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>philosophy major

  1. #81
    Originally posted by Zanick Yeah, reaching my 20's did a lot of what you described. I think we were similar in the sense that we didn't know how to actualize what we wanted for ourselves. As for Sploo, I think part of it is that he's young-ish, but I think he has some potent self-destructive tendencies that are holding him back. My experience has been that people who are used to academic underachievement often come to expect it of themselves, and I think Sploo is compensating for this perspective with the attitude we see here. At least he's trying to go the right direction, though. He has a lot of time to think about what he really wants, and I think he'll do it well.

    I agree. He's still young enough to change.

    I think there's an age where people probably won't change for their whole lives. Probably around 30 or so.
  2. #82
    Nil African Astronaut [the overexcited four-footed chanar]
    Originally posted by 杀死所有的白魔鬼 I think most people over the age of, say, 20 or so, would see sploo's attitude as completely immature. I mean, I've spent a lot of my life expecting to not amount to much, but at least I was ashamed of it enough to eventually do things to change it. Can't keep making up excuses and lies just so you can have this veil of complacency over your life. I don't believe any human can be happy just sitting around coasting through life. Comfortable, maybe.

    Succeeding at life? what a fucking joke! You guys shit on his choice of degree but if he's aiming at some run of the mill job having some bullshit credentials will put him ahead of most, that is unless everyone starts getting more bullshit credentials.

    This is like shitting on somebody in the 60's who decided to stop at highschool because it's all they needed, now to get some BS job that want a paper. that isn't even relevant half the time. School is just to socialize people, like dogs, then the treats come. Unless it's technical, thats knowledge.
  3. #83
    ...Has sploo ever had a job? Does he know what it means to work hard? Those are generally the things you need to do to advance in any career, and he certainly doesn't have the social skills to asskiss his way up the ladder.

    I don't think success is measured in money anyway. Though psychologically, money has a big effect on the psyche. It helps a lot to not have to worry about paying this bill or that bill. If you can achieve that, and your social relationships are well and good and fulfilled, then you are successful. Having actual goals helps too. Real goals. Not "I give up, so I guess I'll just get a bullshit bachelor's degree and work a mediocre job." Sploo doesn't know what it means to work a mediocre job.
  4. #84
    Originally posted by 杀死所有的白魔鬼 he certainly doesn't have the social skills to asskiss his way up the ladder.

    i bet you thats all ill do
  5. #85
    At this time, I encourage everybody to search for roshambo's posts on sploo's IRL behavior.
  6. #86
    hes a total asshole irl who was getting cracked out and aggressive
  7. #87
    You've also proven to be aggressive. Do you remember when you tried to stab your parents?
  8. #88
    i would never do something like that to my own parents
  9. #89
    don't make me use the wayback machine
  10. #90
    You sound like a police officer
  11. #91
    Philosophy is a good minor, only problem is academic philosophy is full of SJW MORALLY SUPERIOR BEINGs
  12. #92
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by lempoid loompus i chose liberal arts because its easy and bullshit

    going to college to learn something means you're a fucking retard. im a full autodidact for things that interest me. im just getting a degree because it looks good on job applications

    Lmao, do you honestly think a liberal arts degree is going to look good on your job applications? You might as well be majoring in women's studies.

    You do STEM if you want to have a degree that's worth anything, but i guess your IQ is too low to pursue anything STEM related.
  13. #93
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by 杀死所有的白魔鬼 You've also proven to be aggressive. Do you remember when you tried to stab your parents?

    he also stabbed a girl in his class with a pencil lol
  14. #94
    You all sound jealous.
  15. #95
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Something Squirrel You all sound jealous.

    I'm not jelly at all, especially considering I have acted out on my agression as well, just pointing out that sploo does that as well and he shouldn't knock maxheadroom like that because he's actually a pretty chill cat
  16. #96
    Zanick motherfucker [my p.a. supernal goa]
    Originally posted by inb4l0pht Philosophy is a good minor, only problem is academic philosophy is full of SJW MORALLY SUPERIOR BEINGs

    Not really, once you get past the intro courses. Mostly just a lot of nerds was my experience, but I'm sure this varies by school. Doesn't mean a philosophy minor isn't pretty worth it.
  17. #97
    Originally posted by Sophie Lmao, do you honestly think a liberal arts degree is going to look good on your job applications? You might as well be majoring in women's studies.

    You do STEM if you want to have a degree that's worth anything, but i guess your IQ is too low to pursue anything STEM related.

    It looks better than someone with no degree

    You are the epitome or a try hard and I am better than you
  18. #98
    Hey sophoe remember when you made that dumbass theory of grammar and I destroyed it in like 4 words
  19. #99
    Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by lempoid loompus Hey sophoe remember when you made that dumbass theory of grammar and I destroyed it in like 4 words

    Hey sploo remember that time you took a bunch of drugs and permanently made yourself retarded and continued to post on the internet as as crippled husk of your former self for years afterwards?
  20. hey remember when my iq is like 40 points above yours so i view you as a lesser being
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