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[Serious] Pedosexuality

  1. Manonfire African Astronaut
    Originally posted by PrettyHateMachine If you have been following the farleft progressive agenda at all you'll notice the trend.
    They started out with pushing transgenderism on kids, telling parents they weren't allowed to know what the kids were being taught in school, then they started allowing kids in gay pride festivals twerking half naked next to grown men, then the (((media))) uploaded videos to youtube of everything from consent to gender confusion, then the desmond is amazing psyop.
    I can see it already, there will be a children's rights movement in the near future and part of that will be sexuality but the thing worse than pedosexuality is that they want children to be allowed to make any decisions for themselves including leaving their parents for their 39 year old hubby just because they want to, so if you force your child to go to bed at a certain time or wear a certain type of clothing they'll leave you for their pedophile lover.

    U are so fukin stupid I can't take it
  2. HTS highlight reel
    Originally posted by Manonfire Not possible
    U must live in a bubble
    Go to Texas and then tell me u still think that

    Highly improbable is not the same as impossible. It's practically impossible. It could happen, it's just reasonable to assume that it never will.
  3. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    The LBGTQ rainbow covered half naked pride festivals never should have allowed children.
    The way that they introduced queer studies to schools was perverted and fucked up from the start, like having demonic looking drag queens teach kids or butch looking jedis.
    They could have just told the kids, look this stuff isn't normal or healthy but if you have these feelings that doens't mean you're broken or going to hell, you just have to deal with it later on in life but nooo they had to fully encourage this garbage because it's all part of the new world order agenda of tearing apart the family and creating a subhuman handsome and well tanned individual androgynous retard population the jedis can rule over.
  4. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Manonfire U are so fukin stupid I can't take it

    That you think that proves how stupid you actually are
    I'm the most intelligent person to have visited this pissant little website
  5. Originally posted by HTS Highly improbable is not the same as impossible. It's practically impossible. It could happen, it's just reasonable to assume that it never will.

    Can you prove it could happen?...if not you're just assuming and it's a silly assumption based on the history so far of man.
  6. Manonfire African Astronaut
    Originally posted by HTS Highly improbable is not the same as impossible. It's practically impossible. It could happen, it's just reasonable to assume that it never will.

    It. Never. Will.
  7. joerell African Astronaut [twine our circinate supersymmetry]
    Originally posted by Manonfire u hate transgenders or pedos more?

    I hate no one...what I hate is leftists trying to force BS on us who are more mentally ill than anyone. Transgenders are normal and pedos should be allowed to molest kids as it's part of life. Sick fucks and yet their crimes are ignored defending corruption.
  8. benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Not all societies are fair.

    theres no such thing as fair.

    all unfair societies call themselves a fair society.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  9. Originally posted by benny vader theres no such thing as fair.

    all unfair societies call themselves a fair society.

    True, after all what is also subjective.
  10. Manonfire African Astronaut
    Originally posted by joerell I hate no one…what I hate is leftists trying to force BS on us who are more mentally ill than anyone. Transgenders are normal and pedos should be allowed to molest kids as it's part of life. Sick fucks and yet their crimes are ignored defending corruption.

    I like TGs
    I dont like pedos

    Completely different the 2 are
  11. joerell African Astronaut [twine our circinate supersymmetry]
    Originally posted by PrettyHateMachine The LBGTQ rainbow covered half naked pride festivals never should have allowed children.
    The way that they introduced queer studies to schools was perverted and fucked up from the start, like having demonic looking drag queens teach kids or butch looking jedis.
    They could have just told the kids, look this stuff isn't normal or healthy but if you have these feelings that doens't mean you're broken or going to hell, you just have to deal with it later on in life but nooo they had to fully encourage this garbage because it's all part of the new world order agenda of tearing apart the family and creating a subhuman handsome and well tanned individual androgynous retard population the jedis can rule over.

    I somewhat agree with this if you leave out the jedis.
  12. benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by joerell Transgenders are normal
    Originally posted by joerell Transgenders are normal
    Originally posted by joerell Transgenders are normal
    Originally posted by joerell Transgenders are normal
    Originally posted by joerell Transgenders are normal
    Originally posted by joerell Transgenders are normal
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  13. HTS highlight reel
    Originally posted by PrettyHateMachine If you have been following the farleft progressive agenda at all you'll notice the trend.
    They started out with pushing transgenderism on kids, telling parents they weren't allowed to know what the kids were being taught in school, then they started allowing kids in gay pride festivals twerking half naked next to grown men, then the (((media))) uploaded videos to youtube of everything from consent to gender confusion, then the desmond is amazing psyop.
    I can see it already, there will be a children's rights movement in the near future and part of that will be sexuality but the thing worse than pedosexuality is that they want children to be allowed to make any decisions for themselves including leaving their parents for their 39 year old hubby just because they want to, so if you force your child to go to bed at a certain time or wear a certain type of clothing they'll leave you for their pedophile lover.

    The most I can see is people letting children sexually experiment with eachother at young ages (ie "don't freak out if you catch your young child playing doctor") and allowing them to "be sexual". Letting kids and adults fuck will still be out of the question, because as you said:

    Originally posted by PrettyHateMachine Pedosexuality won't take off from the perspective of the adult

    Adults still won't approve of adults having sex with kids. They'll just approve of kids being able to have sex. They'll be okay with letting young kids behave "sexually" (twerking at pride, desmond can still be amazing), but they won't let the old men the kids are twerking in front of take a grab (behaving sexually isn't permission you rapist) and desmond won't be allowed to be amazing in bed with an adult until he's one too.
  14. joerell African Astronaut [twine our circinate supersymmetry]
    Originally posted by Manonfire I like TGs
    I dont like pedos

    Completely different the 2 are

    I ignore TG's even though they are a good source of information on the street to find real pedos. I have nothing in common with neiher group ...however refrences to what they both are has no solid basis or making ridiculous laws to acknowledge them. If a guy wants to cut his dick off calling himself a woman I say go for t...when they want to change the constitution to declare they're real women in sports it becomes a total joke. Obama says build seperate washrooms for them...Trump says piss in the bush and take responsibility for what you created or get treated. We need strong leaders...we just don't have them.
  15. S6x African Astronaut
    so much anger in the world right now.

    this is much worst than the 60s.
  16. Ensign Galm African Astronaut [specifically erupt this tetrachloromethane]
    Originally posted by Technologist It’s a lot different than when I was a teenager. One of my neighborhood friends was 13, and her boyfriend was 18, they lasted for 5 years. Nobody batted an eye. My high school sweetheart was 18, and I was 15. My parents loved him. We were together for 4 years.

    I think that it’s kinda dumb that 18 yr olds can’t date 16 or 17 yr olds, but the line has to be drawn somewhere.

    5 years? So she turned 18 and he was like "nah fuck that"?
  17. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
  18. S6x African Astronaut
    Originally posted by PrettyHateMachine

    Jezz.. It's the end of timez now. waiting for the hornz and 7th seal.
  19. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by S6x Jezz.. It's the end of timez now. waiting for the hornz and 7th seal.

    Humanity will die out with a whimper not a bang
  20. S6x African Astronaut
    Originally posted by PrettyHateMachine Humanity will die out with a whimper not a bang

    I'm pretty sure the whimpering will be more sounding than the largest bang recorded. People crying out in pain all over the world
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