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The Retarded Thread: Malice Metro Edition

  1. ill post rosh pics later. niggas looks like hes straight up 35, sounds like it too. He got perma-aged from methadone.

    Originally posted by Sophie Ok i am back, and slightly more intoxicated, my strategy is take 2 shots in a row then bring a third for like 10 minutes in. Holla at a nigga.

    wass up Sophist, you only post once a month.

    I accidentally overdosed on potassium chloride yesterday and almost gave myself rhabdo, so I got shipped to the ER by amby and got a fuckload of IV meds after having a blood potassium level of 7.0 killed an entire day I was gonna spend writing my final essay

    Also I won a 40" TV from donating rancid tuna
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by DietYellow ill post rosh pics later. niggas looks like hes straight up 35, sounds like it too. He got perma-aged from methadone.

    wass up Sophist, you only post once a month.

    I accidentally overdosed on potassium chloride yesterday and almost gave myself rhabdo, so I got shipped to the ER by amby and got a fuckload of IV meds after having a blood potassium level of 7.0 killed an entire day I was gonna spend writing my final essay

    Also I won a 40" TV from donating rancid tuna

    PROTIP: Potassium Chloride will make you DEAD it has no recreational value at all. unless you're yanking my chain.

    And it only seems like a month but it's usually not more than 7 days.
  3. Ok, so for several weeks I've been taking potassium chloride as a supplement because I've been concerned that it is almost IMPOSSIBLE to get the daily recommended value of almost all minerals, so I bought potassium and magnesium, which I still take because it's great for TBI (benzo withdrawal) and reverse tolerance, and I've been taking ACCIDNETLALLY like 20 times the amount you're supposed to take, like 2-3 teapsoons instead of half a teaspoon (bottle says 1/8 of a teaspoon, but that's only 8% of daily value soo)

    So yesterday i took like 5 grams and then a half hour later I got super nausea and explosive diarrhea, and my whole body went numb especially my head so I drove to urgent care and when I got there my muscles started twitching and tightening so I thought I had rhabdo. They tried to make me wait after I told them I od'd on potassium and I'm like uhhh, no I'm not ok, so they triaged me and did an EKG and blood tests and my heart was ok, and kidneys should be fine cuz I'm young, but my potassium was 7.0 which is severe hyperkalemia (normal is 3.5-4.5), so they flooded me with IV saline and called an ambulance to take me to ER.

    They wanted to keep me overnight but I'm like nah fam, and once I started peeing a lot and after they gave me IV insulin, IV calcium, IV dextrose, some other shit, my values started going down very quickly.

    The concerning part is that I've been taking way too much for about a month now and I hope I didn't cause heart damage in that amount of time.

    The cool thing is, even though I don't have a legit tramadol script, I told them I do and after a few carefully crafted lies, they gave me some, so now I have a script for it on my record which will make it much easier to get later on.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by DietYellow Ok, so for several weeks I've been taking potassium chloride as a supplement because I've been concerned that it is almost IMPOSSIBLE to get the daily recommended value of almost all minerals, so I bought potassium and magnesium, which I still take because it's great for TBI (benzo withdrawal) and reverse tolerance, and I've been taking ACCIDNETLALLY like 20 times the amount you're supposed to take, like 2-3 teapsoons instead of half a teaspoon (bottle says 1/8 of a teaspoon, but that's only 8% of daily value soo)

    So yesterday i took like 5 grams and then a half hour later I got super nausea and explosive diarrhea, and my whole body went numb especially my head so I drove to urgent care and when I got there my muscles started twitching and tightening so I thought I had rhabdo. They tried to make me wait after I told them I od'd on potassium and I'm like uhhh, no I'm not ok, so they triaged me and did an EKG and blood tests and my heart was ok, and kidneys should be fine cuz I'm young, but my potassium was 7.0 which is severe hyperkalemia (normal is 3.5-4.5), so they flooded me with IV saline and called an ambulance to take me to ER.

    They wanted to keep me overnight but I'm like nah fam, and once I started peeing a lot and after they gave me IV insulin, IV calcium, IV dextrose, some other shit, my values started going down very quickly.

    The concerning part is that I've been taking way too much for about a month now and I hope I didn't cause heart damage in that amount of time.

    The cool thing is, even though I don't have a legit tramadol script, I told them I do and after a few carefully crafted lies, they gave me some, so now I have a script for it on my record which will make it much easier to get later on.

    Good for you. Tramadol is shit. But whatever, don't take too much potassium or sodium. You WILL die.
  5. it's good for migraines though because of the SRI that I would refuse to take had it not had an opioid attached to it because fuck that noise.
  6. Common De-mominator African Astronaut
    N I G G E R
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by DietYellow it's good for migraines though because of the SRI that I would refuse to take had it not had an opioid attached to it because fuck that noise.

    Meh if you're concerned about migraines you should look into caffeine or TCA's.
  8. Nah man. Tramadol is the only thing besides gabapentin (meh, better for my nerve pain) and botox (pretty good) that even touches my migraines. And it's been doing a damn good job so far, family. T pain HELPS, but more in the "im high so it doesnt bother me as much" kind of way. Trama seems to be helping DIRECTLY which is a ok
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  9. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Dark Matter [my scoffingly uncritical tinning]
    Tramadol is a great painkiller I love it loads.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  10. Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Tramadol is a great painkiller I love it loads.

    and i love YOUR loades
  11. Originally posted by DietYellow and i love YOU loades
  12. Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Tramadol is a great painkiller I love it loads.

    hey are you still in hopsinal?
  13. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Dark Matter [my scoffingly uncritical tinning]
    Originally posted by DietYellow hey are you still in hopsinal?

    No I was only in hospital for a few days been working last few weeks but my foot is still super sore it's terrible.
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Whatever floats your boat family.
  15. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Sophie Ok i am back, and slightly more intoxicated, my strategy is take 2 shots in a row then bring a third for like 10 minutes in. Holla at a nigga.

    Sup, Sophie? How ya been, ma nigga?
  16. Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Originally posted by HTS Might be because there's a fleshlight in the pic and you don't have a porn license yet. Jesus Christ, UK.

    No its that I've noticed for a while now you've always got broken images in your posts.

    Strangely enough that one is showing now.

    Am now wishing I never said anything tbph and the faggy image was still broken.

  17. Recommend a good RTS, AOE 3 doesnt work on windows 10 unless you pay $40 too many on steam
  18. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Okay, I have to get this off my chest. I came back to visit my "mother" for mother's day (she begged me to, and I said fuck it, I've been sick with a cold, it'd be nice to sleep in a bed for a couple days). She got diagnosed with anal cancer (fitting because she's an asshole) and they put a colostomy bag on her.

    She literally has dried shit all over her bathroom floor, that's been there forever. I thought it was cat shit since her cat shits and pisses everywhere and she's in denial about it. I asked to borrow a fan last night since it was hot and she doesn't have AC. Lo and behold, I'm told today that the giant brown splatter stains at the bottom are dried shit she was "too sick" to clean up.

    There are rat droppings in the cabinets, and utensil drawer. The house is a cluttered cluster fuck. She went out today and yesterday and bought MORE shit at a thrift store and the flea market... likeep wtf?

    I could be living here, but I left this shit exactly because of this. There was so much cat fur on my bed I literally woke up unable to breath. I truly have no regrets about sleeping on the streets. It's cleaner, it's less bullshit, and fuck, less bitching, which she birches about EVERYTHING. Then has the nerve to say she has to be careful about staying clean and not getting sick because of her doing her first round of chemo, and starting radiation. She goes on about how much her "friends" help her... they ve done nothing except buy pills, when not two months ago she said how awful it'd be of a person to just live on selling pills... SHE'S NOT like that... well, yes she is now. (She was saying that low key to give me shit for what I have to do to survive.)

    Dude, I came home unable to walk barely in a wheelchair, not able to go anywhere in the house even with my walker. I fell so many times and was told by her "make room". The second I went to move shit I got yelled at not to break her precious junk.

    I hope the cancer kills her and she suffers for a long while, while it does. I resent and hate this woman so much. Her friends come over and I'm told to "get up" and leave the room. Over my grandmother's house, my grandmother's friend brings a dog over that's supposed to be her "service dog" (she wanted to tell me the laws on service animals when I literally trained dogs to assist people for anxiety and mobility for over 8 years) and I was yelled at because the dog "doesn't like your cane" it kept barking and when I turned to walk away it bit me. Nobody gave a fuck I was bleeding, and can't afford another infection from a dog bit... (it was a chihuahua lol fucking ankle biting pieces of shit that shouldn't even be considered dogs).

    I fucking hate this whole fucking mother's day holiday bullshit. I'm glad the cunt has cancer, and glad I got a good reminder of why I'm homeless and on the streets. People on the streets, in the worst part of the city, people who sell me drugs, pepole who rob and mug for a living ARE NICER, POLITER, KINDER, AND MORE CARING THAN MY MOTHER HAS EVER BEEN TOWARD ME. anything "nice"she's ever done has been to make herself look good. She goes on about "I've done this and that blah blah blah" but she doesn't listen or care about how others feel or think. She gets very defensive and has harsh outburst of anger and agression. You can't ever tell her the truth. She's too self absorbed anyway. I also think she's experiencing steroid psychosis (they had to IV her dexamethasone last week) and she takes offense and flips out further. I told her so she could bring it up to her doctor, and maybe they could lower the dose and or try another steroid if she needs it again, but she'll deny flipping out over not being able to remember where a fast food resturant is at, and the phone she's bogged down with apps from taking too long to load directions, and then blames me for it taking too long, screaming obscenities at me as she drives like a lunatic... she also might have alzhiemers too. Fuck her. Thank god I'm gonna be getting away from this tomorrow.
  19. Octavian motherfucker
    Never sniffing Cocaine again, like, ever.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  20. HTS highlight reel
    Originally posted by DietYellow Recommend a good RTS, AOE 3 doesnt work on windows 10 unless you pay $40 too many on steam

    AoE2, Empire Earth, Rise of Nations, Supreme Commander 2, Red Alert 2, WarCraft I/II/III. has a lot of gooduns.

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