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Have either of your parents died yet?

  1. #81
    thread doesnt disappoint 12/10
  2. #82
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Dargo Pfft. What, are you going to cite Carbon dating or some shit? Science has yet to realistically prove the earth is more than 6,000 years old. 400 billion my ass.

    What is your definition of 'realistic science?'
  3. #83
    Helladamnleet African Astronaut [impartially tyrannize that lentinus]
    Yeah, my dad died, like, 7 years ago. Sucks still sometimes.
  4. #84
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Helladamnleet Yeah, my dad died, like, 7 years ago. Sucks still sometimes.

    For sure.

    What did he do for a living? How did he die? Was it DIRECTLY YOUR FAULT?
  5. #85
    Helladamnleet African Astronaut [impartially tyrannize that lentinus]
    Originally posted by mmQ For sure.

    What did he do for a living? How did he die? Was it DIRECTLY YOUR FAULT?

    Collect SSDI because he was pushing 70. Before that he used women professionally.
  6. #86
    DocFoster Tuskegee Airman [concentrate my unpalatable boomer]
    I've been to many funerals, but none for my parents
  7. #87
    My dad just about died so I quit my job and drove him to the emergency room. He would've died then if I hadn't made him let me take him. I had to pull the mattress out of the fold out couch and put it in the back of my suv so he could lay down while I drove there (2 hrs) he couldn't sit at the time cuz he was too fucked. Sepsis and shit. They did a quick fix for him then I had to take him back again a week or so later and they found out he had an 8cm tumor that was fucking gnarly. My dads had like a million duis so he can't get a license... I'm his caretaker now and drive him to all his appointments. This been going on since Labor Day, but he's not dying anymore... they did have to cut his instestine out and give him a colostomy bag, and now they they they have to remove his bladder and give him another bag on his other side to reroute piss to...

    But yeah at least he ain't dying. We are both broke but I love my daddy and idc about being broke if it means he is healthy and gets to live.

    My moms very alive and very insane, as she has been for as long as I can remember.

  8. #88
    Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Damn, removal and two colostomy bags? Fuck that, if I ever get to that level I'm committing suicide.
  9. #89
    Death or that... ya idk I told him he had to live and he hates everything lul
  10. #90
    benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by RestStop I had those years off now that I recalculate it. my mom would be 45, my dad 43. I'm not sure if that's even correct all I know is my father is 14 years older than me and my mom 16.

    your mom is a pedophile.

    did she touch you ??
  11. #91
    benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by Lanny Well "the universe was created 6,000* years ago" doesn't really seem like "completing" scientific geological or biological history to me

    *gott years.

    obviously gott was referring to his year, the year this universe orbits around another universe, since its moot to be talking about earth years before our milkyway have yet to even fired up.
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