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The Retarded Thread: Malice Metro Edition

  1. Octavian motherfucker
    Originally posted by Solstice If I don't smoke weed I have trouble eating and stomach pain, otherwise I would take regular tolerance breaks.

    Candy what are your thoughts on this statement?

    Unless you are referring to pain but even then, there are alternatives.

    I dream of a life not dependant on chemicals to be myself.
  2. Yeah, I'd like to not be dependent on anything, but I got too many conditions to not have to take the government cuck drugs right now. With good fortune it'll change someday.
  3. mashlehash victim of incest [my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
    You're all a bunch of fucking pussies. You're quitting, aren't you? You haven't got any more guff for the morning coffee?

    Fucking Niggers
  4. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Rape meth blast babies maaan yeah man 5th plataaaeurulllell
  5. mashlehash victim of incest [my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
    French Men Don't Kiss.
  6. BULLDOZER2 Yung Blood
    Originally posted by mashlehash French Men Don't Kiss.

    Fuckin Mack You Like It Was Yesterday.
  7. Originally posted by Octavian Candy what are your thoughts on this statement?

    Unless you are referring to pain but even then, there are alternatives.

    I dream of a life not dependant on chemicals to be myself.

    It's a different type of pain from typical physical pain. I can tolerate a lot of physical pain but gastrointestinal pain really fucks me up. I had my gallbladder removed a few years ago so my stomach gets fucked from time to time if I eat the wrong combination of foods and cannabis is the only remedy I've found for that type of discomfort that works.

    I'd probably have an easier time eating if I didn't take 70 mg of Vyvanse every morning but it's probably just a coincidence.
  8. Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Originally posted by mashlehash French Men Don't Kiss.

    They don't get bant either

  9. BULLDOZER2 Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Narc They don't get bant either


  10. Originally posted by Solstice It's a different type of pain from typical physical pain. I can tolerate a lot of physical pain but gastrointestinal pain really fucks me up. I had my gallbladder removed a few years ago so my stomach gets fucked from time to time if I eat the wrong combination of foods and cannabis is the only remedy I've found for that type of discomfort that works.

    I'd probably have an easier time eating if I didn't take 70 mg of Vyvanse every morning but it's probably just a coincidence.

    oh my god that sounds awful
  11. Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Originally posted by BULLDOZER2 NIGGER, DANCE

    That you mash?

  12. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]

    At my grandmother's house (the one who isnt biologically related to me- my mother's exgirlfriend's mother- but the one who treats me like a granddaughter) and she's so funny, it's cute.

    She's mildly retarded and she acts like a kid a lot, but she's fun. Sometimes she will drive you nuts though because she'll hang on to something and won't get off it.

    I went out and got us all 50cent Wendy's frostys and she got all excited and shit lmfao. Too bad I didnt go to Burger King and bring her back a paper crown. She literally will wear them and be super happy walking around with it for a day or two. Funny shit.

    Really funny if you get her drinking. When her son died a few years back, my mother got her drunk for the wake they had and she got her literally dancing on the tables, pulling her shirt up flashing people. She also was, along with my drunk mother, making prank phone calls, and ordering food to her neighbors house that they didn't like.

    (Her son died from endocarditis, he'd just got clean, was feeling sick, went out trying to catch the bus to go to the hospital, and then came back inside because he was too sick and weak to be waiting in the cold. His two roommates found him unconscious, and thinking that he'd overdosed, they threw him in the bath tub and sprayed him down with cold water and tried for 6 hours trying to revive him... He honestly was probably dead before or shortly after they tried giving him a cold shower... They were too scared to call anyone since they thought he overdosed and they were idiots so they left him in the tub and called from somewhere else later that night. At first they thought they were somehow involved with killing him until the autopsy came out. She thinks still that they had something to do with it and blames heroin and shit. Which it could have been but not directly the cause of death. He just didn't take care of his health thus it wasn't found. Sad, really, but whatcha gonna do...)
  13. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    you kno that boy who was just here?

    He in the lake
  14. No Casper, I wasn't a chem minor but I took O Chem and Biochem. Chemistry is cool, but it starts to get real complex real fast and then it starts turning into math. Once you get far enough into almost anything it turns into math, even golf. Especially golf.

    I hate math.
  15. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by DietYellow No Casper, I wasn't a chem minor but I took O Chem and Biochem. Chemistry is cool, but it starts to get real complex real fast and then it starts turning into math. Once you get far enough into almost anything it turns into math, even golf. Especially golf.

    I hate math.

    Would you sat Golf is more mathematically based than baseball?
  16. Lanny Bird of Courage
    sweet jesus, the posts be flying fast and furious in this thread
  17. Originally posted by Lanny sweet jesus, the posts be flying fast and furious in this thread

    that's what I just fucking said
  18. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    This girl I'm seeing listens to Cardi B and can't articulate why so I think it's because they both used to be strippers

    I wake up in the morning I got murder on my mind

    My friends are all retarded

    I need to do things in a different way
  19. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    I'm about to lay down the law

    the BONAR LAW
  20. Originally posted by aldra I'm about to lay down the law

    the BONAR LAW

    i cant open it, it doesnt open

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