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The R'tarded thread: The Shitfucking Edidtion 💩🖕

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by GAAAAALM There's nothing wrong with .22

    Shitting on it is something idiots do because they wanna look cool.

    Go get shot with one see how pussy it is.

    I'd rather get shot with a .22 than stabbed nigga, not gonna lie.
  2. .223 is far more powerful than a .22, they're pointed and travel at a higher velocity.

    .22 left, .223 right.
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Solstice .223 is far more powerful than a .22, they're pointed and travel at a higher velocity.

    I did mention supersonic ballistics.
  4. Technologist victim of incest
    Guess it doesn’t really matter the caliber if either of those zip through your heart, or aorta. You’ll bleed out either way.
  5. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sophie I'd rather get shot with a .22 than stabbed nigga, not gonna lie.

    Why? Have you even shot a gun?

    Getting stabbed is a lot easier to stitch up. .22 rounds don't have stopping power but they tend to get stuck in the body and leave a lot of shrapnel. Would be awful to get shot by one.

    They're also really cheap and fun to shoot. Any gun enthusiast would be an idiot not to own one.
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by GAAAAALM Why? Have you even shot a gun?

    Yes. On multiple occasions.

    Originally posted by GAAAAALM Getting stabbed is a lot easier to stitch up. .22 rounds don't have stopping power but they tend to get stuck in the body and leave a lot of shrapnel. Would be awful to get shot by one.

    Are you kidding me, any decent sized knife is going to fuck you up. What are you shooting .22 hollow points? If so, ok, maybe. Otherwise, no.

    Originally posted by GAAAAALM They're also really cheap and fun to shoot. Any gun enthusiast would be an idiot not to own one.

    Sure they're fun to shoot, but i was under the impression we were talking about a "shoot to kill" scenario here.
  7. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra I considered making an alt called 'rear naked shart' and using your avatar with a brown mark on it to make people uncomfortable looking at yours

    It's a hat on a hat
  8. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sophie Yes. On multiple occasions.

    Are you kidding me, any decent sized knife is going to fuck you up. What are you shooting .22 hollow points? If so, ok, maybe. Otherwise, no.

    Sure they're fun to shoot, but i was under the impression we were talking about a "shoot to kill" scenario here.

    Lol on multiple occasions. That's a good way of saying 'yeah a few times'.

    Knife wounds are way easier to clean up than bullet wounds. Ask anyone who has worked in the ER. Knives cut cleanly and in one direction, making it easy to stitch up any organs or skin. Bullet wounds cause a circular wound, deform, tumble, and if they hit bone yes they will absolutely cause shrapnel. I don't know why you think hollow points are the only kind of round that do this. Normal .22 rounds are non jacketed and will fragment just fine.

    Plus your skull and ribcage can probably ward off a knife attack. You're not going to have any defense against a bullet. If someone shoots any round at you, even a .22, that shit is going to go deep and probably cause organ damage.
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Okay §m£ÂgØL, you've worked in an ER and shot .22 pistols with hollow points in your days as para military commando for the mexican cartel. You have over 300 ways of killing me and that's just with your bare hands. In fact you're so hardcore you just sew stab wounds shut, your internal organs can't bleed out because you've replaced all your blood with super fast coagulating salsa. I am sorry to have doubted you.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  10. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sophie Okay §m£ÂgØL, you've worked in an ER and shot .22 pistols with hollow points in your days as para military commando for the mexican cartel. You have over 300 ways of killing me and that's just with your bare hands. In fact you're so hardcore you just sew stab wounds shut, your internal organs can't bleed out because you've replaced all your blood with super fast coagulating salsa. I am sorry to have doubted you.

    Good. Now keep your fucking head down or I'll push it down for you.
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Too lazy to look up the shorthand code but just imagine this post to be a 'rolls eyes' emoji.
  12. .22 is about as lethal as the rest of them as the bullet tends to break apart inside the body and small shrapnel gets into arteries and stuff that a more powerful caliber would just go all the way through, or maybe it was that it breaks bones into very small pieces that do the same.. I can't remember but it being small is not that big of a difference.

    But shooting one does make you a faggot.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    It's not the size that counts. It's the muzzle velocity and the mass.
  14. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sophie It's not the size that counts. It's the muzzle velocity and the mass.

    Like I said, shitting on the .22 is just thinly veiled machismo. Every bullet is lethal.

    You can argue about stopping power but thats about it.
  15. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Dark Matter [my scoffingly uncritical tinning]
    Originally posted by Sophie It's not the size that counts. It's the muzzle velocity and the mass.

    The tendency seems to be towards smaller masses traveling at higher speeds. Most of the damage from a bullet is indirect, so you're relying on the shockwave as the bullet passes through the air and the body to cause enough damage to knock your opponent out of action, before the tiny hole actually punched through them has had time to leak enough fluid to cause noticeable fluid loss, or whatever. Assuming it doesn't just clot.
  16. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Dark Matter [my scoffingly uncritical tinning]
    Originally posted by GAAAAALM You can argue about stopping power but thats about it.

    Stopping power seems inaccurate. With bullets and arrows it is normal enough to get shot, then die hours, days, weeks, months later. Especially in the days before antibiotics it was better to wound than to kill, as a wound took a bunch of dudes out of the fight, as a wounded man required 2 other men to carry him off the battlefield, and would take lots of medical care, and maybe even probably die anyway, often from a bacterial infection caused by a bit of cloth introduced into the body by the projectile.

    Nowadays you want a quick kill, so a bullet that causes lots of shock and knocks your opponent out right away is the way to go.
  17. The size of the bullet DOES matter, as you are destroying a larger amount of tissue, and some of that vital tissue could be missed by a smaller round, a la my old or my dad's .22 vs my 30-06 or 9mm, the larger bullet is obviously making a way bigger hole and that bigger hole has a better shot of hitting an artery or some vital organ, as when I shoot a raccoon (I wasn't being serious prior, god that was autty, I make autty jokes sometimes) with a .22 you see the bullet entrance and exit holes which are pretty clean usually, vs when I shoot with an .06, their entire fucking bodies explode and their intestines make a coat over their pelts every single time. One time I shot a pregnant opossum or coon or something and the baby got a projectile abortion and I'll be honest, it was pretty fucking gross.

    Now obviously this has way more to do with the force and grains (whatever, close enough to the same thing) of the guns being starkly different, but the bullet size does play a lot bigger role than you may otherwise think. I guess the 9 may have been a better example but I haven't killed anything with it that I recall.

    But anyway, that's also a great point because the grains have a shitload to do with it. .22 has very small amount of grains and therfor power, .30-06 has loads of grains and therefor tons more power despite bigger round, therfore it's way better even if only modestly more deadly. And it is, because battle rifles aren't used anymore due to stopping power not really mattering against humans, enter the lower caliber assault rifle (also recoil, but stopping power not mattering certainly as well). /thread
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Try to kill me with a Styrofoam cannonball then. Do you even high school physics?
  19. Technologist victim of incest
    Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Nowadays you want a quick kill, so a bullet that causes lots of shock and knocks your opponent out right away is the way to go.

    Or just good aim!
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  20. I went to the football game, and man I know it was cold and rainy and I missed half of it because I knew it was going to rain the first couple hours and I had to donate plasma today or forfeit $115 for not doing so for a couple hours, but it's not the same as back home where there are no pro sports teams in the state, just 2 good sized college teams so CFB is a way bigger deal and everyone has a lot more passion for the sport and the games get really fun and intense especially when we play each other, that's the state superbowl. People here don't care nearly as much about college sports, not that they straight up don't, but having 5 pro sports teams, especially football, the stadium is like 12,000 seats smaller even though this is a metro area of 1 million and IA state is in a town of 60,000 surrounded by a couple somewhat bigger cities and a stateload of bumfuck nothing. It's only like maybe a tinge over half full as well instead of sold out every single game like back home pretty much.

    Also they sell booze in the stadium here, so people get drunk and forget about the game and what's happening on the field because they're inherently distracted and I guess maybe that's the way to do it if everybody else is gonna do that instead of paying attention and getting into it. It's not like we're a bad team either, 5-0 now and just shy of ranked, so not used to winning big all the time either. Maybe basketball will be better, or maybe playing a better team or something. I guess when in Rome just buy Vik tickets to get a get the better crowd and show.

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