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God Bless the European people

  1. #21
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Hikikomori-Yume shut the fuck up you piece of shit wetback

  2. #22
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Hikikomori-Yume Also I'm interested to know what kind of neighborhood and environment you live in because you really sound clueless

    i'll tell you right now, i grew up and lived the first 40 years of my life in a place called slough, just on the outskirts of west london. you can read about it on wikipedia..

    pay particular attention to the bit that says..

    As of 2011 Slough's population was one of the most ethnically diverse in the United Kingdom.[2] with the highest proportion of religious adherents in England.[3] The town has attracted people from across the country and the world for labour since the 1920s, which has helped shape it into a major trading centre. As of 2017 unemployment stands at just 1.4%.[4]

    "which has helped shape it into a major trading centre" - that's right, slough trading estate is the largest in western europe.
    "unemployment stands at just 1.4%" - that is extremely low for the UK or the western world.

    so clearly economic decline is not something that needs to be feared from immigration. this tallies up with what i said earlier that the 'they took our jobs' line is fucking bullshit.

    i was born and raised with blacks, indians, pakistani's and people and immigrants from all over the world. i've seen first hand how it works out. you don't have anything to fear from these people. if you put your hatred and ignorant beliefs aside for a moment and actually talked and socialized with these people, got to know what they are really like first hand, and not just from what others, who have alternative agenda's, tell you. you would find them to be, just like i have, very nice, warm and welcoming people. normal fucking people just like us who just want to get on with there lives. they have wants and needs just like us, they have hopes and dreams just like us. they want a good place to live for their children to grow up in, just like us. when you visit an indian or muslim persons house they always treat you like a special guest, you always get offered food and drink. they will take an interest and talk to you in a very friendly and welcoming way. they really are mostly very nice welcoming people, if you give them a fucking chance.

    if you are going to come over straight up hostile to these people then of course they will act accordingly, just like we would when we go to live in their countries. which people conveniently forget happens way more than you realize. and of course that leads to attacks, which of course' gets recorded as crime.

    seriously, why don't you go out and make your own mind up about these people instead of judging them on what some dumb youtube video tells you. you should question everything. i actually used to think a bit like you when i was younger, but when i started to question everything i heard from everyone, and started to make my own mind up based on my own experiences, i started to realize things aren't anywhere near what others would have you believe.

    if you don't make up your own mind then you really are just a fucking drone dancing to somebody else's tune. and you can bet that tune is designed for their benefit, not yours.

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  3. #23
    Originally posted by NARCassist i was born and raised with blacks, indians, pakistani's and people and immigrants from all over the world.

    There's your problem.
  4. #24
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Hikikomori-Yume I want to remind you again what an ignorant motherfucker you are.

    More and more here in my city I see people with burkas, arab restaurants popping up … if we don't send the message that this isn't wanted these roaches will pour into here like AIDs then my state will become another browned hell hole like southern california.

    well if arab restaurants are popping up then clearly the people of your city like arab food. else nobody would buy it and the restaurants will close. either way is win win for your city. and why the fuck are you concerning yourself with what other people wear? put your mind to what you wear, that the only concern that is yours. what other people choose to wear is none of your fucking business. the totalitarian regime that dictates our choice of clothing really is something i would fear tho. and is coming soon if idiots like you don't see some fucking sense.

  5. #25
    It's not about hating on handsome and well tanned individuals out of vanity, it's about protecting my way of life and civilization.

    If millions of arabs moved into Japan and its lingua franca became anything other than Japanese, and their cities started resembling the middle east then it would cease to be Japan.
    If you want to perpetuate your way of life you have to be selfish and exclude certain people otherwise it will evolve (or in this case devolve) into something else.
  6. #26
    Originally posted by NARCassist and is coming soon if idiots like you don't see some fucking sense.


    Oh the irony.
  7. #27
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Hikikomori-Yume Ok perhaps I should refer to what is happening as an infestation rather than an invasion, but the reality is it's both.

    well you can call it what you like but its just normal everyday immigration. the same immigration that has occurred since neanderthal's migrated out of africa. but then you could call a cat a dog, but it still wouldn't fetch a stick or have puppies. so calling something its not is a pretty useless tactic.

  8. #28
    Originally posted by NARCassist well if arab restaurants are popping up then clearly the people of your city like arab food. else nobody would buy it and the restaurants will close. either way is win win for your city. and why the fuck are you concerning yourself with what other people wear? put your mind to what you wear, that the only concern that is yours. what other people choose to wear is none of your fucking business. the totalitarian regime that dictates our choice of clothing really is something i would fear tho. and is coming soon if idiots like you don't see some fucking sense.


    Ok imagine this scenario, maybe you'll be able to process this using your feeble little brain.

    Imagine you're born in a small village and for the first 20 years of your life everything functions just as it has since your birth, creating a stable and comfortable environment.
    Now I want you to imagine all the people you identify with gone, replaced with foreign looking creeps who not only don't speak the same language as you but live their lives in a wholly different manner.
    Now your village has been completely transformed and you're a stranger in your own home land.

    That is the issue European people are facing today with mass immigration from non-Europeans.
    This is about protecting European civilization and if you can't side with that then fuck off I have nothing more to say to you.
  9. #29
    Originally posted by NARCassist but then you could call a cat a dog


    We live in a world where there are 9,001 genders, race no longer exists and arabs are "German" ... it won't be long before they do away with the distinction between species.
  10. #30
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Hikikomori-Yume It's not about hating on handsome and well tanned individuals out of vanity, it's about protecting my way of life and civilization.

    If millions of arabs moved into Japan and its lingua franca became anything other than Japanese, and their cities started resembling the middle east then it would cease to be Japan.
    If you want to perpetuate your way of life you have to be selfish and exclude certain people otherwise it will evolve (or in this case devolve) into something else.

    sorry are you saying that life in japan is exactly how its always been, with no change, no outside influences? are you forgetting the US occupation just 60/70 years ago which influenced japan massively into the highly technologically led society it is today? japen is a prime fucking example of what can result from the mix of eastern and western cultures. you seriously could not have picked a worser example to fit your ludicrous argument. japan is literally what happens when culture is accepted by the people and not resisted and fighted against.

    i am seriously rolling around in bits that you tried to use that example right now, oh my fucking god i can't fucking breathe. you fucking wally, hahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  11. #31
    infinityshock Black Hole
    stfu nigger
  12. #32
    Japan is still Japanese though despite the western influences

    Now if Japan were like, 40 to 50% European and non-Japanese had any political influence there then it would cease to be Japan.
    Japanese men wearing a suit and tie doesn't make them any less Japanese.
    Now 2010s doesn't count, that's when time ceased to be.
  13. #33
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Hikikomori-Yume Ok imagine this scenario, maybe you'll be able to process this using your feeble little brain.

    Imagine you're born in a small village and for the first 20 years of your life everything functions just as it has since your birth, creating a stable and comfortable environment.
    Now I want you to imagine all the people you identify with gone, replaced with foreign looking creeps who not only don't speak the same language as you but live their lives in a wholly different manner.
    Now your village has been completely transformed and you're a stranger in your own home land.

    That is the issue European people are facing today with mass immigration from non-Europeans.
    This is about protecting European civilization and if you can't side with that then fuck off I have nothing more to say to you.

    no, that's propaganda bullshit you stupid fuck. stop making me laugh so hard at your retardency, i'm literally going to have to call an ambulance only i can't coz i'm laughing so much. someone call me ambulance please.

    i'm sure people like you won't be happy until they live in a world which is just 7 billion exact clones of themselves.

    yes people are different. everybody is different, even twin brothers differ in some way. you're different from your mom, people all around the world where ever you go are different. but that is fine, its not a bad thing because do you know why? we all share this commonality, we are all human, we can all find a way to relate if we so choose. i will say that again, IF WE SO CHOOSE. when we choose to get along things are great, we all trade, prosper and live in peace. when we choose not to get along that leads to hate, violence, chaos and eventually to man's greatest crimes which are war and genocide. you making this choice to not get along right now is contributing to the dark side which will lead to war and genocide. wake the fuck up you disillusional asshole. its people like you that is the problem here. its people like you with your small world 'small village' mentallity that is going to fuck the world up. not people who's only crime is relocating in order to better themselves. if life isn't going your way its you that's to blame, not a load of other people who you don't even know and refuse to have anything to do with.

  14. #34
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    lanny was spot on, you're not good enough to be part of the white race. i consider you and all your kind to be a fucking embarrassment to the rest of us. people like you make me feel ashamed to be white, i'm not even exaggerating at all.

    and you called lanny a sheep, jesus you really are fucking comical, you have the biggest sheep mentality of anyone. make up your own mind instead of just taking for gospel what any type of media is preaching.
  15. #35
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Hikikomori-Yume Ok imagine this scenario, maybe you'll be able to process this using your feeble little brain.

    Imagine you're born in a small village and for the first 20 years of your life everything functions just as it has since your birth, creating a stable and comfortable environment.
    Now I want you to imagine all the people you identify with gone, replaced with foreign looking creeps who not only don't speak the same language as you but live their lives in a wholly different manner.
    Now your village has been completely transformed and you're a stranger in your own home land.

    That is the issue European people are facing today with mass immigration from non-Europeans.
    This is about protecting European civilization and if you can't side with that then fuck off I have nothing more to say to you.

    also europe isn't a small village. you don't know everybody else who lives in europe when you live here. i've always lived here and i still couldn't even exaggerate to claim to know even one percent. just like all racists your arguments are very weak and don't stand up to much scrutiny.

    also, have you ever watched a 90s tv show called eurotrash? white europeans certainly aren't no holier than tho whiter than white types i can tell you.

  16. #36
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Hikikomori-Yume Anyways I think we can all agree that Adolf Hilter is the greatest person of the past 200 years.
    Without him the jedis would have taken everyone out a century ago.

    you know i would actually love to hear your evidence to support this.

  17. #37
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by NARCassist nothatspropagandabullshityoustupidfuckstopmakingmelaughsohardatyourretardencyimliterallygoingtohavetocalanambulanceonlyicantcoimlaughingsomuchsomeonecallmeambulancepleaseimsurepeoplelikeyouwontbehappyuntiltheyliveinaworldwhich is just 7 billion exact clones of themselvesyes people are differenteverybody is differenteven twin brothers differ in some wayyoure different from your mom people all around the world where ever you go are different. but that is fineits not a bad thing because do you know whywe all sharthis commonality, we are all humanwe can all find a way to relate if we so choose. i will saythat againIF WE SO CHOOSEwhen we choose to get along things are greatwe all tradeprosper and live in peacewhen we choose not to get alongthat leads to hateviolencechaos and eventually to mans greatest crimeswhich are war and genocideyou makingthis choice to not get along right now is contributing to the dark side which will leadto war and genocidewake the fuck up you disillusional asshole its people like you thatis the problem hereits people like you with your small world small village mentallity that is going to fuck the world up not people whos only crime is relocating in order to better themselvesif life isntgoing your way its you thats to blame not a loadof otherpeople who you dont even know and refuse to have anythingto do with
    your chosen position and self righteousness ends with this indisputable fact:

    when mudslimes go to a non-mudslime country they demand the indigenous peoples accept and tolerate their beliefs and customs, such as dress preferences, religious beliefs and practices, eating habits, legal practices, etc

    when non-mudslimes go to a mudslime country, the mudslimes demand the visitors strongly and completely adhere to mudslime religious beliefs and cultural practices. failure to do so results in physical attacks or incarceration.

    now stfu and get back to your street corner where youre sucking off the local nigger faggots and mudslime ass bangers, you dumb nigger
  18. #38
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Hikikomori-Yume The elites are pro-immigration.

    Mass immigration of non-Europeans into European countries is an invasion plain and simple, it doesn't have to be coordinated or part of any plan.

    This isn't just about our jobs, but our environment, our culture and our race.

    I mean come the fuck on, you have mexican anchor babies burning american flags in our country while claiming to be "American".
    There are arabs in Germany claiming to be German and the "future" of Germany … if this isn't an invasion …

    Plain and simple, we need to ban non-European immigration into our countries, ban dual citizenship and foreigners should not be allowed to buy land.
    It has to be done otherwise Europeans and the America that has been for the past two centuries will cease to exist.

    of course they are pro-immigration. they get to take advantage of the cheap labor in their factories. plus they get to use the issue to divide and conquer amongst the general population. they literally get to have their cake and eat it. and i can see its worked very well on you.

  19. #39
    NARCassist it's funny the shit you're spewing because actual Europeans who take pride in their race and wish to preserve it feel the exact same way about people like you.
  20. #40
    Originally posted by NARCassist lanny was spot on, you're not good enough to be part of the white race. i consider you and all your kind to be a fucking embarrassment to the rest of us. people like you make me feel ashamed to be white, i'm not even exaggerating at all.

    and you called lanny a sheep, jesus you really are fucking comical, you have the biggest sheep mentality of anyone. make up your own mind instead of just taking for gospel what any type of media is preaching.

    Lanny is just some idiot (like yourself) who knows not a single thing about me.

    "you're not good enough to be part of the white race. i consider you and all your kind to be a fucking embarrassment to the rest of us"

    Says the fucking inbred moron who doesn't even fucking care about preserving his race.

    I can't believe I'm even arguing with someone like you, but I feel compelled to defend myself just in case there are people who would find this forum and see this ... they need to hear what I have to say otherwise sheep like you who are incapable of thinking on their own would just see posts like yours and think what is happening is ok then go on with their lives as if nothing is going on.

    I don't even need to say this, but I am above you, you are literally just some piece of shit trashy junkie on a forum called "" shitting on someone who is rightfully worried about their future and way of life.
    If wanting to defend my culture makes me a sheep then so be it.
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