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The retarded thread: Fuck, §m£ÂgØL made one first edition

  1. 2 hours on speed, motherfucker. Haha. You just went all out there with your Autismo posting. Keep it up.

    I assume you use a keyboard but stil, isn't it exhausting to post such walls of text?
  2. .
  3. 2 hours on speed, motherfucker. Haha. You just went all out there with your Autismo posting. Keep it up.

    I assume you use a keyboard but stil, isn't it exhausting to post such walls of text?

    I won't answer for him, but from my own personal experiences you don't even realize you've typed that much. It's a breeze, and no effort at all.
  4. I sometimes need a break from posting one liners. Fuck all of you.
  5. I'm going to bed.
  6. I haven't done speed (at least pure speed), I'm just talking about when I type and I'm on pills. I've written pages.
  7. I used to be a real crankhead but it kinda almost killed me so I started taking other drugs that just kill you more slowly.

    I'm throwing a pitty party though. I'm still a gangster, don't get it twisted. Sunrise bedtime. Is that an album title? It should be.

    Also "Restless Neck Syndrome" for a real boom bap rap banger. How is that not an album?

    Peace, I'm out.
  8. malice was naughty
  9. Malice Naturally Camouflaged

    Keeping a tray of flmodafinil by your bedside is such a good a idea. Better than coffee/caffeine could ever hope to be

    malice was naughty

    What do you mean by that, sploo? It mildly unnerves me.

    2 hours on speed, motherfucker. Haha. You just went all out there with your Autismo posting. Keep it up.

    I assume you use a keyboard but stil, isn't it exhausting to post such walls of text?

    Didn't you read this? Just the summary of the study.

    It's 2016, exhaustion is a relic of the past. Although, if you skim through them you'll find one where I was literally on the verge of passing out, but felt compelled to finish it.

    Upon reflection, what is clear is that 1.) At least on a cognitive level, I have an immense, seething, incredibly violent, hatred for women. It gave rise to an interesting through experiment. If somehow men had lost their sex drive, any positive biases/behaviors evolved toward women, prior to, as a sort of alternate history to it, would we have seen the greatest genocide of all time? A misogynistic Hitler/Nazi-esque version of the holocaust, except on a global scale, with a large percentage of men eventually taking up arms against women, particularly with effective propaganda? Or, at the very least, how much would the murder rate against women increase?

    It reminds me if the time the Adam Lanza shooting happened and people seriously seemed to think it may have been me. Some funny posts. IIRC the first post was by reject asking "Malice, did you just go on a shooting spree in ____(location)?" Then someone's reasoning as to how it was possible, possibly focusing on distance. Later when Casper saw the videos Lanza had posted he stated that that is exactly (possibly 100% percent) how he would have expected me to sound if he hadn't known me for more than a few months (Likely impacted by growing closer on TRT.).

    2.) I hate life with a burning passion.

    Fuck, I need to stop posting, get to bed earlier, and get around to setting up my new electronics and playing some games. You wasted too much time, scarf that meal down as quickly as your can and chug the wine. No, savor it, it's easier to multitask.
  10. I'm so fucking burned out. Like a pissed-out campfire. I need help.
  11. I may get myself hospitalized. This is shit.
  12. Malice, you hate women just as much as me? I rant to my coworkers about women but none of them agree with me. You're right, if women didn't have vaginas, they'd be massacred.

    And the worst part is when people call me gay or a virgin for hating them. I've hated them since I was a little kid. I'm just fucking AWARE how awful they are, and aren't blinded by the pussy.

    Sure I get rejected, but even when I've had girlfriends I've still hated them with a passion, and kept it no secret. People can't accept that though. And it boggles my mind. Women are just objectively awful.
  13. Everyone's telling me to get on tinder but I don't think I can do it. I mean... what kind of disgusting whore would use that app? Fuck I hate women.

    Even if I matched with people, I don't think I could actually go through with talking to them or trying to "impress" them. Fucking disgusting.
  14. A dying breed by default. A truly cruel irony to possess a functioning brain and a penis at the same time.

    I've always felt like there was more hate coming from women towards men than vice versa. I don't know a single woman who has not ranted on men like there was no tomorrow and everyone's ok with it for some reason. Probably because we are used to the bitching and don't hold the opinion of women in high regards anyway. When a man opens his mouth, though oh ho ho.... they all turn into finger wagging Shaneeq ratchets or the bitch from that "We can do it!" poster. Awful.
  15. Even dudes are turning into that bitch nowadays. We used to be a team, homes. We kept them in check and slapped the shit out of them when they forgot their place but NO, you guys have to be the weakest link and break the chain of power with your stupid "progression" and "equality". Fuck that. Fuck you. We don't have to make them dress in Burkas, either. Let them be sluts if they want but then please practice what your ass and tits preach. Just fucking, no drama. Perfect.
  16. SO many of these whores of tinder are just covered in tats, piercings, or have colored hair. It is fucking disgusting.
  17. Maybe this "fuck sluts, no drama" thing already exists. Interesting. Are you looking for a free wet hole or a... haha, soulmate. Sorry.
  18. I've swiped right to a few chicks who were actually interesting and could just be fun to hang around -- a good relationship at the most.

    But yeah I'm just looking to fuck. Not one night stands; ideally I'm looking for some skanks who will just be friends with benefits for when I'm lonely.
  19. Is there a way to set this so it stops sending me black people.
  20. I'm sitting at my coy pond in like 12 billion degrees C and my phone is about to melt. I need a new job or I'll lose everything but when I work I hate everything so much that I don't give a shit about sitting in my garden. I have to prostitute myself to old hags and become a gigolo.

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