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  1. #1
    I'm not sure how I feel about them. Specifically romantic ones. When I was a teenager I was emotionally stunted and unable to really deal with that sort of thing on the level that my peers seemed to be able to. I got attached too easily and wasn't able to think for myself enough and as a result I got fucked up and betrayed basically every time.

    Then later in life I realized that relationships always seem to have some sort of power dynamic in them. One person is usually dominant, and if it's not you, you're the one being taken advantage of. People who you thought were close to you will lie to your face and put on huge dramatics about the shit you've done when it turns out later they were hiding shit that was 10 times worse. It all seems like a ploy of control to me. If you can cheat and get away with it you can prop up your ego. If you can hurt the person in any way and get away with it you are furthering your dominance over them and they are becoming increasingly submissive to you.

    I can see that obviously not all relationships are like this. A lot of people get married with the goal of "settling down", having kids and all that, and I think that vision can sort of propel them to work together to complete that goal. But if one believes that goal isn't worthy in the first place, if there is no higher goal to base it on, people's shitty personality flaws and insecurities come out in ways that hurt your partner.

    It feels like another addiction. People need validation because they are confused or scared because we all just popped into existence one day, and they get it from another person. They can inflict their pain on this person and vice versa. And their minds become intertwined after this goes on for some time. When you spend so much time with someone else, and you have to get their opinion on things (either menial like "where do you want to eat tonight?" or whether you are discussing the meaning of life, your opinions and personalities will naturally converge.

    Then when people break up, it's painful to lose that part of yourself. You have to create part of yourself again. But why give it up in the first place? For sex? Sex is fun but it's also boring. It's a fruitless endeavor. I'm not saying it's bad or that I don't enjoy it, but fucking a girl, even if she's super hot doesn't necessarily bring me much validation beyond the point that I've came.

    I guess if you have two people who truly love each other, it can be good. I kind of doubt that exists though, or if it does I think it is rare. Other than that, it seems to me to be that the best way to live would be to only have confidence in yourself and your life, and to put very little stock or hope into developing meaningful relationships.
  2. #2
    RestStop Space Nigga
    I've found that being in a relationship usually entails having to deal with other people's problems/drama and bullshit. NoThxJeff.
  3. #3
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by RestStop I've found that being in a relationship usually entails having to deal with other people's problems/drama and bullshit. NoThxJeff.

    this usually.. my ex gf (the one that would talk shit about me on zoklet i choked out ect..) had a lot of problems I did as and still do and we made our problems each other problems and there was so much back and forth bullshit.
    But because of all the shit I had to go through I feel as though I look at things a different way.

    The girl I've been seeing for the last almost 8 months or so is quite a bit younger than me but she seems to have a good head on her shoulders and she's never acted crazy or anything (yet...) and while I she feel like shes very different than me as far as hobbies / interest we get a long pretty well, and I haven't had any weird drama with her friends or family hating me.

    we really only had i guess one "argument" if you can even call it that, and it was due to some miscommunication, I tried to hold back acting like an insane prick as much as I could but I still said a couple of things that I had regret. I didn't talk to her for a few days and ent up apologizing to her and that was that.
  4. #4
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by greenplastic Then when people break up, it's painful to lose that part of yourself. You have to create part of yourself again. But why give it up in the first place? For sex? Sex is fun but it's also boring. It's a fruitless endeavor. I'm not saying it's bad or that I don't enjoy it, but fucking a girl, even if she's super hot doesn't necessarily bring me much validation beyond the point that I've came.

    I feel like im kind of a sex addict some im glad that this girl has put out every single time I wanted something sexually from her, so for me thats good, but I genuinely do like hanging with her and making dinner with her with as cheesy as that sounds, I'm not up her ass either "figuratively" like I don't need to constantly be texting asking what she's doing or any cuck shit like that, she's actually the one to hit me up first for the most part or ask to hang.

    my ex gf I'd occasionally text her to say whats up and she wouldn't respond, she'd only text me when she felt like it which is whatever, but I honestly think her depression effected her in strange ways.

    but anyways these days despite all the stuff ive talked about my past with chicks, I've actually tried to not over think things and get jealous or make my problems hers as I know she has her shit together way more than me.
    I went and met her friends for thxgiving and not that I care about her friends at all or want to hang with them but I did it because she's more social in that way. She later thanked me for doing it and that it meant a lot, and I'm glad she felt that way because I wouldn't have done it otherwise.
  5. #5
    SBTlauien African Astronaut
    I have no relationships. Zero. None of any kind.
  6. #6
    mso8 Houston
    tldr, im sorry
  7. #7
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby I feel like im kind of a sex addict some im glad that this girl has put out every single time I wanted something sexually from her, so for me thats good, but I genuinely do like hanging with her and making dinner with her with as cheesy as that sounds, I'm not up her ass either "figuratively" like I don't need to constantly be texting asking what she's doing or any cuck shit like that, she's actually the one to hit me up first for the most part or ask to hang.

    my ex gf I'd occasionally text her to say whats up and she wouldn't respond, she'd only text me when she felt like it which is whatever, but I honestly think her depression effected her in strange ways.

    but anyways these days despite all the stuff ive talked about my past with chicks, I've actually tried to not over think things and get jealous or make my problems hers as I know she has her shit together way more than me.
    I went and met her friends for thxgiving and not that I care about her friends at all or want to hang with them but I did it because she's more social in that way. She later thanked me for doing it and that it meant a lot, and I'm glad she felt that way because I wouldn't have done it otherwise.

    Hey Hosebag.. were her friends cute?
  8. #8
    Originally posted by SBTlauien I have no relationships. Zero. None of any kind.

    Find a class.. find a study mate (of your liking)
  9. #9
    SBTlauien African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 Find a class.. find a study mate (of your liking)

    Its not like that though. People don't like me.
  10. #10
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 Hey Hosebag.. were her friends cute?

    One was this 19 year old. The other wasnt gross... But meh just not my thing
  11. #11
    RestStop Space Nigga
    Originally posted by SBTlauien Its not like that though. People don't like me.

    Consider yourself blessed and highly favored.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  12. #12
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby One was this 19 year old. The other wasnt gross… But meh just not my thing

    this is the 30 plus DC ladies friends?
  13. #13
    I got a few hoes on speed dial like good drugs.
  14. #14
    Originally posted by Wick Sweat I got a few hoes on speed dial like good drugs.

    It's best to be transparent and look into truth. do you really have a couple of hoes on speed dial, or are you just telling us this.
  15. #15
    It's technically a true statement.
  16. #16
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    i got stood up by a hooker on friday, but i got on with her yesterday instead. she gave me an extra 15 minutes with my cock inside her to make up for it, and coz it was my birthday. so fair enough i guess. she was pretty fucking hot too, so think i'ma do her for an overnight in the new year. she really seemed to love having it in her ass too.

  17. #17
    RestStop Space Nigga
    ^this...this guy knows what's up.
  18. #18
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by NARCassist i got stood up by a hooker on friday, but i got on with her yesterday instead. she gave me an extra 15 minutes with my cock inside her to make up for it, and coz it was my birthday. so fair enough i guess. she was pretty fucking hot too, so think i'ma do her for an overnight in the new year. she really seemed to love having it in her ass too.
    pics or it didnt happen
  19. #19
    How desperate does one have to be to pay for it?
  20. #20
    RestStop Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 How desperate does one have to be to pay for it?

    New wedding ring $5,000
    New car for Wife $30,000+
    House/mortgage $100,000+

    Fucking hookers twice a week : Priceless, for everything else there is meth.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
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