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So, this is happening...

  1. #61
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    mah tigre bill he es ben doerinring it agin
  2. #62
    RestStop Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby mah tigre bill he es ben doerinring it agin

    Tiger wif tage shsh.
  3. #63
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by RestStop Tiger wif tage shsh.

    benz doerering it agin!
  4. #64
    infinityshock Black Hole
    fucking retards
  5. #65
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon ^Didn't read.

    This. My interest in the subject started to wane around lunch time. Let's just go get some porkchops instead of spending 5 pages discussing this. I'm buying.
  6. #66
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by 霍比特人说中文不好 This. My interest in the subject started to wane around lunch time. Let's just go get some porkchops instead of spending 5 pages discussing this. I'm buying.

    cool, where are we meeting at?
  7. #67
    I would rather shove a fucking auger up my dick hole than meet anywhere with you.
  8. #68
    Originally posted by 霍比特人说中文不好 This. My interest in the subject started to wane around lunch time. Let's just go get some porkchops instead of spending 5 pages discussing this. I'm buying.

    Absolutely haraam. Also, you really should read it. It should give you some pause to think about the foundations of your views.
  9. #69
    Originally posted by 霍比特人说中文不好 I would rather shove a fucking auger up my dick hole than meet anywhere with you.

    +1 for auger
  10. #70
    LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery Space Nigga [my yellow-marked arboreous hypnotist]
    ur a slad eter
  11. #71
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon Absolutely haraam. Also, you really should read it. It should give you some pause to think about the foundations of your views.

    Okay, but you're going to suck my dick afterwards. I want you in the sailor outfit while you do it.
  12. #72
    The one with flaps.
  13. #73
    Originally posted by 霍比特人说中文不好 Okay, but you're going to suck my dick afterwards. I want you in the sailor outfit while you do it.

    I sexually identify as a sailorman
  14. #74
    LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery Space Nigga [my yellow-marked arboreous hypnotist]
    Varys is a merman.
  15. #75
    HTS highlight reel
    Originally posted by infinityshock only f(alse fl)ags use that garbage

  16. #76
    The problem with "all lives matter" is that it is retarded and completely mischaracterizes the point of saying "black lives matter". The point isn't that only black lives matter but that black lives are undervalued by the institutions of the United states. In a nutshell, their message is "black lives matter as well". Of course all lives matter, that's not the point, it is just a dumb ass way to mischaracterize that point to imply that they're saying only black lives matter, which they are not.

    If these marches were in favor of all lives mattering, they would not be so vehemently against it. AllLivesMatter is inclusive. BlackLivesMatter is exclusive. Where is my MexicanLivesMatter protest? Do we need to do this for every fucking minority?

    Blue Lives Matter is fucking idiotic. One, you choose to work as a cop. You don't get to choose to be black. Again, the point is not to say that cops' lives don't matter (although, fuck the police). But cops' lives, again, are not undervalued. They are treated as heroes and get paid vacation when they beat the shit out of someone without cause, or kill them. It's not an equivalent issue.

    Nobody treats it as an equivalent issue. But it's important to remember that cops are people to. People want to get all anti-establishment the minute they hear about some black dude getting shot 2,000 miles away. You have mothefuckers going out of their way to kill/assault cops over this shit. I'm not at all saying it's common, but it is this mentality that causes it to happen at all. BlackLivesMatter is massively anti-cop and that is just so regressive, it turns things into an us vs them mentality, which pretty much goes in line with how the whole BLM movement is.

    BLM is not an organization, it is a collection of different movements centered around black issues in America. What Alicia Garza supports has no reflection on what the movement at large represents or stands for. That's literally guilt by association. And again, you are mischaracterizing the point of saying "black lives matter" and not "all lives matter"; of course all lives matter, but yes they do, but black lives are undervalued more than any other in the USA.

    First of all: Fucking lol. Let me get my uncle for you so he can tell you how he got paid under the table picking strawberries while paying rent for an on site shack just so he could work here in the USA. Black people have it pretty fucking good. They are legal citizens, they know the language, they aren't exploited for their cheap labor. You know why the hispanics don't have a brown lives matter movement? They're too busy working and they wouldn't know how to spell it right anyway.


    BLM is a massive organization in this movement, and they absolutely reflect what the rest of the movement thinks. You can disagree here but you'd be wrong because I am always right. I'm not about to give you a bunch of sources though because I know I'm right so I don't need to. I'm 100% correct. (Really though there's no point, this is just my impression of the movement based on what I've seen through media and my own personal experience with people involved in BLM type groups)

    Could you provide me a direct link to where "they" have published these demands? Again, BLM is not an organization. It's a name for several movements.

    BLM is absolutely a movement. It is a group. They are the ones who started this with the whole trayvon martin bullshit.

    Part of what BLM addresses is the legacy of racism in the US, and how it impacts the black community today. This includes black on black violence.

    No they don't. Why do you think they do this? They just want shit to be better for them personally. Nobody marching is doing jack shit to help the black community. They just want to 'fight oppression.' If they wanted to help black on black violence they would be actively working to help communities. It's not just BLM though, marches in general are pretty fucking stupid for the most part. BLM should be fixing homes and sending people to school and funding schools and helping people with their bills so that they can be empowered enough to fucking do something with their lives. Instead it focuses on cops, which is a minuscule problem. A black person is more likely to be hit by lightning than killed by a cop.

    The rest of your post about poverty and blah blah blah, I agree with. I don't think they're just stupid niggers. But this isn't what BLM pushes to change. It isn't what they address or fight for. BLM is fueled by angst and nothing more. We know this is true because the amount of charity work/charity programs has increased by no significant amount since the movement started, and has not helped a single neighborhood or city. In other words, people are marching, but they aren't doing anything to actually help themselves. It's all just for attention and to feel like they were a part of something larger than themselves that actually meant something for once in their lives, which of course, they weren't.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  17. #77
    I'm too tired to smite this retardation tonight, I'll do it in the morning.
  18. #78
    bling bling Dark Matter
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon I'm too tired to smite this retardation tonight, I'll do it in the morning.

    ur dads black lol
  19. #79
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon I sexually identify as a sailorman

    I sexually identify as your daddy.

    now go to bed so I can come tuck you in.
  20. #80
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by 霍比特人说中文不好 If these marches were in favor of all lives mattering, they would not be so vehemently against it. AllLivesMatter is inclusive. BlackLivesMatter is exclusive. Where is my MexicanLivesMatter protest? Do we need to do this for every fucking minority?

    Nobody treats it as an equivalent issue. But it's important to remember that cops are people to. People want to get all anti-establishment the minute they hear about some black dude getting shot 2,000 miles away. You have mothefuckers going out of their way to kill/assault cops over this shit. I'm not at all saying it's common, but it is this mentality that causes it to happen at all. BlackLivesMatter is massively anti-cop and that is just so regressive, it turns things into an us vs them mentality, which pretty much goes in line with how the whole BLM movement is.

    First of all: Fucking lol. Let me get my uncle for you so he can tell you how he got paid under the table picking strawberries while paying rent for an on site shack just so he could work here in the USA. Black people have it pretty fucking good. They are legal citizens, they know the language, they aren't exploited for their cheap labor. You know why the hispanics don't have a brown lives matter movement? They're too busy working and they wouldn't know how to spell it right anyway.


    BLM is a massive organization in this movement, and they absolutely reflect what the rest of the movement thinks. You can disagree here but you'd be wrong because I am always right. I'm not about to give you a bunch of sources though because I know I'm right so I don't need to. I'm 100% correct. (Really though there's no point, this is just my impression of the movement based on what I've seen through media and my own personal experience with people involved in BLM type groups)

    BLM is absolutely a movement. It is a group. They are the ones who started this with the whole trayvon martin bullshit.

    No they don't. Why do you think they do this? They just want shit to be better for them personally. Nobody marching is doing jack shit to help the black community. They just want to 'fight oppression.' If they wanted to help black on black violence they would be actively working to help communities. It's not just BLM though, marches in general are pretty fucking stupid for the most part. BLM should be fixing homes and sending people to school and funding schools and helping people with their bills so that they can be empowered enough to fucking do something with their lives. Instead it focuses on cops, which is a minuscule problem. A black person is more likely to be hit by lightning than killed by a cop.

    The rest of your post about poverty and blah blah blah, I agree with. I don't think they're just stupid niggers. But this isn't what BLM pushes to change. It isn't what they address or fight for. BLM is fueled by angst and nothing more. We know this is true because the amount of charity work/charity programs has increased by no significant amount since the movement started, and has not helped a single neighborhood or city. In other words, people are marching, but they aren't doing anything to actually help themselves. It's all just for attention and to feel like they were a part of something larger than themselves that actually meant something for once in their lives, which of course, they weren't.

    bitch...don't cry about your exploitation for cheap labor. no one wants your nasty wetback asses here except the business owners and democraps. take your beaner self back to messyco and stfu about the hardships you allegedly suffer here.

    enjoy it while you can. the time is coming to play some 'cowboys and messycans'
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