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The retarded thread: Fuck, §m£ÂgØL made one first edition

  1. lob it off
  2. The main reason why I'd never go to America is because of your police. Your police are fucked. Over here I could call an officer a cunt to his face and he'd just roll his eyes at me, over there if I called an officer a cunt I'd be shot, at the minimum tazered or maced. It's so so fucked.

    You couldn't get away with a 10th of a shit you can get away with here in America. Fuck that, I love knowing that the cops I'd have to deal with aren't armed and won't shoot me just cos I hurt their ego a little bit.
  3. Lanny Bird of Courage
    I don't know man, that arm swing is pretty intimidating:

    American cops are pretty cuntly though if you're under a certain age, look poor, or aren't white.
  4. Queens Guard are active duty front line soldiers. Police are..... civilian police. I've watched enough Cops to know that a shoplifting offence can get you a month or so in a jail. Or petty criminal damage. Or hell even a spliff if you live in the wrong state. If I was caught with a gram of MDMA/coke, worst I'd have to deal with is a few boring hours in a cell and a caution and told not to be caught again. Over there I'd be facing something much worse. I know it varies state to state cos its a federal system and whatnot, but still. You can abuse officers over here til your hearts content and they wont bat an eye, over there they'd break your face for doing so. Nobody wants to live in that type of place. Our police are so soft it's a joy.
  5. Altho their guns aren't loaded. The mags are empty but they have full mags in pouches if shit goes down. Not that they need them, cos they have bayonets, and that's all a British soldier needs.
  6. You can abuse officers over here til your hearts content and they wont bat an eye, over there they'd break your face for doing so. Nobody wants to live in that type of place. Our police are so soft it's a joy.

    It must be great to pay a bunch of money for police and have them do nothing.

  7. I'd rather pay a bunch of money and they not do anything, than pay a bunch of money just to be killed or arrested by them.
  8. I'd rather pay a bunch of money and they not do anything, than pay a bunch of money just to be killed or arrested by them.

    No wonder why the Muslims are wiping their ass with your entire culture.
  9. The only thing the Muslims are wiping their ass with is their left hand.
  10. I miss Totse. I miss Zoklet. I miss all the old people who posted in TRT but aren't around anymore.
  11. Ice smoking scrawny cat sportin gold MAGA hat.

  12. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Took a roadtrip down memory lane and went back to my home town. The more shit changes, the more it stays the same. Nostalgic as fuck ATM.
  13. Took a roadtrip down memory lane and went back to my home town. The more shit changes, the more it stays the same. Nostalgic as fuck ATM.
    Start a fire and show us some nipple
  14. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Took a roadtrip down memory lane and went back to my home town. The more shit changes, the more it stays the same. Nostalgic as fuck ATM.

    iktfb, although I'm only ever back in my "hometown" when something shitty happens or part of my family dies so it's been getting progressively shittier, darker and more depressing in my mind. I don't think I'll make it to the last funeral I'm alive for, god I hope when I die someone has the good sense not to drag my corpse back there. It's enough to make me want to shoot myself in the back seat of a car as one of those car-crusher things is about to smash me into a cute metal block or some shit.
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    iktfb, although I'm only ever back in my "hometown" when something shitty happens or part of my family dies so it's been getting progressively shittier, darker and more depressing in my mind. I don't think I'll make it to the last funeral I'm alive for, god I hope when I die someone has the good sense not to drag my corpse back there. It's enough to make me want to shoot myself in the back seat of a car as one of those car-crusher things is about to smash me into a cute metal block or some shit.

    A cute Lanny block (n_n")
  16. Merlin Houston
    iktfb, although I'm only ever back in my "hometown" when something shitty happens or part of my family dies so it's been getting progressively shittier, darker and more depressing in my mind. I don't think I'll make it to the last funeral I'm alive for, god I hope when I die someone has the good sense not to drag my corpse back there. It's enough to make me want to shoot myself in the back seat of a car as one of those car-crusher things is about to smash me into a cute metal block or some shit.

    Hate to be the barer of bad news, but you are immortal. You will not die. You are stuck here for an eternity.
  17. The Olympic fireworks were spectacular, they brought a tear to my eye. I was also really drunk and high but damn those Brazilians can put on a show.
  18. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I haven't been there since I was 16 and that was brief trip itself, before that I was 13. This was a quick pass by. I wish I had got the chance to go back through the woods I grew up playing in and so did my father to see if our treestands were still rotting there. I didn't know I was going until I was there so it caught me off guard too. I could live the rest of my life without going back, I've not really desired to go but damn, it sure was a shock to be standing on the street I grew up on, where I learned to ride a bike, where I walked home from school everyday, my best friend growing up, his house being right in front of me again... Fucking weird feelings I didn't expect to have. So much changed, yet so much stayed the same.
  19. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Oh! Fuck niggas! I got shit buried in them woods! Bringing a shovel with me next time I go. I fucking forgot all about that.
  20. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Oh and is malice alive? It seems odd he hasn't posted in a bit.

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