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The Retarded Thread: Sploo Needs Attention

  1. That's impossible, I put $3 in a salvation army kettle yesterday
  2. Ghost Black Hole
    Oy Vey!
  3. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    I got a bunch of stuff to drop off to Toys for Tots even though it's probably just going to go to some Guatemalan kids whose parents dragged them over here in the first place.
  4. GGG victim of incest [my veinlike two-fold aepyornidae]
    I had a friend who always used to get shit from those Christmas toy donations and somehow he was always able to get the coolest shit. One year he got a gamecube. I've never stopped being jealous.
  5. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by GGG I had a friend who always used to get shit from those Christmas toy donations and somehow he was always able to get the coolest shit. One year he got a gamecube. I've never stopped being jealous.

    That's because he's a kike
  6. WE SMOOTH African Astronaut
    I think I'm gonna take acid by myself today and think about Christmas and family. Maybe 2 or 3 hits. Gotta secure some good sativa first though.
  7. RestStop Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Solstice Y'all niggas need more Christmas spirit

    Her pussy is just low enough for me to pound it fro the back. Yeah nigga!
  8. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    I need to get laid. But I'm in such bad shape that 45 seconds in I might have to tag someone in to take over for a bit while I catch my breathe and do some stretches.
  9. Originally posted by CASPER I need to get laid. But I'm in such bad shape that 45 seconds in I might have to tag someone in to take over for a bit while I catch my breathe and do some stretches.

    Just take a Viagra and sit there and make her do all the work.
  10. Soyboy III: The Quest for 911 Truth Tuskegee Airman [oppositely expose the hypermetropia]
    Originally posted by CASPER I need to get laid. But I'm in such bad shape that 45 seconds in I might have to tag someone in to take over for a bit while I catch my breathe and do some stretches.

    That's so sexy I'm sure some hot girl will pm your out of shape ass for some huffing and puffing.
  11. Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Originally posted by CASPER I need to get laid. But I'm in such bad shape that 45 seconds in I might have to tag someone in to take over for a bit while I catch my breathe and do some stretches.

    That's why amphetamines were invented for.

  12. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by DietPiano Thank you hydro. I sincrely appreciated the fuck out of that response. Mostly I'm just picking fun, but there was some (intentional) pretension mixed into my last post. I think you're an extremely empathetic person, and a very likeable one to boot.

    I personally take 900mg gabapentin t.i.d., for the nerve pain in my head, and I'm going to ask the neurologist I'm going to next month to either up me to 1200 tid, or switch me to Lyrica (better yet, give me free samples). Luckily the patent for Lyrica literally just ran out this month, which is awesome. Fucking Pfizer gets away with these 20 year patents, which is absolutely ridiculous.

    I'm seriously considering trying to get on tramadol for my head pain, because I think that's an appropriate measure given my pain (honestly percocet or suboxone would be better, but I don't really want go back to daily opis). Also I get pissed tested regularly, so Lyrica/gaba and tramadol I believe would be very appropriate for my nerve pain. It's fucking terrible about 2/3 of the day.

    I know what you mean amount living a life in severe pain. It sucks ass, and I don't blame you for one second for using opis like you do. Being in severe pain all the time is not really a life worth living. Painkilling drugs can help take your mind off it, and I intimately understand and respect that.


    I went to the first headshop I've been to in my life becausoe I now live in an area that has them. I picked up some (probably very overpriced) Crouton because I wanted to try it today instead of waiting for it to be Amazon Primed to me by some Indian on the east coeste.

    This is the first opioid agoninizing chemical I've had since like august, during which I was still WD'ing from Xanax. It feels calming and focusing and somewhat warm, without having rock hard euphoria. It has kind of an "herbal" feeling, and I say that because it likely has many different mildy psychoactive chemicals within the plant matter.

    Suboxone has more kick to it than Crouton, but it does feels more synthetic. I don't have an appetite for subs though, they last too long. T-PAIN is actually a decent opioid in SMALL doses, but it's very uncomfortable, gross, itchy, and synthetic feeling in high doses.

    I'm glad this Crouton shit is legal. I don't want to take high doses of it or use it often. I think it might be helpful for meditation. Going to give cbd another shot too, but I don't have high expectations for it. Also, I may be testing ardrafanil bc the little to no comedown intrigues me. I'm not into stim euphoria either, honestly.

    I don't really want highly euphoric substances in general. Not any more often than what could be considered a "reasonable" amount of time lapsed by normies. I kind of like that this Crouton shit seems to be fairly weaksauce. It scratches the dope itch without plunging me into an unreasonable amount of euphoria.

    Basically, (unless it's a psychedelic/dissociative) I don't want to get so intoxicated that I lose control, even if it's as simple as losing all motivation to do anything but eat sour patch kids and open the Netflix app and nod out before I find something to watch. I want to be able to function somewhat if I am to be intoxicated, and I definitely don't want to get intoxicated as a reward for myself, or something to be looking forward to in life. Feeling high is not my goal in life anymore, it's simply an experience that may or not happen at times throughout my life.

    I really hope I just have frequent migraines instead of a brain tumor or permanent myelin damage, which unfortunately may be the case given the circumstances around my rc pcp(s) use. At least my cock is okay.*


    thank you dietpiano

    Well, I appreciate that. I sometimes think that because people who use opiates to treat pain, they often get a bad rep, and a fundamental thing is missed, be it a self medicater such as I've been, or a person who's prescribed: They have pain that isn't being resolved with other things they've tried, and almost everyone has tried SOMETHING else, and sure, they may have limited trials to other shit, or be cost prohibitive, or just unavailable to them for a number of reasons, but people have pain. I had a doctor tell me that opioids were not the best things to threat pain, that they didn't work, and required higher doses (which the latter can be true, at least to some extent), I find that to be very, very wrong. If they weren't good for treating pain, then though wouldn't have stayed in use (what? thousands of years?), and they wouldn't be prescribed, and used in the medical field like they are used if something better existed. Certainly, I agree ANY medication should be used for the shortest possible time, but when you deal with people such as myself, and especially people like my father, they NEED opioids, and they need high doses of said opioids, and so fucking what if the dose might need to be increased what maybe every 6 months, maybe every year once their dose has been established (in the beginning of use, you my need to increase much more frequently, just to get to a point the patient's pain is being controlled, as not to under medicate, or over medicate, and then from there comes the 6m-1y increases.) I promise you, if there was a better way, then we'd all be doing that, rather than being on a drug that's becoming harder and harder to get prescribed, deal with the stimas, taboos, and be looked at like drug addicts.

    I see why you'd want to avoid opioids for the potential addiction, but gabapentin, and tramadol have physical symptoms of withdrawal as well when used regularly. I can speak for the gabapentin WD myself, and I've seen some people with the tramadol experience WDs. Tramadol also has the side effect, particularly at higher doses, granted, but still, can cause seizures, and still effect MOR, KOR, and DOR, so you're not escaping opioid use by using tramadol.

    You know, I think because my usage involves higher doses than most people, and especially most opiate novices, one gets the idea that I am getting high, nodding out, and my usage is dependent on euphoria... when that's really far from the case. I cannot say I've NEVER had euphoria, or that I haven't had nodding experience on a few occasions, but not as often, or as powerful as one might think. I don't like to be in an incapacitated state. If I use a drug, I want to be aware, able to think clearly, able to function, and able to do things. THat's why I prefer opioids (most traditional ones anyway, and tianpetine) over other drugs. Gapapentin really is not a drug I like to use, but unfortunately, if I said I had a problem, I do with that. It makes me foggy, it makes me slow, it does very little to control the root of my pain, and I just feel... useless with it. It was fine when I used it intermittently, but the daily usage has really fucked me. I WD from it just before my infection took hold, and then BOOM, I was right back on it, and then at even higher doses.

    Good luck with controlling your pain. If you find something better than opioids, more power to you, and I genuinely hope you do, and that it has as good, or better safety profile as opioids to boot.
  13. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by CASPER You know I'm not one to hop on a bandwagon, but it sounds like you're really rationalizing around a lot.

    If you genuinely wanted to die, there are a million and one ways to do it. I have a gun. If I wanted to die, if shoot myself in the skull. But mostly I just want to be better and feel okay.

    You can bad mouth the docs all you want, but when it comes down to it, you have an obvious addict coming into their hospital. For all they know, most of your conditions could've been caused by IV drug use. They're not just going to pump you full of drugs and write you a script without a very good reason.They're going to be skeptical of anything you tell them, and they have reason to be.

    If you didn't care if they saved your life or not, why not just wait at home and eat cheap fatty frozen food until the inevitable took its course?

    I'm just saying, if be a little more appreciative of the people who kept me alive. Even if it was 10 cents worth of stuff, I'd feel shirty about taking their stuff. That's like someone inviting you over for Thanksgiving and then raiding their medicine cabinet. That's junkie shit,and I think you know that.

    Well, first off let me being by saying: I fucking have not, nor ever would I steal someones scripts (unless they die, and frankly, once they're dead, those pills hospice is going to flush are fair fucking game at that point.), that's a really unfair analogy. I literally watched them going through not this time, but last time I was in their ER, and they were throwing out shit that wasn't yet expired (shit that had 3 months left before it expired! dude was telling me, and even showed me a box that was being tossed before expiration- apparently they wanted to clear it out just in case it was accidentally still in use after expiration.) which I feel is a fucking sin, especially when that shit is good far past it's expiration date as long as it's kept out of heat/cold, and kept away from moisture. There are fucking doctors and quacks alike in Africa who would LOVE to fucking have that expired shit... and me too.

    Remember, I'm not taking from the doctors, the nurses, or any staff here. These hospitals are publicly funded. What I took is a drop in the bucket compared to the waste that goes on in these places, not to mention the fucking insane prices they charge for the simplest of shit. I believe 1337 got his itemized bill, and a SINGLE PILL, a 5mg oxycodone was 80$. LMFAO at that point, it's time to just call up the dope man to pay you a visit, especially when you don't have insurance. You cannot tell me ANYTHING that could possibly come close to justifying that price hike in an alternate universe. This is why I have no qualms with collecting gear I KNOW eventually I'll end up using, and potentially saving a life with it. They can always get more, I always can't, that's why I take it when I can.

    As for wanting to die, I'm here for anything more than having my pain controlled. If I could manage to control my pain at home, I would be doing exactly that. That's why the antibiotics go down the drain in my bathroom, the pills get cheeked, and all I do is take my gabapentin, tylenol, naproxen, ibprofen, and diaudid (I did try the celebrex... meh... I don't know about that shit. I'm on the fence.), and occasionally, I take their ketorolac via IV. If it wasn't for that, I fucking wouldn't be here. I fucking hate hospitals, hate doctors, and really, I would prefer to be home.

    I tell you what, I do wish I felt better, and my life was better, but as it's not, it still doesn't change the fact that I'm scared of the unknown. I admit that. I have an ingrained fear that most people have, but unlike say someone like PoC, I'll at least admit I have that fear, rather than go on acting tough and fearless when deep down inside he's probably more scared than all of us put together. Eventually I'll grow a pair.
  14. Loing African Astronaut
    Originally posted by hydromorphone Well, I appreciate that. I sometimes think that because people who use opiates to treat pain, they often get a bad rep, and a fundamental thing is missed, be it a self medicater such as I've been, or a person who's prescribed: They have pain that isn't being resolved with other things they've tried, and almost everyone has tried SOMETHING else, and sure, they may have limited trials to other shit, or be cost prohibitive, or just unavailable to them for a number of reasons, but people have pain. I had a doctor tell me that opioids were not the best things to threat pain, that they didn't work, and required higher doses (which the latter can be true, at least to some extent), I find that to be very, very wrong. If they weren't good for treating pain, then though wouldn't have stayed in use (what? thousands of years?), and they wouldn't be prescribed, and used in the medical field like they are used if something better existed. Certainly, I agree ANY medication should be used for the shortest possible time, but when you deal with people such as myself, and especially people like my father, they NEED opioids, and they need high doses of said opioids, and so fucking what if the dose might need to be increased what maybe every 6 months, maybe every year once their dose has been established (in the beginning of use, you my need to increase much more frequently, just to get to a point the patient's pain is being controlled, as not to under medicate, or over medicate, and then from there comes the 6m-1y increases.) I promise you, if there was a better way, then we'd all be doing that, rather than being on a drug that's becoming harder and harder to get prescribed, deal with the stimas, taboos, and be looked at like drug addicts.

    I see why you'd want to avoid opioids for the potential addiction, but gabapentin, and tramadol have physical symptoms of withdrawal as well when used regularly. I can speak for the gabapentin WD myself, and I've seen some people with the tramadol experience WDs. Tramadol also has the side effect, particularly at higher doses, granted, but still, can cause seizures, and still effect MOR, KOR, and DOR, so you're not escaping opioid use by using tramadol.

    You know, I think because my usage involves higher doses than most people, and especially most opiate novices, one gets the idea that I am getting high, nodding out, and my usage is dependent on euphoria… when that's really far from the case. I cannot say I've NEVER had euphoria, or that I haven't had nodding experience on a few occasions, but not as often, or as powerful as one might think. I don't like to be in an incapacitated state. If I use a drug, I want to be aware, able to think clearly, able to function, and able to do things. THat's why I prefer opioids (most traditional ones anyway, and tianpetine) over other drugs. Gapapentin really is not a drug I like to use, but unfortunately, if I said I had a problem, I do with that. It makes me foggy, it makes me slow, it does very little to control the root of my pain, and I just feel… useless with it. It was fine when I used it intermittently, but the daily usage has really fucked me. I WD from it just before my infection took hold, and then BOOM, I was right back on it, and then at even higher doses.

    Good luck with controlling your pain. If you find something better than opioids, more power to you, and I genuinely hope you do, and that it has as good, or better safety profile as opioids to boot.

    Originally posted by hydromorphone Well, first off let me being by saying: I fucking have not, nor ever would I steal someones scripts (unless they die, and frankly, once they're dead, those pills hospice is going to flush are fair fucking game at that point.), that's a really unfair analogy. I literally watched them going through not this time, but last time I was in their ER, and they were throwing out shit that wasn't yet expired (shit that had 3 months left before it expired! dude was telling me, and even showed me a box that was being tossed before expiration- apparently they wanted to clear it out just in case it was accidentally still in use after expiration.) which I feel is a fucking sin, especially when that shit is good far past it's expiration date as long as it's kept out of heat/cold, and kept away from moisture. There are fucking doctors and quacks alike in Africa who would LOVE to fucking have that expired shit… and me too.

    Remember, I'm not taking from the doctors, the nurses, or any staff here. These hospitals are publicly funded. What I took is a drop in the bucket compared to the waste that goes on in these places, not to mention the fucking insane prices they charge for the simplest of shit. I believe 1337 got his itemized bill, and a SINGLE PILL, a 5mg oxycodone was 80$. LMFAO at that point, it's time to just call up the dope man to pay you a visit, especially when you don't have insurance. You cannot tell me ANYTHING that could possibly come close to justifying that price hike in an alternate universe. This is why I have no qualms with collecting gear I KNOW eventually I'll end up using, and potentially saving a life with it. They can always get more, I always can't, that's why I take it when I can.

    As for wanting to die, I'm here for anything more than having my pain controlled. If I could manage to control my pain at home, I would be doing exactly that. That's why the antibiotics go down the drain in my bathroom, the pills get cheeked, and all I do is take my gabapentin, tylenol, naproxen, ibprofen, and diaudid (I did try the celebrex… meh… I don't know about that shit. I'm on the fence.), and occasionally, I take their ketorolac via IV. If it wasn't for that, I fucking wouldn't be here. I fucking hate hospitals, hate doctors, and really, I would prefer to be home.

    I tell you what, I do wish I felt better, and my life was better, but as it's not, it still doesn't change the fact that I'm scared of the unknown. I admit that. I have an ingrained fear that most people have, but unlike say someone like PoC, I'll at least admit I have that fear, rather than go on acting tough and fearless when deep down inside he's probably more scared than all of us put together. Eventually I'll grow a pair.

    Didn't read
  15. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Loing Can't read

    Fixed that for ya, buddy.

    Have a family member, friend, or your caretaker check out the link above I provided. It might help you along your way to becoming more literate than you currently are by finding a program/tutor who can help your reading/writing comprehension. When writing a statement, you would say "I cannot/can't read.", rather than "I did not/didn't read.", and if you're going to express this in a more formal way, you would write "I cannot read your post." I'm sorry that what I write is too hard for you to understand, but with practice, I'm sure you'll come around and be able to read the big-boy books one day.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  16. Loing African Astronaut
    Originally posted by hydromorphone Fixed that for ya, buddy.

    Have a family member, friend, or your caretaker check out the link above I provided. It might help you along your way to becoming more literate than you currently are by finding a program/tutor who can help your reading/writing comprehension. When writing a statement, you would say "I cannot/can't read.", rather than "I did not/didn't read.", and if you're going to express this in a more formal way, you would write "I cannot read your post." I'm sorry that what I write is too hard for you to understand, but with practice, I'm sure you'll come around and be able to read the big-boy books one day.

    Didn't read
  17. Originally posted by hydromorphone Well, first off let me being by saying: I fucking have not, nor ever would I steal someones scripts (unless they die, and frankly, once they're dead, those pills hospice is going to flush are fair fucking game at that point.), that's a really unfair analogy. I literally watched them going through not this time, but last time I was in their ER, and they were throwing out shit that wasn't yet expired (shit that had 3 months left before it expired! dude was telling me, and even showed me a box that was being tossed before expiration- apparently they wanted to clear it out just in case it was accidentally still in use after expiration.) which I feel is a fucking sin, especially when that shit is good far past it's expiration date as long as it's kept out of heat/cold, and kept away from moisture. There are fucking doctors and quacks alike in Africa who would LOVE to fucking have that expired shit… and me too.

    Remember, I'm not taking from the doctors, the nurses, or any staff here. These hospitals are publicly funded. What I took is a drop in the bucket compared to the waste that goes on in these places, not to mention the fucking insane prices they charge for the simplest of shit. I believe 1337 got his itemized bill, and a SINGLE PILL, a 5mg oxycodone was 80$. LMFAO at that point, it's time to just call up the dope man to pay you a visit, especially when you don't have insurance. You cannot tell me ANYTHING that could possibly come close to justifying that price hike in an alternate universe. This is why I have no qualms with collecting gear I KNOW eventually I'll end up using, and potentially saving a life with it. They can always get more, I always can't, that's why I take it when I can.

    As for wanting to die, I'm here for anything more than having my pain controlled. If I could manage to control my pain at home, I would be doing exactly that. That's why the antibiotics go down the drain in my bathroom, the pills get cheeked, and all I do is take my gabapentin, tylenol, naproxen, ibprofen, and diaudid (I did try the celebrex… meh… I don't know about that shit. I'm on the fence.), and occasionally, I take their ketorolac via IV. If it wasn't for that, I fucking wouldn't be here. I fucking hate hospitals, hate doctors, and really, I would prefer to be home.

    I tell you what, I do wish I felt better, and my life was better, but as it's not, it still doesn't change the fact that I'm scared of the unknown. I admit that. I have an ingrained fear that most people have, but unlike say someone like PoC, I'll at least admit I have that fear, rather than go on acting tough and fearless when deep down inside he's probably more scared than all of us put together. Eventually I'll grow a pair.

    How's your husband? Oh, wait, he left you because shooting heroin was more important to him.

    You could probably hold down a meal longer than a relationship, if you ever actually ate anything other than pills.
  18. @hydro

    Just so we're clear, I'm not opiate naive. I used heroin for a year to treat my pain, but I'm not going back.

    I don't think it's even worth bothering trying to get an opioid script these days, which is why I didn't/don't. That's why I want more gaba/lyrica and maybe tramadol, becuase they still seem to give that out like candy, unlike hydro/percs (which are the next step up).
  19. Ghost Black Hole
    hydro/hts 3 way when
  20. Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Originally posted by hydromorphone Well, I appreciate that. I sometimes think that because people who use opiates to treat pain, they often get a bad rep, and a fundamental thing is missed, be it a self medicater such as I've been, or a person who's prescribed: They have pain that isn't being resolved with other things they've tried, and almost everyone has tried SOMETHING else, and sure, they may have limited trials to other shit, or be cost prohibitive, or just unavailable to them for a number of reasons, but people have pain. I had a doctor tell me that opioids were not the best things to threat pain, that they didn't work, and required higher doses (which the latter can be true, at least to some extent), I find that to be very, very wrong. If they weren't good for treating pain, then though wouldn't have stayed in use (what? thousands of years?), and they wouldn't be prescribed, and used in the medical field like they are used if something better existed. Certainly, I agree ANY medication should be used for the shortest possible time, but when you deal with people such as myself, and especially people like my father, they NEED opioids, and they need high doses of said opioids, and so fucking what if the dose might need to be increased what maybe every 6 months, maybe every year once their dose has been established (in the beginning of use, you my need to increase much more frequently, just to get to a point the patient's pain is being controlled, as not to under medicate, or over medicate, and then from there comes the 6m-1y increases.) I promise you, if there was a better way, then we'd all be doing that, rather than being on a drug that's becoming harder and harder to get prescribed, deal with the stimas, taboos, and be looked at like drug addicts.

    I see why you'd want to avoid opioids for the potential addiction, but gabapentin, and tramadol have physical symptoms of withdrawal as well when used regularly. I can speak for the gabapentin WD myself, and I've seen some people with the tramadol experience WDs. Tramadol also has the side effect, particularly at higher doses, granted, but still, can cause seizures, and still effect MOR, KOR, and DOR, so you're not escaping opioid use by using tramadol.

    You know, I think because my usage involves higher doses than most people, and especially most opiate novices, one gets the idea that I am getting high, nodding out, and my usage is dependent on euphoria… when that's really far from the case. I cannot say I've NEVER had euphoria, or that I haven't had nodding experience on a few occasions, but not as often, or as powerful as one might think. I don't like to be in an incapacitated state. If I use a drug, I want to be aware, able to think clearly, able to function, and able to do things. THat's why I prefer opioids (most traditional ones anyway, and tianpetine) over other drugs. Gapapentin really is not a drug I like to use, but unfortunately, if I said I had a problem, I do with that. It makes me foggy, it makes me slow, it does very little to control the root of my pain, and I just feel… useless with it. It was fine when I used it intermittently, but the daily usage has really fucked me. I WD from it just before my infection took hold, and then BOOM, I was right back on it, and then at even higher doses.

    Good luck with controlling your pain. If you find something better than opioids, more power to you, and I genuinely hope you do, and that it has as good, or better safety profile as opioids to boot.

    Opiates are fucking great drugs when used properly. Its just the war on drugs propaganda and a shit ton of idiot junkies who use it improperly that give it such a bad rep. It truly doesn't deserve the reputation its acquired.

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!

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