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  1. #61
    RestStop Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby Man a couple years ago when I was doing better financially I was on this dating site and there was this latina slut 21 that i had tried hitting up a couple times but she never replied to me until I hit her up one day asking her how much for the night and she actually gave me some rates. Something about her just screamed she was a ho, i knew it.

    Anyways she wanted 250 for the whole night which is actually a good deal since a lot of hookers want 250-300 for an hour. She wasn't the prettiest girl but I for some reason just wanted a slut that I could do anything to all night and drink and do drugs, it just seemed appealing to me, the pussy on demand aspect of it was kinda hott. I told her what night I wasn't working as I worked a night job, but she kept pestering me the next day asking if we could do it that night and I had to keep telling her I work nights like she does so it will have to wait a couple days.

    Anyway I just kinda didn't feel like I should pay that much to her especially considering her shitty attitude, and I told her I'll give her 100 and she got triggered and started blowing up my phone while i was at work calling me a faggot and how I HAVE to pay for sex because I'm a loser and all this bullshit lol.

    Sounds like she was the loser needing the money that badly. I kinda assumed all those sugar daddy dating websites were chock full of girls who were boyheads/crackheads.
  2. #62
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by greenplastic It was a strange relationship. The first night I met her I took like 12 percocets and my friend just brought me to this girls house and after 10 minutes she started coming on to me like really strong in an almost rapey way so I was like w/e so we made out. Then later I found out she was a prostitute and she got crazy addicted to IV meth and is now all fucked up

    thats cool, besides the sweater being stolen.
  3. #63
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by RestStop Sounds like she was the loser needing the money that badly. I kinda assumed all those sugar daddy dating websites were chock full of girls who were boyheads/crackheads.

    yeah i wasn't tripping at all, and I don't have a problem getting laid and like i said she wasn't the prettiest girl.. just knew she was a ho by the way she looked and it was appealing at the time.. but just the way she bugged me and shit, her profile on that dating website was about how she needs a real man with a car and his own place and a job, yet her and her baby lived with her parents and she didn't have a car or job...

    some women man

    I actually showed my co-worker the text as they were coming through and we were just laughing about it
  4. #64
    She really liked me though but I wasn't really having it but she'd always be down to hang out and get me heroin or xanax and was always trying to get me to inject ice with her. She was crazy as fuck though. I met one of her boyfriends once and this dude was spun out of his mind and asking me to drive him to go rob someone and I'm like man I would but I'm just trying to buy these lorazepams off you now because it was like 3 am already because I had to deal with tweaker time so he gave me the bag and I gave him the 20 for them, but then the 3 of us were standing around because they were spun and stealing/just inspecting shit but I saw the 20 fell out of his pocket and he didnt notice so I swooped it back up.

    Then once she purposely injected a massive dose of heroin before calling me sounding all sorts of fucked up saying she's going to kill herself, knowing that I wouldn't let her, so I had to walk around all night in a sketchy part of town with her because she would have just nodded out on the side of the street and god knows what would happen.
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