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2024-09-13 at 3:34 PM UTC
2024-09-13 at 3:52 PM UTCI thought it was gonna be u not some boring old niggaThe following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
2024-09-13 at 3:55 PM UTCSame. And I thought I was hard to troll.
2024-09-13 at 4 PM UTCAssuming what it would be is a sign you lack critical thinking skills and need to listen to it.
2024-09-13 at 4:06 PM UTCShake your tits slut
2024-09-13 at 4:29 PM UTC> needs hypnosis tapes for 'critical thinking'
> thinks voting matters
> in a foreign countryThe following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire! -
2024-09-13 at 4:31 PM UTC
2024-09-13 at 4:31 PM UTC"I'm sitting on the roof of my house
With a shotgun and a six pack of beer
The newscaster says the enemy is among us
As bombs explode on the 30 bus
Kill your middle class indecision
Now is not the time
For liberal thought
So I go hunting for witches
I go hunting for witches
Head's are going to roll
I go hunting for...
1990's, optimistic as a teen
But now it's terror, airplanes crash into towers
The Daily Mail says the enemy is among us
Taking our women and taking our jobs
All reasonable thought is being drowned out
By the non-stop baying, baying, baying for blood
So I go hunting for witches
I go hunting for witches
Head's are going to roll
I go hunting for...
I was an ordinary man with ordinary desire
I watched TV, it informed me
I was an ordinary man with ordinary desire
There must be accountability
Disparate and misinformed
Fear will keep us all in place
So I go hunting for witches
I go hunting for witches
Head's are going to roll
I go hunting for...
I was an ordinary man with ordinary desire
I watched TV, it informed me
I was an ordinary man with ordinary desire
There must be accountability
Disparate and misinformed
Fear will keep us all in place" -
2024-09-13 at 4:48 PM UTCThe following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
2024-09-13 at 4:56 PM UTC
Originally posted by HikikomoriYume0 Think of all those wastes of oxygen that had the incredibly lucky one in a septillion chance of being born Japanese and they waste it on being a normie.
I wish I were born Japanese, however being born outside of Japan has given me the unique chance to experience to observe Nihon, should I have been born into it maybe it wouldn't seem as special.
If I were born Nihonjin, then I would spend my days driving by the beach at night in a trueno ae86 with my dakimakura of Iwakura Lain while blasting tunes, then I would cruise down to Tokyo and hit up a bar in one of those alleyway bars
I would sit there and rejoice at the fact that I am in Nihon, I would close my eyes and listen to the background sounds, then I would look to the old man to my left and pat him on the shoulder.
After that I would walk down to the nearest arcade and play a few games, then retreat to my tiny apartment where I would fall asleep to the sounds of Japanese tv in the background.
When I woke up, cuddling my dakimakura, I would spend the entire day in my pajamas browsing 2-ch, telling everyone how lucky they are to be born Japanese.
The next day I would make a pilgrimage to Akihabara where I would stock up on hentai dvds, manga, pantsu and other assorted items to fill my room with.
I would basically be a hoarder but with glorious J-merch.
I could go on but I don't want to take the effort to really type out my fantasies about this, it's late and I'll be going to bed soon.
When I was 15 - 16 I was a million times more hardcore about this, but I tried to pretend like I wasn't a Japanophile so I wouldn't be ostracized or stared at.
I'm one of those people who would walk into barnes and noble dressed as a samurai or geisha if I didn't ahve such bad social anxiety.
I would treat my manga like you people do drugs, I would savor every single morsel of every page and reflect on it for hours, sometimes taking half an hour to finish a couple pages, daydreaming about the world inside the book.
I'm probably the biggest Japanophile in the world and if I had a source of income I would move there and do nothing but the above text all day everyday for the rest of my life.
I hope that if I die in this lifetime I can reincarnate as a Japanese person, but with a good background and caring/loving parents who will be understanding of my hikikomori lifestyle and 2Dsexuality. -
2024-09-14 at 1:44 AM UTC
2024-09-14 at 2:58 AM UTCI wonder how saint cocknose is doing
2024-09-14 at 2:59 AM UTCGhost can u post the Pic of the park mount cocknose please
2024-09-14 at 3:44 AM UTCfor old times sake
Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood The state of that fucking cock nose would like to announce our first tourist and visitor to the national state park, Candyrein.
Come visit yourself and enjoy the scenery and beauty of the natural features like nose hill, nose lake and nose creek.
Originally posted by CandyRein
Just left the state park …
We would also like to announce the winners of the nosegay contest. Lily of the Valley, Hawaiian Baby Woodrose and Monkshood have become the national nosegay flowers of the State of That Fucking Cock Nose.
Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Because we are a nation of peace I have decided that the national flower should be a bunch of flowers, also known as a 'Nosegay'
What flowers should be part of this gay arrangement of flowers for delight of the cock nose? I'm thinking hydrogenas and some kind of morning glory
Wicked clown drive around mothafucka running up ICP mothafucking bumping in my damn trunk
whats you got to say bitch, what the fuck you gonna do, what the fuck you gotta say
looking like your scooby doo. Fuck you cock nose i'll be goofy like the shit
dont really give a fuck cuz you can't come lick my dick. Oh, once again fucking geeking
on this shit. Mothafucking eyes all chink like the mothafucking Asian
Originally posted by Shotakon orgy island https://en.luxuretv.com/videos/gay-man-gets-his-ass-fucked-in-dog-porn-91342.html
Originally posted by Wariat the thing is if i was to get naked while photographing them theyd feel more comfortable as they wouldnt be the only ones nude on a professional set and would admire such a bit cock theyve never seen probably in their lives of a real grown man.
Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal I doubt that's a very viable business.
15+ is really old and there are thousands of sites available today where they can pimp themselves out.
Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal Pretty sure it's not illegal to have an attraction for young children.
Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal 12 years old isn't even that young.
They're plenty ready for sex.
Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal Something I want to do but won't because I am extremely hygienic is shit and piss myself at the same time.
I want to stand there and let it all go, not worry about anything just free my bowels and soil myself.
Of course I would do this in some pants and underwear I plan on throwing away.
Anybody here into shitting themselves?
Maybe I should try diapers but I think it wouldn't feel the same as shitting in normal clothing.
Another thing.
I want to shit and urinate on someone.
BUT the feeling is not mutual, I don't want to be shat and pissed on.
Originally posted by Hikikomori-Fujoshi >tfw no 7yo shota boy toy to fondle while playing ps2
Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood The independent state of that fucking cock nose is a real life micro nation. Who wants to join our glorious state and become a that fucking cock nose nationalist.
Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Our cock nose strong and free 🐓 👃
2024-09-14 at 5:40 AM UTC
2024-09-14 at 11:10 PM UTC
2024-09-14 at 11:12 PM UTCThis has put me off men for good. There's no way I'll ever marry when there's a chance their poison will spread to Europe and divorce could banned.
2024-09-14 at 11:13 PM UTCIf it spreads to Europe I will die.
2024-09-14 at 11:14 PM UTCI would get my womb removed rn if it didn't cause menopause/ageing.
2024-09-14 at 11:15 PM UTCIf Trump wins the election I'm getting my tubes tied.