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On my days off, I just sit on my computer masturbating to femdom all day.

  1. #1
    I only work like, 2 days a week too.
  2. #2
    This is one of those rare instances where I don't recommend doing meth.
  3. #3
    Masturbate to this guy's videos instead.

  4. #4
    lol, just make up any old bullshit about spiritualism and you can touch a girl's body.

    ...nyoh my god, I said that jokingly, but... that gives me a great idea.
  5. #5
    16:06 awww, her smile. That would make the whole job worth it for me.
  6. #6
    Wow I just said that nonjokingly, but I did just cum beforehand, so I have no sexual energy in me right now. That was pure Enter right there.
  7. #7
    I watched that whole half hour video. That asian man has inspired me. I want to become all spiritual and massage women for a living now.
  8. #8
    Obbe Alan What? [annoy my right-angled speediness]
    lol, just make up any old bullshit about spiritualism and you can touch a girl's body.

    I can confirm this, although it's also affected by the type of girl she is.
  9. #9
    I can confirm this, although it's also affected by the type of girl she is.

    Obbe, I'm giving you the spotlight for the first time ever. Don't mess this up.

    Details plz.
  10. #10
    Obbe Alan What? [annoy my right-angled speediness]
    Back in my day many young impressionable college aged women were seeking "the truth" or "higher knowledge", and with a little charisma and maybe a forked tongue you could convince them that you are the one man that can lead them to the mountain top. That's it. That's the hardest part. It is only human nature to hook up later on. If Charles Manson could do it, you can too, Enter.
  11. #11
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support

    The most beta of porn.
  12. #12
    This is one of those rare instances where I don't recommend doing meth.

    why's that? seems like the best time to do meth to me
  13. #13
    infinityshock Black Hole
    lol, just make up any old bullshit about spiritualism and you can touch a girl's body.

    or become a gynecologist and your can fuck them wantonly
  14. #14
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I always wonder what people mean when they say they 'sit around jacking off all day.' I mean, yeah, if you're on a quality stim I guess I get it, but it's usually just used in the context here, as in 'I'm lazy and bored, so I masturbate all day.' How does one do that? WHY does one do that? What do you really MEAN? If I jack of three times in a day (which is very, very rare), I feel extremely bored with the whole process. MAYBE once a day is enough for me, if that. After I get off, there's just no appeal any longer. Maybe I'm just looking at the phrase too literally. I don't know. Guess I'll go jack off now.
  15. #15
    why's that? seems like the best time to do meth to me

    You would get caught in a meth loop and never stop masturbating even while your work is calling to fire you and people are knocking at your door worried.
  16. #16
    I always wonder what people mean when they say they 'sit around jacking off all day.' I mean, yeah, if you're on a quality stim I guess I get it, but it's usually just used in the context here, as in 'I'm lazy and bored, so I masturbate all day.' How does one do that? WHY does one do that? What do you really MEAN? If I jack of three times in a day (which is very, very rare), I feel extremely bored with the whole process. MAYBE once a day is enough for me, if that. After I get off, there's just no appeal any longer. Maybe I'm just looking at the phrase too literally. I don't know. Guess I'll go jack off now.

    I edge (stop n go technique). So I literally masturbate for about 3 hours (no joke) before I cum. Then I wait half an hour and go again. I do this all day.
  17. #17
    I was gonna go outside today, even just to get food or something. But instead I'm here jackin off again lol. :(
  18. #18
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I was gonna go outside today, even just to get food or something. But instead I'm here jackin off again lol. :(

    You should go out and buy some heroin. You'll feel much better.
  19. #19
    I see you took my advice, Enter. Well done.

    Remember the guy on zoklet that said, "go see a dominatrix, she'll teach you why you should respect women"?

    That was me.
  20. #20

    The most beta of porn.

    4chan isn't a secret club breh

    But, honestly, as someone who's into that sort of thing, i don't see how anyone can watch Femdom porn. It just doesn't feel right...somehow
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