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San Jose

  1. #21
    RestStop Space Nigga
    Originally posted by A College Professor not trying to nitpick , I haven't actually gained employment out here yet so I can't say you are wrong. Just thought it might be misleading because personally I have misplaced my SS card and have been able to gain employment in other states without it using other documents.

    How did you move out there without employment? Not doubting your story just curious.
  2. #22
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 When I was a kid, most single moms on Welfare were straight up White. Not Black. Not Hispanic. Not Asian.

    Now it might be true that Most are black, today.. but many are white. And in the early 2k it was abused like never before. People with EBC taking trips on planes and using them for the fare. Including to Hawaii.

    youre a nigger. stfu.

    back when the economy crashed, the county i live in consolidated all the service functions into one building. tax collecting...DMV (licenses, tags)...getting hunting, fishing, etc licenses, general paperwork shit like assorted county permits, stuff for boats, welfare, etc. the EBT sign-up place is down the hall from the DMV part and every time i walk passed it the place is overflowed with niggers and spics with dozens of handsome and well tanned individuals to maybe 3 or 4 whites. considering this county is about 13% nigger...that shows the ratio of welfare recipients.
  3. #23
    Originally posted by A College Professor I think you mean that you need a valid social security number. AFAIK you don't have to have the card itself, unless California is different than every other state that is satisfied by any of the other IRS I-9 documents.

    ie you need a real number that is yours, but to prove you are real and eligible for work you could present a drivers license and birth certificate.

    Well, yes, you are correct. You can bring in an ID with a tax statement as such. yet when I was younger, that is what they requested. It's been a law for decades and not just recently.

    Either a work permit/visa or some document like that tax form or the SSID itself.
  4. #24
    Originally posted by A College Professor not trying to nitpick , I haven't actually gained employment out here yet so I can't say you are wrong. Just thought it might be misleading because personally I have misplaced my SS card and have been able to gain employment in other states without it using other documents.

    I used to use the stub attached for the first few decades. and one day, (Under Bush Sr I believe) they said "You can no longer use that stub" (which had the SS number on it)

    So I had to order a new one.

    Also, man they're making it real difficult. "Real ID". You can't go to a FBI or or some other government office to make a complaint (say against another agency or police agency in which you feel won't listen to your complaint, or something that crossed state borders) without a Real ID. You can't fly locally in states without this new Real ID.

    Just another mother fucking document I have to get. I was going to travel to Canada with my girlfriend to BC. and I was kind of upset I needed a Passport which I have never had. Now you need this fucking thing. And I believe it is needed for Employment.

    You don't need to to go to a court hearing nor jury duty or go to a DMV (Yet) but you need it for everything else.

    I thought our forefathers wrote something into the declarations of Independence or an amendment thereof that we could move freely without documents?
  5. #25
    Originally posted by RestStop How did you move out there without employment? Not doubting your story just curious.
    I had some savings and no major bills.
    Quit my job and drove my vAn , took maybe 170 gallons of gasoline to reach destination.
  6. #26
    benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 When I was a kid, most single moms on Welfare were straight up White. Not Black. Not Hispanic. Not Asian.

    maybe thats becos your color blind.

    lets test your eyes :

    do you see non-whites among these pictures ???
  7. #27
    A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
  8. #28
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by A College Professor do you think if i scrub brush coffee onto my flesh twice a day I will become more mocha and beautiful?

    you have to swim around in human excrement for several hours a day to accomplish that
  9. #29
    A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
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