you need to learn the specifics of your local laws and ordinances...and 'policies' of the prosecutors in your area. were you on private property? if so, did anyone tell you to leave? you have 4th amendment rights and 'ossifer safetee' doesn't include going thru personal electronic devices. a physical search, MAYbe depending on how sketchy you were being. if they found ANYthing on you that wasn't a controlled substance and you invoke religious's game over for any admissible evidence, much less harassing you over it. sounds like it's time for some local businesses to have a few 'acts of god' take place. electrical service lines that mysteriously separate from each other at 3am? large solid objects magically flying through 'spensive plate glass windows. whoda thunk it. yea...that shit happenz.
yeah I've always hated cops, it seems like some might want to do the right thing but they are pussys that don't want their asses busted, and some are just down right faggots. just tonight, I had another idiot come into the shop, and my manager knows about what happened to me the other night when he was off, this guy and his gay boi said they would call the cops for us because the guy was causing a ruckus and evidently grabbed money out of our tip jar, I told him to not do that, we both grabbed the guy and threw him out, later I was going to my car and I saw him eating something out of a plate and i slapped it out of his hand and told him "sorry faggot" i admit I was kind of drunk at the time but at the same time I'm tired of dealing with idiots and I hate the cops how they run things downtown just in general.
I was stopped by the pigs 6 months ago while heading out of town to see a friend , and I was almost to her house, I turned right in front of a pig (I was aware of his prescence) I just didnt swing in front of him . he ent up following me, then he left me alone, then he found me again and told me I didn't use a turn signal , which is bull shit and thats the second time I've had that happen to me. He wrote me a warning and asked if he could search my car. I told him no and he got all weird about it and started telling me how im acting strange and why shouldn't he search my car. I told him, "because it's cold outside and I'm trying to make my way to my friends place, you're being an inconvenience"
He went back to his car and 5 minutes later he was like "well you know its your right to refuse a search, you can go"
unfortunately mr happy, what sucks about being homeless (ive been homeless a couple times) is the cops want all of the homeless to be in one spot. Both employers and the cops will discriminate against anyone trying to do their own thing. When I was 19 I was homeless, I had a job, and my employer made a big deal about me bringing my back pack to work, it was all of my belongings. It was just a back pack, But they could tell I was homeless, my mom picked me up a couple times from downtown and took me to work, and she would just tell me that she had to go through the same thing, I would go to my church that I was baptized at to go sleep with the other homeless people and my pastor wouldnt let me sleep there because he said I was a liability.. (my parents probably told him to not help me, and my pastor claimed to have been a former druggy on the streets)
I went to the homeless shelter and I hated everyone that was there, I left after 20 minutes and slept by the river, I came back the next day after work to eat and they told me I was to late, they didn't care that I was 18 and had a job and was homeless. I ent up a couple weeks
inb4 lanny starts talking about liking the police and how he attempted to stop a "mugging" and got laughed at. fucking candy ass.