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  1. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    👑⛀ The King's Tax stands proud

  2. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]℻℻℻
  3. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood i forgot I can made 3D models omg this is huge

    Yeah, you can't. If 5cm as sent isn't 5cm as received, the fax is illegitimate.
  4. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    COV file format:
    If you can determine the file format, the associated program can also be determined. The initial characters of a file are called signature, sometimes also referred to as "magic bytes". The signature can be used to infer the file format. Frequently, however, one file extension is used by different programs for different file formats, and one file format for different file extensions. If there are problems opening a file, you must first determine the file format used. Our analysis of the COV files produces the following result:

    The COV file extension is not widely used. Such a file is used by many programs, each with its own file format. The two most popular formats are as follows:

    20% of all COV files have the same signature FAXCOVER-VER005w. They consist of illegible, cryptic characters. A typical file size is 10 KB. The files contain the following words: EMF and FAXCOVER-VER005w. A common filename is confident.cov or GENERIC.cov. Files like these are about page, nocallednum and cover.
    10% of all COV files start with the bytes F7 08 00 00 5A 55 4C 55 20 31 34 crucial for this file format. These files are binary files, so they do not contain text, but only cryptic characters. COV files are between 700 KB and 23 MB in size. The following keywords are characteristic: ZULU 14. Files like these are about house.

    All other COV files (70%) have no consistent format, the following 7 formats exist: BullseyeCoverage. Often described as applied, indipendenti or epub. You can get all the details of your COV file by dragging it onto this page or by clicking the button "Choose your .cov file to analyze" above.

    Fax formats
    Abaton (rT4)
    AdTech (.adt)
    Async Professional Fax (.apf)
    AWD (At Work Document) / FaxView (Microsoft) (.awd)
    BitFax (Bitware) (.bfx)
    Brooktrout Fax-Mail (.brk, .300, .301)
    Brother Fax (.uni)
    Calculus EZ-Fax (.ezf)
    Canon Navigator Fax (.can)
    CCITT Group 3 (.g3, .fax, .gp3, .cg3)
    CCITT Group 4 (.g4)
    Complete Fax Portable (.cfp, .001)
    Complete PC / Complete Fax (.cpf)
    DCX (.dcx)
    defFax (.fff)
    dexNET (Fujitsu) (.dxn)
    Digifax (.fax, .g3f)
    eFax (.efx)
    Everex Everfax (.efax, .ef3)
    Fax96 (Frecom / Fremont) (.f96)
    FAXability Plus (.pb)
    Faxable PCX (.fcx)
    Faxable TIFF (.ftf)
    Fax Cover document (.cpd, .cpe)
    FaxGrapper transcribed text (.ocr)
    Fax image (.scr)
    FAXit phonebook (.fxd)
    FaxMaker (.fmk)
    FaxManager / Fax man / FaxMan Jr / FaxWizard (.fmf)
    FaxMaster Document (.inm)
    FaxNOW! Faxit phone book (.pbd)
    faxSTF FAX File (Rx) (RFax)
    faxSTF FAX File (Tx) (SFAX)
    FaxWorks (.adp, .ctl, .vmf)
    GammaFax (Gammalink) (.gmf, .gam)
    Generic fax (.fax, .1, .001)
    HotFax (.hfx)
    Image Exchange Format
    Image System (.ig4)
    Imaging Fax (.g3n, .3gn)
    J2 Fax (.jfx)
    JetFax / Hybrid JetFax (.jet)
    JetFax Faxbook (.bk)
    JTFax (Hayes) (.jtf, .001)
    Kofax DS (.ds)
    Kofax Group 4 Bitmap (.kfx)
    Microsoft Cover Page Editor cover page (.cov)
    Mobile FAX (.rfa)
    OAZ Fax / NetFax Manager (.oaz, .xfx)
    Olicom Fax (.ofx)
    Olifax voice (.rvo)
    Perfectfax (AdTech) (.adt, .f01)
    Product R&D (.f01, .prd)
    Prometheus MaxFax (FTIF)
    PWG Raster
    QuickLink II (.qfx) [1]
    Ricoh Fax (.001, .ric)
    RightFax Executable (.ndr)
    RingCentral (.r0f)
    SciFax (.sci)
    SmartFax (American Data Tech) (.smf, .1)
    Structured Fax File (.sff)
    Super FAX 2000 - Fax-Mail 96 (.301)
    SuperFax Logo (.lgo)
    TEFAX (Relisys) (.tef)
    Teli Fax (.mh)
    TIFF-FX / TIFX (.tif, .tfx)
    TurboFax (Imavox) (.tbf)
    UltraFax - QmodemProPhone list (.phn)
    VentaFax (.vfx)
    VentaFax Cover Page (.vfc)
    VentaFax Logbook (.vlg)
    VOS raw fax (.raw)
    Win95 Cover Page Editor fax cover sheet (.cpe)
    WinFax (.wfx, .fxo, .fxs, .fxd, .fxr, .fxm)
    WinFax Cover Page (.cvp)
    WinFax Pro phonebook (.pb)
    WorldPort (.wfx, .wpf)
    Xerox MicroFax (.mif)
    Xerox EDMICS-MMR (.mmr, .ed)
    Xerox EDMICS-RLC (.rlc)
    Xionics Fax (.smp)
    Zetafax (.g3f)
    Zetafax superfine (.g3s)
    ZFax / Zyxel voice file (ad2, .ad3, .zad, .zvd) [2]
    ZSoft Graphics File Format (.zgf)
  5. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    75675675675⊹⊹⊹⊹⊹⊹⊹⊹⊹⊹⊹⊹⊹ 𝓱𝓲𝔀𝓮𝓵𝓬𝓸𝓶𝓮𝓽𝓸𝓶𝔔𝓻縝𝓮𝓽𝓸𝓶 ▄.██🔄██.██████.██🔁██.▀██▀➷𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓮 '𝓼𝓼𝓸𝓶𝓮𝓯𝓾𝓷𝓯𝓪𝓬𝓽𝓼𝓪𝓫𝓽𝓶( ⊹⊹⊹⊹⊹⊹❤️-𝓷𝓪𝓶𝓮(name)✮✮✮☆StupidnoobopenedThe SecretCowportal🚜3𝼟𝓝之一♉♊♋♌♍♓♒♑♐♏♎💡-𝓯𝓪𝓿𝓬𝓸𝓵𝓸❤ ⊹⊹ ⊹⊹ ⊹⊹⊹⊹⊹⊹⊹⊹⊹⊹⊹⊹⊹⊹⊹⊹𝓬𝓾𝓻𝓻𝓮𝓷 𝓭𝔀/ ⊹⊹⊹⊹⊹⊹⊹⊹⊹⊹⊹⊹⊹⊹⊹⊹⊹⊹⊹⊹🧣-羊,莫洛託一切,三角主義,南瓜維爾門戶,DH, AumShin4rikyo、animegirlz、毒品、日本、SpaceKEK、*chans、化學、老鼠、海盜、共產主義者、波蘭、印度教寺廟、黑幫說唱、Totse Tapes、Lannyism、種族主義、跨性別者、電玩遊戲、MercDonalds、420LSD、駭客、greysec、filezandliterature、totse、zoklet義大利、南卡羅來納州、JENK、Jeff Hunterthe Taipain EniggaEgypt、占星術、恐怖主義、色情與性、以色列、三角形ASCIIANSI、秘密化學、核彈、 DJSmokey 卡通與動漫、科幻小說、戰鎚、St.Rocknose、印第安納州、Ellaria SandsofTime、Moloch、TempleOS、SonicFurries、Y2K、病毒,RetroTek,9 /11、BigBucks、自由派無政府主義、shinyivysaur、BBS、PSI 、醫學、異常不明飛行物、超自然現象、槍支、生存、死亡、生命、Druidswinamp、邦迪、肉荳蔻、香料、寺廟、任天堂/馬裡奧、AIcards、商店、律師、diy、無線電衛星,greennrg,植物學,文書工作,死牛崇拜,hebewology,sunra,非洲/奈及利亞,委內瑞拉,laincham,我的世界,osrscrack,孟菲斯,cryptp,賭博,遊戲,原始資料,gonts,自閉症/心理健康,oldDOSsoftwarez,melonz ,eggplantshadowbhutanesebrokersbankers,shadowmarket,ankh !! ⊹⊹⊹⊹⊹ ⊹⊹⊹⊹⊹⊹⊹⊹ ⊹⊹⊹⊹⊹➷ 𝓶𝓮𝓻𝓻𝔂𝔁𝓶𝓪𝓼༄⊹⊹⊹⊹
  6. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    ಄ ಄
    ᐀ ᐁ ᐂ ᐃ ᐄ ᐅ ᐆ ᐇ ᐈ ᐉ ᐊ ᐋ ᐌ ᐍ ᐎ ᐏ
    ᐐ ᐑ ᐒ ᐓ ᐔ ᐕ ᐖ ᐗ ᐘ ᐙ ᐚ ᐛ ᐜ ᐝ ᐞ ᐟ
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    ᐰ ᐱ ᐲ ᐳ ᐴ ᐵ ᐶ ᐷ ᐸ ᐹ ᐺ ᐻ ᐼ ᐽ ᐾ ᐿ
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    ᑐ ᑑ ᑒ ᑓ ᑔ ᑕ ᑖ ᑗ ᑘ ᑙ ᑚ ᑛ ᑜ ᑝ ᑞ ᑟ
    ᑠ ᑡ ᑢ ᑣ ᑤ ᑥ ᑦ ᑧ ᑨ ᑩ ᑪ ᑫ ᑬ ᑭ ᑮ ᑯ
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  7. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Case No. 2:23-cv-02687-SVW-JC Date July 25, 2024
    Title That One Video Entertainment LLC v. Koil Content Creation PTY LTD., et al.
    Present: The Honorable Jacqueline Chooljian, United States Magistrate Judge
    Kerri Hays None None
    Deputy Clerk Court Reporter / Recorder Tape No.
    Attorneys Present for Plaintiff: Attorneys Present for Defendants:
    none none
    COMPEL (DOCKET NOS. 40, 42, 43)
    Pending before the Court and set for a hearing on July 30, 2024 at 9:30 a.m. are the parties’
    Motions to Compel which have been presented to the Court in the form of a single Joint Stipulation
    Regarding Dispute Over Production of Document (“Joint Stipulation” or “JS”) without a notice of
    motion. (See Local Rule L.R. 37-2 (discovery joint stipulation must be filed and served with notice of
    motion)).1 Plaintiff seeks an order compelling Defendant Koil Content Creation Pty Ltd. (“Koil” or
    “Defendant”) to produce further documents responsive to Plaintiff’s Document Request No. 16 (“RFP
    No. 16”) which calls for Defendant to produce all documents evidencing all revenues generated and
    costs incurred from Defendant’s operation of the NoPixel Server (“Plaintiff’s Motion to Compel”).
    Defendant seeks an order compelling Plaintiff to produce further documents responsive to Defendant’s
    Document Request No. 2 (“RFP No. 2”) which calls for Plaintiff to produce all communications
    between Plaintiff and Daniel Tracy that refer or reflect eleven specified subjects (“Defendant’s Motion
    to Compel”).
    Pursuant to Rule 78 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and Local Rule 7-15, the
    Court finds the Motions to Compel appropriate for decision without oral argument. The hearing
    calendared for July 30, 2024 is hereby vacated and the Motions to Compel are taken off calendar and are
    submitted for decision.
    1In connection with the Motions to Compel, the parties have submitted the Joint Stipulation,
    Plaintiff’s Supplemental Memorandum, Defendant’s Supplemental Memorandum, a Declaration of
    Mitchell Clout (“Clout Decl.”) with an exhibit (“Clout Ex. 1”), a Declaration of Larry Zerner (“Zerner
    Decl.”) with exhibits (“Zerner Ex.”), and a Declaration of John M. Begakis (“Begakis Decl.”) with an
    exhibit (“Begakis Ex. A”). (Docket Nos. 40, 42, 43, 47).
    CV-90 (06/04) CIVIL MINUTES - GENERAL Page 1 of 9
    Case 2:23-cv-02687-SVW-JC Document 48 Filed 07/25/24 Page 1 of 9 Page ID #:267
    Case No. 2:23-cv-02687-SVW-JC Date July 25, 2024
    Title That One Video Entertainment LLC v. Koil Content Creation PTY LTD., et al.
    Based on the parties’ submissions, the record and the pertinent facts and law, the Court grants in
    part and denies in part Plaintiff’s Motion to Compel and Defendant’s Motion to Compel as set forth
    below. The parties are ordered to provide the items called for by this Order within fourteen (14) days
    absent further order of the Court or written agreement of the parties.
    On July 7, 2023, Plaintiff That One Video Entertainment (“Plaintiff” or “TOVE”) filed the
    operative First Amended Complaint (alternatively, “FAC”) against Defendant Koil and its founder/
    owner Mitchell Clout (“Clout”) (collectively “Defendants”), asserting claims for declaratory relief,
    breach of contract and an accounting. (Docket No. 18; Begakis Decl. ¶ 2). The First Amended
    Complaint alleges the following:
    Plaintiff is a content creation/business management company that employs various individuals in
    the videogame industry. (FAC ¶ 9). It employed a software developer named Daniel Tracey (“Tracey”).
    (FAC ¶ 9). As part of Tracey’s employment agreement, TOVE was permitted to contract with third
    parties to sell Tracey’s services and receive all compensation paid for the same. (FAC ¶ 10).
    Defendants operate a videogame server (the “NoPixel Server”), where individuals who play the
    “open world” video game Grand Theft Auto V (the “Game”), can role-play with other individuals in a
    closed game environment on the NoPixel Server. (FAC ¶ 11).
    Around early 2020, Defendants desired to engage Tracey in his role as a software developer to
    make significant updates to the NoPixel Server (the “Services”). (FAC ¶ 12). Defendants contracted
    with TOVE to obtain Tracey’s Services as an independent contractor in exchange for Defendants’
    agreement “to pay 50% of Game revenue to TOVE by way of [] Tracey (the ‘Agreement’).” (FAC
    ¶ 12).2
    2Defendants deny this allegation (Answer ¶ 12; see also JS at 4-5) and Defendant Clout attests:
    In May 2021, Defendant Koil entered into a contract with Tracey (not TOVE) for Tracey to work as a
    developer. (Clout Decl. ¶ 6). Koil paid Tracey a base salary of $10,000 per month. (Clout Decl. ¶ 6).
    In March 2022, Tracey proposed during extra services in exchange for addiitonal money from Koil.
    (Clout Decl. ¶ 7). One of the things that Koil asked Tracey to do was to set up additional international
    servers because at the time, the only international server was in India. (Clout Decl. ¶ 7). On March 22,
    2022, Tracey sent the terms of this employment proposal to Koil via the Discord messaging app. (Clout
    Decl. ¶ 7). Such message essentially reflects that Tracey would accept $10,000 per month as his base
    pay, plus 50% of the revenue from the existing India server, 50% from the Koil Whitelist Priority server,
    and 50% from the international servers he would help get online, and that the contract would be
    renegotiated every six months. (Clout Decl. ¶¶ 7-9; Clout Ex. 1). Tracey eventually helped get two
    additional international servers online (besides India), running Koil’s code – one for Spain and one that
    covered South America. (Clout Decl. ¶ 11). Until Tracey was terminated in December 2022, Koil paid
    CV-90 (06/04) CIVIL MINUTES - GENERAL Page 2 of 9
    Case 2:23-cv-02687-SVW-JC Document 48 Filed 07/25/24 Page 2 of 9 Page ID #:268
    Case No. 2:23-cv-02687-SVW-JC Date July 25, 2024
    Title That One Video Entertainment LLC v. Koil Content Creation PTY LTD., et al.
    During the aforementioned arrangement, TOVE did not execute an agreement stating that
    Tracey’s contributions were “works-made-for-hire” or were otherwise owned by Defendants. (FAC
    ¶ 12).
    From in or about early 2020 to in our about December 2022, Tracey rendered Services to
    Defendants. (FAC ¶ 13). In the process of rendering such Services, Tracey contributed significant
    creative contributions to both the “front end” visual aesthetics of the Game and the “back end”
    information management systems that allow the NoPixel Server to function. (FAC ¶ 13). Specifically,
    Tracey designed and created the entire payment processing system utilized by the NoPixel Server which
    has facilitated the processing of millions of dollars in payments to Defendants. (FAC ¶ 13).
    In late 2022, a personal dispute arose between Tracey and Defendant Clout, resulting in Clout
    terminating Tracey’s role with Defendant Koil and removing Tracey’s authority to access the Server.
    (FAC ¶ 15).
    On January 9, 2023, Plaintiff, through counsel, thereafter advised Defendants that all of Tracey’s
    contributions to the development of the NoPixel Server were exclusively owned by TOVE. (FAC ¶ 20).3
    On or about January 23, 2023, Defendants, through counsel, responded, claiming that Tracey had
    contributed nothing copyrightable to the NoPixel Server and that anything Tracey had contributed was
    permanently and irrevocably licensed to Defendants. (FAC ¶ 21). On or about February 6, 2024,
    Plaintiff, through counsel, disputed Defendants’ claims of lack of ownership and the existence of a
    license. (FAC ¶ 21).4 On February 10, 2024, Defendants, through counsel, again claimed that they had a
    perpetual, irrevocable license in and to Tracey’s contributions to the NoPixel Server. (FAC ¶ 23).
    As noted above, Plaintiff asserts claims for declaratory relief, breach of contract and an
    accounting. (Docket No. 18). As subsequently construed by the District Judge, Plaintiff’s first claim for
    declaratory relief essentially seeks a declaration that Plaintiff is a joint owner of the NoPixel Server and
    Tracey 50% of the revenue from the aforementioned four servers (Whitelist Priority, India, Spain and
    South America), which typically averaged between $40,000 to $50,000 per month. (Clout Decl. ¶ 12).
    At no point did Tracey ever ask for or receive any money from any server, other than the aforementioned
    four servers. (Clout Decl. ¶ 13). At no point did Clout ever speak to anyone at TOVE or agree to pay
    TOVE or Tracey money from any other server. (Clout Decl. ¶ 14).
    3It is not clear if this letter is the same or distinct from the January 9, 2024 letter sent to
    Defendant Clout on behalf of Tracey (not TOVE) by Attorney John M. Begakis, who now also
    represents Plaintiff in this action. (See Zerner Decl. ¶ 2; Zerner Ex. 2).
    4A copy of this letter, in which Attorney Begakis advises Defendants’ counsel that he now
    represented both Tracy and TOVE appears to be attached to the Zerner Declaration as Exhibit 3. (See
    Zerner Decl. ¶ 3; Zerner Ex. 3).
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    Title That One Video Entertainment LLC v. Koil Content Creation PTY LTD., et al.
    that Defendants did not have a “license” to operate the NoPixel Server without accounting for profits to
    TOVE and could not operate the NoPixel Server under the guise of a license that allows it to keep all
    profits. (See Docket No. 26). Plaintiff’s second claim for breach of contract alleges that Defendants
    have breached the Agreement in that they have failed and refused, and continue to fail and refuse, “to
    pay TOVE 50% of the revenue generated from the NoPixel Server.” (FAC ¶ 32).5 Plaintiff’s third claim
    for an accounting alleges that Defendants have received money from the exploitation of Tracey’s
    creative contributions to the NoPixel Server without a license, a portion of which is therefore due to
    TOVE, and the amount of which cannot be ascertained without an order requiring Defendants to account
    to TOVE with respect to all transactions relating to Defendants’ exploitation of Tracey’s creative
    contributions to the NoPixel Server without a license. (FAC ¶¶ 35-37).
    On February 14, 2024, the District Judge denied Defendants’ Motion to Dismiss the declaratory
    relief claim. (Docket No. 26).
    On or about April 8, 2024, Plaintiff served on Defendant Koil, Plaintiff’s First Set of Requests
    for the Production of Documents (“Plaintiff’s Document Requests”) containing RFP No. 16, which is in
    issue. (Begakis Decl. ¶ 3). Defendant served its initial responses to the Document Requests on May 8,
    2024. (Begakis Decl. ¶ 4). On May 9, 2024, Plaintiff’s counsel emailed Defendant’s counsel regarding
    asserted deficiencies in Defendant’s responses to the Document Requests. (Begakis Decl. ¶ 5; Begakis
    Ex. A). On May 22, 2024, counsel met and conferred regarding Defendant’s responses to Plaintiff’s
    Document Requests. (Begakis Decl. ¶ 6). On June 5, 2024, Defendant served supplemental responses
    to Plaintiff’s Document Requests but continued to refuse to provide any financial documents responsive
    to RFP No. 16, asserting that such documents were “unrelated to this litigation.” (Begakis Decl. ¶ 7).
    On June 12, 2024, the parties exchanged further communications but were unable to resolve their
    differences regarding RFP No. 16. (Begakis Decl. ¶ 8).
    On an unspecified date, Defendant Koil served Plaintiff with Defendant Koil’s First Set of
    Requests for the Production of Documents (“Defendant’s Document Requests”) containing RFP No. 2,
    which is in issue. (JS at 1, 5, 8-9). On an unspecified date, Plaintiff responded to Defendant’s
    Document Requests. (JS at 1, 5, 8-9). The parties apparently thereafter conferred regarding Plaintiff’s
    assertedly deficient production relative to RFP No. 2 – i.e., its asserted failure to produce documents
    post-dating 2022 – but were unable to resolve their differences. (JS at 1, 8-11).
    5In its recitation of “Facts Common to All Causes of Action,” Plaintiff alleges that Defendants
    agreed to pay Plaintiff “fifty percent (50%) of Game revenue,” but in the breach of contract claim,
    Plaintiff instead alleges that Defendants agreed to pay Plaintiff “50% of revenue generated from the
    NoPixel Server.” (Compare FAC 12 with FAC 31). It thus appears that Plaintiff equates revenue from
    the NoPixel Server with revenue from the Game.
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    Title That One Video Entertainment LLC v. Koil Content Creation PTY LTD., et al.
    A. Plaintiff’s Motion to Compel – RFP No. 16
    Plaintiff’s RFP No. 16 calls for Defendant to produce: “All DOCUMENTS evidencing all
    revenues generated, and costs incurred, from YOUR operation of the NOPIXEL SERVER.” (JS at 6).6
    Defendant initially interposed multiple objections to RFP No. 16 – asserting that it is
    burdensome, oppressive, overbroad, compound, vague, ambiguous and unintelligible – but, without
    waiving such objections, and after assertedly conducting a diligent search and making reasonable
    inquiry, responded: “Based on the ambiguous and unclear definition provided for the NOPIXEL
    SERVER, Responding Party is unable to provide a response.” (JS at 6).7
    Defendant thereafter provided a supplemental response which reasserted the same objections, but
    notwithstanding and without waiving such objections, responded: “The subject documents are already
    in the possession, custody, and control of the Propounding Party insofar as the requested documents
    were produced to the Propounding Party on or about May 8, 2024. The responsive documents are
    contained within Bates #MC0068 to Bates #MC0072 produced [t]herewith, which reflect the 50% net
    participation agreement between TRACEY and NoPixel via Discord on March 14, 2022. Propounding
    Party’s definition of “NOPIXEL SERVER” is otherwise overbroad as it: (a) encompasses over 172
    servers, (b) would require production of financial documents unrelated to this litigation, (c) [is] wholly
    unrelated to any work performed by TRACEY, and (d) is therefore, not calculated to lead to the
    discovery of admissible evidence.” (JS at 6-7).8
    6Plaintiff has not supplied the Court with the actual Document Requests which presumably
    define the capitalized terms. As to the term “NOPIXEL SERVER,” the Court proceeds on the
    assumption that it has been defined in a manner consistent with the definition thereof in the First
    Amended Complaint, i.e., that it refers to “a videogame server, wherein individuals who play the ‘open
    world’ videogame entitled ‘Grand Theft Auto V’ . . . can ‘role-play’ with other individuals in a closed
    Game environment on such server” (FAC ¶ 11),” but, given the information supplied by Defendants
    regarding multiple servers, further presumes that even though the term is singular, the “NOPIXEL
    SERVER” is actually comprised of 172 servers, including the four specific servers identified by
    Defendants. (See supra note 2; JS at 6-7).
    7Defendant also incorporated its “Preliminary Statement” as though fully set forth in such
    response but Defendant has not supplied the Court with such statement or its actual responses to
    Plaintiff’s Document Requests which presumably contain such statement.
    8Defendant again incorporated its “Preliminary Statement” as though fully set forth in such
    supplemental response but has not supplied the Court with such statement or its actual responses to
    Plaintiff’s Document Requests which presumably contain such statement.
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    Title That One Video Entertainment LLC v. Koil Content Creation PTY LTD., et al.
    As noted above (see supra note 2), Defendant takes the position that its only agreement was with
    Tracey (not TOVE), that such agreement only required Defendant to pay and Defendant did pay Tracey –
    until Tracey’s termination in December 2022 – $10,000 per month base pay and 50% of the revenue
    from Defendant’s India, Koil Whitelist Priority, Spain and South America servers, and that at no point
    did Defendant’s owner/founder Clout ever speak to anyone at TOVE or agree to pay TOVE or Tracey
    money from any other server. (JS at 8; Clout Decl. ¶¶ 7-9, 11-14; Clout Ex. 1). Defendant Clout
    represents that he has agreed to give Plaintiff revenue statements from the four aforementioned servers
    (presumably Bates #MC0068 to Bates #MC0072 referenced in Defendant Koil’s supplemental response
    to RFP No. 16), but Defendant declines to agree to produce revenue from any other servers as they are
    assertedly completely outside the scope of the agreement in issue. (JS at 8; Clout Decl. ¶ 15).
    Plaintiff essentially argues that Defendant’s response is insufficient because Defendant’s
    production does not include documents evidencing all revenues generated, and costs incurred, from
    Defendant’s operation of all servers that assertedly constitute “the NOPIXEL SERVER” and instead is
    limited to documents evidencing revenues generated/costs incurred from only those servers that
    Defendant contends are relevant to the action under Defendant’s theory of the case. (JS at 7). Plaintiff
    contends that the requested discovery is relevant and proportional to the needs of the case because the
    First Amended Complaint alleges that Plaintiff “is a co-owner in the copyright of the code comprising
    the NoPixel Server and is entitled to fifty percent (50%) of the revenues generated therefrom pursuant to
    the parties’ agreement . . . and because the scope of Plaintiff’s potential ownership and right to profits is
    broad enough to entitle Plaintiff to half of all monies reflected in such requested documents.” (JS at 7-
    The Court is not unsympathetic to Defendant’s position – particularly given the evidence it has
    submitted regarding a relatively narrow agreement with Tracey versus the absence of any evidence
    submitted by Plaintiff to support its different/broader allegations regarding the parties to and terms of the
    agreement in issue. However, as relevance is determined by reference to the pleadings9 – here, the
    operative First Amended Complaint – the Court is compelled to conclude that documents evidencing
    revenues generated and costs incurred from Defendant’s operation of all of the servers that comprise the
    “NOPIXEL SERVER” is relevant to at least the damages assessment for the breach of contract claim
  8. Bradley Dogsbane
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT
    Case No. 2:23-cv-02687-SVW-JC Date July 25, 2024
    Title That One Video Entertainment LLC v. Koil Content Creation PTY LTD., et al.
    Present: The Honorable Jacqueline Chooljian, United States Magistrate Judge
    Kerri Hays None None
    Deputy Clerk Court Reporter / Recorder Tape No.
    Attorneys Present for Plaintiff: Attorneys Present for Defendants:
    none none
    COMPEL (DOCKET NOS. 40, 42, 43)
    Pending before the Court and set for a hearing on July 30, 2024 at 9:30 a.m. are the parties’
    Motions to Compel which have been presented to the Court in the form of a single Joint Stipulation
    Regarding Dispute Over Production of Document (“Joint Stipulation” or “JS”) without a notice of
    motion. (See Local Rule L.R. 37-2 (discovery joint stipulation must be filed and served with notice of
    motion)).1 Plaintiff seeks an order compelling Defendant Koil Content Creation Pty Ltd. (“Koil” or
    “Defendant”) to produce further documents responsive to Plaintiff’s Document Request No. 16 (“RFP
    No. 16”) which calls for Defendant to produce all documents evidencing all revenues generated and
    costs incurred from Defendant’s operation of the NoPixel Server (“Plaintiff’s Motion to Compel”).
    Defendant seeks an order compelling Plaintiff to produce further documents responsive to Defendant’s
    Document Request No. 2 (“RFP No. 2”) which calls for Plaintiff to produce all communications
    between Plaintiff and Daniel Tracy that refer or reflect eleven specified subjects (“Defendant’s Motion
    to Compel”).
    Pursuant to Rule 78 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and Local Rule 7-15, the
    Court finds the Motions to Compel appropriate for decision without oral argument. The hearing
    calendared for July 30, 2024 is hereby vacated and the Motions to Compel are taken off calendar and are
    submitted for decision.
    1In connection with the Motions to Compel, the parties have submitted the Joint Stipulation,
    Plaintiff’s Supplemental Memorandum, Defendant’s Supplemental Memorandum, a Declaration of
    Mitchell Clout (“Clout Decl.”) with an exhibit (“Clout Ex. 1”), a Declaration of Larry Zerner (“Zerner
    Decl.”) with exhibits (“Zerner Ex.”), and a Declaration of John M. Begakis (“Begakis Decl.”) with an
    exhibit (“Begakis Ex. A”). (Docket Nos. 40, 42, 43, 47).
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    Title That One Video Entertainment LLC v. Koil Content Creation PTY LTD., et al.
    Based on the parties’ submissions, the record and the pertinent facts and law, the Court grants in
    part and denies in part Plaintiff’s Motion to Compel and Defendant’s Motion to Compel as set forth
    below. The parties are ordered to provide the items called for by this Order within fourteen (14) days
    absent further order of the Court or written agreement of the parties.
    On July 7, 2023, Plaintiff That One Video Entertainment (“Plaintiff” or “TOVE”) filed the
    operative First Amended Complaint (alternatively, “FAC”) against Defendant Koil and its founder/
    owner Mitchell Clout (“Clout”) (collectively “Defendants”), asserting claims for declaratory relief,
    breach of contract and an accounting. (Docket No. 18; Begakis Decl. ¶ 2). The First Amended
    Complaint alleges the following:
    Plaintiff is a content creation/business management company that employs various individuals in
    the videogame industry. (FAC ¶ 9). It employed a software developer named Daniel Tracey (“Tracey”).
    (FAC ¶ 9). As part of Tracey’s employment agreement, TOVE was permitted to contract with third
    parties to sell Tracey’s services and receive all compensation paid for the same. (FAC ¶ 10).
    Defendants operate a videogame server (the “NoPixel Server”), where individuals who play the
    “open world” video game Grand Theft Auto V (the “Game”), can role-play with other individuals in a
    closed game environment on the NoPixel Server. (FAC ¶ 11).
    Around early 2020, Defendants desired to engage Tracey in his role as a software developer to
    make significant updates to the NoPixel Server (the “Services”). (FAC ¶ 12). Defendants contracted
    with TOVE to obtain Tracey’s Services as an independent contractor in exchange for Defendants’
    agreement “to pay 50% of Game revenue to TOVE by way of [] Tracey (the ‘Agreement’).” (FAC
    ¶ 12).2
    2Defendants deny this allegation (Answer ¶ 12; see also JS at 4-5) and Defendant Clout attests:
    In May 2021, Defendant Koil entered into a contract with Tracey (not TOVE) for Tracey to work as a
    developer. (Clout Decl. ¶ 6). Koil paid Tracey a base salary of $10,000 per month. (Clout Decl. ¶ 6).
    In March 2022, Tracey proposed during extra services in exchange for addiitonal money from Koil.
    (Clout Decl. ¶ 7). One of the things that Koil asked Tracey to do was to set up additional international
    servers because at the time, the only international server was in India. (Clout Decl. ¶ 7). On March 22,
    2022, Tracey sent the terms of this employment proposal to Koil via the Discord messaging app. (Clout
    Decl. ¶ 7). Such message essentially reflects that Tracey would accept $10,000 per month as his base
    pay, plus 50% of the revenue from the existing India server, 50% from the Koil Whitelist Priority server,
    and 50% from the international servers he would help get online, and that the contract would be
    renegotiated every six months. (Clout Decl. ¶¶ 7-9; Clout Ex. 1). Tracey eventually helped get two
    additional international servers online (besides India), running Koil’s code – one for Spain and one that
    covered South America. (Clout Decl. ¶ 11). Until Tracey was terminated in December 2022, Koil paid
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    Title That One Video Entertainment LLC v. Koil Content Creation PTY LTD., et al.
    During the aforementioned arrangement, TOVE did not execute an agreement stating that
    Tracey’s contributions were “works-made-for-hire” or were otherwise owned by Defendants. (FAC
    ¶ 12).
    From in or about early 2020 to in our about December 2022, Tracey rendered Services to
    Defendants. (FAC ¶ 13). In the process of rendering such Services, Tracey contributed significant
    creative contributions to both the “front end” visual aesthetics of the Game and the “back end”
    information management systems that allow the NoPixel Server to function. (FAC ¶ 13). Specifically,
    Tracey designed and created the entire payment processing system utilized by the NoPixel Server which
    has facilitated the processing of millions of dollars in payments to Defendants. (FAC ¶ 13).
    In late 2022, a personal dispute arose between Tracey and Defendant Clout, resulting in Clout
    terminating Tracey’s role with Defendant Koil and removing Tracey’s authority to access the Server.
    (FAC ¶ 15).
    On January 9, 2023, Plaintiff, through counsel, thereafter advised Defendants that all of Tracey’s
    contributions to the development of the NoPixel Server were exclusively owned by TOVE. (FAC ¶ 20).3
    On or about January 23, 2023, Defendants, through counsel, responded, claiming that Tracey had
    contributed nothing copyrightable to the NoPixel Server and that anything Tracey had contributed was
    permanently and irrevocably licensed to Defendants. (FAC ¶ 21). On or about February 6, 2024,
    Plaintiff, through counsel, disputed Defendants’ claims of lack of ownership and the existence of a
    license. (FAC ¶ 21).4 On February 10, 2024, Defendants, through counsel, again claimed that they had a
    perpetual, irrevocable license in and to Tracey’s contributions to the NoPixel Server. (FAC ¶ 23).
    As noted above, Plaintiff asserts claims for declaratory relief, breach of contract and an
    accounting. (Docket No. 18). As subsequently construed by the District Judge, Plaintiff’s first claim for
    declaratory relief essentially seeks a declaration that Plaintiff is a joint owner of the NoPixel Server and
    Tracey 50% of the revenue from the aforementioned four servers (Whitelist Priority, India, Spain and
    South America), which typically averaged between $40,000 to $50,000 per month. (Clout Decl. ¶ 12).
    At no point did Tracey ever ask for or receive any money from any server, other than the aforementioned
    four servers. (Clout Decl. ¶ 13). At no point did Clout ever speak to anyone at TOVE or agree to pay
    TOVE or Tracey money from any other server. (Clout Decl. ¶ 14).
    3It is not clear if this letter is the same or distinct from the January 9, 2024 letter sent to
    Defendant Clout on behalf of Tracey (not TOVE) by Attorney John M. Begakis, who now also
    represents Plaintiff in this action. (See Zerner Decl. ¶ 2; Zerner Ex. 2).
    4A copy of this letter, in which Attorney Begakis advises Defendants’ counsel that he now
    represented both Tracy and TOVE appears to be attached to the Zerner Declaration as Exhibit 3. (See
    Zerner Decl. ¶ 3; Zerner Ex. 3).
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    Title That One Video Entertainment LLC v. Koil Content Creation PTY LTD., et al.
    that Defendants did not have a “license” to operate the NoPixel Server without accounting for profits to
    TOVE and could not operate the NoPixel Server under the guise of a license that allows it to keep all
    profits. (See Docket No. 26). Plaintiff’s second claim for breach of contract alleges that Defendants
    have breached the Agreement in that they have failed and refused, and continue to fail and refuse, “to
    pay TOVE 50% of the revenue generated from the NoPixel Server.” (FAC ¶ 32).5 Plaintiff’s third claim
    for an accounting alleges that Defendants have received money from the exploitation of Tracey’s
    creative contributions to the NoPixel Server without a license, a portion of which is therefore due to
    TOVE, and the amount of which cannot be ascertained without an order requiring Defendants to account
    to TOVE with respect to all transactions relating to Defendants’ exploitation of Tracey’s creative
    contributions to the NoPixel Server without a license. (FAC ¶¶ 35-37).
    On February 14, 2024, the District Judge denied Defendants’ Motion to Dismiss the declaratory
    relief claim. (Docket No. 26).
    On or about April 8, 2024, Plaintiff served on Defendant Koil, Plaintiff’s First Set of Requests
    for the Production of Documents (“Plaintiff’s Document Requests”) containing RFP No. 16, which is in
    issue. (Begakis Decl. ¶ 3). Defendant served its initial responses to the Document Requests on May 8,
    2024. (Begakis Decl. ¶ 4). On May 9, 2024, Plaintiff’s counsel emailed Defendant’s counsel regarding
    asserted deficiencies in Defendant’s responses to the Document Requests. (Begakis Decl. ¶ 5; Begakis
    Ex. A). On May 22, 2024, counsel met and conferred regarding Defendant’s responses to Plaintiff’s
    Document Requests. (Begakis Decl. ¶ 6). On June 5, 2024, Defendant served supplemental responses
    to Plaintiff’s Document Requests but continued to refuse to provide any financial documents responsive
    to RFP No. 16, asserting that such documents were “unrelated to this litigation.” (Begakis Decl. ¶ 7).
    On June 12, 2024, the parties exchanged further communications but were unable to resolve their
    differences regarding RFP No. 16. (Begakis Decl. ¶ 8).
    On an unspecified date, Defendant Koil served Plaintiff with Defendant Koil’s First Set of
    Requests for the Production of Documents (“Defendant’s Document Requests”) containing RFP No. 2,
    which is in issue. (JS at 1, 5, 8-9). On an unspecified date, Plaintiff responded to Defendant’s
    Document Requests. (JS at 1, 5, 8-9). The parties apparently thereafter conferred regarding Plaintiff’s
    assertedly deficient production relative to RFP No. 2 – i.e., its asserted failure to produce documents
    post-dating 2022 – but were unable to resolve their differences. (JS at 1, 8-11).
    5In its recitation of “Facts Common to All Causes of Action,” Plaintiff alleges that Defendants
    agreed to pay Plaintiff “fifty percent (50%) of Game revenue,” but in the breach of contract claim,
    Plaintiff instead alleges that Defendants agreed to pay Plaintiff “50% of revenue generated from the
    NoPixel Server.” (Compare FAC 12 with FAC 31). It thus appears that Plaintiff equates revenue from
    the NoPixel Server with revenue from the Game.
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    Title That One Video Entertainment LLC v. Koil Content Creation PTY LTD., et al.
    A. Plaintiff’s Motion to Compel – RFP No. 16
    Plaintiff’s RFP No. 16 calls for Defendant to produce: “All DOCUMENTS evidencing all
    revenues generated, and costs incurred, from YOUR operation of the NOPIXEL SERVER.” (JS at 6).6
    Defendant initially interposed multiple objections to RFP No. 16 – asserting that it is
    burdensome, oppressive, overbroad, compound, vague, ambiguous and unintelligible – but, without
    waiving such objections, and after assertedly conducting a diligent search and making reasonable
    inquiry, responded: “Based on the ambiguous and unclear definition provided for the NOPIXEL
    SERVER, Responding Party is unable to provide a response.” (JS at 6).7
    Defendant thereafter provided a supplemental response which reasserted the same objections, but
    notwithstanding and without waiving such objections, responded: “The subject documents are already
    in the possession, custody, and control of the Propounding Party insofar as the requested documents
    were produced to the Propounding Party on or about May 8, 2024. The responsive documents are
    contained within Bates #MC0068 to Bates #MC0072 produced [t]herewith, which reflect the 50% net
    participation agreement between TRACEY and NoPixel via Discord on March 14, 2022. Propounding
    Party’s definition of “NOPIXEL SERVER” is otherwise overbroad as it: (a) encompasses over 172
    servers, (b) would require production of financial documents unrelated to this litigation, © [is] wholly
    unrelated to any work performed by TRACEY, and (d) is therefore, not calculated to lead to the
    discovery of admissible evidence.” (JS at 6-7).8
    6Plaintiff has not supplied the Court with the actual Document Requests which presumably
    define the capitalized terms. As to the term “NOPIXEL SERVER,” the Court proceeds on the
    assumption that it has been defined in a manner consistent with the definition thereof in the First
    Amended Complaint, i.e., that it refers to “a videogame server, wherein individuals who play the ‘open
    world’ videogame entitled ‘Grand Theft Auto V’ . . . can ‘role-play’ with other individuals in a closed
    Game environment on such server” (FAC ¶ 11),” but, given the information supplied by Defendants
    regarding multiple servers, further presumes that even though the term is singular, the “NOPIXEL
    SERVER” is actually comprised of 172 servers, including the four specific servers identified by
    Defendants. (See supra note 2; JS at 6-7).
    7Defendant also incorporated its “Preliminary Statement” as though fully set forth in such
    response but Defendant has not supplied the Court with such statement or its actual responses to
    Plaintiff’s Document Requests which presumably contain such statement.
    8Defendant again incorporated its “Preliminary Statement” as though fully set forth in such
    supplemental response but has not supplied the Court with such statement or its actual responses to
    Plaintiff’s Document Requests which presumably contain such statement.
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    Title That One Video Entertainment LLC v. Koil Content Creation PTY LTD., et al.
    As noted above (see supra note 2), Defendant takes the position that its only agreement was with
    Tracey (not TOVE), that such agreement only required Defendant to pay and Defendant did pay Tracey –
    until Tracey’s termination in December 2022 – $10,000 per month base pay and 50% of the revenue
    from Defendant’s India, Koil Whitelist Priority, Spain and South America servers, and that at no point
    did Defendant’s owner/founder Clout ever speak to anyone at TOVE or agree to pay TOVE or Tracey
    money from any other server. (JS at 8; Clout Decl. ¶¶ 7-9, 11-14; Clout Ex. 1). Defendant Clout
    represents that he has agreed to give Plaintiff revenue statements from the four aforementioned servers
    (presumably Bates #MC0068 to Bates #MC0072 referenced in Defendant Koil’s supplemental response
    to RFP No. 16), but Defendant declines to agree to produce revenue from any other servers as they are
    assertedly completely outside the scope of the agreement in issue. (JS at 8; Clout Decl. ¶ 15).
    Plaintiff essentially argues that Defendant’s response is insufficient because Defendant’s
    production does not include documents evidencing all revenues generated, and costs incurred, from
    Defendant’s operation of all servers that assertedly constitute “the NOPIXEL SERVER” and instead is
    limited to documents evidencing revenues generated/costs incurred from only those servers that
    Defendant contends are relevant to the action under Defendant’s theory of the case. (JS at 7). Plaintiff
    contends that the requested discovery is relevant and proportional to the needs of the case because the
    First Amended Complaint alleges that Plaintiff “is a co-owner in the copyright of the code comprising
    the NoPixel Server and is entitled to fifty percent (50%) of the revenues generated therefrom pursuant to
    the parties’ agreement . . . and because the scope of Plaintiff’s potential ownership and right to profits is
    broad enough to entitle Plaintiff to half of all monies reflected in such requested documents.” (JS at 7-
    The Court is not unsympathetic to Defendant’s position – particularly given the evidence it has
    submitted regarding a relatively narrow agreement with Tracey versus the absence of any evidence
    submitted by Plaintiff to support its different/broader allegations regarding the parties to and terms of the
    agreement in issue. However, as relevance is determined by reference to the pleadings9 – here, the
    operative First Amended Complaint – the Court is compelled to conclude that documents evidencing
    revenues generated and costs incurred from Defendant’s operation of all of the servers that comprise the
    “NOPIXEL SERVER” is relevant to at least the damages assessment for the breach of contract claim
  9. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    ᠀ ᠁ ᠂ ᠃ ᠄ ᠅ ᠆ ᠇ ᠈ ᠉ ᠊ ℘ ꀕ ︘ ꡀ
    ᠐ ᠑ ᠒ ᠓ ᠔ ᠕ ᠖ ᠗ ᠘ ᠙
    ᠠ ᠡ ᠢ ᠣ ᠤ ᠥ ᠦ ᠧ ᠨ ᠩ ᠪ ᠫ ᠬ ᠭ ᠮ ᠯ
    ᠰ ᠱ ᠲ ᠳ ᠴ ᠵ ᠶ ᠷ ᠸ ᠹ ᠺ ᠻ ᠼ ᠽ ᠾ ᠿ
    ᡀ ᡁ ᡂ ᡃ ᡄ ᡅ ᡆ ᡇ ᡈ ᡉ ᡊ ᡋ ᡌ ᡍ ᡎ ᡏ
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    ➱ ➲ ➳ ➴ ➵ ➶ ➷ ➸ ➹ ➺ ➻ ➼ ➽ ➾
  10. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    約翰威利父子公司 紐約 • 奇切斯特 • 布里斯班 • 多倫多 • 新加坡
    版權所有 © 1984、1988,John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
    1976 年美國版權法第 107 條和第 108 條
    John Wiley & Sons 的權限部門。

    ing 被賦予了與提取同樣的重要性,但也有一些麻煩
    斑點(以有機層的 pH 值為例)已被平滑。
    Clapyron 方程式作為從拉烏爾定律(壓力和

    Ronald Pohadsky 先生和 Barry Eggleston 先生提出了具體建議—
    在實驗室工作時的系統蒸發散。特別感謝 G.J. 教授詹茲,
    Henry Hollinger 教授和 A. Rauf Imam 教授在最初階段提供的幫助




    viii 第二版前言





    最後,我要感謝 John 化學編輯 Dennis Sawicki 先生
    首先是 Wiley & Sons,這是我收到的最好的生日禮物之一
    準備此版本時遇到的麻煩點。 Dawn Reitz 女士,生產
    主管、Ann Meader 女士、主管文案編輯和 Glenn 先生
    文案編輯佩特里 (Petry) 帶來了第二篇文章,值得稱讚


    1987 年 4 月 3 日



    GC、IR、NMR 和 HPLC 的特性。 GC色譜技術
    和 HPLC 的介紹是因為它們與薄層色譜和柱色譜有關
    GC 和 HPLC 技術(雙檢測器、HPLC 中的 UV 檢測等)。

    致謝訊息將接近小型電話簿的大小 -



    特別感謝 C.W. Schimelpfenig 博士對許多人的鼓勵
    那些年,沒有什麼,他們的評論使這些頁面增色不少; D.L.博士

    x 第一版前言

    推介會;博士。 R.A.貝利 (Bailey)、S.C. 邦斯 (S.C. Bunce) 與 H.B.霍林格為他們的
    持續的支持和建議; Mark B. Freilich 博士,他的觀點
    Sam Johnson 博士在本文的早期階段提供了巨大幫助
    加工。我還要感謝克里斯多福‧J‧肯珀 (Christopher J. Kemper) 和基斯‧米勒 (Keith Miller)

    最後,我要感謝克利福德·W·米爾斯 (Clifford W. Mills),他是我在 John Wiley & 的守護神。




    紐約,1972 年,第 14 頁。 70),寫道

    地點比其他任何地方都多。 「他使用的工具是羊角錘,而不是斧頭。

    爐木確實如此。 “我無法讓自己真正喜歡這個傢伙。”這


    在 William Strunk 和 E.B.風格元素中的白色
    以及威廉‧辛瑟 (William Zinsser) 的《論寫作》(Onwriting Well) 和魯道夫‧弗萊施 (Rudolph Flesch) 的《ABC》
    風格和 D.L.卡森的評論出現在這本書中,我試圖
    xii 關於風格的一些註釋


    W.A. Hammond Drierite 公司,俄亥俄州 Xenia

    Variac® 通用無線電公司,麻薩諸塞州康科德



    Wiberg、Lowenthal、Newman 和 Gordon 的書籍中都有介紹


    先驅者,自 1973 年起出版。



    xiv 前言



    1919 年的風格。大多數其他寫作文本




    前言 xv


  11. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
  12. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]


    Since the U.S. Congress passed the Combat Methamphetamine Epidemic Act in March of 2006, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Methamphetamine Profiling Program (MPP) has seen a shift away from pseudoephedrine and ephedrine-based large-scale clandestine laboratory production of methamphetamine. This shift was observed from forensic analyses using an established analytical protocol [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10] of numerous high quality methamphetamine samples obtained from U.S.-Mexico border and domestic seizures. Since that time, the forensic results tell a chemical story that revolves around the chemical precursor known as phenyl-2-propanone (P2P), and since approximately 2009, the MPP has been tracking a methamphetamine clandestine P2P laboratory process that uses a foul-smelling crystalline material known as phenylacetic acid (PAA). This precursor is difficult to buy clandestinely; therefore, an ester of PAA, usually ethyl phenylacetate (EtPA), a perfume-like smelling oil sold in 200 L containers, is purchased. This oil is very easily transformed into PAA using acid and base chemistry for the eventual production of P2P (Fig. 1). The two main recipes to convert PAA with modest yields into P2P are the Dakin-West reaction that uses acetic anhydride and sodium acetate as essential chemicals and the lead acetate reaction [11], [12]. The former reaction is heated for several hours producing a dark brown solution, which is then later distilled to obtain the P2P product. The latter reaction proceeds via a destructive distillation process using PAA and lead acetate, which are easily handled solid materials. The resulting P2P oil produced from both of these reactions is converted to methamphetamine using either an amalgam or Leuckart reductive amination process. Impurities related to these processes have been well studied and are now routinely monitored in high purity methamphetamine samples [13], [14], [15]. The key impurities from these processes are known as the B-compound (α-benzyl-N-methylphenethylamine) and the P-compound (trans-N-methyl-4-methyl-5-phenyl-4-penten-2-amine) and are used to track the PAA-based methamphetamine results [16], [17].

    It appears that the perfume oil (EtPA), and other related ester and amide materials became less available, because an alternative P2P recipe started to emerge onto the forensic scene in 2014. At that time, a new impurity pattern was identified in the gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analyses results for a significant portion of the seized samples. This led to uncertainty for the MPP, with a spike in unknown synthetic route assignments, and a sharp decrease (84%) in samples assigned to a P2P-based recipe in the first quarter of 2015 (Fig. 2). This new and unknown profile was quickly solved and P2P-based assignments went back to status quo (above 90%) in recent reporting periods, from 2016 to 2018. It should be noted that another forensic profiling team located in Australia has also observed this new profiling pattern in seized methamphetamine samples [18].

    The old clandestine method responsible for the newly observed profiling pattern is referred to by the MPP as the nitrostyrene (NTS) method (it could also be called the nitropropene method). It uses benzaldehyde and nitroethane as the two key precursor chemicals in the process (Fig. 3). A Knoevenagel reaction resulting in NTS has long been known to produce a translucent, yellow solid (possibly orange if not enhancemented and dried well) as an easily managed intermediate in the first step of the method [19]. This solid is then converted to P2P in a harsh reaction using iron powder and hydrochloric acid [19], which leaves behind black solid iron sludge as waste. The P2P oil is then converted to methamphetamine using the same reductive amination chemistry as mentioned earlier for PAA-based methamphetamine.

    Herein, we report forensic evidence that supports the recent P2P recipe change to be from the nitrostyrene method and will show the impact of this method on methamphetamine samples seized in the U.S.A. from 2015 to 2018.Solvents, chemicals, and materials

    All chemicals and solvents used were reagent grade or better. Petroleum ether and dichloromethane were obtained from VWR Corp. (West Chester, PA).

    Reagents utilized for the nitrostyrene synthesis to P2P included nitroethane, benzaldehyde, iron powder, and iron (III) chloride (all from Sigma-Aldrich Chemical Co., St. Louis, MO), and hydrochloric acid (J.T. Baker, 36%) from Avantor Performance Materials Inc. (Center Valley, PA).

    Reagents utilized for the mercury amalgam syntheses [20] of
    Results and discussion

    In the first step of the NTS method, either butylamine or cyclohexylamine are added in catalytic amounts to facilitate the Knoevenagel reaction process. These amines react nicely with benzaldehye to produce their corresponding imines, which then undergo carbon–carbon bond formation with the enolate of nitroethane. Elimination of the catalytic amines back into the reaction mixture results in nitrostyrene formation. These catalysts are therefore present as impurities in the reductive hydrolysis

    The forensic identification and tracking of two new forensic NTS marker compounds 1 and 2 present at low levels in highly refined seized methamphetamine samples was discussed. These compounds were independently identified, synthesized, structurally elucidated, and then used as standards to support forensic analysis. A series of laboratory-generated samples using a variety of nitrostyrene and other related recipe choices were prepared and their profiling results compared well with actual seized

    The authors are indebted to the DEA Office of Forensic Sciences for supporting this profiling work.
  13. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
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  14. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    3d 4f 4wd a aa aapss aardvark aardvarks aardwolf aaron aaronsbeard aaronsrod aas aasvogel aasystem aau ab aba abaca aback abacterial abaculus abacus abacuses abaddon abaft abalienate abalone abandon abandoned abandonee abandoner abandoning abandonment abandons abas abase abased abasement abases abash abasia abasing abask abate abated abatement abates abating abatis abator abattery abattoir abaxial abb abba abbacy abbasid abbatial abbe abbess abbevillian abbey abbeys abbot abbots abbr abbreviate abbreviated abbreviates abbreviating abbreviation abbreviations abc abcoulomb abcweapon abd abdicable abdicant abdicate abdicated abdicates abdicating abdication abdomen abdomens abdominal abdominally abdominous abducent abduct abducted abducting abduction abductions abducts abe abeam abecedarian abed abegging abel abele abelian abelmosk abend aberdeen aberdeenangus aberdeenterrier aberdevine aberdonian aberglaube abernethy aberrant aberration aberrations abet abets abetted abetting abettor abextra abeyance abfarad abhenry abhor abhorred abhorrence abhorrent abhorrer abhorring abhors abidance abide abided abider abides abiding abient abigail abilities ability abinitio abintra abiochemistry abiogenesis abiogenetic abiogenist abiological abiosis abiotic abirritant abirritate abject abjection abjuration abjure abjured abjures abjuring abl ablactation ablate ablation ablations ablative ablativeshielding ablator ablaut ablaze able ablebodied ableday ablegate ablepsia ableseaman ablins abloom abluent ablush ablution ablutions ably abm abmodality abnegate abnegated abnegates abnegating abnegation abnormal abnormalities abnormality abnormally abnormity abo aboard abode aboil abolish abolished abolishes abolishing abolishment abolition abolitionary abolitionism abolitionist abolitionists abolitionize abomasum abomb abominable abominablesnowman abominably abominate abominated abominates abominating abomination abominations abonchat abonmarche aboon aboriginal aboriginally aborigine aborigines aborning abort aborted aborticide abortifacient aborting abortion abortionondemand abortions abortive aborts abortus abosystem abought abound abounded abounding abounds about aboutface aboutship abouttowner aboutturn above aboveaverage aboveboard abovecited abovedeck aboveground abovementioned abovestairs abovo abp abracadabra abrachia abradant abrade abraham abrahamman abrahamsbosom abram abranchiate abrasion abrasions abrasive abrasives abreact abreaction abreast abri abridge abridged abridges abridging abridgment abroach abroad abrogate abrogated abrogates abrogating abrogation abrupt abruption abruptly abruptness abs absalom abscess abscind abscissa abscission abscond absconded absconding absconds abseil absence absent absented absentee absenteeballot absenteeism absenteelandlord absentees absenteevoter absentereo absenting absently absentminded absents absentvoter absinth absinthism absitomen absolute absoluteaddress absolutealcohol absolutealtitude absoluteceiling absolutehumidity absolutely absolutemagnitude absolutemajority absolutemonarchy absolutemusic absoluteness absolutepitch absolutes absolutescale absolutespace absolutetemperature absoluteterm absolutevalue absoluteweapon absolutezero absolution absolutism absolutist absolve absolved absolves absolving absonant absorb absorbed absorbeddose absorbefacient absorbency absorbent absorbentcotton absorber absorbers absorbing absorbs absorptance absorption absorptionband absorptionspectrum absorptionsystem absorptive absorptivity absquatulate abstain abstained abstainer abstainers abstaining abstains abstemious abstemiously abstention abstentious absterge abstergent abstersion abstersive abstinence abstinencesyndrome abstinent abstinently abstract abstracted abstracter abstractexpressionism abstracting abstraction abstractionism abstractionist abstractionmonger abstractions abstractive abstracts abstruse absurd absurdism absurdities absurdity absurdly abtsystem abu abubble abuilding abulia abundance abundant abundantly aburbecondita abusage abuse abused abuser abusers abuses abusing abusive abusively abut abutilon abutment abuts abuttal abutted abutter abutting abuzz aby abysm abysmal abysmally abyss abyssal abysses abyssinia abyssinian ac acacia acacias acad academe academese academia academic academical academically academicaptitudetest academicart academiccostume academicfreedom academician academicinterests academicism academicrank academics academicyear academies academism academize academy academyaward academyboard acadia acaleph acanthaster acanthocyte acanthus acappella acapriccio acapulcogold acarid acaridan acarpous acatalectic acatalepsy acataleptic acaulescent acauline acc accede acceded accedence accedes acceding accel accelerando accelerant accelerate accelerated accelerates accelerating acceleration accelerative accelerator accelerators accelerometer accent accented accenting accentmark accents accentual accentuate accentuated accentuates accentuating accentuation accept acceptability acceptable acceptableloss acceptably acceptance acceptancerate acceptances acceptancetest acceptant acceptation accepted acceptedpairing accepter accepting acceptinghouse acceptor accepts access accessary accesscharge accesscontroller accessed accesses accessibility accessible accessing accession accessionbook accessionnumber accessorial accessories accessorily accessory accesspermit accessprogram accessroad accesstime accessway accidence accident accidental accidentalcolors accidentalerror accidentally accidentalpresident accidented accidentinsurance accidentprone accidents accidie accipiter acclaim acclaimed acclaiming acclaims acclamation acclimatable acclimatation acclimate acclimated acclimates acclimating acclimation acclimatization acclimatize acclivitous acclivity acclivous accolade accommodate accommodated accommodates accommodating accommodation accommodationaddress accommodationbill accommodationcollar accommodationist accommodationladder accommodationpayment accommodationroad accommodations accommodationtrain accommodationunit accommodative accommodator accompanied accompanies accompaniment accompaniments accompanist accompany accompanying accomplice accomplices accomplish accomplished accomplishes accomplishing accomplishment accomplishmentquotient accomplishments accord accordance accordant accorded according accordingly accordion accordiondoor accordionpleats accords accost accouchement accoucheur accoucheuse account accountability accountable accountancy accountant accountantgeneral accountants accountbook accountcurrent accountday accounted accountexecutive accounting accountingpackage accountpayable accountreceivable accountrendered accounts accountsales accouter accouterment accredit accredited accrediting accredits accrete accretion accretive accroach accrual accrue accrued accrues accruing acct acculturate acculturated acculturates acculturating acculturation accumbent accumulate accumulated accumulates accumulating accumulation accumulations accumulative accumulator accuracy accurate accurately accursed accus accusable accusation accusations accusatival accusative accusatorial accusatory accuse accused accuser accusers accuses accusing accustom accustomed accustoming accustoms acdc ace acea aceae acedia acehigh aceldama acellular acentric aceous acephalous acerate acerb acerbate acerbity acerose acervate aces acescent acesodyne acesodynous acetabulum acetal acetaldehyde acetaminophen acetanilide acetarious acetate acetaterayon acetic aceticacid aceticanhydride acetifier acetify acetimeter aceto acetometer acetone acetose acetous acetum acetyl acetylcholine acetylene acetylsalicylicacid aceydeucy acf achaea achaean achaeanleague achaia achates ache ached achene achernar acheron aches acheulean achievable achieve achieved achievement achievementage achievementmotive achievementquotient achievements achievementtest achieves achieving achilary achillean achilles achillesheel achillestendon aching achluophobia achoo achromat achromatic achromaticity achromatism achromatize achromatopsia achromycin achy acicula aciculate acid aciddrop aciddust acidfast acidflush acidfog acidfreepaper acidhead acidic acidifiable acidify acidimeter acidity acidlesstrip acidophil acidophilusmilk acidosis acidrain acidrock acids acidtest acidtrip acidulate acidulent acidulous acierage aciniform acinose acinous acinus acious acity ack ackack ackemma ackgt acknowledge acknowledged acknowledgement acknowledgements acknowledges acknowledging acknowledgment acknowledgments aclinicline acls aclutter acm acme acmes acne acned acock acolyte aconcagua aconite aconitine acorn acorncup acorns acornshell acorntube acotyledon acoumeter acoustic acousticalcloud acousticcoupler acoustician acousticon acousticperfume acousticphonetics acoustics acousto acp acquaint acquaintance acquaintances acquaintanceship acquainted acquainting acquaints acquest acquiesce acquiesced acquiescence acquiescent acquiesces acquiescing acquire acquired acquiredcharacter acquirement acquires acquiring acquisition acquisitions acquisitive acquisitively acquisitiveness acquit acquits acquittal acquittals acquittance acquitted acquitting acrawl acre acreage acred acrefoot acres acrid acridine acrilan acrimonious acrimony acritical acro acrobat acrobatic acrobatics acrobats acrogen acrolect acrolein acrolith acromegalic acromegaly acroname acronical acronym acronymize acronyms acrophobia acropolis across acrosstheboard acrossthetable acrostic acrotheater acrotism acrylic acrylicfiber acrylonitrile acs act actable actcall acted actg acth actin acting actinia actinic actinideseries actiniform actinism actinium actinoid actinolite actinometer actinomyces actinomycin actinotherapy action actionable actioncommittee actionfilm actionist actionpainting actionradius actions actionstation actiontrack activate activated activates activating activation activationanalysis activator active actively activepartner activeprogram activism activist activists activities activity activize actofgod acton actor actorproof actors actress actresses acts actual actualgrace actualist actualite actuality actualization actualize actualized actually actualsin actuarial actuaries actuary actuate actuator actuators acuity aculeate aculeus acumen acuminate acupressure acupunctural acupuncture acupuncturist acupuncturists acute acutecare acutely acuteness acv acy acyclic acyclicity ad ada adage adagio adam adamant adamantine adamantly adamite adams adamsale adamsapple adamsite adamson adamssin adapt adaptability adaptable adaptation adaptations adapted adapter adapters adapting adaption adaptive adaptiveoptics adaptometer adaptor adaptors adapts aday adb adcaptandumvulgus adcolumn adcraft add addax added addedline addedvaluetax addend addenda addendum adder adders adderstongue addfare addict addicted addicting addiction addictions addictive addicts addie adding addingmachine addisababa addison addisonsdisease additament addition additional additionally additions additive additives addle addlebrained addled addlepated addles addling addon address addressable addressed addressee addressees addresser addressers addresses addressing addressingmachine addressograph addressor addressterm adds adduce adducent adduct adduction adductive adductor addup ade adelaide adele adeliepenguin adeline ademption aden adenauer adenectomy adenine adeno adenoid adenoidectomy adenoma adenose adenosine adenosinediphosphate adenosinemonophosphate adenosinetriphosphate adenovirus adept adequacy adequate adequately adeundem adeux adf adfinem adh adhere adherence adherent adherents adheres adhering adhesion adhesive adhesives adhesivetape adhibit adhoc adhocery adhocracy adhominem adi adiabatic adiantum adidas adieu adinf adinfinitum adinterim adios adipocere adipose adiposefin adiposity adirondack adirondackmountains adit adiz adj adjacence adjacency adjacent adjacentangles adject adjectival adjective adjectivelaw adjectives adjoin adjoined adjoining adjoins adjoint adjoints adjourn adjourned adjourning adjournment adjournments adjourns adjt adjudge adjudicate adjudicated adjudicates adjudicating adjudication adjudications adjudicator adjudicators adjunct adjunction adjunctions adjunctive adjunctively adjunctprofessor adjuncts adjuration adjuratory adjure adjured adjures adjuring adjust adjustable adjusted adjuster adjusting adjustment adjustments adjustor adjusts adjutage adjutancy adjutant adjutantgeneral adjutants adjutantstork adjuvant adland adlerian adless adlib adlibitum adlitteram adlocum adm adman admass admeasure admeasurement admin adminicle administer administered administering administers administrable administrate administration administrations administrative administrator administrators administratrix admirable admirably admiral admiralofthefleet admirals admiralty admiration admire admired admirer admirers admires admiring admissibility admissible admission admissionday admissions admissive admit admits admittable admittance admitted admittedly admitting admix admixture admixtures adml admonish admonished admonishes admonishing admonition admonitions admonitor admonitory admor adnate adnauseam adnominal adnoun ado adobe adoing adolescence adolescent adolescents adolf adonic adonis adonize adopt adopted adopting adoption adoptions adoptive adopts adorability adorable adorableness adorably adoration adore adored adorer adorers adores adoring adorn adorned adorning adornment adorns adown adp adreferendum adrem adrenal adrenalgland adrenalin adrenaline adrenalize adrenocorticotrophin adrenocorticotropic adriamycin adriana adriatic adrift adroit adroite adroitly adroitness adry ads adscititious adscript adsmith adsorb adsorbate adsorbent adsorption adsorptive adsum adulate adulated adulates adulating adulation adulator adulators adulatory adullamite adult adulteducation adulterant adulterate adulterated adulterating adulteration adulterer adulterers adulteress adulteresses adulteries adulterine adulterous adultery adulthood adultify adultoriented adults adumbral adumbrate adumbration adurol adust adv advalorem advance advanceagent advancebooking advancecopy advanced advancedstanding advanceguard advanceman advancement advancements advancepoll advances advancing advantage advantaged advantageous advantageously advantages advect advection advent adventist adventitious adventive adventsunday adventure adventured adventureplayground adventurer adventurers adventures adventuresome adventuring adventurism adventurous adverb adverbial adverbs adverbum adversaries adversary adversarysystem adversative adverse adversely adversity advert advertence advertent advertise advertised advertisement advertisements advertiser advertisers advertises advertising advertisingagency advertisingman advertorial advice advisability advisable advisably advise advised advisedly advisee advisement advisements adviser advisers advises advising advisor advisors advisory advocaat advocacy advocate advocated advocates advocating advocator advocatusdiaboli advol advowson advt adynamia adytum adz adzukibean ae aea aecamera aecb aedes aedile aef aegean aeger aegis aegisthus aegrotat aemia aeneas aeneid aeneous aeolia aeolian aeolianharp aeolic aeolipile aeolis aeolotropic aeolotropy aeolus aeon aer aerate aerated aerates aerating aeration aerator aeri aerial aerialbomb aerialist aeriality aerialladder aerially aerialmine aerialrefueling aerialtorpedo aerialtramway aerie aerification aeriform aerify aero aeroballistics aerobatic aerobatics aerobe aerobee aerobic aerobicdancing aerobiology aerocar aerocraft aeroculture aerodonetics aerodrome aerodynamic aerodynamics aerodyne aeroembolism aeroengine aerofoil aerogenerator aerogram aerogramme aerograph aerographer aerography aerolite aerology aeromarine aeromechanic aeromechanics aeromedicine aerometeorograph aerometer aerometry aeromotor aeron aeronaut aeronautic aeronautics aeronauts aeroneurosis aeronomy aerootitismedia aeropause aerophobe aerophobia aerophone aerophoto aerophotography aerophyte aeroplane aeroplanes aeroplankton aeropolitics aeropulse aeroscope aerosol aerosolbomb aerosols aerospace aerospaceengineering aerosphere aerostat aerostatic aerostatics aerostation aerotherapeutics aerothermodynamics aerotrain aeroview aeruginous aerugo aery aesculapius aesir aesop aesopian aesopsfables aesthete aesthetic aesthetical aesthetician aestheticism aesthetics aesthophysiology aestival aestivate aet aether aetiology aew af afar afb afcamera afdb afeard affability affable affair affaire affairs affect affectation affected affecting affection affectionate affectionately affections affective affects affenpinscher afferent affettuoso affiance affiant affidavit affidavits affiliate affiliated affiliates affiliating affiliation affiliations affine affined affinities affinitive affinity affinitygroup affirm affirmance affirmant affirmation affirmations affirmative affirmativeaction affirmatively affirmatory affirmed affirming affirms affix affixation affixed affixes affixing affixture afflation afflatus afflict afflicted afflicting affliction afflictions afflictive afflicts afflight affluence affluent affluenza afflux afford affordable afforded affording affords afforest affranchise affray affreightment affricate affricative affright affront afft affusion afg afghan afghanhound afghani afghanistan afghanistanism afghans aficionado afield afire afkn aflame aflatoxin aflcio afloat aflutter afm afond afoot afore aforehand aforementioned aforesaid aforethought aforetime afortiori afoul afp afr afraid aframe aframerican afreet afresh afric africa african africandominoes africanist africanize africans africanviolet afrikaans afrikaner afrikanerdom afrit afro afroamerican afroasian afroasiatic afrobeat afrocuban afroism afrolatin afrosaxon afrowig afrts aft after afterbirth afterbody afterbrain afterburner afterburning aftercare afterclap aftercost aftercrop afterdamp afterdark afterdeck afterdinner aftereffect afterglow aftergrass aftergrowth afterguard afterheat afterhours afterimage afterlife afterlight aftermarket aftermath aftermost afternoon afternoondrive afternooner afternoonman afternoonpaper afternoons afternoontea afterpain afterpiece afterrecording aftersaleservice aftershave aftershock afterski aftertaste aftertax afterthought afterthoughts aftertime afterwar afterward afterwards afterwit afterword afterworld afteryears afto aftra ag aga again against agalloch agama agamemnon agamic agamogenesis agamy agapanthus agape agapemone agar agaragar agaric agate agateline agateware agatha agauche agave agaze agb age agebracket aged agegroup agehardening ageing ageism ageless agelimit agelong agemate agencies agency agencyshop agenda agendas agene agenorm agent agential agentive agentnoun agentorange agentprovocateur agents ageold ageratum ages agespecific agf agger aggie aggiornamento agglomerate agglomeration agglomerative agglutinant agglutinate agglutination agglutinative agglutinin agglutinogen aggrandize aggravate aggravated aggravating aggravation aggravations aggregate aggregated aggregates aggregating aggregation aggregations aggregative aggress aggression aggressions aggressive aggressively aggressiveness aggressor aggressors aggrieve aggrieved aghast agile agility agin aging aginner agio agiotage agism agitate agitated agitates agitating agitation agitations agitative agitato agitator agitprop aglaia aglare aglaze agleam aglet agley aglimmer aglitter
  15. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    warper warping warplane warps warrant warrantable warranted warrantee warranter warranties warranting warrantofficer warrantor warrants warranty warren warrener warring warrior warriors warriskinsurance wars warsaw warsawtreatyorganization warship warships warsong wart warthog wartime wartorn warts warty warweary warwhoop warwickshire warwidow warworn wary warzone was wash washable washandwear washbasin washboard washboards washbowl washcloth washday washed washedout washedup washer washerdryer washerman washers washerwoman washery washes washeteria washfast washgoods washhand washhouse washing washingday washingmachine washingpowder washingsoda washington washingtonian washingtonpie washingtonsbirthday washingup washingupmachine washleather washoil washout washrag washroom washsale washstand washtub washup washwoman washy wasn't wasnt wasp waspish wasps waspwaist wassail wassermannreaction wast wastage waste wastebasket wastebaskets wastebin wastebook wasted wasteful wastefully wastefulness wasteindustry wasteland wasteless wastemaker wastepaper wastepaperbasket wastepipe wasteplex wasteproduct waster wastes wastewater wasting wastingasset wastrel wat watch watchband watchcase watchchain watchcommittee watchcrystal watchdog watchdogs watched watcher watchers watches watchfire watchful watchfully watchfulness watchglass watchguard watchhouse watching watchkey watchmaker watchman watchmeeting watchmen watchnight watchofficer watchpocket watchtower watchwoman watchword watcom water waterage waterback waterbailiff waterbalance waterballet waterbearer waterbed waterbeetle waterbird waterbiscuit waterblister waterboat waterbomb waterborne waterbottle waterbrash waterbuck waterbuffalo waterbug waterbus waterbutt watercannon watercarriage watercarrier watercart waterchestnut waterchute waterclock watercloset watercolor watercool watercooler watercourse watercracker watercraft watercress watercure watercycle waterdiviner waterdog waterdrinker waterdrop watered watereddown wateredsilk waterfall waterfalls waterfast waterfinder waterflag waterflea waterflood waterfowl waterfront watergap watergarden watergas watergate watergauge waterglass waterground watergruel waterguard watergun waterhammer waterheater waterhen waterhole waterhyacinth waterice waterinch wateriness watering wateringcart wateringhole wateringplace wateringpot waterinjection waterish waterjacket waterjump waterless waterlevel waterlily waterline waterlog waterlogged waterloo watermain waterman watermanship watermark watermeadow watermelon watermelons watermeter watermill watermoccasin watermonkey watermotor waternymph waterofhydration waterouzel waterox waterpaint waterparting waterpipe waterpistol waterplane waterplantain waterpollution waterpolo waterpower waterproof waterproofing waterpulse waterrat waterrate waterrepellent waterresistant waterright waters waterscape waterscorpion watershed watershoot waterside waterski waterskin watersky watersnake watersoak watersoftener watersoluble waterspaniel watersplash waterspout watersprite waterstrider watersupply watersystem watertable watertight watertower watertube watervapor watervole waterwagon waterwave waterway waterways waterweed waterwheel waterwings waterwitch waterworks waterworn watery wats watson watt wattage watthour wattle wattled wattles wattling wattmeter watts waul wave waveband wavebase wavecloud waved waveform waveforms wavefront wavefronts waveguide wavelength wavelengths wavelet wavemechanics wavemeter wavemotion waver wavered wavering waves wavetrain wavetrap waving wavy wawa wawf wawl wax waxbean waxberry waxbill waxcloth waxdoll waxed waxen waxes waxing waxmuseum waxmyrtle waxpainting waxpalm waxpaper waxtree waxweed waxwing waxwork waxy way waybill wayfarer wayfaring wayin waylay wayleave wayne wayout ways wayside waystation waystop waytrain wayward waywise waywiser wayworn wayzgoose wb we we'll we're we've wea weak weaken weakened weakening weakens weaker weakersex weakest weakfish weakheaded weakhearted weakinteraction weakish weakkneed weakling weakly weakminded weakness weaknesses weakon weakside weaksister weaktothewall weakwilled weal weald wealden wealth wealthfare wealthier wealthiest wealthy wean weaned weaner weaning weanling weans weapon weaponeer weaponry weapons weaponsystem wear wearability wearable wearandtear weariness wearing wearingapparel wearingly wearisome wearproof wears weary weasand weasel weaseled weaseling weaselly weasels weaselwords weather weatherbeaten weatherboard weatherboarding weatherbound weatherbox weatherbreeder weatherbureau weathercast weatherchart weathercock weathercontact weathered weathereye weatherforecast weathergauge weatherglass weatherhouse weathering weatherly weatherman weathermap weatherproof weatherradar weatherreport weathersatellite weathership weathersignal weatherstained weatherstation weatherstrip weatherstripping weathertight weathervane weatherwise weatherworn weave weaved weaver weaverbird weaves weaving weazen weazened web webbed webbing webby weber webfoot weboffset webs webster webtoed webworm wecpnl wed wedded wedding weddingbreakfast weddingcake weddingday weddingdress weddinggarment weddingmarch weddingreception weddingring weddings wedel wedeln wedge wedged wedges wedgeshaped wedgewise wedgie wedging wedgwood wedgy wedlock wednesday wednesdays weds wee weed weeded weeder weedicide weeding weedkiller weedless weeds weedy week weekday weekdays weekend weekender weekends weekly weeknight weeks ween weenie weeny weenybopper weep weeper weepie weeping weepingcross weepingwillow weeps weepy weever weevil weewee weft weierstrass weigh weighbeam weighbridge weighed weighhouse weighin weighing weighlock weighs weight weighted weighting weightless weightlessness weightlifting weights weightwatcher weighty weilsdisease weimar weimarrepublic weir weird weirdly weirdness weirdo weirdsisters weirdy weismannism weka welcome welcomed welcomes welcoming weld welded welder welders welding weldment welds welfare welfarefund welfarehotel welfaremother welfarestate welfarestatism welfarework welfarism welkin well wellacted welladay welladvised wellappointed wellaway wellbalanced wellbehaved wellbeing wellbeloved wellborn wellbred wellbuilt wellcaredfor wellchosen wellconditioned wellconnected welldeck welldefined welldisposed welldoer welldoing welldone welldressed wellearned welled welleducated wellestablished wellfavored wellfed wellfixed wellformed wellfound wellfounded wellgroomed wellgrounded wellhead wellheeled wellhung wellinformed welling wellington wellintentioned welljudged wellkept wellknit wellknown wellliking welllined wellmade wellmannered wellmarked wellmatched wellmeaning wellmeant wellmounted wellnigh welloff welloiled wellordered wellplaced wellpoint wellpreserved wellproportioned wellread wellregulated wellreputed wellrounded wells wellset wellspoken wellspring wellstacked wellsuited wellsweep wellthoughtof welltimed welltodo welltried wellturned wellupholstered wellwisher wellworn welsh welshcorgi welshman welshrabbit welshrarebit welshwoman welt weltanschauung welted welter welterweight welting welts weltschmerz wen wench wenched wenches wenching wend wendy wendyhouse wensleydale went wentletrap wept were weren't werent wert werwolf weskit wesleyan wesleyanism wessex west westberlin westbound westcountry westend wester westering westerly western westernaustralia westernchurch westernempire westerner westerners westernhemisphere westernisles westernize westernmost westernsamoa westgermanic westgermany westglamorgan westindian westindies westing westirian westmidlands westminster westminsterabbey westnorthwest westpoint westpolitik westsaxon westsouthwest westsussex westvirginia westward westwardly westwards westyorkshire wet wetback wetbar wetbargain wetblanket wetbob wetbulbthermometer wetcell wetdock wetdream wether wetland wetlands wetleasing wetlook wetly wetness wetnurse wetpack wetplate wets wetsuit wetted wetter wettest wetthumb wetting wettingagent wettish wetware wetwash weu weve wey wf wftu whack whacked whacking whacko whacks whacky whale whaleback whaleboat whalebone whalebonewhale whalefin whalefishery whaleline whaleman whaleoil whaler whalers whales whaling whalinggun whalingmaster whalingship wham whammed whamming whammy whams whang whangee whap wharf wharfage wharfed wharfing wharfinger wharfrat wharfs wharves what whatchamacallit whatdyoucallhim whateer whatever whatfor whatll whatman whatnot whatnots whats whatshisname whatsoeer whatsoever whatve whaup wheal wheat wheatcake wheatear wheaten wheatgerm wheatgrass wheatmeal wheatstonebridge wheatworm whee wheedle wheedled wheedles wheedling wheel wheelbarrow wheelbarrowed wheelbarrowing wheelbarrows wheelbase wheelchair wheeled wheeler wheelerdealer wheelers wheelhorse wheelhouse wheelie wheeling wheellock wheelman wheels wheelsman wheelwright wheeze wheezed wheezer wheezers wheezes wheezing wheezingly wheezy whelk whelm whelp whelped whelping whelpless whelps when whenas whence whencesoever wheneer whenever whensoever where whereabouts whereas whereat whereby whereer wherefore wherefrom wherein whereinto wherell whereof whereon wherere wheres wheresoeer wheresoever wherethrough whereto whereunder whereunto whereupon wherever wherewith wherewithal wherry whet whether whets whetstone whetted whetter whetters whetting whew whey wheyface which whichever whichsoever whicker whidah whiff whiffed whiffer whiffers whiffet whiffing whiffle whiffleball whiffler whiffletree whiffs whiffy whig whiggery whiggism while whiles whilom whilst whim whimbrel whimper whimpered whimpering whimpers whims whimsey whimsical whimsicality whimsy whimwham whin whinchat whine whined whiner whiners whines whinger whining whiningly whinny whinstone whip whipcord whipcrane whiphand whiplash whiplashinjury whipped whipper whipperin whippers whippersnapper whippet whipping whippingboy whippingpost whippingtop whippletree whippoorwill whippy whipround whips whipsaw whipstall whipster whipstitch whipstock whir whirl whirled whirligig whirligigbeetle whirling whirlpool whirls whirlwind whirlybird whirr whish whisht whisk whiskbroom whisked whisker whiskered whiskers whiskey whiskeysour whisking whisks whisky whiskymac whisper whispered whisperer whisperers whispering whisperingcampaign whisperinggallery whispers whist whistle whistleblower whistled whistler whistles whistlestop whistling whistlingswan whit white whitealert whitealloy whiteant whiteaustraliapolicy whitebacklash whitebait whitebeam whitebear whitebirch whitebloodcell whitebook whitecap whitecedar whiteclover whitecoal whitecoffee whitecollar whitecollarcrime whitecontinent whitecorpuscle whitecrow whited whitedaisy whitedsepulcher whitedwarf whiteelephant whiteensign whitefaced whitefeather whitefish whiteflag whitefrost whitegas whitegold whitegoods whitehaired whitehall whitehanded whitehead whiteheaded whiteheat whitehope whitehorse whitehot whitehouse whiteknight whitelead whiteleather whitelie whitelight whitelightning whitelipped whitelist whitelivered whitely whitemagic whiteman whitemansburden whitemarket whitematter whitemeat whitemetal whiten whitened whitener whiteness whitenight whitenile whitening whitenoise whitens whiteoak whiteout whitepaper whitepepper whitepine whiteplague whitepoplar whitepotato whiteprimary whiter whiterace whiteroom whiterussia whiterussian whites whitesale whitesauce whiteslave whiteslavery whitesmith whitesmog whitespirit whitesquall whitesupremacy whitetail whitethorn whitethroat whitetie whitetrash whitevitriol whitewall whitewar whitewash whitewashed whitewashes whitewashing whitewater whitewaterrafting whitewhale whitewine whitewing whitewood whitey whither whithersoever whiting whitish whitleycouncil whitlow whitmonday whitsun whitsunday whitsuntide whittle whity whiz whizbang whizkid whizzed whizzer whizzes whizzing who who'll whoa whod whodunit whoeer whoever whole wholeblood wholecolored wholefood wholegale wholegrain wholehearted wholeheartedly wholehog wholelength wholemeal wholeness wholenote wholenumber wholerest wholesale wholesaled wholesales wholesaling wholesome wholesouled wholestep wholewheat wholl wholly whom whomever whomp whomping whomsoever whoop whoopdedo whooped whoopee whooper whooping whoopingcough whoopingcrane whoopla whoops whoosh whooshed whooshes whooshing whop whopped whopper whopping whops whore whored whoredom whoredoms whorehouse whoremonger whoremongers whores whoreson whoring whorish whorl whortleberry whos whose whosesoever whosever whosis whosit whoso whosoever whoswho whowaswho whquestion whs why whydah wi wicca wichita wick wicked wickedness wicker wickerwork wicket wicketkeeper wickets wicking wickiup wicks wid wide wideangle wideawake wideeyed widely widemouthed widen widened widener wideners wideness widening widens wideopen wider widescreen widespread widest widgeon widget widgets widgie widish widow widowbird widower widowers widows widowscruse widowsmandate widowsmite widowspeak widowswalk width widths widthwise wield wielded wielding wields wieldy wien wiener wienerschnitzel wienie wife wifebeating wifelike wifely wifeswapping wig wigan wigeon wigged wigging wiggle wiggled wiggler wiggles wigglewaggle wiggling wiggly wight wiglet wigs wigwag wigwam wigwams wilco wild wildboar wildcard wildcards wildcarrot wildcat wildcatbank wildcatter wildduck wildebeest wilder wilderness wildest wildeyed wildfire wildflower wildfowl wildgoosechase wildhyacinth wilding wildlife wildly wildman wildmustard wildoat wildpitch wildrice wildtrack wildwater wildwest wildwestshow wildwood wildyeast wile wiley wilful wilhelm will willable willard willbe willcall willed willet willful willfully william williams willie willies willing willingly willingness williwaw willless willothewisp willow willower willowherb willowpattern willows willowy willpower wills willy willynilly willywilly wilma wilson wilsonsdisease wilt wilted wilting wilton wilts wiltshire wily wimble wimbledon wimp wimple wimpy win wince winced winces winceyette winch wincing wind windage windbag windband windbell windblast windblown windborne windbound windbreak windbreaker windbroken windburn windcheater windchillfactor windcone winddown winddrag winded windegg winder windfall windfallloss windfalls windflaw windflower windgall windgap windgauge windhazard windhover winding windingframe windingsheet windingup windinstrument windjammer windlass windless windlestraw windloading windmill windmills window windowbox windowdressing windowed windowenvelope windowframe windowing windowpane windows windowsash windowseat windowshade windowshop windowsill windpipe windpollinated windproof windrose windrow winds windsail windscale windscreen windscreens windshake windshear windshield windshields windsock windsor windsorchair windsorknot windsortie windsprint windstorm windstorms windsurfing windswept windtee windtight windtunnel windturbine windup windvane windward windy windycity wine wineapple winebag winebibber winebibbing winecellar winecolored winecooler winedt winegallon wineglass wineglassful winegrower winehouse winepalm winepress wineries winery winesap wineshop wineskin wing wingback wingbar wingbeat wingbow wingcase wingchair wingcollar wingcommander wingcoverts wingding winged wingedgod wingedhorse winger wingfooted winggame winging wingless winglet wingman wingmirror wingnut wingover wings wingspan wingspread wingstroke wingtip wingy wink winked winker winking winkle winks winnebago winner winners winnie winning winningpost winnings winnipeg winnow winnowed winnowing winnows winnt wino wins winsome winston winter wintered winterer winterfeed wintergarden wintergreen wintering winterize winterkill winters wintersleep wintersolstice wintersquash wintertide wintertime wintery wintry winy winze wipe wiped wipeout wiper wipes wiping wipo wire wirebroadcasting wirecloth wirecutter wired wiredraw wiredrawn wiredtelevision wireentanglement wiregauge wiregauze wireglass wiregrass wirehair wirehaired wirehouse wireless wirelesstelegraph wirelesstelephone wireman wirenetting wirephoto wirepuller wirer wirerecorder wirerecording wirerope wires wireservice wiretap wiretapped wiretapping wiretaps wirewalker wirewheel wirewool wirework wireworm wirewove wiring wirings wiry wis wisconsin wisd wisdom wisdomofsolomon wisdomtooth wise wiseacre wisecrack wiseguy wisely wisent wiser wisest wisewoman wish wishbone wished wishedfor wishes wishful wishfulfulfillment wishfulthinking wishing wishingbone wishingcap wishwash wishywashy wisp wisped wisping wisps wispy wist wisteria wistful wistfully wit witch witchcraft witchdoctor witched witchelm witchery witches witchessabbath witchhazel witchhunt witching wite witenagemot with withal withdraw withdrawal withdrawals withdrawing withdrawn withdraws withdrew withe wither withered withering witherite withers withershins withheld withhold withholding withholds within withit without withstand withstanding withstands withstood withy witless witling witness witnessbox witnessed witnesses witnessing witnessstand wits witster witted witter witticism witting wittol witty wive wivern wives wizard wizardly wizardry wizards wizen wizened wk wo woad wobble wobbled wobbles wobbling wobbly wobegone woden wodge woe woebegone woeful woefully woefulness wog wok woke woken woks wold wolf wolfberry wolfcall wolfcub wolfdog wolffish wolfhound wolfish wolfman wolfram wolframite wolfsbane wolfwhistle wolverine wolves woman womanhater womanhood womanish womanize womanized womanizes womanizing womankind womanlike womanly womanpower womansrights womansuffrage womb wombat wombs women womenfolk womenslib womensmovement womensrights womensroom womp won won't wonder wondered wonderful wonderfully wonderfulness wondering wonderland wonderlands wonderment wonders wonderstricken wonderwork wondrous wondrously wondrousness wonky wont wonted wonton woo wood woodalcohol woodanemone woodbin woodbine woodblock woodcarver woodcarving woodchat woodchuck woodcoal woodcock woodcraft woodcraftsman woodcut woodcutter wooded wooden woodengraving woodenhead woodenheaded woodenhorse woodenindian woodenspoon woodenware woodfiber woodibis woodland woodlander woodlark woodlot woodlouse woodman woodnote woodnymph woodpecker woodpeckers woodpigeon woodpile woodpulp woodpussy woodrat woodruff woods woodshed woodslight woodsman woodsorrel woodspirit woodsy woodtar woodthrush woodturner woodvinegar woodwind woodwork woodworker woodworking woodworks woodworm woody wooer woof woofed woofer woofing woofs wool woolclip woolen woolfat woolfell woolgatherer woolgatherers woolgathering woolgrower woollen woolly woollybear woollyheaded woolman woolpack woolsack woolshed woolsortersdisease woolsponge woolstapler wooly woopwoop woozy wop worcestersauce worcestershire word wordage wordblind wordbook wordclass worddeaf worded wordformation wordforword wording wordless wordofmouth wordorder wordpainting wordperfect wordpicture wordplay wordprocessing wordprocessor words wordsplitting wordsquare wordstar wordtime wordy wore work workable workaday workaholic workbag workbasket workbench workbenches workbook workbox workcamp workday workdays worked workedup worker workers workfare workfarm workfellow workforce workfunction workhorse workhouse workhouses workin working workingcapital workingclass workingday workingdrawing workinggirl workinghypothesis workingman workingmemory workingout workingpapers workingparty workings work
  16. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    3d 4f 4wd a aa aapss aardvark aardvarks aardwolf aaron aaronsbeard aaronsrod aas aasvogel aasystem aau ab abaca aback 細菌算盤算盤算盤減弱abatis abator 屠宰場abaxis abb abba abbacy 阿巴斯德abbatial abbe abbess abbevillian abbeys abbbot abbots abbr 縮寫縮寫縮寫縮寫abc abcoulomb abcweapon abdabdicable 退位退縮abecedarian abed乞討 abel abele abelian abelmosk abend aberdeen aberdeenangus aberdeenterrier aberdevine aberdonian aberglaube abernethy 異常畸變 abet 教唆 教惡恨ail 能力 能力 abinitio abintra abiochemistry abiogenesis abiogenesis abiogenist abiological abiosis非生物abirritant abirritate abject abject abjuration abint abirritate abject abject abjure abjured abjures abl abactation ablate ablation ablations ablative ablativeshielding ablatmable a​​abledkablesablekablekablesablekables fables fables fidablesb; abmodality abnegate abneated埃蓋茨放棄放棄放棄異常異常異常異常異常abo aboard abode aboil abolish廢除廢除廢除廢除廢除廢除廢奴主義廢奴主義者廢除abomasum abomb 可憎可憎可憎雪人可憎可憎可憎可憎可憎abonchat abonmarche aboon 原住民原住民墮胎墮胎墮胎墮胎劑墮胎墮胎按需墮胎墮胎墮胎墮胎系統買了很多很多很多很多關於改變轉彎高於平均以上上面引用高於甲板以上上述樓梯abovo abp abracadabra abrachia 磨損磨損abraham abrahamman abrahamsbosom abram abram abram abranchiate 磨損磨料碎紙 abreact abreaction abreast abribridge abribridge 節刪料突然ly 突然性abs Absalom 膿瘍Abscind 橫坐標脫落潛逃潛逃潛逃潛逃缺席缺席缺席缺席投票缺席地主缺席缺席選民缺席缺席選民苦艾酒苦艾酒絕對地址絕對地址絕對酒精絕對高度絕對天花板絕對濕度絕對幅度絕對多數絕對多數絕對音樂絕對音高絕對音高絕對尺度絕對空間絕對溫度絕對術語絕對值絕對零絕對絕對主義絕對主義赦免赦免赦免消除吸收吸收吸收吸收劑量吸收有效吸收性吸收性吸收性吸收帶吸收譜吸收系統吸收吸收性吸收戒除戒除戒除戒除戒除戒除戒除戒除戒除綜合症戒斷抽象抽象抽象抽象抽象表現主義抽象離子抽象主義抽象主義商人抽象抽象抽象荒謬荒謬荒謬荒謬主義荒謬荒謬荒謬abtsystem abu abubble abuilding abulia豐富豐富aburbecondita 濫用濫用濫用濫用者濫用者濫用
    經曲經曲戰機經曲保證書保證書保證書保證書保證書軍官保證書保證書沃倫·沃倫納交戰戰士戰士WarriskInsurance 戰爭華沙WarsawTreatyorganization 軍艦軍艦戰艦戰艦戰歌疣豬戰時戰戰疣疣Warty Warweary Warwhoop 里克郡 Warwhoop 沃里克郡Warwidow Warworn Warworn 戰區可洗可洗可洗面盆洗衣板洗衣板洗碗洗臉布洗日洗滌洗滌洗滌洗衣機烘乾機洗衣機洗衣機洗衣機洗衣機女式洗衣機洗滌洗衣店快洗洗衣機洗手洗衣房洗滌日用洗衣機洗滌粉洗滌蘇打水華盛頓華盛頓餡餅華盛頓生日洗滌洗滌洗衣機皮革洗滌油洗滌抹布洗滌室洗滌銷售盥洗台洗臉盆洗滌女洗滌不是黃蜂黃蜂黃蜂黃蜂腰部瓦薩伊瓦瑟曼反應浪費廢物浪費廢紙簍廢紙簍廢物箱廢書浪費浪費浪費浪費浪費工業荒地無廢棄物廢棄物製造者廢紙廢紙簍廢棄物管廢棄物綜合體廢棄物產品廢棄物廢棄物廢水浪費浪費資產浪費者wat 錶帶錶殼錶鍊手錶委員會手錶水晶看門狗看門狗觀看者觀看者觀看者觀看者觀看者觀看者觀看者觀看者觀看者觀看者觀看者觀看者觀看者觀看者值班員手錶袋瞭望塔值班員口號水科水水運水背水法警水平衡水球水床水甲蟲水鳥水餅乾水泡水船水炸彈水瓶水牛水蟲水車水槍水車運水車水車水車水道水鐘水廁水冷卻器水道水餅乾水艇水田芥水循環Waterdiviner水狗飲水器水滴澆水Watereddown Waterfinder WaterFlag Waterflea Waterflood WaterFowl Waterfront WaterGap WaterGap WaterGauge WaterGlass Waterground WaterGuel WaterGuard WaterGun WaterHaCenter WaterHWaterInterContinental WaterHear WaterHy WaterMain水術水印水草甸西瓜西瓜水磨水莫卡辛水猴水摩托水仙水合水水烏澤爾水牛水漆水分離水管水手槍水飛機水車前草水污染水球水動力防水水脈衝水鼠水率防水防水防水水權水域水景水蠍分水嶺水射水邊水滑水水天水蛇水浸水軟化劑水溶性水狗水濺水龍捲水黽供水系統防水台水密水塔水管水蒸氣水車水波水道水道水草水輪水翼水女巫水廠水穿水瓦特瓦特瓦特瓦特瓦特瓦特瓦特瓦特​​瓦特瓦特瓦烏爾波波段波基波雲波形波形波前波前波導波長波長小波波力學波表波運動波動波波列波陷阱波波wawa wawf wawl 蠟蠟豆蠟莓蠟嘴蠟布蠟娃娃打蠟蠟蠟博物館蠟桃木蠟畫蠟棕櫚蠟紙蠟樹蠟草蠟翅蠟製品蠟之路運單路人路人路路路路路路站路停止路火車任性路路明智路路破舊路zgoose wb我們我們會我們' re we've wea weak weaken weakened weakening weakens weaker weakersex weakest weakfish weakheaded weakhear weaker weakersex weakest weakfish weak頭weakside weaksister weaktothewall weakwilled weal weald wealden wealth wealthfare wealthier wealthiest wealthy wean weaned weaner weaning weanling weans weapon weaponeer weaponry weapons weaponsystem wearonsystem wearon weaponeer weaponry weapons weaponsystem wearonsystem wear黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼鼠
  17. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
  18. Bradley Dogsbane
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood 3d 4f 4wd a aa aapss aardvark aardvarks aardwolf aaron aaronsbeard aaronsrod aas aasvogel aasystem aau ab abaca aback 細菌算盤算盤算盤減弱abatis abator 屠宰場abaxis abb abba abbacy 阿巴斯德abbatial abbe abbess abbevillian abbeys abbbot abbots abbr 縮寫縮寫縮寫縮寫abc abcoulomb abcweapon abdabdicable 退位退縮abecedarian abed乞討 abel abele abelian abelmosk abend aberdeen aberdeenangus aberdeenterrier aberdevine aberdonian aberglaube abernethy 異常畸變 abet 教唆 教惡恨ail 能力 能力 abinitio abintra abiochemistry abiogenesis abiogenesis abiogenist abiological abiosis非生物abirritant abirritate abject abject abjuration abint abirritate abject abject abjure abjured abjures abl abactation ablate ablation ablations ablative ablativeshielding ablatmable a​​abledkablesablekablekablesablekables fables fables fidablesb; abmodality abnegate abneated埃蓋茨放棄放棄放棄異常異常異常異常異常abo aboard abode aboil abolish廢除廢除廢除廢除廢除廢除廢奴主義廢奴主義者廢除abomasum abomb 可憎可憎可憎雪人可憎可憎可憎可憎可憎abonchat abonmarche aboon 原住民原住民墮胎墮胎墮胎墮胎劑墮胎墮胎按需墮胎墮胎墮胎墮胎系統買了很多很多很多很多關於改變轉彎高於平均以上上面引用高於甲板以上上述樓梯abovo abp abracadabra abrachia 磨損磨損abraham abrahamman abrahamsbosom abram abram abram abranchiate 磨損磨料碎紙 abreact abreaction abreast abribridge abribridge 節刪料突然ly 突然性abs Absalom 膿瘍Abscind 橫坐標脫落潛逃潛逃潛逃潛逃缺席缺席缺席缺席投票缺席地主缺席缺席選民缺席缺席選民苦艾酒苦艾酒絕對地址絕對地址絕對酒精絕對高度絕對天花板絕對濕度絕對幅度絕對多數絕對多數絕對音樂絕對音高絕對音高絕對尺度絕對空間絕對溫度絕對術語絕對值絕對零絕對絕對主義絕對主義赦免赦免赦免消除吸收吸收吸收吸收劑量吸收有效吸收性吸收性吸收性吸收帶吸收譜吸收系統吸收吸收性吸收戒除戒除戒除戒除戒除戒除戒除戒除戒除綜合症戒斷抽象抽象抽象抽象抽象表現主義抽象離子抽象主義抽象主義商人抽象抽象抽象荒謬荒謬荒謬荒謬主義荒謬荒謬荒謬abtsystem abu abubble abuilding abulia豐富豐富aburbecondita 濫用濫用濫用濫用者濫用者濫用
    經曲經曲戰機經曲保證書保證書保證書保證書保證書軍官保證書保證書沃倫·沃倫納交戰戰士戰士WarriskInsurance 戰爭華沙WarsawTreatyorganization 軍艦軍艦戰艦戰艦戰歌疣豬戰時戰戰疣疣Warty Warweary Warwhoop 里克郡 Warwhoop 沃里克郡Warwidow Warworn Warworn 戰區可洗可洗可洗面盆洗衣板洗衣板洗碗洗臉布洗日洗滌洗滌洗滌洗衣機烘乾機洗衣機洗衣機洗衣機洗衣機女式洗衣機洗滌洗衣店快洗洗衣機洗手洗衣房洗滌日用洗衣機洗滌粉洗滌蘇打水華盛頓華盛頓餡餅華盛頓生日洗滌洗滌洗衣機皮革洗滌油洗滌抹布洗滌室洗滌銷售盥洗台洗臉盆洗滌女洗滌不是黃蜂黃蜂黃蜂黃蜂腰部瓦薩伊瓦瑟曼反應浪費廢物浪費廢紙簍廢紙簍廢物箱廢書浪費浪費浪費浪費浪費工業荒地無廢棄物廢棄物製造者廢紙廢紙簍廢棄物管廢棄物綜合體廢棄物產品廢棄物廢棄物廢水浪費浪費資產浪費者wat 錶帶錶殼錶鍊手錶委員會手錶水晶看門狗看門狗觀看者觀看者觀看者觀看者觀看者觀看者觀看者觀看者觀看者觀看者觀看者觀看者觀看者觀看者值班員手錶袋瞭望塔值班員口號水科水水運水背水法警水平衡水球水床水甲蟲水鳥水餅乾水泡水船水炸彈水瓶水牛水蟲水車水槍水車運水車水車水車水道水鐘水廁水冷卻器水道水餅乾水艇水田芥水循環Waterdiviner水狗飲水器水滴澆水Watereddown Waterfinder WaterFlag Waterflea Waterflood WaterFowl Waterfront WaterGap WaterGap WaterGauge WaterGlass Waterground WaterGuel WaterGuard WaterGun WaterHaCenter WaterHWaterInterContinental WaterHear WaterHy WaterMain水術水印水草甸西瓜西瓜水磨水莫卡辛水猴水摩托水仙水合水水烏澤爾水牛水漆水分離水管水手槍水飛機水車前草水污染水球水動力防水水脈衝水鼠水率防水防水防水水權水域水景水蠍分水嶺水射水邊水滑水水天水蛇水浸水軟化劑水溶性水狗水濺水龍捲水黽供水系統防水台水密水塔水管水蒸氣水車水波水道水道水草水輪水翼水女巫水廠水穿水瓦特瓦特瓦特瓦特瓦特瓦特瓦特瓦特​​瓦特瓦特瓦烏爾波波段波基波雲波形波形波前波前波導波長波長小波波力學波表波運動波動波波列波陷阱波波wawa wawf wawl 蠟蠟豆蠟莓蠟嘴蠟布蠟娃娃打蠟蠟蠟博物館蠟桃木蠟畫蠟棕櫚蠟紙蠟樹蠟草蠟翅蠟製品蠟之路運單路人路人路路路路路路站路停止路火車任性路路明智路路破舊路zgoose wb我們我們會我們' re we've wea weak weaken weakened weakening weakens weaker weakersex weakest weakfish weakheaded weakhear weaker weakersex weakest weakfish weak頭weakside weaksister weaktothewall weakwilled weal weald wealden wealth wealthfare wealthier wealthiest wealthy wean weaned weaner weaning weanling weans weapon weaponeer weaponry weapons weaponsystem wearonsystem wearon weaponeer weaponry weapons weaponsystem wearonsystem wear黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼黃鼠狼鼠
  19. Bradley Dogsbane
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood

    Since the U.S. Congress passed the Combat Methamphetamine Epidemic Act in March of 2006, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Methamphetamine Profiling Program (MPP) has seen a shift away from pseudoephedrine and ephedrine-based large-scale clandestine laboratory production of methamphetamine. This shift was observed from forensic analyses using an established analytical protocol [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10] of numerous high quality methamphetamine samples obtained from U.S.-Mexico border and domestic seizures. Since that time, the forensic results tell a chemical story that revolves around the chemical precursor known as phenyl-2-propanone (P2P), and since approximately 2009, the MPP has been tracking a methamphetamine clandestine P2P laboratory process that uses a foul-smelling crystalline material known as phenylacetic acid (PAA). This precursor is difficult to buy clandestinely; therefore, an ester of PAA, usually ethyl phenylacetate (EtPA), a perfume-like smelling oil sold in 200 L containers, is purchased. This oil is very easily transformed into PAA using acid and base chemistry for the eventual production of P2P (Fig. 1). The two main recipes to convert PAA with modest yields into P2P are the Dakin-West reaction that uses acetic anhydride and sodium acetate as essential chemicals and the lead acetate reaction [11], [12]. The former reaction is heated for several hours producing a dark brown solution, which is then later distilled to obtain the P2P product. The latter reaction proceeds via a destructive distillation process using PAA and lead acetate, which are easily handled solid materials. The resulting P2P oil produced from both of these reactions is converted to methamphetamine using either an amalgam or Leuckart reductive amination process. Impurities related to these processes have been well studied and are now routinely monitored in high purity methamphetamine samples [13], [14], [15]. The key impurities from these processes are known as the B-compound (α-benzyl-N-methylphenethylamine) and the P-compound (trans-N-methyl-4-methyl-5-phenyl-4-penten-2-amine) and are used to track the PAA-based methamphetamine results [16], [17].

    It appears that the perfume oil (EtPA), and other related ester and amide materials became less available, because an alternative P2P recipe started to emerge onto the forensic scene in 2014. At that time, a new impurity pattern was identified in the gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analyses results for a significant portion of the seized samples. This led to uncertainty for the MPP, with a spike in unknown synthetic route assignments, and a sharp decrease (84%) in samples assigned to a P2P-based recipe in the first quarter of 2015 (Fig. 2). This new and unknown profile was quickly solved and P2P-based assignments went back to status quo (above 90%) in recent reporting periods, from 2016 to 2018. It should be noted that another forensic profiling team located in Australia has also observed this new profiling pattern in seized methamphetamine samples [18].

    The old clandestine method responsible for the newly observed profiling pattern is referred to by the MPP as the nitrostyrene (NTS) method (it could also be called the nitropropene method). It uses benzaldehyde and nitroethane as the two key precursor chemicals in the process (Fig. 3). A Knoevenagel reaction resulting in NTS has long been known to produce a translucent, yellow solid (possibly orange if not enhancemented and dried well) as an easily managed intermediate in the first step of the method [19]. This solid is then converted to P2P in a harsh reaction using iron powder and hydrochloric acid [19], which leaves behind black solid iron sludge as waste. The P2P oil is then converted to methamphetamine using the same reductive amination chemistry as mentioned earlier for PAA-based methamphetamine.

    Herein, we report forensic evidence that supports the recent P2P recipe change to be from the nitrostyrene method and will show the impact of this method on methamphetamine samples seized in the U.S.A. from 2015 to 2018.Solvents, chemicals, and materials

    All chemicals and solvents used were reagent grade or better. Petroleum ether and dichloromethane were obtained from VWR Corp. (West Chester, PA).

    Reagents utilized for the nitrostyrene synthesis to P2P included nitroethane, benzaldehyde, iron powder, and iron (III) chloride (all from Sigma-Aldrich Chemical Co., St. Louis, MO), and hydrochloric acid (J.T. Baker, 36%) from Avantor Performance Materials Inc. (Center Valley, PA).

    Reagents utilized for the mercury amalgam syntheses [20] of
    Results and discussion

    In the first step of the NTS method, either butylamine or cyclohexylamine are added in catalytic amounts to facilitate the Knoevenagel reaction process. These amines react nicely with benzaldehye to produce their corresponding imines, which then undergo carbon–carbon bond formation with the enolate of nitroethane. Elimination of the catalytic amines back into the reaction mixture results in nitrostyrene formation. These catalysts are therefore present as impurities in the reductive hydrolysis

    The forensic identification and tracking of two new forensic NTS marker compounds 1 and 2 present at low levels in highly refined seized methamphetamine samples was discussed. These compounds were independently identified, synthesized, structurally elucidated, and then used as standards to support forensic analysis. A series of laboratory-generated samples using a variety of nitrostyrene and other related recipe choices were prepared and their profiling results compared well with actual seized

    The authors are indebted to the DEA Office of Forensic Sciences for supporting this profiling work.
  20. Bradley Dogsbane
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood 有機化學實驗室生存手冊
    約翰威利父子公司 紐約 • 奇切斯特 • 布里斯班 • 多倫多 • 新加坡
    版權所有 © 1984、1988,John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
    1976 年美國版權法第 107 條和第 108 條
    John Wiley & Sons 的權限部門。

    ing 被賦予了與提取同樣的重要性,但也有一些麻煩
    斑點(以有機層的 pH 值為例)已被平滑。
    Clapyron 方程式作為從拉烏爾定律(壓力和

    Ronald Pohadsky 先生和 Barry Eggleston 先生提出了具體建議—
    在實驗室工作時的系統蒸發散。特別感謝 G.J. 教授詹茲,
    Henry Hollinger 教授和 A. Rauf Imam 教授在最初階段提供的幫助




    viii 第二版前言





    最後,我要感謝 John 化學編輯 Dennis Sawicki 先生
    首先是 Wiley & Sons,這是我收到的最好的生日禮物之一
    準備此版本時遇到的麻煩點。 Dawn Reitz 女士,生產
    主管、Ann Meader 女士、主管文案編輯和 Glenn 先生
    文案編輯佩特里 (Petry) 帶來了第二篇文章,值得稱讚


    1987 年 4 月 3 日



    GC、IR、NMR 和 HPLC 的特性。 GC色譜技術
    和 HPLC 的介紹是因為它們與薄層色譜和柱色譜有關
    GC 和 HPLC 技術(雙檢測器、HPLC 中的 UV 檢測等)。

    致謝訊息將接近小型電話簿的大小 -



    特別感謝 C.W. Schimelpfenig 博士對許多人的鼓勵
    那些年,沒有什麼,他們的評論使這些頁面增色不少; D.L.博士

    x 第一版前言

    推介會;博士。 R.A.貝利 (Bailey)、S.C. 邦斯 (S.C. Bunce) 與 H.B.霍林格為他們的
    持續的支持和建議; Mark B. Freilich 博士,他的觀點
    Sam Johnson 博士在本文的早期階段提供了巨大幫助
    加工。我還要感謝克里斯多福‧J‧肯珀 (Christopher J. Kemper) 和基斯‧米勒 (Keith Miller)

    最後,我要感謝克利福德·W·米爾斯 (Clifford W. Mills),他是我在 John Wiley & 的守護神。




    紐約,1972 年,第 14 頁。 70),寫道

    地點比其他任何地方都多。 「他使用的工具是羊角錘,而不是斧頭。

    爐木確實如此。 “我無法讓自己真正喜歡這個傢伙。”這


    在 William Strunk 和 E.B.風格元素中的白色
    以及威廉‧辛瑟 (William Zinsser) 的《論寫作》(Onwriting Well) 和魯道夫‧弗萊施 (Rudolph Flesch) 的《ABC》
    風格和 D.L.卡森的評論出現在這本書中,我試圖
    xii 關於風格的一些註釋


    W.A. Hammond Drierite 公司,俄亥俄州 Xenia

    Variac® 通用無線電公司,麻薩諸塞州康科德



    Wiberg、Lowenthal、Newman 和 Gordon 的書籍中都有介紹


    先驅者,自 1973 年起出版。



    xiv 前言



    1919 年的風格。大多數其他寫作文本




    前言 xv


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