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For Trump supporters

  1. In other words, you want the cackling hag psychopath to get the nuclear codes.
  2. Kafka sweaty
    "Project 2025 is a comprehensive plan spearheaded by conservative think tanks and aligned with the Republican Party, primarily through the Heritage Foundation, to reshape the U.S. government and policies should a Republican candidate win the presidency in 2024. The project is aimed at significantly reducing the size of the federal government, rolling back regulations, and restructuring government agencies to align with conservative goals. While supporters argue it would restore constitutional limits and personal freedoms, critics warn that it could have several negative effects on the working class. Here are some potential impacts:

    ### 1. **Weakened Worker Protections and Labor Rights**
    One of the key elements of Project 2025 is deregulation, particularly in labor markets. This includes rolling back protections such as workplace safety regulations, wage and hour laws, and collective bargaining rights. These protections are vital for working-class Americans, ensuring fair wages, safe working conditions, and the ability to unionize.

    - **Reduced Wages and Benefits**: Without strong labor protections, employers may have more flexibility to reduce wages and cut benefits. For instance, a focus on eliminating minimum wage laws or undermining union power could push wages down, especially in industries reliant on lower-skilled labor.
    - **Increased Workplace Dangers**: Deregulating agencies like the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) could lead to less enforcement of safety regulations, increasing the risk of accidents and unsafe working conditions for those in industries like construction, manufacturing, and other physically demanding jobs.

    ### 2. **Privatization of Social Services**
    Project 2025 advocates for shrinking federal welfare programs and potentially privatizing services such as healthcare, social security, and education. These programs play a significant role in supporting low-income and working-class Americans. Privatization could lead to higher costs for services that are currently subsidized or provided by the government.

    - **Healthcare Costs**: Proposals to privatize parts of Medicare or Medicaid could make healthcare more expensive for working-class Americans who rely on government assistance to access affordable healthcare.
    - **Social Security**: Plans to restructure or privatize Social Security could threaten the retirement security of millions of workers who depend on this program in their later years.
    - **Education**: Privatization of education, or shifts in funding from public to charter or private schools, could lead to less investment in public education. Working-class families may find it more difficult to access quality education for their children, exacerbating inequality.

    ### 3. **Cuts to Federal Jobs and Benefits**
    Project 2025 advocates for shrinking the size of the federal workforce and cutting down on government spending. Federal employees and contractors—many of whom are working-class or middle-class Americans—would likely face layoffs or reduced job opportunities as the government contracts.

    - **Job Losses in Federal Agencies**: The plan could result in the elimination of many jobs within government agencies, such as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Department of Education, and other regulatory bodies. This would particularly affect working-class and middle-class employees who rely on these positions for stable income.
    - **Loss of Federal Benefits**: Federal jobs often come with benefits such as healthcare, pensions, and job security that are not as readily available in the private sector. A reduction in the federal workforce would strip many working-class employees of these benefits.

    ### 4. **Environmental Deregulation**
    Part of Project 2025’s goals includes rolling back environmental regulations that conservatives argue harm business interests. However, this deregulation would disproportionately affect the working class in several ways:

    - **Health Impacts**: Environmental deregulation, such as allowing more pollution from factories or less oversight on water quality, could lead to poorer air and water quality in working-class communities, where industrial facilities are often located. This could result in higher rates of respiratory illnesses, cancers, and other health issues, adding to healthcare costs and reducing quality of life.
    - **Job Insecurity in Renewable Energy**: The plan emphasizes fossil fuel industries like coal and oil, potentially at the expense of renewable energy industries. Workers in the renewable energy sector, which is growing and creating jobs, could face job losses or reduced opportunities if these industries lose federal support.

    ### 5. **Tax Policy Changes**
    Project 2025 advocates for tax cuts that disproportionately benefit wealthier individuals and corporations. While this might spur some economic growth, the benefits are likely to be unevenly distributed, with the wealthiest Americans gaining the most.

    - **Increased Inequality**: Tax cuts for the wealthy often lead to higher deficits, which in turn are used to justify cuts to social programs that benefit the working class. For instance, cuts to food assistance programs, unemployment insurance, or housing assistance would directly harm working-class families who rely on these supports.
    - **Shift in Tax Burden**: If tax cuts primarily benefit the wealthy, it could result in a higher burden on the working class, either through higher state and local taxes or cuts to services that disproportionately benefit lower-income individuals.

    ### 6. **Reduced Access to Affordable Healthcare**
    Many proposals in Project 2025 would involve repealing or rolling back provisions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), which expanded healthcare coverage for millions of low-income and working-class Americans.

    - **Loss of Coverage**: Repealing ACA provisions would lead to the loss of health insurance for millions, particularly those who rely on Medicaid expansions or subsidies to afford their premiums.
    - **Higher Medical Costs**: Without regulatory protections from the ACA, insurance companies could return to practices like denying coverage for pre-existing conditions or charging higher premiums, making healthcare less affordable for working-class families.

    ### 7. **Reduced Government Investment in Infrastructure**
    Project 2025’s emphasis on cutting federal spending could lead to less investment in public infrastructure projects, such as roads, bridges, public transportation, and broadband internet expansion. These projects not only create jobs but also improve the quality of life for working-class Americans.

    - **Fewer Jobs**: Cuts to infrastructure spending would reduce job opportunities in construction, manufacturing, and related sectors that employ large numbers of working-class Americans.
    - **Worsened Living Conditions**: Reduced infrastructure investment could lead to deteriorating public services, such as public transportation, schools, and utilities, which working-class communities rely on more heavily.

    ### 8. **Impact on Immigration and the Economy**
    Project 2025 promotes stricter immigration enforcement, which could have mixed effects on the labor market. Some argue that limiting immigration could protect jobs for U.S. workers, but it could also disrupt industries reliant on immigrant labor, such as agriculture, construction, and hospitality, potentially driving up costs or reducing job availability in those sectors.

    - **Labor Shortages and Price Increases**: If immigrant labor is drastically reduced, some industries could face labor shortages, which might lead to price increases for essential goods and services. This could disproportionately affect working-class families, who are more sensitive to price changes.
    - **Job Insecurity**: Immigrant workers, many of whom are working-class, would face heightened job insecurity and vulnerability to exploitation if immigration enforcement intensifies without providing legal pathways to work.

    ### Conclusion
    If Project 2025 were implemented, its focus on deregulation, privatization, and shrinking the federal government could have significant negative effects on the working class. While some proponents argue that reducing government intervention would lead to a more dynamic economy, the risks for workers include reduced protections, lower wages, fewer social services, higher healthcare costs, and worsened living conditions. The working class, particularly those reliant on federal support, government jobs, or protections, could bear the brunt of these changes."
  3. Kafka sweaty
  4. If you're not voting for Trump, you're voting for a cackling psychopathic radical left wing Marxist/globalist lunatic. It's as simple as that.
  5. Netflxchillr African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Netflxchillr Wanna say something about something or to somebody? Beef or no Beef, Feel free! I’ll go first.

    Hey Kafka,

    I’m tired of you sending propaganda media links to my inbox.

    over TRUMP & Project 2025. Im not ever going to be interested in your feelings. Feelings are NOT facts! So, on that note, here is some facts for you.

    This is the President, Kevin Roberts, of the Heritage Foundation & Project 2025 commenting, publicly, how TRUMP was/is not apart of it.


    Ps. So, stop DM’g me all your article links by crazy conspiracist whack-a-doodle Liberals!!
    & people, no response to you, is a response.
  6. Kafka sweaty
    If you really can't imagine a motive for why Kevin would lie, you need to be committed.
  7. shitty titty Cripple Nipple
    I hate the name Kevin
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  8. Kafka sweaty
    "The concepts and figures you’ve mentioned—**theobros**, **techbros**, **technofeudalism**, **Elon Musk**, **a second Trump presidency**, **Project 2025**, **JD Vance**, and **misogyny**—are all intertwined through overlapping political, economic, and cultural dynamics that represent a broader **rightward shift** in American society. These dynamics are shaped by the growing influence of tech elites, libertarianism, reactionary populism, and conservative nationalism. Let’s break down how they are connected:

    ### 1. **Theobros** and the Conservative Cultural Agenda
    - **Theobros** refers to a group of religious conservative intellectuals and influencers who advocate for a return to traditional Christian values in the public sphere. They emphasize **patriarchy**, traditional gender roles, and a rejection of secular liberalism.
    - These thinkers often align with broader **right-wing populist movements** that seek to **reshape society along hierarchical, conservative lines**, critiquing both liberal democracy and modern social movements like feminism, LGBTQ+ rights, and progressive politics.
    - **Misogyny** is deeply embedded in this worldview, as theobros often promote traditional gender roles that marginalize women and oppose feminist ideals of equality and emancipation. This patriarchal ideology can influence broader political and cultural movements that limit women’s roles in society.
    - **Project 2025**, a blueprint for dismantling many federal regulations, is partly influenced by this desire to **re-Christianize American society**, reducing the role of secular institutions and expanding religious conservatism into government policy.

    ### 2. **Techbros** and the Libertarian Vision
    - **Techbros** are typically technophilic, often libertarian, Silicon Valley figures who see technology as the solution to societal problems and believe in **free-market capitalism** with minimal government interference. They advocate for **disruptive innovation** and often wield enormous power over digital infrastructure, the economy, and social platforms.
    - Figures like **Elon Musk** epitomize this archetype. Musk advocates for **free speech absolutism** (even when it enables hate speech and misogyny), minimal regulation of business, and grand technological visions (such as Mars colonization). His libertarian-leaning ideology aligns with the broader **technocratic and corporate influence** over public discourse.
    - **Technofeudalism**, a concept advanced by thinkers like **Yanis Varoufakis**, describes how these tech elites are moving away from the productive, competitive capitalism of the past toward a system where a small **tech oligarchy** controls vast digital resources and data, turning the rest of the population into economic "serfs" dependent on their platforms.
    - **Misogyny** in the tech world often emerges from the **bro culture** and **reactionary internet subcultures** that tech platforms enable. This includes the rise of anti-feminist movements like the **incel community** and online spaces where women are often harassed, marginalized, or excluded.

    ### 3. **Elon Musk** and the Fusion of Tech and Right-Wing Politics
    - **Elon Musk** has increasingly aligned himself with **right-wing populist politics**, promoting libertarian ideals and embracing conservative figures, such as by interacting with and amplifying voices aligned with **Donald Trump**, **anti-woke rhetoric**, and reactionary internet movements. Musk's control over X (formerly Twitter) has further **empowered alt-right voices**, conspiracies, and anti-progressive viewpoints.
    - Musk’s critique of mainstream media, government regulations, and progressive values positions him as both a symbol of **technocratic elitism** and a hero to **anti-establishment conservatives**.
    - His vision of **technofeudalism**—where his platforms like Tesla, SpaceX, and X serve as the infrastructure for a new digital oligarchy—fits into a system where a few powerful elites control the majority of resources, limiting upward mobility and creating a **class-based system** that resembles feudal hierarchies.

    ### 4. **A Second Trump Presidency** and Authoritarianism
    - A second **Donald Trump presidency**, especially with the backing of movements like **Project 2025**, would accelerate the breakdown of democratic norms and further empower right-wing populist and authoritarian movements.
    - Trump’s presidency previously fostered an environment where **misogyny**, **white nationalism**, and **reactionary populism** thrived, as seen in policies attacking reproductive rights, gender equality, and LGBTQ+ rights. His rhetoric often emboldened **anti-feminist** and **anti-progressive** movements.
    - A second term, especially in conjunction with a project like **Project 2025**, would further institutionalize **anti-feminist and patriarchal policies**, empowering movements like the **theobros** to embed their religious conservatism deeper into government structures.
    - The alliance between Trump and tech elites like **Elon Musk**, both of whom share anti-establishment, pro-corporate, and libertarian ideals, could lead to a **fusion of technocratic control with authoritarian governance**.

    ### 5. **Project 2025** and Economic Serfdom
    - **Project 2025**, spearheaded by the **Heritage Foundation**, aims to dramatically roll back federal regulations, dismantle the administrative state, and reduce the government’s role in regulating corporations, labor, and environmental protections. This could further empower **tech giants** and wealthy elites, leading to a **technofeudalistic economic system** where working-class Americans are at the mercy of **unregulated corporate power**.
    - The combination of economic deregulation, the rollback of labor protections, and the weakening of social safety nets could leave workers **economically dependent on powerful corporations** for jobs, benefits, and healthcare—mirroring the **serfdom dynamics** where individuals have limited autonomy and rely on a small elite for survival.

    ### 6. **JD Vance** and Reactionary Populism
    - **JD Vance**, a populist Republican senator, represents the fusion of **Trumpian populism** with **cultural conservatism**. He appeals to working-class voters by attacking elites while simultaneously supporting policies that **favor corporate deregulation** and **reduce government support for workers**.
    - Vance has also been critical of feminism and progressive movements, advocating for a return to **traditional gender roles** and **family structures**. His politics are steeped in a **reactionary nostalgia** for a patriarchal past where women are expected to prioritize domestic roles over professional ambitions.
    - By combining **populist rhetoric** with policies that protect corporate interests, Vance mirrors the **technofeudalistic** framework where the working class is left vulnerable to exploitation by tech elites, while simultaneously pushing a **cultural agenda** that reinforces misogyny and patriarchal values.

    ### 7. **Misogyny** as a Core Component
    - **Misogyny** plays a central role in this convergence of tech elitism, right-wing populism, and reactionary politics. Both **theobros** and **techbros** exhibit misogynistic tendencies, whether through promoting **patriarchal religious values** or enabling toxic cultures of **bro-centrism** in the tech industry.
    - A second **Trump presidency**, combined with the influence of figures like **Elon Musk** and **JD Vance**, would further embolden **misogynistic policies**, such as **attacks on reproductive rights**, the promotion of traditional gender roles, and the rollback of gender equality initiatives.
    - The **fusion of technocratic and conservative authoritarianism** could create a societal structure where **patriarchal, anti-feminist values** are institutionalized, and the economic precarity caused by technofeudalism disproportionately harms women, as they often bear the brunt of **economic inequality**, precarity, and limited access to reproductive and professional autonomy.

    ### Conclusion: The Interplay Between These Forces

    These different elements—**theobros**, **techbros**, **technofeudalism**, **Elon Musk**, **a second Trump presidency**, **Project 2025**, **JD Vance**, and **misogyny**—are intertwined through a shared desire to **restructure society** along hierarchical lines that benefit a small elite (both economically and culturally). They represent a **right-wing convergence** of **cultural conservatism** (theobros), **economic libertarianism** (techbros), and **authoritarian populism** (Trump, Vance), all of which threaten to erode democratic governance, worker rights, and gender equality. In this scenario, the rise of **technofeudalism**—enabled by figures like Elon Musk and right-wing deregulation—would create a society where **economic serfdom** and **patriarchal values** reinforce each other, leading to a future that marginalizes both the working class and women."
  9. Originally posted by Kafka "The concepts and figures you’ve mentioned—**theobros**, **techbros**, **technofeudalism**, **Elon Musk**, **a second Trump presidency**, **Project 2025**, **JD Vance**, and **misogyny**—are all intertwined through overlapping political, economic, and cultural dynamics that represent a broader **rightward shift** in American society. These dynamics are shaped by the growing influence of tech elites, libertarianism, reactionary populism, and conservative nationalism. Let’s break down how they are connected:

    ### 1. **Theobros** and the Conservative Cultural Agenda
    - **Theobros** refers to a group of religious conservative intellectuals and influencers who advocate for a return to traditional Christian values in the public sphere. They emphasize **patriarchy**, traditional gender roles, and a rejection of secular liberalism.
    - These thinkers often align with broader **right-wing populist movements** that seek to **reshape society along hierarchical, conservative lines**, critiquing both liberal democracy and modern social movements like feminism, LGBTQ+ rights, and progressive politics.
    - **Misogyny** is deeply embedded in this worldview, as theobros often promote traditional gender roles that marginalize women and oppose feminist ideals of equality and emancipation. This patriarchal ideology can influence broader political and cultural movements that limit women’s roles in society.
    - **Project 2025**, a blueprint for dismantling many federal regulations, is partly influenced by this desire to **re-Christianize American society**, reducing the role of secular institutions and expanding religious conservatism into government policy.

    ### 2. **Techbros** and the Libertarian Vision
    - **Techbros** are typically technophilic, often libertarian, Silicon Valley figures who see technology as the solution to societal problems and believe in **free-market capitalism** with minimal government interference. They advocate for **disruptive innovation** and often wield enormous power over digital infrastructure, the economy, and social platforms.
    - Figures like **Elon Musk** epitomize this archetype. Musk advocates for **free speech absolutism** (even when it enables hate speech and misogyny), minimal regulation of business, and grand technological visions (such as Mars colonization). His libertarian-leaning ideology aligns with the broader **technocratic and corporate influence** over public discourse.
    - **Technofeudalism**, a concept advanced by thinkers like **Yanis Varoufakis**, describes how these tech elites are moving away from the productive, competitive capitalism of the past toward a system where a small **tech oligarchy** controls vast digital resources and data, turning the rest of the population into economic "serfs" dependent on their platforms.
    - **Misogyny** in the tech world often emerges from the **bro culture** and **reactionary internet subcultures** that tech platforms enable. This includes the rise of anti-feminist movements like the **incel community** and online spaces where women are often harassed, marginalized, or excluded.

    ### 3. **Elon Musk** and the Fusion of Tech and Right-Wing Politics
    - **Elon Musk** has increasingly aligned himself with **right-wing populist politics**, promoting libertarian ideals and embracing conservative figures, such as by interacting with and amplifying voices aligned with **Donald Trump**, **anti-woke rhetoric**, and reactionary internet movements. Musk's control over X (formerly Twitter) has further **empowered alt-right voices**, conspiracies, and anti-progressive viewpoints.
    - Musk’s critique of mainstream media, government regulations, and progressive values positions him as both a symbol of **technocratic elitism** and a hero to **anti-establishment conservatives**.
    - His vision of **technofeudalism**—where his platforms like Tesla, SpaceX, and X serve as the infrastructure for a new digital oligarchy—fits into a system where a few powerful elites control the majority of resources, limiting upward mobility and creating a **class-based system** that resembles feudal hierarchies.

    ### 4. **A Second Trump Presidency** and Authoritarianism
    - A second **Donald Trump presidency**, especially with the backing of movements like **Project 2025**, would accelerate the breakdown of democratic norms and further empower right-wing populist and authoritarian movements.
    - Trump’s presidency previously fostered an environment where **misogyny**, **white nationalism**, and **reactionary populism** thrived, as seen in policies attacking reproductive rights, gender equality, and LGBTQ+ rights. His rhetoric often emboldened **anti-feminist** and **anti-progressive** movements.
    - A second term, especially in conjunction with a project like **Project 2025**, would further institutionalize **anti-feminist and patriarchal policies**, empowering movements like the **theobros** to embed their religious conservatism deeper into government structures.
    - The alliance between Trump and tech elites like **Elon Musk**, both of whom share anti-establishment, pro-corporate, and libertarian ideals, could lead to a **fusion of technocratic control with authoritarian governance**.

    ### 5. **Project 2025** and Economic Serfdom
    - **Project 2025**, spearheaded by the **Heritage Foundation**, aims to dramatically roll back federal regulations, dismantle the administrative state, and reduce the government’s role in regulating corporations, labor, and environmental protections. This could further empower **tech giants** and wealthy elites, leading to a **technofeudalistic economic system** where working-class Americans are at the mercy of **unregulated corporate power**.
    - The combination of economic deregulation, the rollback of labor protections, and the weakening of social safety nets could leave workers **economically dependent on powerful corporations** for jobs, benefits, and healthcare—mirroring the **serfdom dynamics** where individuals have limited autonomy and rely on a small elite for survival.

    ### 6. **JD Vance** and Reactionary Populism
    - **JD Vance**, a populist Republican senator, represents the fusion of **Trumpian populism** with **cultural conservatism**. He appeals to working-class voters by attacking elites while simultaneously supporting policies that **favor corporate deregulation** and **reduce government support for workers**.
    - Vance has also been critical of feminism and progressive movements, advocating for a return to **traditional gender roles** and **family structures**. His politics are steeped in a **reactionary nostalgia** for a patriarchal past where women are expected to prioritize domestic roles over professional ambitions.
    - By combining **populist rhetoric** with policies that protect corporate interests, Vance mirrors the **technofeudalistic** framework where the working class is left vulnerable to exploitation by tech elites, while simultaneously pushing a **cultural agenda** that reinforces misogyny and patriarchal values.

    ### 7. **Misogyny** as a Core Component
    - **Misogyny** plays a central role in this convergence of tech elitism, right-wing populism, and reactionary politics. Both **theobros** and **techbros** exhibit misogynistic tendencies, whether through promoting **patriarchal religious values** or enabling toxic cultures of **bro-centrism** in the tech industry.
    - A second **Trump presidency**, combined with the influence of figures like **Elon Musk** and **JD Vance**, would further embolden **misogynistic policies**, such as **attacks on reproductive rights**, the promotion of traditional gender roles, and the rollback of gender equality initiatives.
    - The **fusion of technocratic and conservative authoritarianism** could create a societal structure where **patriarchal, anti-feminist values** are institutionalized, and the economic precarity caused by technofeudalism disproportionately harms women, as they often bear the brunt of **economic inequality**, precarity, and limited access to reproductive and professional autonomy.

    ### Conclusion: The Interplay Between These Forces

    These different elements—**theobros**, **techbros**, **technofeudalism**, **Elon Musk**, **a second Trump presidency**, **Project 2025**, **JD Vance**, and **misogyny**—are intertwined through a shared desire to **restructure society** along hierarchical lines that benefit a small elite (both economically and culturally). They represent a **right-wing convergence** of **cultural conservatism** (theobros), **economic libertarianism** (techbros), and **authoritarian populism** (Trump, Vance), all of which threaten to erode democratic governance, worker rights, and gender equality. In this scenario, the rise of **technofeudalism**—enabled by figures like Elon Musk and right-wing deregulation—would create a society where **economic serfdom** and **patriarchal values** reinforce each other, leading to a future that marginalizes both the working class and women."

  10. Netflxchillr African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Kafka If you really can't imagine a motive for why Kevin would lie, you need to be committed.

    Oh but I am already committed; tho, Kafka. I’m fully “committed” to MAGA & Making America Great Again!

    🇺🇸 TRUMP 2024 🇺🇸
  11. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ tl/dr

    Then skip to the conclusion. Hatred of women will lead to you becoming serfs.
  12. Netflxchillr African Astronaut
  13. Speedy Parker Black Hole
    Originally posted by Kafka Then skip to the conclusion. Hatred of women will lead to you becoming serfs.

    What if we just hate you, the women of The View, and Rosie O'Donnell?
  14. Kafka sweaty
    I dropped politics because I didn't care about helping people and didn't want a job which would tie me to one country. Idk what I expected my life to be but if Trump wins I'll make it my life purpose to fight patriarchy.
  15. Netflxchillr African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Netflxchillr

    11/5 🇺🇸 DJT 🇺🇸
  16. Kafka sweaty
    The contraceptive bar in my arm has been stabilising my emotions. Some day I'm going to take it out on purpose.
  17. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by Kafka There's a reason why people chose democracy, and if you give that up you won't get it back.

    BUT WE AREN"T ALLOWED TO VOTE FOR NAZIS AND FASCISTS !!! and people say IF YOU VOTE FOR THEM ONCE YOU WILL NEVER VOTE AGAIN JUST LIKE HITLER!! OR PUTIN!!! I dunno man I think all governments have an expiration date
  18. Originally posted by Kafka Then skip to the conclusion. Hatred of women will lead to you becoming serfs.

    The people who hate women are a very small fraction of the total population. You've been brainwashed into thinking otherwise.
  19. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ If you're not voting for Trump, you're voting for a cackling psychopathic radical left wing Marxist/globalist lunatic. It's as simple as that.

    jkokes on you pal I already early voted

  20. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ The people who hate women are a very small fraction of the total population. You've been brainwashed into thinking otherwise.

    When women do the majority of housework the majority of men hate women. People are so used to hatred they don't see it for what it is. Religion isn't moral when it advocates for the absence of mutual respect between men and women.
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