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Why does everyone beat their women?

  1. #21
    Red_Woman African Astronaut
    Why does everyone beat their women?

    Not true.
  2. #22
    POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    I was raised NOT to hit women,, I learned women, well some women strive to get hit by a man. and some women want it while others just want to be able to put a motherfucker in jail for doing it.
  3. #23
    stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    The correct answer is "C".

    A. Because everyone else does it.

    B. Nobody saw me and you fell down the stairs.

    C. Because they deserve it.

  4. #24
    jedi_darryl African Astronaut
    D..lets go wrastlin

  5. #25
    Red_Woman African Astronaut
    Originally posted by POLECAT I was raised NOT to hit women

    You should've stopped here, Polecat. lol

    Hi, by the way.
  6. #26
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by POLECAT I was raised NOT to hit women,, I learned women, well some women strive to get hit by a man. and some women want it while others just want to be able to put a motherfucker in jail for doing it.

    I was too but in today's day and age where these women want equality...they're going to get it.

    if a woman thinks she's man enough to hit a man she's man enough to get hit back.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  7. #27
    jedi_darryl African Astronaut
    Originally posted by infinityshock I was too but in today's day and age where these women want equality…they're going to get it.

    if a woman thinks she's man enough to hit a man she's man enough to get hit back.

    Wrong. Even if she does think she's man enough to hit you, you don't hit them back. Just, walk away. Don't let them change the way you truly are.
  8. #28
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by NARCassist Lol Bill Krozby you really don't like it when someone says something that challenges your little fantasy version of reality that you live in your own head, do you? That's why you get uncomfortable and start throwing insults and retarded suggestions that everyone except the biggest morons can see are complete bullshit.

    And I don't hit women because I don't need to. The times when women have hit me I've just took it without showing even the slightest flicker of it having any affect on me what so ever. They very quickly realize that they don't have anywhere near to the strength needed to take me on or hurt me physically and they stop pretty quickly then.

    But of course it takes a man to do that. If you're not a man and you're a pussy then your reaction to them hitting you or whatever would be summing along the lines of saying 'ouch, that hurt, stop it'. To which you've just indicated to her that that is a good way she can get at you. Plus she'll then realize you're a massive pussy and will lose all respect she might of had of you being a man. You'll likely find yourself having to physically defend yourself from her a lot more often after that. Sooner or later the law gets involved and if course nobody believes that she was the instigator, they never do.


    What if the woman stabs you with a knife? Or breaks your stuff?

    What if you're just drunk enjoying yourself and she starts gettin loud?

    You're just going to take that?

    I say if a woman want to hit a man she better be prepared to get hit back.

    This 2018 not everything is candy corn and soybean
  9. #29
    POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    Originally posted by Red_Woman You should've stopped here, Polecat. lol

    Hi, by the way.

    they put the line there to be crossed,,, hi,, where tha fuk u been hiding?
  10. #30
    Red_Woman African Astronaut
    Originally posted by POLECAT they put the line there to be crossed,,, hi,, where tha fuk u been hiding?

    On vacation.
    How things with you, everything okay?
  11. #31
    POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    july sucked,, I got older and my mushrooms took july off,, oh and my truck blew tha fuk up makin me drop a grand on my old truck so I could get inspected oh yeah also my drivers licence expired when I was preoccupied with getting my truck fixed and now I have to get a ssi card and take the written and driving test to get my vt licence. I'm ready for a serious influx of cash.

    where did you go for vacay?
  12. #32
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    look violence is just a negotiation tactic, but there are many negotiation tactics you can use for any situation. violence really should be the very last tool you pull out of your negotiation tactic box, after all else have failed. because violence most of the time will come with consequences. nobody really wants a bully in their community and so one way or another they will all work to get rid of you sooner or later, and often it won't end pretty or very comfortable for you.

    men who are too quick to resort to using violence as a negotiation tactic do so because they lack the skills to negotiate. for some violence is literally the only tool they possess in their box. that's because they are too stupid to learn any or are too insecure in their ability to use other tactics. women, as the weaker sex, rarely have the use of violence in their box so they have had to learn other ways to negotiate to get what they want. as a result they generally become very good at the use of the non violent forms of negotiation and become pretty expert in the art of manipulation as a result. a lot of men who lack those forms of negotiation find that very intimidating and they don't like it when they get women beating them psychologically. so they very quickly resort to using violence because that's the only way they know how to get what they want out of whatever situation it happens to be. also, you will generally find as a rule that men who lack good negotiation skills are the ones who become misogynists.

    that's not to say that there aren't occasions where violence is the only solution to a situation, but like i said you should always keep it as a last resort. a man who can control a situation without resorting to violence, through wit and good social skills is a real man.

    i've been noticing for a while now that in prison with violent offenders they have them doing all these bullshit courses based around anger management and shit, when what they should really concentrate on is teaching the art of negotiation. i have noticed a very strong pattern amongst the violent guys in jail that they are all pretty useless at it.

  13. #33
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by stl1 The correct answer is "C".

    A. Because everyone else does it.

    B. Nobody saw me and you fell down the stairs.

    C. Because they deserve it.


    here's an example of a guy that lacks negotiation skills and hates it that women always manage to get the better of him.

    of course he'll never admit to that tho.

  14. #34
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    its all the women's fault, of course.


  15. #35
    Red_Woman African Astronaut
    Originally posted by POLECAT july sucked,, I got older and my mushrooms took july off,, oh and my truck blew tha fuk up makin me drop a grand on my old truck so I could get inspected oh yeah also my drivers licence expired when I was preoccupied with getting my truck fixed and now I have to get a ssi card and take the written and driving test to get my vt licence. I'm ready for a serious influx of cash.

    where did you go for vacay?

    Anything else? lol
    I need some influx of cash too rn.

    I went to Normandy and a week to Lake Orta. It's one of the lakes of Lake Maggiore, in northen Italy. A couple of hours from Milan.
    By the way, they have some great porcini mushrooms over there.
  16. #36
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby What if the woman stabs you with a knife? Or breaks your stuff?

    What if you're just drunk enjoying yourself and she starts gettin loud?

    You're just going to take that?

    I say if a woman want to hit a man she better be prepared to get hit back.

    This 2018 not everything is candy corn and soybean

    most drunk people who are 'just enjoying themselves' have a tendency to be the most annoying fucks in the house yet never realize it. they're usually way louder than everyone else but again fail to realize it. i just know full well that you're that very stereotypical annoying drunk fuck that i've just described Bill Krozby. and i bet you don't ever even realize it.

    especially if you keep doing that weird stupid laugh of yours, which i know full well you would do.

  17. #37
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    and of course even people with good negotiation skills when sober are generally pretty useless when drunk. social skills go right out the window after downing a few.

  18. #38
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by NARCassist most drunk people who are 'just enjoying themselves' have a tendency to be the most annoying fucks in the house yet never realize it. they're usually way louder than everyone else but again fail to realize it. i just know full well that you're that very stereotypical annoying drunk fuck that i've just described Bill Krozby. and i bet you don't ever even realize it.

    especially if you keep doing that weird stupid laugh of yours, which i know full well you would do.


    Ive been told by girls they like my weird laugh. And how would you full well know i keep doing?

    And sometimes when im drunk im not loud just depends.

    Sorry but not sorry that everything doesnt fit into your tiny little box
  19. #39
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby Ive been told by girls they like my weird laugh. And how would you full well know i keep doing?

    And sometimes when im drunk im not loud just depends.

    Sorry but not sorry that everything doesnt fit into your tiny little box

    because you're annoying enough even when you're not drunk and even over a faceless medium like an internet forum. so its a pretty sure fire bet that you are even more annoying when you're drunk and in person Bill Krozby.

    and any girl that told you they liked your laugh was just trying to get something from you Bill Krozby. she was using it as a negotiation tactic. but you wouldn't have recognized that of course.

  20. #40
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    look its like this. if a woman hits a man then you can be pretty sure that two conditions would have already been met.

    1. he would have done something, at least in her mind, that would warrant such a reaction.
    2. that he would have already demonstrated to her in some way that he is a massive pussy, giving her a reason to believe she might actually just be able to get the better of this idiot in a physical confrontation.

    if neither, nor even one of those conditions hadn't been met beforehand, then ain't no woman going to try hitting a man.

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