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ITT: Lanny apologizes to -SpectraL for years of administrative abuse

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Only weak, butthurt little bitches need a mod control panel to hold their own on a BBS.

    Nah nigga, nah dawg. It's just that your spiel is so transparent, you should consider yourself lucky you're not banned yet.
  2. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Butthurt little bitches can't handle the heat, so all they can is talk about banning the people who hand them their dumb asses. That's all they have. Weak little butthurt bitches.
  3. benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by Number13
    The Rules

    1. No content which will get Lanny arrested. - I'm not a lawyer so I don't really know what that boils down to but we're going to play it by ear. When the cops show up at my door or I wake up with a C&D notice in my mail I'm going to be mad. When I see things which will obviously land me in jail (like child porn) I'll delete it and ban the poster.

    2. No intentionally disrupting discussion. - This one is, admittedly, fuzzy. The site is here so people can have a place to talk about what they want to talk about. If you spam incoherent crap in a thread about something technical or specific then allowing that would just be defeating the point of the site. If you call someone a faggot for making a dumb thread, well that's probably alright. Listen, it's not a clear line when shitposting in good faith becomes intentional disruption but my pledge to you, gentle posters, is that I really don't care and will alway err on the site of not doing anything.

    the highlighted part.
  4. benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by Sophie Nah nigga, nah dawg. It's just that your spiel is so transparent, you should consider yourself lucky you're not banned yet.

    but this isnt about spectral ...

    this is about finny, and Bill Krozby before, and sploo before him, that got banned becos they addressed lanny in a way she did find favorable or to her likeness.

    this is about that.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  5. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Butthurt little bitches can't handle the heat, so all they can is talk about banning the people who hand them their dumb asses. That's all they have. Weak little butthurt bitches.

    Its just a couple little bans. A little HEAT. Why can't you hamdle dat fam?
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by benny vader but this isnt about spectral …

    this is about finny, and Bill Krozby before, and sploo before him, that got banned becos they addressed lanny in a way she did find favorable or to her likeness.

    this is about that.

    It is about Spectral because he doesn't care about people getting banned in all actuality. What he cares about is being a rabble-rouser
  7. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by Sophie It is about Spectral because he doesn't care about people getting banned in all actuality. What he cares about is being a rabble-rouser

    Spoken like a true butthurt little bitch.
  8. Originally posted by -SpectraL Spoken like a true butthurt little bitch.

    Dont talk to my woman like that!
  9. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by benny vader but this isnt about spectral …

    this is about finny, and Bill Krozby before, and sploo before him, that got banned becos they addressed lanny in a way she did find favorable or to her likeness.

    this is about that.

    Glad to see someone around here still has their eye on the ball.
  10. GasTheKikesRaceWarNow Houston [this unquestioningly unfrequented clast]
    Originally posted by benny vader this is about finny, and Bill Krozby before, and sploo before him, that got banned becos they addressed lanny in a way she did find favorable or to her likeness.

    this is about that.

    Lanny pays the bills around here. It's common sense to be nice to the person who pays the bills. It's not even like it is a matter of courtesy, if you come here and fuck things up for Lanny you are basically stealing from him and he/she is perfectly entitled to go psycho on your ass.

    Imagine having one of these posters as a house guest after seeing the way they act with Lanny.

    These are the sorts of fuckers who wipe their ass on your curtains, eat all your food, and insult your cooking.
  11. Originally posted by mmQ Its just a couple little bans. A little HEAT. Why can't you hamdle dat fam?

    Lol’d at “hamdle”
  12. No one ever pays me any attention. Someone please call me (937) 522-1751
  13. Why does everyone keep referring to Lanny as “she”. Does he actually want to become a transwoman?

    I’m cool with it, I just wanna know so that I gender him/her/xim/xe/etc correctly when speaking. I don’t want to offend anyone.

    Lanny settle this once and for all, what gender and sexual orientation do you identify with
  14. This is exactly what I mean!
  15. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by GasTheKikesRaceWarNow Lanny pays the bills around here. It's common sense to be nice to the person who pays the bills. It's not even like it is a matter of courtesy, if you come here and fuck things up for Lanny you are basically stealing from him and he/she is perfectly entitled to go psycho on your ass.

    Imagine having one of these posters as a house guest after seeing the way they act with Lanny.

    These are the sorts of fuckers who wipe their ass on your curtains, eat all your food, and insult your cooking.

    When you decide to open up a BBS to the public, you are agreeing to everything that goes with. You don't get to cry about it after and demand rights. An admin on a BBS should be held to the same standards and requirements as everyone else, otherwise the admin is just a lame, dime-a-dozen tyrant, which we thought we had gotten rid of, but which we still have, even at this late date. Another dime-a-dozen asshole who gets off on banning members for no good reason. Then he has the nerve to parade around like the hero of the story, while you weak bitches kiss his ass and prostrate yourselves. Well, you won't find me grovelling at his feet, that's for damn sure. I'll call a spade a spade whenever I see it, and I don't give two flying fucks who doesn't like it.
  16. benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by Sophie It is about Spectral because he doesn't care about people getting banned in all actuality. What he cares about is being a rabble-rouser


    its all about spectral becos you turned it into a thread about spectral.

    pay no attention to him, do not mention his name, do not address him, and focus on the victims of lannys rampant faggotry, and this thread will cease to be a spectral thread.

    threads are what we make of it.
  17. No one fucking cares about me!
  18. Originally posted by Fonaplats No one fucking cares about me!

    If you came here to find someone to care about you, you're on the wrong forum
  19. Lanny is a communist therefore he does not need to apologize for smacking you in the face and force redistributing your wealth because its for the good of the people.
  20. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    And just a little backstory on our old friend Lanny. This is a guy who pretended to be a girl on the Internet for years, because he couldn't resist bathing in the attention. The poster boy for attention-whore. But now he's here to lecture us all about attention-whoring. Classic shit right there, folks. And let's not forget how he put 30,000 infraction points on my Zoklet account, just to make sure it would take another mod literally hours to delete them all, even though I hadn't broken a single rule. So he ties mizled up for hours undoing his crybaby bullshit, then gets demodded and perma-banned by zok for it, of all people. Don't agree with someone's opinion on a BBS discussion platform? Hey, no problem! Just put 30,000 infraction points on their account to shut them up for good! But it didn't bother me near as much as it bothered his own peers. I know I'm not my username, and I was easily able to keep on posting every single day until Zoklet was shut down. He didn't do me any real damage, only himself. And now he's here doing the same thing, because why? Because he's got some more little mod buttons to play with.

    Isn't that special?
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