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Astronomy is lame

  1. #21
    mashlehash victim of incest [my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]

    Still watching
  2. #22
    mashlehash victim of incest [my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
    Originally posted by electrike snake

    What do you mean, "truth about electricity"?

    Read a book. My words are wasted
  3. #23
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby I used to like astronomy as a kid and would read a lot of books about quasars and dwarf stars and stuff like that. But I'm really reconsidering it now, because when you look at it closely it seems kinda fake.

    If you look at all the nasa images from the mars rover in the late 90's, it was obviously computer graphics, but I ate it up with a spork as a kid and believed their lies.

    They say the sun is a ball of flaming gas and what not, but how is that possible if "space" is a vaccum… And also they say the sun generates earths heat yet they also say that when we fly out spaceships it gets colder in space… wouldn't it get hotter as you're getting closer to the sun? But then the scientist turn around and say global warming because of climate changes is what causes the heat, they can't stick to one story at all, its deplorable.

    Also about quasars, has anyone ever seen one? Nope.

    I'm starting to think that things like dinosaurs, aliens, and evolution aren't real and that scientist for the most part haven't proved these outlandish "facts" just like how they say loperamide doesn't cause the blood brain barrier, yet I've gotten high off of it before (it was far from the best high but it happened)

    astronomy contradicts it self all the time. If you look at the moon, the moon looks like a perfect circle, but now they are saying earth is more egg shaped than anything. Why would it be different? And I really lost faith in nasa when they for years said pluto was a planet, now they say it isn't, then talk about "planet nibiru" and we still haven't been killed by it much less seen it. It's deplorable.

    Scientist also talk about d-wave computers but have no proof that they work the way they say it does. Have you ever seen a d-wave computer? Nope. Its deplorable and insulting to people that have real scientific inquiring minds to just throw tons of bullshit and disinfo at us.

    Then these same scientist say there is no god, which is funny considering all the bs they spout, yet I feel god in my heart and always have.
    When you cut yourself and your skin grows back, how do you think that would happen if there wasn't something greater than ourselves in control, when baby is born and cries out trying to grab you crying for attention, how do you think that happened?

    jesus really are fucking stupid.

    all the times i tell you to stfu for you own good...and you dont take the advice that you should have took-en
  4. #24
    mashlehash victim of incest [my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
    Shut the fuck up IS
  5. #25
    LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery Space Nigga [my yellow-marked arboreous hypnotist]
    So much retardation in the OP.
  6. #26
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by mashlehash Shut the fuck up IS

    take your own advice.

    jam my cock into your esophagus.
  7. #27
    mashlehash victim of incest [my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
    Originally posted by infinityshock take your own advice.

    jam my cock into your esophagus.

    You are so old
  8. #28
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
  9. #29
    Grimace motherfucker [my enumerable hindi guideword]
    When I look at your account details closely, I see that you post more than anyone else here. More than mQ even. You are NIS's champion post lord. It seems, with that many posts, you don't do much. Sure, you must work to support the internet bill, but besides that.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................I guess what I am trying to say is. Thank you for being so open about your fake life and all 19,000 posts, Bill Krozby.
  10. #30
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I know this will be an exercise in futility but i can't help myself.

    Originally posted by Bill Krozby They say the sun is a ball of flaming gas and what not, but how is that possible if "space" is a vaccum…

    No one says the Sun is a flaming ball of gas. Sure there is gas and sure there is heat but there is no burning.

    Originally posted by Bill Krozby And also they say the sun generates earths heat yet they also say that when we fly out spaceships it gets colder in space…

    The reason it's nice and cozy warm here on Earth is because the atmosphere traps the Sun's heat.

    Originally posted by Bill Krozby wouldn't it get hotter as you're getting closer to the sun?

    It sure does. Heat is just hard to transfer through a vacuum. So you have to get real close if you wanna' get scorched.

    Originally posted by Bill Krozby Also about quasars, has anyone ever seen one? Nope.

    Actually people can see them, with radio telescopes. The clue's in the name even, quasar is short for quasi stellar radio source.

    Originally posted by Bill Krozby I'm starting to think that things like dinosaurs, aliens, and evolution aren't real and that scientist for the most part haven't proved these outlandish "facts" just like how they say loperamide doesn't cause the blood brain barrier, yet I've gotten high off of it before (it was far from the best high but it happened)


    Originally posted by Bill Krozby astronomy contradicts it self all the time. If you look at the moon, the moon looks like a perfect circle, but now they are saying earth is more egg shaped than anything. Why would it be different?

    1. This is not a contradiction it deals with two separate objects. The Earth and The Moon.
    2. The shape of the Earth is more or less a circle, however it bulges a little at the equator because the planet spins.

    Originally posted by Bill Krozby And I really lost faith in nasa when they for years said pluto was a planet

    The definition changed. The actual object stayed the same. Besides it wasn't NASA that got up and decided Pluto wasn't a planet anymore.

    etc etc etc
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  11. #31
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    They say the sun is a ball of flaming gas and what not, but how is that possible if "space" is a vaccum…

    yeah its a little thing called gravity.

  12. #32
    Originally posted by mmQ I swear, by the moon and the stars and the sky, I'm going to the gas station to get milk, and I'll be right back.

    Milk is bad for you. Drink Almond Milk, Soy Milk but be careful of Ricemilk.

    And get me a reeces on the way
  13. #33
    Originally posted by Originally Posted by Bill Krozby They say the sun is a ball of flaming gas and what not, but how is that possible if "space" is a vaccum…


    A lightbulb is a filament that is in a vacuum glass bulb

    it's what keeps the filament from being expose to oxygen and the other gasses that make up air from burning out.

    It's a nuclear fusion powered light-bulb.
  14. #34
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 Milk is bad for you. Drink Almond Milk, Soy Milk but be careful of Ricemilk.

    And get me a reeces on the way

    do you think they called it almond milk because they knew nobody would be able to say nut juice and keep a straight face?

  15. #35
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Grimace When I look at your account details closely, I see that you post more than anyone else here. More than mQ even. You are NIS's champion post lord. It seems, with that many posts, you don't do much. Sure, you must work to support the internet bill, but besides that……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………I guess what I am trying to say is. Thank you for being so open about your fake life and all 19,000 posts, Bill Krozby.

    Hey bromo i might have bouts of being a homebody but i probably get out and do things more than most peeps here
  16. #36
    bling bling Dark Matter
    nasa faked moon landing, some shadows are right under the object, means they made the video at noon time, which is not morning time as they said/should.

    nasa, china, japan all fake news about solar sails work in space, photons able to transfer momentum to solar sail to accelerate spaceship.

    they lied right in front your eyes.

    if light/photon has momentum, why is laser beam cannot bend a flame? why is light mill not moving in a hard vacuum?

    all space missions are fake, cuz they faked the time delay for space radio transmission.

    light/em waves travel in vacuum space at an infinite speed, only within mediums at a limited speed.

    so any communication takes more than 1/100 second is faked.

    all scientists think light speed is c in the vacuum, they all wrong.

    if light speed is limited in vacuum space, all stars, galaxies we see are from the past, how we map the universe and measure the total mass?

    it is all bs, all lies.

    there is no solar wind. what mechanism? why protons and electrons on the way to earth do not attract each other and form into hydrogen atoms? why does gravity not pull them back into the sun?

    van allan belts? what's mechanism? the sun's energy/radiation/light strength decay at 1/rr, the only way to find stronger radiation is to get closer.

    near around earth, radiation strength is the same, within the atmosphere, it decreases.

    so between earth and the moon, the radiation strength is about the same, less within our atmosphere.

    em drive? powered by quantum vacuum virtual plasma. it is voodoo science.

    ligo detected gravity wave from 1.3 billion years ago? you wave hand will produce more detectable gravity wave than far away stars explode. why can't ligo detect cme or earthquake?

    gravity wave speed is infinite, gravity has to be instantaneous, otherwise, no planets can stay in orbit.
  17. #37
    benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by NARCassist yeah its a little thing called gravity.

    gravity enables combustion ???

  18. #38
    Originally posted by NARCassist do you think they called it almond milk because they knew nobody would be able to say nut juice and keep a straight face?



    Even Soy Milk sounds like Sow Milk (Like your man seeds after plowing your nut seeds) :D
  19. #39
    bling, NASA did not fake the fucking moon landing.
  20. #40
    benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 bling, NASA did not fake the fucking moon landing.

    and you have proof to back you up ????
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