2017-10-01 at 1:03 PM UTC
victim of incest
[my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
I went to mow the lawn, opened up the shed and grabbed the lawn mower. Shortry after grabbing it I noticed a prey mantis sitting on the hand of the lawn mower.
And then it hit me, I wanted nothing to do with prey mantis'. I took an iron rod and moved it to the ground. I had the choice to take its life but I didnt.
Something about their arms just urks me. The fact that they can poke you..just gets me wrong.
2017-10-01 at 1:15 PM UTC
[my enumerable hindi guideword]
Praying Mantis wont hurt YOU at all. They are so cute and gentle. They will VIOLENTLY DESTROY other insects though. They're good to have 'round.
2017-10-01 at 1:19 PM UTC
victim of incest
[my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
That's partly why I didn't kill it.
2017-10-01 at 1:22 PM UTC
why they gotta look like leaves. i don't like how shady they are.
2017-10-01 at 3:40 PM UTC
i watched a 4-inch long preying mantis eat a tiny (about 1-inch) frog by holding it in its claws then chomping the frog up with its mouth pincers in little tiny bites.
it was sitting on the ground when i first saw it then eventually i picked it up and set it on the mirror of my truck so i could see it better. it would have made a good you-tube video if they had cell phones back then
2017-10-01 at 6:36 PM UTC
Irken Invader
There was some sort of big cricket or grasshopper or atheist mantis, whichever, on the railing for the stairs I was cleaning this past Friday, in a parking garage. I avoided that section of the railing because I didn't want to hurt or scare it.