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Fonaplats' Miracle Monday

  1. #81
    Get an iced coffee next time
  2. #82
    Originally posted by Fonaplats She already said she likes my hair cut.

    Take a creep photo of her and post it here for our enjoyment
  3. #83
    Nothing to do.
    They wanted me to train someone but the person is retarded and spits so I said fuck it and rolled my arms in grease and wiped it on my shirt.
    Now I'm walking around with a wrench and pretending I'm tightening stuff.
    I have no idea what I am doing or how they think I actually do anything here.
    Best job ever.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  4. #84
  5. #85
    My day is going ok.
    Not much to do but I have to keep an eye on the retard.
    He kept trying to bum money off people for the bus. I told him no.
    Then I catch him in the break room using the vending machine and he tells me his cousin brought him money.
    His cousin hasn't been here. I been watching him the whole fucking time.
    And this retard gets 10 inches in front of you face to face to talk. He gets right up behind you too.
    No respect for personal space.
    He is a liar, loser, and a retard.
    I told my supervisor I don't have the patience or will to deal with a 6'5" 280 retard who gets up close and personal to spit and talk about who the poor girl he is stalking won't talk to him.
    I had to relocate my wallet to my front pocket and now I got a screwdriver near by because this dude could fuck shit up and he is already spazzing out.
    Guess what nigga!
    I'm trained in martial arts and am a weapons expert so don't try to fuck me out bad news.

    Other than that and lying to you about being a Kung Foo panda my day is going great.

    We are running at less than 20% because we don't have enough people and the only other machines ready to run don't have materials.

    I'm just chilling in back and checking out girl butts while I scribble on a clipboard that isn't mine and has nothing on it but scrap paper from the trash can.

    My job kicks ass.
    These people think I'm cool and trust me.
    I like my coworkers just not the retarded ones.
  6. #86
    Stripper girl trying to hypnotise me with shoulder rubs and beautiful bouncy titties into doing her job.
    Guess what bitch!
    I'm 28, have had plenty of gross sex and my dick is scabby so do your damn job.
    I got cigarettes to smoke and naps to take.
    You are cute.
    Cute like a used wash cloth in an auto zone parking lot.
    Now get away from me bitch.
  7. #87
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Fonaplats Stripper girl trying to hypnotise me with shoulder rubs and beautiful bouncy titties into doing her job.
    Guess what bitch!
    I'm 28, have had plenty of gross sex and my dick is scabby so do your damn job.
    I got cigarettes to smoke and naps to take.
    You are cute.
    Cute like a used wash cloth in an auto zone parking lot.
    Now get away from me bitch.

    what are you wearing
  8. #88
    coolbreeze Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by infinityshock what are you wearing

    What are you wearing?
  9. #89
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by coolbreeze What are you wearing?

    im completely naked and about to fap to the first poster to post nude selfies
  10. #90
    Originally posted by infinityshock what are you wearing

    Brand new clothes that I had purposely smeared with grease and oil so it looked like whatever I was up to I was hard at work and if anyone thought for a second of asking if I needed help would quickly realize that the whatever I was doing was really dirty.
  11. #91
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Fonaplats Brand new clothes that I had purposely smeared with grease and oil so it looked like whatever I was up to I was hard at work and if anyone thought for a second of asking if I needed help would quickly realize that the whatever I was doing was really dirty.

    that is sexy
  12. #92
    If anyone was watching me on the cameras I will not have a job tomorrow because I did absolutely nothing except for smearing grease and oil on me and calling a retard a retard in front of my supervisor.
  13. #93
    infinityshock Black Hole
    what color panties are you wearing
  14. #94
    Originally posted by infinityshock what color panties are you wearing

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