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The Retarded Thread: Sploo Needs Attention
2018-12-09 at 4:14 PM UTC
Originally posted by RestStop I went through 2.32 grams in 4 days. Think I went a little too hard this time. I kinda want to die. Fortunately I don't have the motivation to commit suicide. How a nigga live.
Just be thankful you can kill yourself as many times as you like and still be welcome to post here. -
2018-12-09 at 4:15 PM UTC
2018-12-09 at 4:55 PM UTC
2018-12-09 at 5:37 PM UTC
2018-12-09 at 5:38 PM UTC
2018-12-09 at 5:40 PM UTC
2018-12-09 at 5:47 PM UTC
2018-12-09 at 6:30 PM UTC
2018-12-09 at 6:48 PM UTCThe following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
2018-12-09 at 6:57 PM UTC
2018-12-09 at 7:01 PM UTC
2018-12-09 at 8:48 PM UTCMash is the Piano Man
2018-12-09 at 8:49 PM UTCRisiR bleeds into a rag each month lul
2018-12-09 at 8:50 PM UTC
Originally posted by RestStop Yes. Went hard Monday morning-Thursday evening I feel asleep sometime between 7-10 pm. Actually woke up and stayed up about 2 am this morning.
Ugh. Idk how you've managed for so long. Even the gangbangin, no fucks given hardcore tweakers I know have had to take breaks n start doing yoga n shit. 15 years of that shit will take a toll on you. Hell I only did mathematics regularly for 3 or 4 years, and I still get fucked up arrythmias n stuff occasionally. -
2018-12-09 at 9:43 PM UTC
2018-12-09 at 10:20 PM UTCThe following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
2018-12-09 at 10:34 PM UTCAlready ate 500 calories today. Sucking on oats bc they don't break down from saliva enzymes. Actually have almost regular appetite today. May drink a couple more Tbsps of hwc (heavy whipping cream) later tonight. Need to start doing cardio and buying diet soda to occupy taste buds.
2018-12-09 at 11:01 PM UTCWhy would you buy diet soda? It's worse for losing weight than regular soda. Aspartame raises insulin levels.
And also diet soda tastes like shit. -
2018-12-10 at 1:09 AM UTC
2018-12-10 at 2:17 AM UTCJust buy yohimbine hcl and use that to lose weight.