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The R'tarded thread: The Shitfucking Edidtion 💩🖕

  1. Prwtty useless, people knows bill Bill Krozbybys home address and phone number for years and it doesnt seem to come back at him
  2. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by Solstice I thought the purpose of having a Facebook group was to creep on other people's PI and save it to use against them at a later date.

    Maybe if you're a rattox
  3. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
  4. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by DietPiano Prwtty useless, people knows bill Bill Krozbybys home address and phone number for years and it doesnt seem to come back at him

    That's because he has nothing to lose. He is a pizza flipper with no dependents (because he abandoned the one) and nobody to disappoint, as his parents have already given up on him. For anyone who gives a fuck it could be a bigger deal.
  5. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  6. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Rear Naked Joke DAMN LOOK AT THOSE TITTIES

    10 dots on the wall.
  7. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Fuck. 11.
  8. I spent all night snorting noopept until I started having hundreds of hallucinations and was stuck in a waking dream state
  9. Noopept megadosing gets u rly high
  10. trying to pay attention to anything at all makes me want to kill myself
  11. Originally posted by frumbob 🐎🦄🐈🐯🐷🦊 trying to pay attention to anything at all makes me want to kill myself

    I have some noopept, what are the effects of snorting it? And dose?
  12. at low doses its sort of a cognitive enhancer, when i snorted like 10 bumps of it last night i was full on tripping and rewiring my neural pathways in a way that was immediately apparent. i dont even know the doses i just do bumps of it all day and night its like 10$ for 5grams of nerve growth factor i have no reason not to
  13. it causes an immediate alteration in awareness
  14. i reccomend taking a choline source with it or eat eggs for choline. i use beta-gpc so i never run out of choline so noopept never depletes my neurotransmitters
  15. this is my hobby
  16. I had some before the cops stole it off me. I only did it a few times during the brunt of xanax wd so I don't have much memory of the effects, but I think it made me feel more focused and motivated the first 2 times I did it, I felt like working really hard and impressively, and then it just made me tired and crashy the next couple times so I didn't mess with it anymore. It's kind if like adderall without the speedy euphoria, but like frumbob said it depletes the hell out your choline immediately, which is why you crash hard after a couple uses unless you take supplements or eat a dozen eggs every day and clog your arteries. Also it made my short term memory worse, which is documented side effect. Consistent use of that stuff just cannot be healthy.

    I should try memantine again.. that one seemed more interesting and it's retardedly cheap. Like 10 years worth for 50 bucks or something. Get it before they start enforcing the law, as with everything else.
  17. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by frumbob 🐎🦄🐈🐯🐷🦊 i reccomend taking a choline source with it or eat eggs for choline. i use beta-gpc so i never run out of choline so noopept never depletes my neurotransmitters

    beta-GPC is pretty much the physical manifestation of depression for me. Every single time I've taken it I feel like shit.
  18. Originally posted by DietPiano I had some before the cops stole it off me. I only did it a few times during the brunt of xanax wd so I don't have much memory of the effects, but I think it made me feel more focused and motivated the first 2 times I did it, I felt like working really hard and impressively, and then it just made me tired and crashy the next couple times so I didn't mess with it anymore. It's kind if like adderall without the speedy euphoria, but like frumbob said it depletes the hell out your choline immediately, which is why you crash hard after a couple uses unless you take supplements or eat a dozen eggs every day and clog your arteries. Also it made my short term memory worse, which is documented side effect. Consistent use of that stuff just cannot be healthy.

    I should try memantine again.. that one seemed more interesting and it's retardedly cheap. Like 10 years worth for 50 bucks or something. Get it before they start enforcing the law, as with everything else.

    If you have a good memantine source send it to me.
  19. will snorting 5000mg of noopept in a week or two be as effective as taking 5000mg over a less retarded amount of time
  20. i cant stand this constant feeling like i just want to die. why the fuck does this exist as part of reality. if there is a god he's a fucking prick

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