those employees can't do anything but watch and wait for the cops, because of store policy, but LP wouldn't hesitate to nail her to the floor for damaging merchandise. Looks like they weren't there. Nobody on shift. I used to wear a dark blue painter's over-all and I dabbed some paint spots on it and carried a lunch pail, and morons would be loading up almost right beside me and wouldn't give me a second look. Then outside, once they're pinched, it's always I KNEW YOU WERE ONE! I always respond, well, if you knew why did you done it then?
You carried a lunch pail around a store because that's what normal working people do when they run in a Kmart? Did you blend right in with YOUR GODDAMN LUNCH PAIL AND FUCKIN THERMOS? -
2020-02-14 at 10:05 PM UTC
2020-02-14 at 11:17 PM UTCMothafuckas!
2020-02-15 at 1:36 AM UTC