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ITT: Lanny apologizes to -SpectraL for years of administrative abuse

  1. Dammit speccy, I used to like you but this shit is getting insanely fucking old. If Lanny sucks so much please start your own forum

    It's free ya know
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by -SpectraL And just a little backstory on our old friend Lanny. This is a guy who pretended to be a girl on the Internet for years, because he couldn't resist bathing in the attention. The poster boy for attention-whore. But now he's here to lecture us all about attention-whoring. Classic shit right there, folks. And let's not forget how he put 30,000 infraction points on my Zoklet account, just to make sure it would take another mod literally hours to delete them all, even though I hadn't broken a single rule. So he ties mizled up for hours undoing his crybaby bullshit, then gets demodded and perma-banned by zok for it, of all people. Don't agree with someone's opinion on a BBS discussion platform? Hey, no problem! Just put 30,000 infraction points on their account to shut them up for good! But it didn't bother me near as much as it bothered his own peers. I know I'm not my username, and I was easily able to keep on posting every single day until Zoklet was shut down. He didn't do me any real damage, only himself. And now he's here doing the same thing, because why? Because he's got some more little mod buttons to play with.

    Isn't that special?

    lanny, how do you plea ???
  3. Also, anybody that treats somebody differently on the internet because they believe that that person is female deserves to get trolled to death
  4. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by benny vader lanny, how do you plea ???

    It's all true. He can't deny it. And who bans Finny?? Who bans Bill Krozby?? Only an attention-whoring little faggot of a crybaby would do something like that. If you want rules, make a rule that discussion threads shall not get shat in, then enforce the rule equally among everyone. No little games picking favorites, like our old friend Lanny likes to do. But I did a poll, and nobody cared if threads get shat in. So if nobody cares, why is Finny and Bill Krozby getting banned? Well, the answer is simple: our old friend Lanny here, with his little weak bitch sidekicks Zanick and psychomanthis, can't take the heat, and they need to resort to their weak-bitch tactics. All the while parading around under the Totse banner, no less.
  5. Originally posted by Juicebox Also, anybody that treats somebody differently on the internet because they believe that that person is female deserves to get trolled to death

  6. Number13 African Astronaut [dispute my snotty-nosed seagull]
    Originally posted by benny vader the highlighted part.

    Well it was and is disruptive seeing the same thing from him over and over and over, same as it is with Bill Krozby, there's so many threads that devolve in to those two bitching at eachother
  7. I actually miss finny, but there's no denying that he brought that shit on himself
  8. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by Number13 Well it was and is disruptive seeing the same thing from him over and over and over, same as it is with Bill Krozby, there's so many threads that devolve in to those two bitching at eachother

    That wouldn't have happened if our old friend Lanny here hadn't pissed him off by being openly arbitrary. It's not Finny's fault, it's Lanny's fault. Will he admit he fucked up and reverse the ban? Hell, no. Because weak bitches with ego issues don't correct bad behavior, they double down. That's why I'm here.
  9. Originally posted by -SpectraL That wouldn't have happened if our old friend Lanny here hadn't pissed him off by being openly arbitrary. It's not Finny's fault, it's Lanny's fault. Will he admit he fucked up and reverse the ban? Hell, no. Because weak bitches with ego issues don't correct bad behavior, they double down. That's why I'm here.

    You’re here because you’re a weak bitch with ego issues? Well shit at least you finally admitted it. Damn...
  10. benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by Number13 Well it was and is disruptive seeing the same thing from him over and over and over, same as it is with Bill Krozby, there's so many threads that devolve in to those two bitching at eachother

    thats only becos you have weak,

    weak attention span.

    tuff the fuck up or get the fuck off.
  11. benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by Juicebox I actually miss finny, but there's no denying that he brought that shit on himself

    just becos an animal cant think for itself doesnt mean we should think against it.
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Spoken like a true butthurt little bitch.

    Stop projecting. I'm just calling a spade, a spade.
  13. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by Fox Paws You’re here because you’re a weak bitch with ego issues? Well shit at least you finally admitted it. Damn…

    I'm here to treat the weak little bitches. You can call me, Doctor -SpectraL, if that makes things easier.
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by -SpectraL And just a little backstory on our old friend Lanny. This is a guy who pretended to be a girl on the Internet for years, because he couldn't resist bathing in the attention. The poster boy for attention-whore. But now he's here to lecture us all about attention-whoring. Classic shit right there, folks. And let's not forget how he put 30,000 infraction points on my Zoklet account, just to make sure it would take another mod literally hours to delete them all, even though I hadn't broken a single rule. So he ties mizled up for hours undoing his crybaby bullshit, then gets demodded and perma-banned by zok for it, of all people. Don't agree with someone's opinion on a BBS discussion platform? Hey, no problem! Just put 30,000 infraction points on their account to shut them up for good! But it didn't bother me near as much as it bothered his own peers. I know I'm not my username, and I was easily able to keep on posting every single day until Zoklet was shut down. He didn't do me any real damage, only himself. And now he's here doing the same thing, because why? Because he's got some more little mod buttons to play with.

    Isn't that special?

    That was a good joke actually, even though it sucked getting rid of all the infractions by hand. And it's funny you always mention mizled but fail to mention me, i spent an hour helping her. But i guess me doing something nice for you does not fit neatly in your narrative of "mod abuse".

  15. Originally posted by Sophie That was a good joke actually, even though it sucked getting rid of all the infractions by hand. And it's funny you always mention mizled but fail to mention me, i spent an hour helping her. But i guess me doing something nice for you does not fit neatly in your narrative of "mod abuse".


    Wait were you a mod? Actually who even were you on Zoklet lol
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Fox Paws Wait were you a mod? Actually who even were you on Zoklet lol

    Psycho motherfucking mantits.
  17. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    I had just resigned as mod of Bad Ideas, Suggestions, Halp!, and Pissing Each Other Off, the only mod in Totse/Zoklet history to mod four forums with no co-mods. So, of course, once I was a regular user, the vultures in the Fun Bunch, psycho included, just couldn't wait to get at my account. That's how they empower themselves, off the harassment and ridicule of others. Like emotional vampires that just suck the good things right out of anything they can get their grubby mitts on. It's all about them, not the best welfare of the community. And like I said before, that's why I'm here.
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Actually i gave Lanny 5 infraction points while he had his infraction script running and told him to shut it down lest he get another 5.

    But water under the bridge mayne.
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by -SpectraL I had just resigned as mod of Bad Ideas, Suggestions, Halp!, and Pissing Each Other Off, the only mod in Totse/Zoklet history to mod four forums with no co-mods. So, of course, once I was a regular user, the vultures in the Fun Bunch, psycho included, just couldn't wait to get at my account. That's how they empower themselves, off the harassment and ridicule of others. Like emotional vampires that just suck the good things right out of anything they can get their grubby mitts on. It's all about them, not the best welfare of the community. And like I said before, that's why I'm here.


    Nice hecker get btw.
  20. Imagine being 70 years old still complaining about mod abuse from years past on an internet forum with 20 users
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
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