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The Retarded Thread: Get off that bus edition

  1. Jackrabbitpsych African Astronaut
    They are awesome with that Carmel stuff
  2. RestStop Space Nigga
    Am I the only one that would bang Summer from Rick and Morty? Bitch is fine fams.
  3. Octavian motherfucker
    Some girl on this swingers site wants to come and fuck my brains out tomorrow but I'm genuinely not in the fucking mood. I don't even know why I acknowledged her, now I feelz bad.
  4. Octavian motherfucker

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  5. Dregs African Astronaut [that freakishly double-edged allmouth]
    looks like you got a good lil whore there...and a punching bag. let out all your frustrations both in a sexual and violent way. buy a hacksaw, lots of garbage bags, some knives, rope, duct tape, and use your imagination on what to do with her

    do you have a decent size tub? that will help with the blood. might need some acid to do away with some of her too

    so a guy once told me...way back.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  6. Octavian motherfucker
    Hey Dregs

    Check this Podcast on the history of Rome. I listen to it everynight, helps me fall asleep. It starts from the mythic kings, all the way through the Republic and the Empire.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  7. Dregs African Astronaut [that freakishly double-edged allmouth]
    Originally posted by Octavian Hey Dregs

    Check this Podcast on the history of Rome. I listen to it everynight, helps me fall asleep. It starts from the mythic kings, all the way through the Republic and the Empire.

    might worth a shot. that part of history will always fascinate me. Caligula, Nero, Tiberius are my spirit animals. I rarely sleep though 2-4 hrs is all I need usually and well rested too..unless its one of those very rare occasions I'm hungover than I can sleep for well over a dozen hrs.
  8. Octavian motherfucker
    Originally posted by Dregs might worth a shot. that part of history will always fascinate me. Caligula, Nero, Tiberius are my spirit animals. I rarely sleep though 2-4 hrs is all I need usually and well rested too..unless its one of those very rare occasions I'm hungover than I can sleep for well over a dozen hrs.

    Yeah the Republic all the way to Nero I find the best.

    In regards to awkward sleeping hours I only suffer with that in the winter, I fucking hate it. I tend to stay awake all night then fall asleep at 9am till 4pm.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  9. Originally posted by RestStop Am I the only one that would bang Summer from Rick and Morty? Bitch is fine fams.

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  10. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Octavian How nice are Granny Smith apples though? I could eat these all day.

    Get cosmic crisp



    i ring them up as braeburn cuz they're like 4 dollars a pound but they're SOOOOOOOOO good
  11. Originally posted by Octavian

    I'm baaaaaack!

    ^ me showing up to work on 3 hours sleep and two 200 mg caffeine pills
  12. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Octavian

    Cum on her tits
  13. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    Idk she looks kinda grody

  14. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition

  15. Originally posted by aldra


    Chinese test definitely didn't have that option lol.
  16. mmQ Lisa Turtle
  17. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by RestStop Am I the only one that would bang Summer from Rick and Morty? Bitch is fine fams.

    She is such a slut
  18. Octavian motherfucker
    Originally posted by Cheyes Idk she looks kinda grody


    I don't know what Grody means but I agree. She's somewhat different than those pics when she face timed. I fucking hate this day and age with enhancements.
  19. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Originally posted by Cheyes Get cosmic crisp



    i ring them up as braeburn cuz they're like 4 dollars a pound but they're SOOOOOOOOO good

    lol. i ring all mine up as small gala apples. welcome to the self checkout mafia.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  20. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    LMAO. Big mood. Very often I will simply not give enough of a fuck to find the right produce on the shitty resistive touchscreen and individually weigh them. So I just put them all the fruit and vegetables together on the scale and pick watermelon for fruit, jalapeno for vegetables.

    I picked those because they are around the median price of fruit and vegetables.

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