victim of incest
[insincerely conduce my paisley]
druggie jenga... and it's all gonna fall apart soon... I have dozens upon dozens of these jars from over the years... fuck, this year alone... I hate myself...
50grams @ 212$ each. Do the math (they're all 50gram jars btw)
I am becoming increasingly convinced that I'm going to need to take the chance (I don't believe it will be a high risk of negative outcomes.) on gamma knife surgery to lesion a relatively large amount of my right amygdala.
It plays a critical role in ASD, in some of the strongest detrimental effects, effects on quality of life and level of functioning.
Either that or find a rare drug that may reduce activity at the amygdala, ideally primarily the right hemisphere.
GABA based anxiety can be treated easily enough with Nardil, and augmented with benzos when stronger effects are needed, but this can't, and the effects are different than standard anxiety. Currently else has as powerful a detrimental impact on my life as this, and I doubt it will ever be adequately attenuated without surgery.