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We have a moral obligation to stop eating meat

  1. Zanick motherfucker [my p.a. supernal goa]
    Originally posted by Lanny See that's why it's worth bringing it up. There is no line you can draw that makes one of these practices "natural" and the other "unnatural" nor is the naturalness of a practice any guarantee of ecological safety (we've managed cause plenty of ecological disaster without GMO crops) or the unnaturalness an indictment of a crops viability, nutritional value, or ecological safety.

    Quoted, just so infinityduck can read once more how he struggles with the naturalistic fallacy.
  2. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Zanick Do you really think unflavored whey is so great? Try adding a fucking banana before you murder a living thing you pussy.

    you could flavor it with the girl juice of a dozen blonde haired virgins and it would still be like chewing fucking rubber.

  3. Zanick motherfucker [my p.a. supernal goa]
    Originally posted by NARCassist you could flavor it with the girl juice of a dozen blonde haired virgins and it would still be like chewing fucking rubber.

    Wait, are you talking about tofu? I'm talking about soy protein isolate. Sorry I called you a pussy. Personally, I like tofu, though I don't eat it because there's no great reason for vegetarians to eat it other than as a meat substitute.
  4. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Zanick Wait, are you talking about tofu? I'm talking about soy protein isolate. Sorry I called you a pussy. Personally, I like tofu, though I don't eat it because there's no great reason for vegetarians to eat it other than as a meat substitute.

    no i'm talking about soy protein, i've tried those vegetarian meat substitute things made with soy protein and they are fucking awful. i mean they don't actually taste bad or anything but they are like eating rubber. that quorn shit is exactly the same. and there is no fucking way i'd even put that ghastly looking tofu shit anywhere near my mouth. i wouldn't even put it in your mouth zanick, out of pure mutual respect for another human being.

  5. Originally posted by Lanny wrong

    If you'd like you change your position by admitting being a GM crop does not make soy a "shit protein" and would like to go back to discussing the nutritional value of soy, we can do that, but I don't think you're going to have any better luck there bud.

    wut? Every human genetic sequence is unique too, that doesn't mean each new person born is a pending ecological disaster. The fact remains that the average time between the start of a GM crop's development and it being farmed is over a decade of development and testing.

    So what you're saying is that I'm a pseudo-intellectual because because of the way I write and because you think my positions are "fucking retarded". Are you the arbiter or "fucking retardedness"? Do you decide which words are "big" and which sentences are "convoluted"?

    You're accusing me pretending to be something but can't point to a single place where I claim to be that thing. Instead you're convinced I'm a "pseudointellectual" because of some gestalt impression that I have no possible way of responding to.

    I don't really know what "twisting" I've done here. Infinityshock has repeatedly claimed, though a haze of homoerotic insults, that I've misinterpreted what he said, and in each case I've taken his clarification over what seemed to be a pretty natural interpretation of his previous comment.

    I never said anyone was talking about selective breeding. The point I was making was that if you want to criticize modern genetic engineering you can't just do it by saying "GM is bad" or "GM is unnatural". You have to pick out some particular issue with it, like say that GM soy was poorly tested (it wasn't). Now I think you actually can do this, I'm certainly not trying to defend Monsanto's business practices, but that's a more nuanced argument to make, especially now that there are viable alternatives to Monsanto's product.

    Ok but what does gestalt mean.
  6. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by Fox Paws Ok but what does gestalt mean.

    I don't know dude, it's got seven letters. Probably some big pseudo intellectual word

    edit: tfw you don't know how many letters are in the word "gestalt"
  7. Zanick motherfucker [my p.a. supernal goa]
    Originally posted by NARCassist no i'm talking about soy protein, i've tried those vegetarian meat substitute things made with soy protein and they are fucking awful. i mean they don't actually taste bad or anything but they are like eating rubber. that quorn shit is exactly the same. and there is no fucking way i'd even put that ghastly looking tofu shit anywhere near my mouth. i wouldn't even put it in your mouth zanick, out of pure mutual respect for another human being.

    Yeah I'm familiar with the shit you're talking about and it ranges from pretty bad to pretty good. There are veggie burgers in the frozen aisle that I could recommend you if that's something you're looking for, but aside from tofu, most of the meat substitutes in the deli section of grocery stores are intolerable. Maybe that's just in the midwest, though. I imagine somewhere where there weather is nice and there are lots of hipsters that I'd find a better vegetarian 'meat' option.
  8. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    german i think, something to do with organization or something or other, like some certain style of organizing shit, iirc.

  9. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Zanick Yeah I'm familiar with the shit you're talking about and it ranges from pretty bad to pretty good. There are veggie burgers in the frozen aisle that I could recommend you if that's something you're looking for, but aside from tofu, most of the meat substitutes in the deli section of grocery stores are intolerable. Maybe that's just in the midwest, though. I imagine somewhere where there weather is nice and there are lots of hipsters that I'd find a better vegetarian 'meat' option.

    no, i'm absolutely not looking for that at all, so don't even bother. you eat them, i'm a meat eater for life and nothing you fags ever said could possibly convince me otherwise. ok?

  10. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Zanick Yeah I'm familiar with the shit you're talking about and it ranges from pretty bad to pretty good. There are veggie burgers in the frozen aisle that I could recommend you if that's something you're looking for, but aside from tofu, most of the meat substitutes in the deli section of grocery stores are intolerable. Maybe that's just in the midwest, though. I imagine somewhere where there weather is nice and there are lots of hipsters that I'd find a better vegetarian 'meat' option.

    see that's what i don't get about veggies. they give up eating meat through choice, fair enough, but then set about trying to make meat substitutes out of vegetation and shit. that don't make any sense to me, if you want to only eat fruit and veg then just eat fruit and veg, simple. there's plenty of fucking varieties out there ffs.


  11. Zanick motherfucker [my p.a. supernal goa]
    Originally posted by NARCassist no, i'm absolutely not looking for that at all, so don't even bother. you eat them, i'm a meat eater for life and nothing you fags ever said could possibly convince me otherwise. ok?

    Just an offer. Omnivores can be so sensitive about their diets, lol. It's like I'm trying to fuck you or something.
  12. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by nigger and retard cock/ass ist yeah i've noticed that with lanny

    its a shame you didnt notice that nigger plowing your shit chute last night while you were passed out drunk
  13. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Zanick Just an offer. Omnivores can be so sensitive about their diets, lol. It's like I'm trying to fuck you or something.

    no i'm just fine with the whole process of how that meat got to my plate. its not like i'm eating meat in some kind of ignorance of the fact that an animal was farmed and slaughtered to get it there. i just object to mugs who try to impose their faggy ideals on me like they think they are somehow superior or that they assume i'm ignorant and retarded. i find that fucking patronizing tbh, just like when religious idiots come at me with the assumption that i lack the mental intelligence to decide what i believe about the whole universe and creation and so i need them to fill me in. its fucking laughable i know, but it is also insulting my intelligence.

  14. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by infinityshock its a shame you didnt notice that nigger plowing your shit chute last night while you were passed out drunk

    you know i don't drink alcohol right? well obviously not, lol. whatever jill.

  15. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by nigger and retard cock/ass ist you know i don't drink alcohol right? well obviously not, lol. whatever jill

    the nigger roofied his cum before you swallowed, you dumb darkie
  16. Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Numbers are building rapidly for the Anti-Lanny Army. We shall amass legions.

    *rubs hands together slowly*

    someone being disliked ≠ you being liked
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  17. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by infinityshock the nigger roofied his cum before you swallowed, you dumb darkie

    the usual boring shite then jill?

  18. Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING

    Originally posted by Lanny bitch

    Originally posted by Lanny What do you think "pseudointellectual" means?

    Originally posted by Speedy Parker You are the embodiment of the word. Your try hard approach to intellectual matters with a handful of degenerate users to elevate your status in this pathetic collection of humans is the very essence of pseudointellectual behavior.
  19. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by nigger and retard cock/ass ist the usual boring shite then jill
  20. benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by infinityshock that gibbering is irrelevant and your observational skills are Bill Krozby-tier tarded. im not talking about different subspecies…im saying that if a population is fed an improved diet over what they were previously their size will increase. you might as well quit arguing that since its been scientifically proven in several papers.

    size increment is analog so it depends on at which point in their development you based your observation on.

    if they hadnt grew to their maximum genetical limit before the introduction of ''improved diet'' .... yes, you will see some increment in their size and stature.

    if however ... they had already hit the maximum size their gene will allow them to grow up to, then introducing ''improved diet'' into their lives will make no differences whatsoever.

    youre confusing causation for correlation. i didnt say anything about specific, localized focus on well-nourished individuals. i said the whole population.

    no, you said people from country with better and higher ''quality diet'' win more olympic medals.

    this is simple not true if you think about how many medals had soviet union, suisseland and or iceland won.

    who gives a fuck about niggers…youre the one that brought them up in the first place. it doesnt change the accuracy of my statement

    everything revolves around niggers. especially with you.

    Bill Krozby is immune to it because he is exactly what theyre trying to create: a drug-addicted, sub-bottomfag, homosexual, inept, retarded, high-estrogen, zero-motivation, handsome and well tanned individual

    so now your saying that the jedis are actually NOT working on secret pogroms to systematically reduce the population of the planet ....

    merely tip the scale in favor of their favored ... sub-specieses.

    like Bill Krozby ??? and making the likes of him and hydro reproduce more than the rest of the population to the multitude of sands ???
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