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The Retarded Thread: Click Here for AIDS

  1. cerakote African Astronaut
    black peepee is aldras preferred woodwind instrument
  2. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    toot toot
  3. im snorting focalin on bundy tomorrow
  4. cerakote African Astronaut
    is it possible to create copies of malice by breeding retarded kids for hybrid vigor
  5. yeah, with lots of dirty mexican tap water
  6. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by sploo im snorting focalin on bundy tomorrow

  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Anyone else upset the new season of Kuboyashi-san chi no Maid Dragon takes until April 2018 to air? You should watch the first season if you haven't yet. It's good.
  8. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    A relatively short time after developing full blown inorgasmia, I completely lost any sexual desire and have not regained it to date. No wet dreams either despite a few long lasting sessions, culminating in the record 21 hour event. Afterward it certainly felt like arousement and desire had become permanently higher until release, that blue balls would eventually force my hand.

    Now I feel like I could never masturbate or even become aroused ever again and I would be just fine.

    Very abnormal for a male my age. I really should go to a doctor at some point just for assurance that something serious isn’t causing this, such as a pituitary tumor, which is a cause of the symptoms I display of secondary hypogonadism. If the lifestyle change of going to college and giving women a chance doesn’t make a significant difference after a few months, this is a very real possibility that would explain a lot, even other aspects related to pituitary dysfunction.

    Post last edited by Malice at 2017-07-17T18:46:39.813516+00:00
  9. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by mmQ Omg shut up you snowflake!

    Have you ever done mouthwash or Raid?

    Get with the timez or hold your opinion BITCH.


  10. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Ruminating on various subjects in philosophy, in particular the aim of our existence, its implications, effects in our lives.

    Thoughts change and attempt erection and masturbation to see if this streak of inorgasmia and lack of desire can be broken.

    Visualize woman. No significant arousement. Begin to fixate on various aspects that affect a woman's physical attractiveness, the simplicity of their figure, their proportions, the basis of sex, how all aspects of romance can generally be tied back to the will of life, or evolutionary impulses.

    It is utterly absurd. How do people with great intellects and knowledge manage to do this? The kind of people, such as myself, whose thoughts are never fixated on the mundane, the ordinary, but are instead perpetually focuses on the highest elements of the mind, continually within, viewing the world from above, and repeatedly being drawn inward toward the mind. It's such a radical phase shift. They must become enraptured by an episode of libidinousness.

    r/iamverysmart, I don't deny it.

    While attempting to become concupiscent my thoughts drifted, due to failure, to the thought of Nietzsche and Schopenhauer, his "great teacher" who he desperately attempted to refute with a life/will affirming system he was in the process of creating. I had the thought that due to his understanding of Schopenhauer, his ideological predecessor and primary influence, he may have one day abandoned this goal, come to realize his error(s), admitted his mistakes, and instead furthering the ideology, contributing novel and profound valuable insights.

    This fantasy may have made me mildly aroused, possibly due to some crossover with the aforementioned attempt and mental state.
  11. Originally posted by Malice Ruminating on various subjects in philosophy, in particular the aim of our existence, its implications, effects in our lives.

    Thoughts change and attempt erection and masturbation to see if this streak of inorgasmia and lack of desire can be broken.

    Visualize woman. No significant arousement. Begin to fixate on various aspects that affect a woman's physical attractiveness, the simplicity of their figure, their proportions, the basis of sex, how all aspects of romance can generally be tied back to the will of life, or evolutionary impulses.

    It is utterly absurd. How do people with great intellects and knowledge manage to do this? The kind of people, such as myself, whose thoughts are never fixated on the mundane, the ordinary, but are instead perpetually focuses on the highest elements of the mind, continually within, viewing the world from above, and repeatedly being drawn inward toward the mind. It's such a radical phase shift. They must become enraptured by an episode of libidinousness.

    r/iamverysmart, I don't deny it.

    While attempting to become concupiscent my thoughts drifted, due to failure, to the thought of Nietzsche and Schopenhauer, his "great teacher" who he desperately attempted to refute with a life/will affirming system he was in the process of creating. I had the thought that due to his understanding of Schopenhauer, his ideological predecessor and primary influence, he may have one day abandoned this goal, come to realize his error(s), admitted his mistakes, and instead furthering the ideology, contributing novel and profound valuable insights.

    This fantasy may have made me mildly aroused, possibly due to some crossover with the aforementioned attempt and mental state.

    Didn't read
  12. cerakote African Astronaut
    toilet actual this is 2-1 standby for butt nuke on your position
  13. bling bling Dark Matter
  14. bling bling Dark Matter

    my tiger got all this for me

    Post last edited by bling bling at 2017-07-17T22:37:11.155639+00:00
  15. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I have just purchased ale for the day. Thank you. Ultimate form, here I come.
  16. bling bling Dark Matter
  17. mashlehash victim of incest [my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
    One piece of aerf
  18. mashlehash victim of incest [my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
    Originally posted by bling bling

    You should have your mother drive (because we all know you can't drive) you to the clinic, bling.
  19. bling bling Dark Matter
    tiger no need drug!!!

    Post last edited by bling bling at 2017-07-17T22:43:25.865344+00:00
  20. mashlehash victim of incest [my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
    I try to giver diamonds

    He clockin on my jargon

    They putin old socks

    They putin old socks

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