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ATT: Risir

  1. #21
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby how can you afford it if you don't even have a job lol

    he has a job

    he sucks cock for pocket change

    you two should go into business together
  2. #22
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby how can you afford it if you don't even have a job lol

    He gets an allowance. Duhh..
  3. #23
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by -SpectraL He gets an allowance. Duhh..

    ahhh gotcha my bad.
  4. #24
    RisiR † 29 Autism
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby how can you afford it if you don't even have a job lol

    I used to have a job that paid very well + I sold drugs for over a decade. I got more money sitting on my ass than you do bydoing a half-assed, drunk and shitty job as a dish washer at the wiener palace.
  5. #25
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by RisiR † I used to have a job that paid very well + I sold drugs for over a decade. I got more money sitting on my ass than you do bydoing a half-assed, drunk and shitty job as a dish washer at the wiener palace.

    Hey I know you're a fag and you like wieners but you don't need to front to hang lil bromo. just tell the truth mmmmmmk?!
  6. #26
    RisiR † 29 Autism
    I could be a homeless nigger with AIDS and I could hang with you. No reason to front or flex. I'm just telling the truth. I'm better than you in every possible way.
  7. #27
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by RisiR † I could be a homeless nigger with AIDS and I could hang with you. No reason to front or flex. I'm just telling the truth. I'm better than you in every possible way.

    No you couldn't hang with me is you're a homeless nigger with aids because i don't hang around people like that. maybe you do in your backwards country but i sure as hell don't
  8. #28
    Do you people talk about anything besides sucking each other off?
  9. #29
    Originally posted by WellHung U two homos spit or swallow?

    They leave that up to you fag.
  10. #30
    hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by WellHung U two homos spit or swallow?

    We're not homos since well, I possess a cunt. Im actually married to another long time forum member too.

    Originally posted by RisiR † Yea, Benzos and various other substances. Thank you.

    I probably won't post pics. I don't do that, y'know. I've read that you aren't doing so good… that sucks. I hope the best for you.

    Well, hope it all works out. Benzo WDs are fucking awful, dude, hope you're not that bad or at least out of the woods as far as that goes. I am Assuming T-PAIN and other nootropics are the "other" drugs you need help with?

    As far as pics of your fishies... Meh, it was worth a try... But I understand, sweetie.

    Yeah, I haven't been doing so good. Doctors are pretty worried I'm gonna die because I won't accept blood... Meh, I don't feel lucky enough to die though. We will see though. Maybe my stubborn Irish/German blood Will kick the shit out of it and I'll pull around. Just one day at a time, I guess.
  11. #31
    RisiR † 29 Autism
    Just accept a blood transfusion you faggot. What's wrong with you?
  12. #32
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by RisiR † Just accept a blood transfusion you faggot. What's wrong with you?

    mormon convert?

    it's nowhere near the worst thing that's been inside her
  13. #33
    hit dat shit nigga
  14. #34
    WellHung Black Hole
    Originally posted by infinityshock i will fuck you in your face so hard the brain damage will let you spend the rest of your life in a home for retards

  15. #35
    WellHung Black Hole
    Originally posted by hydromorphone How you been doing, my big German bro?

    I feel like you need a hug.

    I've missed you, dude. Glad to see you back. So, what happened during your hiatus? Anything cool?

    Damn... there used to be a whole lot of chemistry between hydromorphone and risir... Or maybe there still is...😍🤩
  16. #36
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by RisiR † I used to have a job that paid very well + I sold drugs for over a decade. I got more money sitting on my ass than you do bydoing a half-assed, drunk and shitty job as a dish washer at the wiener palace.

    pretty sure you dont know where i work and what I do for work, you weiner head. nice try idiot.
  17. #37
    WellHung Black Hole
    Originally posted by infinityshock he has a job

    he sucks cock for pocket change

    you two should go into business together

  18. #38
    CandyRein Black Hole
    Stfu you drunk he’s sleep
  19. #39
    CandyRein Black Hole
    Matt going around stalking my mans name because begging his ex never gets him any play as usual

    Take your bitter loneliness to a quak
  20. #40
    WellHung Black Hole
    Hydromorphone and risir sitting in a tree...😀🙂
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