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On my days off, I just sit on my computer masturbating to femdom all day.

  1. #21
    Femdom videos don't do much for me. I hate "porn" in general because it's so fake. I usually masturbate to stories, images, or scenes from tv/movies.
  2. #22
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I edge (stop n go technique). So I literally masturbate for about 3 hours (no joke) before I cum. Then I wait half an hour and go again. I do this all day.

    I can't do that. I've heard it called stalling, and I'm familiar with the practice, but I can only 'stall' like once, if I'm lucky. I guess it takes practice. When I'm ready to blow, I'm ready to blow. Stopping, stalling, edging, whatever... I can't fucking do it. It actually HURTS to try and stop, and it pisses me off having to start over. I tend to look at jacking off as more of a chore than I do a pleasure activity, so maybe that's it, so 'edging' to me is like me taking the garbage out, and then just stopping in front of the dumpster and walking back to my apartment with my garbage bag and then walking back to the dumpster again. Except it's worse than that. It's like... driving to get groceries, and getting there with my list in hand, and then driving home to add one more thing to the list and then driving back to the grocery. I just want to get my groceries and be done with it. :)
  3. #23
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    4chan isn't a secret club breh

    But, honestly, as someone who's into that sort of thing, i don't see how anyone can watch Femdom porn. It just doesn't feel right…somehow

    I don't go to 4chan, i go to
  4. #24
    This whole thread is

  5. #25
    Wow. That's a little negative.

    Can we bring some positive energy back into the thread please?
  6. #26
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Hitler was beta as fuck.
  7. #27
    I could choke all of you faggots with a single arm to death and I'm into femdom so... bring it pedo homos.
  8. #28
    And femdom is far less beta than cuckoldry.
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