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Kobe Bryant killed in helicopter crash

  1. Originally posted by Fuck Your World Is there speedy.. is there?

    ....yes there is
  2. cigreting Dark Matter
    Originally posted by Technologist I married him at 51. Fox I’m not 60 ya goof.

    Men age as well Cigman.

    They do, and they age like wine. Women age like milk
  3. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    but women age like milk and i age like wine ( highest iq poster on here so dont try to debunk me )
  4. Technologist victim of incest
    Originally posted by cigreting They do, and they age like wine. Women age like milk

    Ok Cig. I see you didn’t address my points, no prob.
  5. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Dark Matter [my scoffingly uncritical tinning]
    Originally posted by ORACLE Post your face.

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  6. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    It turns out black men can't jump either

  7. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by Fox I don’t think you know what the word “unsupported” means. Unsupported claims are what you’re making right now

    Just because you haven't done your homework doesn't mean the facts are unsupported, it just means you didn't do your homework.
  8. Fuck Your World African Astronaut
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Soooo… you admit to eating baby meat.

    I could have.

    Ted Gunderson talking on Geraldo brought it to my mind when he accused women in SET having babies for purposes of sacrifice.

    I was watching it and said "Wait.. that's the dude who came into my store.. and the second I saw his name I remembered it" and though this was 1990 that it aired, I came across it on youtube in 2014. then realized I recognized this dude at the party. that's why when he came into my store I said to him "We've met somewhere.. and I thought he might of been a doctor like a psychiatrist and he said he wasn't and I said a psychologist and he said "I could be".. weird conversation. and then he gave me his credit card with his name on it. and I ran it as he purchased something off of a peghook like a tablet cover or some shit.. and then at the last second as I ran it.. he said "You know what. I changed my mind" and so I had to do a cancel or maybe a chargeback on it. But I ran it.

    then some months later, on youtube I saw Geraldo episode of him and Ted Gunderson on it with some Priest and a heavy set woman who claimed she was someone that would have babies and not go to see doctors. Shit reminded me of Rosemary's Baby. they had their own physician at SET or whatever their group was called.

    and though Our friend Lt Col Michael A. didn't look like this in 1968, I found it was so strange he (Lt Col M. A. ) looks like the character "Roman" Casavet" played by Sidney Blackmer. He today looks like Sidney looked back in 1968

    So then I thought about the shell game. How it was strange that they got Roman Polanski to direct a character name Roman and that the Actor who played Guy (Mia Ferrow's character husband) real name is John Cassavet. almost the exact same as the neighbors last name. And that Mia's real life sister is Prudance Farrow which is who the song Dear Prudance was named after and written about. Why should this matter? Because Helter Skelter and Dear Prudence are on the same fucking album. and that Helter Skelter was the song that Charlie Mason said was written about him. and that it was just by chance that Charlie killed Sharon Tate. Said he never knew she was there. He was looking for the guy who sold the property to Roman and Sharon because that dude was a record producer that Charlie claimed stole his music with Brian from The Beach Boys.

    And before John and Yoko met (1969 the same year as Charlie Manson) John and Paul lived and rented the apartment at the Dakota on the same floors that Rosemary's Baby takes place.

    Shell Game. this is hollywood and this is the art scene mixed with Lusiferianismssss

    Anyways as for Lt Col Mike A.
    it's as if it was intentional. to test me. and that dude was friends with people annoying me at work. I wont go into that.

    but hey, Maybe Mr A. was set up and used himself. perhaps it's black operative involved shit.. spinning shit mad crazy. nothing would surprise me. though Lt Mike A. just happens to be a leading expert on being Black Operative psy=ops.

    I'm a piece of shit. so don't listen to anything I ever spew out. I hate my life and the world has shown it gives 0 fucks about hearing the truth. people are retarded as all fuck. I'v learned this the past 7 years
  9. cigreting Dark Matter
    Originally posted by Technologist Ok Cig. I see you didn’t address my points, no prob.

    There is always that .01% of women that have no choice but to work for a living because they couldnt trap a man. 99.9% of white men out there have little to no help and have no choice but to work for income.

    Why is it that there are no programs or handouts for single white males but there are government programs and handouts for single women and minorities of both sexes. Why is that?

    Why should I not have the same opportunities as women and minorities just because I was born a white male? Sounds like reverse discrimination and sexism to me doesnt it?
  10. cigreting Dark Matter
    Originally posted by larrylegend8383 The facts that say you have a lil victim mentality world view put your alternative facts to sleep.

    #RIP Kobe
    #RIP Cigs worldview

    Still waiting for a broken down response to each of my points. Watching too much cnn I see.
  11. Originally posted by cigreting There is always that .01% of women that have no choice but to work for a living because they couldnt trap a man. 99.9% of white men out there have little to no help and have no choice but to work for income.

    Why is it that there are no programs or handouts for single white males but there are government programs and handouts for single women and minorities of both sexes. Why is that?

    Why should I not have the same opportunities as women and minorities just because I was born a white male? Sounds like reverse discrimination and sexism to me doesnt it?

    I guess this is what they mean when they talk about black privilege
  12. Technologist victim of incest
    Originally posted by cigreting There is always that .01% of women that have no choice but to work for a living because they couldnt trap a man. 99.9% of white men out there have little to no help and have no choice but to work for income.

    Why is it that there are no programs or handouts for single white males but there are government programs and handouts for single women and minorities of both sexes. Why is that?

    Why should I not have the same opportunities as women and minorities just because I was born a white male? Sounds like reverse discrimination and sexism to me doesnt it?

    Oh, so I worked for a living because I couldn’t “trap” a man? I was engaged during college, but moved on because we were way too young.

    I like ya Cig, but your views are somewhat severe, and that’s your right.
  13. cigreting Dark Matter
    Originally posted by Technologist Oh, so I worked for a living because I couldn’t “trap” a man? I was engaged during college, but moved on because we were way too young.

    I like ya Cig, but your views are somewhat severe, and that’s your right.

    Hey I respect yours too.
    99.9% of women dream of trapping a man in marraige. Tell me this, is it women or men who spend countless time talking and thinking about getting married in their younger years? Is it men or women that usually have Pinterest pages and Facebook pages dedicated to getting married? Is it men or women that plan where and what they want at their wedding and obsess over what they are going to wear for their wedding?
    Is it men or women who lust after a large ring to show and brag to their friends about? Is it men or women that end up with alimony, house, and in most cases over 50% of assets whether they worked for any of it or not ?
  14. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    I've always enjoyed man traps. I mean, why fight it?
  15. Originally posted by -SpectraL I've always enjoyed man traps. I mean, why fight it?

    It must be pretty easy for them to trap you, all they have to do is activate the wheel lock on your chair
  16. Technologist victim of incest
    I never did that. I spent my younger years getting ready for college even though I had a boyfriend from 14 on. I know what I wanted to do from my sophomore year on, so I took classes geared towards my field.
    No pintrest or FB here. I don’t know how to use either because I don’t care to. Didn’t dream of weddings, dreamed of making my own way.
    As far as alimony goes, it’s pretty much a thing if the past since women started working more.

    Listen, I understand what you’re getting at. There are women/girls like what you explained, but not all women, which is what you imply in your statements. Those are the same women that are petty little girls that are jealous of other girls. I have nothing to do with those types of women.

    I was a tomboy and still am. Don’t know what to tell ya Cig. I’m just making a point that there are women out there without the traits you speak of.
  17. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by -SpectraL I've always enjoyed man traps. I mean, why fight it?

    I prefer female traps myself. It's not gay if they have bewbs!
  18. Originally posted by Technologist As far as alimony goes, it’s pretty much a thing if the past since women started working more.

  19. Technologist victim of incest
    Originally posted by Fox Inaccurate

    Quite possibly is. I didn’t look it up. But this is not the world we lived in when my parents married. Women never worked then and it’s just not that way anymore.
    I can see super wealthy men whose wife never worked getting alimony, but that is not the norm for middle class. Most middle class homes have 2 working parents/adults, they pretty much have to to get by.
  20. It’s less common than it was but still very common
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