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We have a moral obligation to stop eating meat

  1. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by benny vader size increment is analog so it depends on at which point in their development you based your observation on.

    if they hadnt grew to their maximum genetical limit before the introduction of ''improved diet'' …. yes, you will see some increment in their size and stature.

    if however … they had already hit the maximum size their gene will allow them to grow up to, then introducing ''improved diet'' into their lives will make no differences whatsoever.

    no, you said people from country with better and higher ''quality diet'' win more olympic medals.

    this is simple not true if you think about how many medals had soviet union, suisseland and or iceland won.

    everything revolves around niggers. especially with you.

    so now your saying that the jedis are actually NOT working on secret pogroms to systematically reduce the population of the planet ….

    merely tip the scale in favor of their favored … sub-specieses.

    like Bill Krozby ??? and making the likes of him and hydro reproduce more than the rest of the population to the multitude of sands ???

    stop being a fucking idiot. youre not even being plausible now. its common sense to have the metric of pre-high-calorie diet. its also common sense to realize that regardless of other factors if dietary needs are not met growth of all types will be retarded. you yourself must be retarded because ive already stated that studies prove that a higher organism will adapt to its natural environment to make it the most effective organism possible. if that involves a low-calorie starvation diet the organism will maintain a small, low-energy structure more readily able to sustain itself. if that involves a high-calorie, high-quality diet the organism will maintain a large-build, high-energy structure that more effectively uses...and even wastes...calories. (ie, the human brain being a phenomenal caloric-sink...expending energy requirements several orders of magnitude more wasteful than any other organism)

    you fucking retard...theyre all first-world nations with more than sufficient capability to supply quality calorie quantities to their populations. you want to have some fun...go check out zimbabwe and their olympic standings. for even more fun...check out how that festering nigger shithole managed to win any metals at all. (80s olympics dont count) make sure to keep your thumb poised right at the entry of your anus for when you discover all the wonderment that is the nigger.

    the only thing that revolves around niggers is the noose around their neck

    the results are one in the same, retard. try reading what you type.
  2. benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by infinityshock studies prove that a higher organism will adapt to its natural environment to make it the most effective organism possible. if that involves a low-calorie starvation diet the organism will maintain a small, low-energy structure more readily able to sustain itself. if that involves a high-calorie, high-quality diet the organism will maintain a large-build, high-energy structure that more effectively uses…and even wastes…calories.

    if this is true the switzerlandicks would be giants by now capable of constructing stonehenge with their bare hands.

    200+ years of unbroken ''high-quality'' diet and their not even country with the highest average population height.
  3. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by benny vader if this is true the switzerlandicks would be giants by now capable of constructing stonehenge with their bare hands.

    200+ years of unbroken ''high-quality'' diet and their not even country with the highest average population height.

    200 years.

    youre an idiot.

    evolution in the human organism is measured in millenia. not decades.

  4. benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by infinityshock 200 years.

    youre an idiot.

    evolution in the human organism is measured in millenia. not decades.


    its been 70~ years since WW2 and how much did you say had the average heights of the japanese and south koreans increased ???
  5. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by benny vader its been 70~ years since WW2 and how much did you say had the average heights of the japanese and south koreans increased ???

    i didnt.

    use the pacific islanders as another example.
  6. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by infinityshock stop being a fucking idiot. youre not even being plausible now. its common sense to have the metric of pre-high-calorie diet. its also common sense to realize that regardless of other factors if dietary needs are not met growth of all types will be retarded. you yourself must be retarded because ive already stated that studies prove that a higher organism will adapt to its natural environment to make it the most effective organism possible. if that involves a low-calorie starvation diet the organism will maintain a small, low-energy structure more readily able to sustain itself. if that involves a high-calorie, high-quality diet the organism will maintain a large-build, high-energy structure that more effectively uses…and even wastes…calories. (ie, the human brain being a phenomenal caloric-sink…expending energy requirements several orders of magnitude more wasteful than any other organism)

    you fucking retard…theyre all first-world nations with more than sufficient capability to supply quality calorie quantities to their populations. you want to have some fun…go check out zimbabwe and their olympic standings. for even more fun…check out how that festering nigger shithole managed to win any metals at all. (80s olympics dont count) make sure to keep your thumb poised right at the entry of your anus for when you discover all the wonderment that is the nigger.

    the only thing that revolves around niggers is the noose around their neck

    the results are one in the same, retard. try reading what you type.

    so why so many ephiopians and nigerians win so many marathons then?

  7. Zanick motherfucker [my p.a. supernal goa]
    Originally posted by NARCassist no i'm just fine with the whole process of how that meat got to my plate. its not like i'm eating meat in some kind of ignorance of the fact that an animal was farmed and slaughtered to get it there. i just object to mugs who try to impose their faggy ideals on me like they think they are somehow superior or that they assume i'm ignorant and retarded. i find that fucking patronizing tbh, just like when religious idiots come at me with the assumption that i lack the mental intelligence to decide what i believe about the whole universe and creation and so i need them to fill me in. its fucking laughable i know, but it is also insulting my intelligence.


    I don't believe anybody is any better or worse by virtue of what they put in their bodies. It's a personal choice, I'm not your gay ass teacher, or your nutritionist or your priest. My point, though, is that some but not all people who eat meat are somehow totally disturbed when a soy product is brought into the same room. Perhaps this doesn't describe you, but I have come across many omnivores in the past who seem threatened by just the idea that someone has a different idea on how and what to eat.

    For example, I dated a girl whose mother just couldn't stand my decision not to eat meat. Every time she was cooking meat, she'd bring it over to have me smell it and then sit down to explain to me how that diet just isn't suitable for a young man, how she wouldn't tolerate her daughter being exposed to it. I don't even know how she found out I'm a vegetarian, because I sure as hell knew better than to tell her.

    It's really not a veggie/omni thing, though. There are plenty of people who take it personally when someone holds an opinion contrary to those that have informed their own decisions, even if they haven't made a case of it before. Vegetarians just happen to be more vulnerable to these kinds of people, being that our moral choices are quickly made evident over a meal.
  8. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Zanick I don't believe anybody is any better or worse by virtue of what they put in their bodies. It's a personal choice, I'm not your gay ass teacher, or your nutritionist or your priest. My point, though, is that some but not all people who eat meat are somehow totally disturbed when a soy product is brought into the same room. Perhaps this doesn't describe you, but I have come across many omnivores in the past who seem threatened by just the idea that someone has a different idea on how and what to eat.

    For example, I dated a girl whose mother just couldn't stand my decision not to eat meat. Every time she was cooking meat, she'd bring it over to have me smell it and then sit down to explain to me how that diet just isn't suitable for a young man, how she wouldn't tolerate her daughter being exposed to it. I don't even know how she found out I'm a vegetarian, because I sure as hell knew better than to tell her.

    It's really not a veggie/omni thing, though. There are plenty of people who take it personally when someone holds an opinion contrary to those that have informed their own decisions, even if they haven't made a case of it before. Vegetarians just happen to be more vulnerable to these kinds of people, being that our moral choices are quickly made evident over a meal.

    veggies have this tendency to preach and attempt to impose their ideals on others tho, just like the religious idiots. they seem to think that because it suits them personally then the whole fucking world has to drop what they and their forefathers have been doing forever and comply with what they think. it just doesn't work like that, whether they like it or not.

  9. Zanick motherfucker [my p.a. supernal goa]
    Originally posted by NARCassist veggies have this tendency to preach and attempt to impose their ideals on others tho, just like the religious idiots. they seem to think that because it suits them personally then the whole fucking world has to drop what they and their forefathers have been doing forever and comply with what they think. it just doesn't work like that, whether they like it or not.


    See, that's the problem I'm trying to make clear to you: we get more trouble for being vegetarian than you do for eating meat. It's not even close. If you're curious about why that is, I could literally write you a book on why the decision to eliminate your meat intake is going to socially impair you in the West. Furthermore, we have no legislative foothold, so we can't actually make you do anything. We have very little influence in the world, so sometimes we do have to get a bit loud if we want to be heard.

    I suspect you're annoyed by all of this morality because you refuse to examine your own moral values. There's nothing inherently wrong with that; you've been clear that you don't have room for moralistic changes right now. I get it, I'm not an evangelist and you don't need to mount an assault on my ideology to protect yourself. But we are here to argue, aren't we? Argue with our philosophical ideas, not the disposition of our younger peers.
  10. Originally posted by NARCassist so why so many ephiopians and nigerians win so many marathons then?

    Nigerians don't win marathons. You're thinking of Kenyans.

    Let me rant for a minute. Nigerians are, in my opinion, the laziest fuckers on planet earth. My ex was a Nigerian, and even though she had a swanky job she was just useless. She wouldn't even walk out on a pier in Dun Laoighre. Once I texed her from on top of a mountain, and she was all like "why didn't you invite me", and I was just like "cos your feet would be hurtin and you wouldn't have climbed it".

    Goddam. So fucking lazy, but so eager to try to associate herself with the people who went out and actually did shit.

    At least Kenyans aren't like that.
  11. Originally posted by Issue313 Nigerians don't win marathons. You're thinking of Kenyans.

    Let me rant for a minute. Nigerians are, in my opinion, the laziest fuckers on planet earth. My ex was a Nigerian, and even though she had a swanky job she was just useless. She wouldn't even walk out on a pier in Dun Laoighre. Once I texed her from on top of a mountain, and she was all like "why didn't you invite me", and I was just like "cos your feet would be hurtin and you wouldn't have climbed it".

    Goddam. So fucking lazy, but so eager to try to associate herself with the people who went out and actually did shit.

    At least Kenyans aren't like that.

    Tutorial: how not to sample a population
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  12. HTS highlight reel
    Originally posted by Jeremus Tutorial: how not to sample a population

    Nigerians are Niggiest of the Nigs though.
  13. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Nigger and retard cock/ass ist so why so many ephiopians and nigerians win so many marathons then?

    because your mom. now stfu and be a good handsome and well tanned individual.
  14. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by HTS Nigerians are Niggiest of the Nigs though.

    nigger/hitler was right

    nigger/hitler was right
  15. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Issue313 Nigerians don't win marathons. You're thinking of Kenyans.

    Let me rant for a minute. Nigerians are, in my opinion, the laziest fuckers on planet earth. My ex was a Nigerian, and even though she had a swanky job she was just useless. She wouldn't even walk out on a pier in Dun Laoighre. Once I texed her from on top of a mountain, and she was all like "why didn't you invite me", and I was just like "cos your feet would be hurtin and you wouldn't have climbed it".

    Goddam. So fucking lazy, but so eager to try to associate herself with the people who went out and actually did shit.

    At least Kenyans aren't like that.

    nigger/hitler was right
  16. benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by infinityshock how the shit do you think you can be a WN when youre a miscegenist. a nigger miscegenist no less

    arent you yourself a produit de miscegenacion ????
  17. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by benny vader arent you yourself a produit de miscegenacion ????

    you illiterate fucking retard...ive repeatedly stated the entirety of my ancestral heritage is completely white. german, russian, and irish.
  18. benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by infinityshock you illiterate fucking retard…ive repeatedly stated the entirety of my ancestral heritage is completely white. german, russian, and irish.

    russian untermenschen arent white and irishes are mere niggers in white skin.

    can you name me some of them great irish philosophers, asstronomers, mathematicians .... physicists etc etc etc ???

    and dont you ever forget what thy fuhrer said about the russian untermenschens.

    your the product of abominable miscegenation, your only option is to embrace diversity and accept the overlordship of world jediry.

    juden uber alle.
  19. Originally posted by infinityshock how the shit do you think you can be a WN when youre a miscegenist. a nigger miscegenist no less

    When did I say I was WN?

    Just cos I am not afraid to real-talk everyone thinks I must be some sort of Ben Garrison or something.
  20. benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    lol @ lanny and her commu-socialist vord filtration technology.
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