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wut did u dream about last night

  1. Elbow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Elbow I don't think I even knew that was word before that trip.

    I might have. Honestly, it's not that strange of a word. But its meaning crystallized for me in a way that it had never done before. If I had heard the word, I did not know it, and now I knew it.
  2. I had a dream that this guy was trying to fuck this other guy in the butt and he showed me his butthole. It was bleeding. Then he started to throw up and choke and point to his throat. His stomach was in his throat and he couldn’t breathe.
  3. Elbow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by frala I had a dream that this guy was trying to fuck this other guy in the butt and he showed me his butthole. It was bleeding. Then he started to throw up and choke and point to his throat. His stomach was in his throat and he couldn’t breathe.

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  4. Dirtbag African Astronaut
    Meikai would you say your mental clarity has improved since losing your testicles or has it stayed the same?
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  5. Elbow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Dirtbag Meikai would you say your mental clarity has improved since losing your testicles or has it stayed the same?

    Improved. It was as though a great fog were lifted from my eyes. Probably increased my IQ by 10 points, and offset all the damage I'd done to my brain by huffing gasoline as a teenager. The underlying libidinousness associated with having testicles is a double edged sword that drives men to both the heights of greatness and to the depths of degenerate retardation, and in my case, I was very much headed to the depths.
  6. Elbow African Astronaut
    I can appreciate why court eunuchs were such a threat in ancient China. The clarity of thought when you're untainted by a persistent and inescapable veil of lust is probably really dangerous in the hands of someone with ambition. Testicles probably have as much impact on cognition as severe carbon monoxide poisoning.
  7. Donald Trump Black Hole
    Wow, so you have no real sex drive now?
    Do you have less energy?
  8. Dirtbag African Astronaut
    The only time I've felt really horny, like had to excuse myself horny, was on the day of my Nana's funeral. I didn't start thinking about sex until I was 16 even though I got my first period at 12. I wonder what's wrong with me...
  9. Dirtbag African Astronaut
    I think about sex on average every two weeks and it's been that way for years.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  10. Donald Trump Black Hole
    That's fairly normal for girls.
  11. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    we have to have sex through higher methods of chemical induction and demonic possession. It requires a very level of love and lightning scented candles arranged into a pentagon and dark chocolate laced with meth & hormones that cause ones nipples to lactate profousely.

    I haven't had sex with a vagina for years but i've never been hornier and more fulfilled in my life. It's a very enlightened way to live and it feels like my soul and butthole are being fused into a computer the size of a universe and crammed into my prostate. When I ejaculate I feel light coursing through my veins like fiber optic cables
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  12. Elbow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Donald Trump Wow, so you have no real sex drive now?
    Do you have less energy?

    I'm just... not constantly being suffocated by a persistent atmosphere of oppressive lust. It's... different than having no sex drive. I am at a baseline horny of 0 out of 10, as opposed to a baseline horny of 5. It's still possible to get me going (either by pure chance or putting a little bit of work in - although sometimes I'm just straight up not in the mood), but the engine is off when it doesn't need to be on, where it used to be left idling.
  13. Elbow African Astronaut
    I guess have less energy now, but like... I'm in my 30s and get no exercise. That's just catching up to me is all.

    I might say I have less energy in a more nebulous "woo" sense since the testicle stuff too, but I would then argue that that energy is the aforementioned "fog that was lifted from eyes" - a kind of frenetic tweaker energy that is not conducive sanity. Like my soul was clenching every muscle it had for no particular reason, and now it's stopped. Not productive energy. Excess.
  14. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood we have to have sex through higher methods of chemical induction and demonic possession. It requires a very level of love and lightning scented candles arranged into a pentagon and dark chocolate laced with meth & hormones that cause ones nipples to lactate profousely.

    I haven't had sex with a vagina for years but i've never been hornier and more fulfilled in my life. It's a very enlightened way to live and it feels like my soul and butthole are being fused into a computer the size of a universe and crammed into my prostate. When I ejaculate I feel light coursing through my veins like fiber optic cables

    Do you transform into an animal at some point, and if so, which animal?
  15. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Do you transform into an animal at some point, and if so, which animal?

    a futa serpent with a penis the size of the universe
  16. DontTellEm Black Hole
    Originally posted by Dirtbag The only time I've felt really horny, like had to excuse myself horny, was on the day of my Nana's funeral. I didn't start thinking about sex until I was 16 even though I got my first period at 12. I wonder what's wrong with me…

    Not nana funeral tho. 😩
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  17. Nana would have sat up in her coffin, had she been aware.
  18. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Sometimes I am so overwhemled by my lust that I can hardly move except to pounce on someone, I truly feel engrained in the moment to moment and I will align my entire day around chasing ass and even if a loud bump makes the girl 1% less likely to take her pants off I will fly into a rage and want to murder the person outside making the noise and then calm down and sink into a deep depression like a bipolar mad person but as soon as the "BEAST" is free all that goes away. It's a torturous way to live and I could plow 1000 of the tightest asses and impregnate 1000 virgins and it would NEVER be enough

    I took D X M daily for months and my penis stopped working completely and I had zero arousal ever, it was kinda unsettling because it was totally deprave depression drug induced but I imagine thaTs what it's like to get snipped

    it's like the brain automatically tortures you unless you shoot cum into a person. God must be a genius!
  19. Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    wut did u dream about last night

    How is that Any of your EFFEN BEEZWAX?
  20. Dirtbag African Astronaut
    It was a mix of my abandoned primary school and my bedroom. Walls painted purple, brown moth eaten sofas in a circle. These floor-leghtn vintage curtains that were white sundamaged and had white roses embroidered on them. Large broken windows. An intruder, I stabbed him, well sliced open his stomach. Falling off a cliff went wrong and set off a bomb. It looked a bit like Athens. Waiting at a bus stop. The bus was really a kidnappers van, red and white. I didn't get in. A fenced playground having to be used to grow vegetables, to protect them. Writing down on paper what the incel from the shop did. I think I stabbed another person.
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