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got catfished

  1. #21
    Poopsy Yung Blood
    y is meat chip so much btr tho
  2. #22
    Bologna Nacho African Astronaut
    Never said it was tho..jus askin
  3. #23
    Poopsy Yung Blood
    i thnk german
  4. #24
    Bologna Nacho African Astronaut
    What is poopsy in german?
  5. #25
    Poopsy Yung Blood
    der poopenlicht
  6. #26
    jedi_darryl African Astronaut
    Originally posted by infinityshock youre so fucking stupid and terminally socially retarded that you have no ability to grasp the concept of how fucking absolutely idiotic you are.

    that being the case, ill place it into a perspective that you may…or probably wont…be able to cross reference in your own non-functional mind.

    every time you make a post, regardless of how epic you think it sounds in your own nigger-cum addled mind, it makes the collective user base literally cringe in pain. the best analogy your broken brain might comprehend is, picture a high-society social gathering in an exclusive facility reserved for only the top 1% where everyone is dressed in their finest attire, doing whatever it is the aristocracy does, then through an abject sense of depraved humor the universe sends some random tourrets-infested retard confined to a wheelchair, drooling all over his saliva-saturated bib, rolling his mechanical wheelchair through the double solid-oak doors at a high rate of speed, plowing over the beautiful-people, then screeches to a halt in the middle of the room, with everyone staring at him aghast. after a few moments of silence, through dribbling strings of saliva, the retard opens its lips and lets out a screeching 'aahhhHHHH-DDDDURRRHHHHHHHH!!!!!'

    youre the retard.

    Hahahahaaaaaa! 😂😂
  7. #27
    Ensign Galm African Astronaut [specifically erupt this tetrachloromethane]
    So what did Bill Krozbys post say before he deleted it
  8. #28
    It was something about he went to a pinball place with this teacher chick and her siblings/friends and they all made fun of how of she dated internet hookup types and how awful people they were

    And Bill Krozby played and laughed along with them so as not to make it awkward but they kept on going ans going

    But Bill Krozby just kept on keeping on with them, then she went to the bathroom and he used her debit card to buy him and some girls at a table some drinks

    Then her brother paid for drinks for everybody except Bill Krozby

    Then she started getting slutty flirty and Bill Krozby walked out

    She started texting Bill Krozby that night about what happened and he gave nonchalant replies

    It was a pretty good Bill Krozby story, I felt kinda bad for Bill Krozby though
  9. #29
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by DietPiano It was something about he went to a pinball place with this teacher chick and her siblings/friends and they all made fun of how of she dated internet hookup types and how awful people they were

    And Bill Krozby played and laughed along with them so as not to make it awkward but they kept on going ans going

    But Bill Krozby just kept on keeping on with them, then she went to the bathroom and he used her debit card to buy him and some girls at a table some drinks

    Then her brother paid for drinks for everybody except Bill Krozby

    Then she started getting slutty flirty and Bill Krozby walked out

    She started texting Bill Krozby that night about what happened and he gave nonchalant replies

    It was a pretty good Bill Krozby story, I felt kinda bad for Bill Krozby though

    i kind of saw it coming but i was trying to be positive, she hit me up today asking if i got home alright so i told her yeah.

    you got most of the story right for the most part.
  10. #30
    Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Who is this black guy named Billy?
  11. #31
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Sudo I went on a tindr date a couple months ago with this girl who drove an hour to meet me at a park. I told her my situation and shit and one of her 2 baby daddies was there before. When she showed up she was with 3 other fucking people in the car which she never told me about. Like the first thing I said to her was making fun of her for meeting ex cons off the internet and everybody laughed. she ran a fucking daycare out of her home which is weird how close that links to Bill Krozbys story

    Anyway we went to a park and those people turned off so I just walked with her. She was def fatter than her picture but still not fat just not hardboiled at all. She told me she found me on Facebook and it said I was in a relationship and I said the bitch won't give me back my Facebook pass which was true

    Anyways, those other people were her fucking mom, her 15 year old sister and her friend. We talked a bit and smoked cigs and shit and walked back. When we got back to the car and started driving somewhere else her lil sis was like "I wanna put on Billy put on Billy" and the girl was like "sigh okay you play this all the time" and I'm picturing Billy talent or Billy Ray Cyrus. Instead it's the most niggerishly aggressive hip hop waka flocka on meth and the lil girl is singing along to every word and making gunshot noises while we're driving around this small town in the middle of the day. Anyways they all drove back.

    The next day I went somewhere else and fucked my ex and ignored her texts. Then next week she came to see me again and was acting aloof and said she knew I was with my ex or something and then we made out and she dropped me off and said she had to get back. Couple days later she came and got a hotel room and we fucked and stuff. She actually did that 1 more time then she showed up in the town I'm in and was like "ya I got my kids here" and I went and met her son's (who she is a surprisingly good mother to) and spent more time with them than her. Then she came down and said blah blah she knew I didn't want a relationship with her and she can't waste any time and we had a good conversation about the perspective we had on both our lives and I've never seen her since but she messaged me twice since then and asked how happy I was.

    I feel so scummy semi relating to Bill Krozby. Maybe that's everyone from the internet are either Bill Krozbys or fat single moms

  12. #32
    WellHung Black Hole (banned)
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby she probably just didn't trust you, i've had girls do the same thing when i was up to nothing. whenever i am up to something never see it coming.

    the girl kept asking me through out the night if i was alright and i was like "yeah im fine doll are you?" and she said "well i just know it can be intimidating going on a first date with a girl and her friends, i wouldn't do it"

    when i was coming back from the bathroom at one point one of the dudes told me he just ordered pizza and I can have a slice which is very cordial of him and i was like sure thanks man, and he walked off to the bathroom so i sat down and ate a slice and the other dude started bitching about who do i think i am just eating another mans pizza, i told him he said i could have a slice but he wasn't trying to hear it.

    also when i got there and met her friends no one introduced me to them i had to ask their names, not even my 'date' introduced me. one of the guys bought shots for everyone but me, which i guess is whatever.. its his money and he doesn't know me, but talk about going out of your way to make a lone gont feel like odd man out when i was actually trying to be nice.

    so it just seemed like the thing to do to take her debit card and buy other people and i drinks.

    last night this girl invited me over to her place and was a total bitch, after i fucked her she told me her husband was out of town and just trying to get laid and told me to leave while i was super drunk, i told her im not leaving so i slept on her couch and drank her booze while she stayed in the other room smoking weed.

    she begged for my cock though because 3 days earlier she came over to my place and i let her give me dome but told her i was tired and was going to sleep and she kept telling me to wake up that she wasn't there for nothing and i owed her despite saying multiple times before coming over she isn't going to fuck me and just wants to cuddle and go to sleep.
    (where have i heard that one before)

    Ur tall tales are amusing.
  13. #33
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by WellHung Ur tall tales are amusing.

  14. #34
    Shame you edited out the original post. I think I'd have enjoyed it based on the rest of what I see.
  15. #35
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Shame you edited out the original post. I think I'd have enjoyed it based on the rest of what I see.

    hey jiggaboo are you by chance also jedi goldstein?
  16. #36
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Lol Bill Krozby did you realize your story made you look retarded or summing and delete it or what? Well thanks for not wasting a couple of minutes of my life to read another of your divvy shenanigans, I guess.

  17. #37
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby gas…ahhhGHHHH-DDDHHHHUUUURRRRrrrrrr

    you're an idiot
  18. #38
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby hey jiggaboo are you by chance also jedi goldstein?

    No. I'm 100% English with a dash of Viking.
  19. #39
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by NARCassist Lol Bill Krozby did you realize your story made you look retarded or summing and delete it or what? Well thanks for not wasting a couple of minutes of my life to read another of your divvy shenanigans, I guess.


    possibly to be honest i felt more bad about it than anything, the girl actually texted me today asking how i was doing and wanted to hang again.

    I admit I can kind of be a prick but i promise you man those people were dicks and she should of never of invited me on a first date to meet her friends. I was actually really cordial (not that i know what that word means) and purposefully held back and didn't get drunk like they were because i wanted to b on higher ground in case things went forward with this girl.

    My ex gf left 3 months ago because of a similar situation and i totally talked mad shit and made everyone feel bad (even though they all had it coming) so i was honestly trying to take the higher ground and just roll with the blatant bullshit.

    my dad used to always tell me when i was a kid "if its not going to matter tomorrow don't worry about it" so thats what i was trying to do dude.

    and even thinking back on it despite her being kind of a bitch, i actually don't think she did it on purpose, not that i want to see her again but I'm the bigger man here.

    it was a total cringefest all around that night but what do you expect at adults on a saturday night at a bar/arcadium.
  20. #40
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    i felt bad for her because when i met up with her friends they were closer to my age and she was an older lady (i like some older women) but i think because she has had a few kids she's just looking for sex at this point in her life.

    And even though i'm all about pussy i don't want it that way. it was just really weird, they were smoking weed out of a vape pen and i was like "nah im cool" the chick started showing me her getting fucked on her phone and i don't really care about that because im not attracted to her but it was kind of akward her being stoned and showing me that trying to get me interested.

    I just can't do it man. thats the 5th time this month i decided to not have sex because i missed my girlfriend and just wanted to be alone.
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