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The Retarded Thread: Malice Metro Edition

  1. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Originally posted by Octavian You seen "Enemy at the gates"?

    Yeah but not for a while.

    Originally posted by CountBlah I offered her pay off on it. It's currently at her sons house as I guess she figured I'd steal it from her house and do have documents supporting my possession would be legal. She's basically left it out of the estate to avoid paying it off and allowing her to funnel money from the estate to herself.

    Why not just call the sherrifs dept and have them turn up to the house with you to take lawful possession?

    If she doesn't, or lies to the officers and tells them its not on the premises, she'll be digging herself deeper, i imagine.
  2. Octavian motherfucker
    Originally posted by CASPER Yeah but not for a while.

  3. CountBlah Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by CASPER Yeah but not for a while.

    Why not just call the sherrifs dept and have them turn up to the house with you to take lawful possession?

    If she doesn't, or lies to the officers and tells them its not on the premises, she'll be digging herself deeper, i imagine.

    I've talked with my lawyer about that and he claims I can't do it. Imma talk to some fellas I know on the force and see what hey can do for me. Bro it hurts bad knowing my dad's bike is being held from me like this. She also won't give me his vest from the MC he was in.
  4. Octavian motherfucker
    Say what you want about us Brits but you guys got some gay as fuck shit:

  5. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Even though I donated ten dollars to the veterans yesterday, I really dont care about my country. I hate us.
  6. Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Originally posted by Octavian Say what you want about us Brits but you guys got some gay as fuck shit:

    which one are you oct?

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  7. Octavian motherfucker
    Originally posted by Narc which one are you oct?


  8. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I went to my first auction ever today. I didnt get the boat I wanted but I DID get a purple chair for ten dollars. I didnt really care about it but I HAD to get something so I just went for it. I even got to do a little mini bidding war with someone as the bid started at 5, so I said 6 and the other guy said 7 and so on and so forth. I WIN. :)
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  9. WE SMOOTH African Astronaut


    (i always win)
  10. WE SMOOTH African Astronaut
  11. Common De-mominator African Astronaut
    Society is built atomistically and acts on the level of individuals so surely morality must also be a similarly atomistic phenomenon?

    It must be built from a foundation of individuals interacting.
  12. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    made this bitch fall in love with me says I make other people look like shit and she gets hateful talking/thinking about them but that likely has to do with her reference point for things too and maybe that she's over a decade younger but is still more emotionally mature/developed than me
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  13. Common De-mominator African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sudo made this bitch fall in love with me says I make other people look like shit and she gets hateful talking/thinking about them but that likely has to do with her reference point for things too and maybe that she's over a decade younger but is still more emotionally mature/developed than me

    Then the whole restaurant got up and started clapping and another patron gave me a $100 bill
  14. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by Common De-mominator Then the whole restaurant got up and started clapping and another patron gave me a $100 bill

    do you do Pakistani influenced dinner theatre?
  15. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by mmQ I went to my first auction ever today. I didnt get the boat I wanted but I DID get a purple chair for ten dollars. I didnt really care about it but I HAD to get something so I just went for it. I even got to do a little mini bidding war with someone as the bid started at 5, so I said 6 and the other guy said 7 and so on and so forth. I WIN. :)

    I used to go to livestock auctions. When I was a kid, id go with my grandfather to car auctions.

    He had a used car lot. That was cool. Its a good place to get a decent car for a good price if you know what you're looking at. If you go early, they usually will let you turn It on, check it out, etc. And they drive them through when the bidding begins. Sometimes you can get an incredibly sweet deal, particularly at the end of the night because at lot of people leave since its hours long.

    With the livestock auctions, you could get a great deal sometimes too, again, especially at the end of the night. Once we bought a potbelly pig who was huge. Got hwr for 10$. As we were leaving a guy comes up and says he knows the owner who sold her and he believed she was pregnant. Exactly 1 week later she gave birth to 10 piglets which came out all different cool spotted colours. We sold them for 60$ when they were old enough to go.

    Another lady we met at the auction GAVE us a sow (female pig), who had a litter of 8 piglets, and a boar (male pig that isn't castrated). One piglet was blind so we brought her in the house and bottle fed her and she was rude was fuck when she'd sleep in bed with us. She would just use her snout to throw our legs apart and sleep right between a
    Our legs. She kept us so warm in the winter we'd have to throw the blankets off of us and we'd actually be hot and have to crack the window lol. Eventually she grew to 300+ lbs. So we put her out side. At that point we'd sold those piglets, and the sow and boar got aggressive with the other livestock literally trying to kill the sheep and goats. We went out and butchered them ans they tasted good.

    The blind pig we kept was named Skyrim. We also had a 600+lbs sow who was given to us. SHE was a good pig. She had the personality of a big black grandma type woman who you didnt want to piss off but if shit hit the fan, you'd run to her for protection and she'd open a can of big black whoop ass. She was cool as fuck, her name was Wig-Wigs. When those pigs harrassed the goats (bwfore it got too bad) they would run to her and she'd fuck them up and chase them away. When she'd lay back down some of the little goats would climb on top of her and sleep on her lol. She was a big bad ass protector.

    We had one pig literally eat a baby goat as it was being born. We killed his ass then and there. Got rid of every pig except her and Skyrim. She literally was feet away from baby goats that had been born grazing. They were still covered in after birth. She gave no fucks. She was protecting momma and babies.

    Goes to show, pigs are like people. Some are downright evil, others, while brutish a lot of times,can have a good heart. She even fucked up a skunk that got too close to the baby goats who were sleeping at night... God that sucked. She mortally wounded him was we had to shoot him to end his suffering, and give her a bath like a million times with every skunk removal cure we heard about.

    Wig wigs would follow me in the back pasture if I would go by myself at night too... She was a protector. Sometimes I'd go back to just see the stars away from the house. Shed flop right down with her back against me.

    Her and our cow would wait at the turtle holes near the fence when the cyotes would come near. The cow literally stomped one to death, it was flat like a pancake with cow hoof prints all over it like she tap danced on it. Another time I saw t
    Wig wigs grab a cyote that came in teh field who was stalking a goat and shake the bitch to death, tearing it up with hwr tusks/teeth...

    Not sure how i got on pigs and cows but whatever, it is the retarded thread.

    Today was so hot. It rained this morning. Got so fucking hot after the sun came out.

    Made decent money panhandling for a Tuesday. Got a bus pass so saved myself a lot of walking.

    Im lucky that even though I end up always seeing cops when I panhandle and in stores, or evwn just walking in downtown, they're nice to me. I always say " tha k you for your service, have a good day, and be safe"... They seem to like that... I hate cops, but it does no good to argue or treat them anyway other than decent and polite. The one assholes who was my friend, would cuss at them and start bullshit. It's like WHY?! You're just asking for trouble at that point. They have the power... And handcuffs... Treating them rude will always end badly. I think most the cops here are really nice to me. I hope to never be in a bad spot, however, if I were... I at least have some brownie points. I've even been given a dollar by a couple different cops. They always ask how I'm doing, how it's going, etc. At least the ones who drive by where I pan.

    Man... I'm so worn out. The heat takes a lot outta ya. I'm gonna shoot some good ass dope here in a second. Might go back to sleep. My day was over at 4pm which was cool.

    Were I copped dude who also was copping seen my sign in my bag, and was like "you panhandle?! Damn girl. I ain't knocking it, I give you props." Because I literally bought more pills of dope than anyone else in line lol.

    Anywho... Have a good night fellow trt'ers.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  16. Common De-mominator African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sudo do you do Pakistani influenced dinner theatre?

  17. Common De-mominator African Astronaut
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  18. Common De-mominator African Astronaut
    Man those /r/Sino kids are really onboard the China dick full time aren't they? It's not even remotely two sided discussions, when on rare occasions there are comments at all.
  19. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by Common De-mominator

    I've seen this video before. You'd figure they'd be Sufi's the way they're acting but they don't look like it. There are so many sub sects it's hard to guess
  20. Common De-mominator African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sudo I've seen this video before. You'd figure they'd be Sufi's the way they're acting but they don't look like it. There are so many sub sects it's hard to guess

    Sufis don't act like that. These are the crazy yahoo underbelly of Islam, where religion meets cultural superstitions and heirarchies.

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