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HOLIDAY FORUM GAME: What should the person above you get for Chrispmas?
2025-01-16 at 11:20 PM UTC
2025-01-17 at 12:08 AM UTC
2025-01-17 at 12:50 AM UTC
2025-01-17 at 12:53 AM UTCThen*
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2025-01-17 at 2:24 AM UTC
Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Back in the '60s, the teachers actually licked and stuck stars on the foreheads of the kids when they got a good mark on a test or assignment, and the kids left them there and wore them all day.
I vaguely remember that in kindergarten. but my teacher was also a psychotic bitch. she beat me with a paddle once. corp punishment was still a thing at my elementary level school K-5 -
2025-01-17 at 2:25 AM UTCalso the star had an awesome smell except from the psycho bitch who smelled like liqueur
2025-01-17 at 2:29 AM UTC
Originally posted by Landy Pamm I vaguely remember that in kindergarten. but my teacher was also a psychotic bitch. she beat me with a paddle once. corp punishment was still a thing at my elementary level school K-5
That wasn't kindergarten, that was the honky tonk your mom took you to when you were 5. The psychotic bitch was a drunk barmaid and the stars were cocktail onions, and the paddle was her dirty beer soaked flip flop.