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  1. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
  2. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
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    CURSE OF ODIN แ›ˆแšบแ›Ÿแ›š แ›–แšพแ›žแ›– แšขแšขแ›Ÿแ›žแšจแšพ แšขแšขแ›Ÿแšฑแšขแšพ แ›‰แ› แšบแ›Ÿแ›šแ›‰แšจ. แ›žแšข แšขแšขแšจแšฑแ› แ›žแ›–แ›—แ›Ÿ แ›’แšจแ›šแ›žแ›–แšฑแ›–แ›‹ แšขแ›Ÿแ›šแ›Ÿแšพ แ›‹แ›แšพ แšขแšขแ›Ÿแ›‰ แ›’แ›แšฑแ›–แšพแšดแ›แ›. แ›แšบแšข แ›’แ›แšทแšขแ›Ÿแ›š แ›–แšพ แ›‹แ›แšพแ›แšบแšทแšขแšพแ›, แ›‹แšขแšพแšพแšจ แ›–แšฑแšจ แ›‹แšขแ›แ›‹แ›แ›–แšฑ; แ›แšบแšข แ›’แ›แšทแšขแ›Ÿแ›š แ›–แšพ แš แšฑแ›แ›แšจ, แšขแ›Ÿแ›šแ›šแšจ แ›–แšฑแšจ แ›‹แšขแ›แ›‹แ›แ›–แšฑ; แ›แšบแšข แ›’แ›แšทแšขแ›Ÿแ›š แ›–แšพ แšขแšขแ›Ÿแ›žแšจแšพ, แ›‹แ›Ÿ แšบแ›– แšขแšขแ›Ÿแ›šแšจ แšฒแ›Ÿแšพแ›žแšจ: แ›‹แ›Ÿแ›‹แ›– แ›’แ›–แšพแšฑแ›–แšพแšดแ›, แ›‹แ›Ÿแ›‹แ›– แ›’แ›šแšขแ›Ÿแ›แšฑแ›–แšพแšดแ›, แ›‹แ›Ÿแ›‹แ›– แ›šแ›แ›žแ›แšฑแ›–แšพแšดแ›: แ›’แ›–แšพ แ›‰แ› แ›’แ›–แšพแšจ, แ›’แ›šแšขแ›Ÿแ› แ›‰แ› แ›’แ›šแšขแ›Ÿแ›žแšจ, แ›šแ›แ›ž แ›‰แ› แšทแ›–แ›šแ›แ›žแ›–แšพ, แ›‹แ›Ÿแ›‹แ›– แšทแ›–แ›šแ›แ›—แ›แ›žแšจ แ›‹แ›แšพ
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  3. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood โฌ›๐ŸŸจโฌ›๐ŸŸจโฌ›๐ŸŸจโฌ›๐ŸŸจโฌ›๐ŸŸจโฌ›๐ŸŸจโฌ›๐ŸŸจโฌ›๐ŸŸจโฌ›๐ŸŸจโฌ›๐ŸŸจโฌ›๐ŸŸจโฌ›๐ŸŸจโฌ›๐ŸŸจโฌ›๐ŸŸจโฌ›๐ŸŸจโฌ›๐ŸŸจโฌ›๐ŸŸจโฌ›๐ŸŸจโฌ›๐ŸŸจโฌ›๐ŸŸจโฌ›๐ŸŸจโฌ›๐ŸŸจโฌ›๐ŸŸจโฌ›๐ŸŸจโฌ›๐ŸŸจโฌ›๐ŸŸจโฌ›๐ŸŸจโฌ›

    This post has Lanny's fingerprints all over it.
  4. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]

    โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–’โ–’ โ–‘โ–‘ โ–“โ–“โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆ
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  5. Originally posted by CandyRein You went through a lot of spam just to quote me โ€ฆso thirsty lol

    it only appears so to someone with lower than aversge iq
  6. CandyRein Black Hole
    Originally posted by CandyRein You went through a lot of spam just to quote me โ€ฆso thirsty lol
  7. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]

    How to learn to write a door using Borland Pascal 7.0tm & the doorkit!

    | 1. Introduction |

    This document is for those people who want to start coding but didn't
    know where to start... If you have Borland Pascal 7.0 you can use this!

    This issue of doorsx.txt is the first and i hope I will do a few more
    in the future, this doc was ment to show Zester how to code doors because
    Wizard is short of door coders!!(apply!!) Iรฏwe included some sources and
    an uart doorkit. Parts of this document ar ripped from Xroads doorinfo.doc
    I hope yoรฏre not angry.

    If you have any suggestions/comments regarding this document, contact
    us. (See below!)

    | 2. 'DOOR' - Basics |

    Pascal is a Programming Language which is still very popular and very
    usefull to learn people the basics of how to code doors & utils. To
    code doors you need a 'DOORKIT'. A doorkit is a piece of software
    which basicly handles the communication with the modem.

    A DOOR is a piece of software which is being executed from the SYSTEM/X
    boardsystem. When it is executed it takes over SYSTEM/X and the
    communication with the modem. A door could, for instance, show the
    last 10 callers of the board. After the door is ready it returns SYSTEM/X
    and the modem to the system and quits. SYSTEM/X takes over the modem
    again and continues were it left.

    In order to work properly the DOOR needs to get all necessary data of
    a certain user online (e.g. Name,Location, Time left on the system, etc.)
    This is done by SYSTEM/X by writing a file to disk which the DOOR can
    take over. This file is called the 'DROPFILE'. If this door needs to
    change data which much take effect instantly, he changes the DROPFILE
    which is in the memory and just before returning to SYSTEM/X he needs
    to write it back to disk.

    When returning to SYSTEM/X this DROPFILE, when changed, is taken over from
    the DOOR to let all changes take effect immediately.

    In case of a LASTCALL-door this dropfile will not be changed because,
    in most cases, this door only shows something to the user but does
    not need any input. In case of a ANSI-selector at login (a DOOR which
    ask a user online wheter to use ANSI Colors or ASCII grey) you need
    to change the DROPFILE when door is finished, otherwise SYSTEM/X will
    not notice any changes in the ANSI/ASCII setup of the user.

    Whit a DOORKIT you are able to make doors...

    | 3. Pascal - Basics |

    A simple (Borland-standard) Pascal program is of the form:

    1 Program NAME;
    3 Uses ............;
    5 Begin
    6 End.

    The NAME can be any name you like although you should be carefull in
    using numbers and certain special characters. Every block of code
    begins with a 'BEGIN'-statement and ends with an 'END'-statement!

    After the Uses-statement all necessary pieces of software (libraries)
    needed for this program are listed. If we want to make a door the DOORKIT
    should be listed there. In many cases you need the CRT and DOS libraries.
    These are pieces of software with special commands.

    So line 3 should be something like this:

    3 Uses Doorkitu,Crt,Dos;

    The DOORKIT consists of several commands to be used with SYSTEM/X. For
    instance, if you want to write a sentence to the user online you need
    the 'CWrite'-command. For instance:

    1 Program NAME;
    3 Uses Doorkitu,Crt,Dos;
    5 Begin
    6 CWrite('Hello user!');
    7 End.

    This would write 'Hello user!' to the user online.
    But before you can use this code to make a door you need to add some
    lines to make the DOORKIT work properly!

    Just before the last 'End'-statement you need to add the line:


    Now the DOORKIT knows it has to return the modem to SYSTEM/X and releases
    all used memory to the system.

    So our DOOR will be:

    1 Program NAME;
    3 Uses Doorkitu,Crt,Dos;
    5 Begin
    6 CWrite('Hello user!');
    7 CloseAll;
    8 End.

    This is the most simple door you can write.

    | 4. Using the DROPFILE data |

    Now we want to use the DROPFILE data such as the name of the user and
    his location. All USERDATA of the user online is stored in the DROPFILE
    which is in the memory when you use the DOORKIT. You can access this
    data by using an object with the name 'DOOR'.

    'DOOR' is a RECORD, which means it consist of several types of data. It
    consists of
    - 'STRING'-types. a STRING constist of a set of characters like
    in 'Hello User!' Normally a STRING contains
    255 characters but if you need less than that
    STRING[x] uses only x characters where x is
    a number between 1 and 255.
    - 'INTEGER'-types. this is a number. In an 'INTEGER' you can put
    numbers between -32768 and 32767.
    - 'LONGINT'-types. this is a number. In an 'LONGINT' you can put
    numbers between -2147483648 and 2147483647
    - 'DOUBLE'-types. this is a number. In an 'DOUBLE' you can put
    numbers from 5.0E-324 to 1.7E308. Instead of
    the INTEGER and LONGINT type this DOUBLE is
    floating point! for example:
    A double can be 2 or 2.1 or 2.2 or 2.000001.
    A INTEGER or LONGINT can only be 1,2 or 3 etc.
    but nothing in between.
    - 'BYTE'-types. number between 0..255
    - 'BOOLEAN'-types. This can either be 'FALSE' or 'TRUE'.

    - 'ARRAY'-types. An array consist of a whole set of types.
    For instance:
    Array [1..10] of Byte;
    Contains 10 bytes after each other.

    the 'DOOR'-record in memory consist of the following types:

    DoorRecord = RECORD (* C:\BBS\DATA\ *)
    Name : String[30];
    Location : String[30];
    RealName : String[30];
    NetMailName : String[30];
    Password : String[15];
    Phone : String[30];
    Computer : String[30];
    ACP : String[3];
    LastConf : Longint;
    Lines : Byte;
    ConfAccount : Boolean;
    Ratio : Byte;
    RatioType : Byte;

    SecLvl : Byte;

    CallsTotal : Longint;
    CallsWeek : Longint;
    CallsMonth : Longint;

    Ups : Longint;
    Downs : Longint;
    Upk : Double;
    DownK : Double;
    DownToday : Longint;
    BytesAvail : Longint;
    MsgPosted : Longint;
    MsgReceived : Longint;
    Cps_Up : Longint;
    Cps_Down : Longint;
    WeekUpk : Longint;
    WeekUps : Longint;
    WeekDownk : Longint;
    WeekDowns : Longint;
    MonthUpk : Longint;
    MonthUps : Longint;
    MonthDownk : Longint;
    MonthDowns : Longint;
    FakeUps : Longint;
    FakeUpk : Longint;
    FreeDowns : Longint;
    FreeDownk : Longint;

    LastDate : String[8];
    LastTime : String[8];
    FirstDate : String[8];
    FirstTime : String[8];
    BirthDate : String[8];
    TimeLeft : Longint;
    TimeDay : Longint;
    TotalTime : Longint;

    NodeChatAvail : Longint;
    NodeChatLeft : Longint;
    NodeChatTotal : Longint;

    SysopChatTotal : Longint;
    SysopChatRecord : Longint;

    MenuSet : Byte;
    Protocol : Byte;
    Deleted : Boolean;
    Hidden : Boolean;
    CmndMode : Boolean; { False = Seclvl, True = Very Own}
    SentBy : String[80];

    Flags : Array[1..150] of Boolean;
    PageTries : Byte;

    FutureExpand1 : Array[1..29] of Byte;

    LcDate : String[8]; { VARIABLES from LASTCALL }
    LcLogontime : String[8];
    LcBaudRate : String[6];
    LcBaudStr : String[40];
    LcDownload : Boolean;
    LcUpload : Boolean;
    LcPosted : Boolean;
    LcRead : Boolean;
    LcWantedChat : Boolean;
    LcChated : Boolean;
    LcNodeChat : Boolean;
    LcScanned : Boolean;
    LcLostCarrier : Boolean;
    LcHacking : Boolean;
    LcDowns : Integer;
    LcUps : Integer;
    LcDownk : LongInt;
    LcUpk : LongInt;

    SysopAccess : Boolean;
    ChatOnOff : Boolean;
    StatLineOn : Boolean;
    CaptureOn : Boolean;
    TempFreeLeech : Boolean;
    Reserved : Boolean; {NOT USED YET}
    Paged : Boolean;
    Ansi : String[3]; (* 'ANS' or 'ASC' *)
    Local : Boolean;
    ConfPath : String[60];
    ConfName : String[30];
    OpenParams : String[255];
    OnlineBaud : Longint;
    Node : Byte;
    HiddenNode : Boolean; { 1.1 }

    FutureExpand2 : Array[1..333] of Byte;


    The texts between '{' and '}' or '(*' and '*)' are comments and do not
    mean anything!

    If, for instance, you want to write some user information to the user
    online you can use 'CWrite' to show it. But 'CWrite' only is
    able to show 'STRING'-types. In order to be able to show numbers to
    you need to convert numbers to a string.

    For instance, when Number is a number of 'LONGINT'-type:
    This would print the number 'Number' in no particular size.

    If you want to show data from the DOOR-record you need to use:
    DOOR.xxxxxx, where xxxxxx is the name of the datafield.

    If you want to show the user's name you do this:

    If you want to show the user's location you do this:

    If you want to show the user's securitylevel you do this:
    Notice the use of 'Int2Str' to convert this 'BYTE'-type number to
    a string. (the Security level is a number between 0 and 255)

    I have included some sources, each of the have a doc and some comments.
    Start with frstdoor.doc its the easiest and work throug them.
    If you hamve any problems or want more dox like this contact us!

    Good luck whit your door coding!

    | 5. How to contact Wizard |

    ARiONA WiZARD Whq +46-(0)381-91080

    Or E-mail us at

    Or join os at irc

  8. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Basic Techniques of Sex Magick

    The main requirement for doing any kind of sex magick

    (one could
    almost say any kind of magick whatsoever) is the ability to concen-

    single-mindedly, ie with no other thoughts at all intruding.

    This ability is developed by the practice of dhyana yoga or a similar

    The clearest instruction on basic yoga that i have seen is
    'eight lectures on yoga'

    by aleister crowley.

    When doing any type of sex magick you should formulate your 'telos'

    (purpose) clearly beforehand, concentrate on it single-mindedly and
    'background' it.

    During sex concentration is best directed towards the
    matter at hand (or whatever);

    i have founf it to be more than
    ordinarily important to stay 'in the moment'

    (ie, neither think of
    past events or future events, but just what is occurring at the

    moment). At orgasm the telos should overwhelm the mind, if you
    are doing it correctly your

    mental state will approach dhyana at this

    masturbatory sex magick --- VIII degree OTO

    formulate your telos, background it.

    begin sexual stimulation.
    at orgasm:
    (males) the telos should overwhelm your mind;

    the semen can
    either be consumed (eaten) or used to charge a prepared talisman(which, needless to say, should also express your telos).

    (females) with each orgasm the telos should overwhelm your mind;
    as the orgasm recedes

    background again (repeat until done). the
    vaginal fluids can be treated in the same fashion as

    the semen
    (see above).

    this technique is particularly well adapted to the creation of

    'magickal children', 'spirits' dedicated to a specific purpose.

    In fact, it is a qabalistic idea dating (at least) to abulafia
    that every time one masturbates

    one creates a spirit (and for
    this reason abulafia said 'you shouldn't masturbate' and to this

    day chasidic jedis (who incorporate a lot of qabalistic stuff into their
    trip) aren't

    (theoretically) supposed to).

    heterosexual sex magick --- IX degree OTO

    it is possible for one participant to do this with

    the other completely
    unaware of what is going on; I find this ethically questionable.

    a strictly practical viewpoint, however, if you are going to use another
    person to do

    something like this (let's not mince words) it is best that
    they be _completely_ ignorant of what

    you are doing; partial awareness
    could adversely affect the performance or result of the working.

    assuming both the male and the female participant are conscious of
    the working,

    the telos should be agreed upon beforehand, concentrated
    upon, and backgrounded by both

    participants. the male participant's
    orgasm should be delayed as long as possible

    (there are various tech-
    niques for doing this; a good one is described in 'stations of the tide'

    michael swanwick pp 86 ff (paperback edition (Avon books 1992))).

    orgasms in the female participant are desireable. after the male
    participant ejaculates,

    the mixed fluids are taken up by him via
    cunnilingus (and it is well if this is prolonged also)

    and shared
    with the female participant (in a kiss). this elixir is then consumed.part of it can also be used to charge a prepared talisman.

    there are slightly different formulae employed depending on whether
    the female participant is

    menstruating or not (in fact indian tantrics
    differentiate 16 seperate formulae depending on

    where in her menstrual
    cycle a woman is (pandunath, personal communication)).

    crowley developed several formulae of homosexual sex magick (XI degree

    I am inclined myself to describe the XI degree OTO as whatever
    one personally has the most

    inhibitions built up against. with crowley
    it was taking the receptive position in anal

    intercourse (I would not,
    however deny that this is an *extremely* powerful formula, due mostly(I think) to the highly absorptive character of the rectum), for John
    Dee and Edward Kelley

    (and their wives) it was wife swapping. for a
    very high kinsey gay person it might well be

    heterosexual sex; whatever
    it is for each individual its first use is always characterized by

    breaking down of barriers and it remains a powerful formula

    You now know enough to begin research on your own.
  9. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]

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    (ALL T|-|ESE |<E\x/L U|< EL|TE BOAR|)S |\|O\x/:

    9 Lives - +44 (0)592744821
    Soap City - +44 (0)946823351
    Ultimate Dream - +44 (0)222495919
    Unknown Pleasures - +44 (0)20429917
    Low Life II - +44 (0)614993786
    Oasis - +44 (0)386553876
    ____ ____________________________________________________________________ ____
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    * 2 /\/odes Ringdown! *

    ( 7 1 6 ) 6 9 5 - 3 7 0 7

    No Freeloaders here, you want to read this file, then download it!!

    ________ ________________ __ __________ ____/\
    / ______ \ / ______________ \/_// ______ / / ____/
    Zcandaler's / /___ / / /\ / /______ __ / /_ / /___ / /___/ /
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    /_______/_______/ ______/ \______/\_________/ / / \|/
    \/ \/ [ZCANDALER]
    All Elite Board's in Sweden /Y\
    ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~ / | \
    +:+:October Issue:+:+ : .
    ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ .


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    *16.8 DS* ยซยทยป 0 DAY +AMIGA+ & +SNES+ ONLY!! ย ยซยทยป *16.8 DS*

    <- [ ASCii - SNES - AMIGA - ---> DA FASTEST! ] ->
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    / | \ / \ | \ _ \ |___/ ___)_|__|
    / | \_/ \__| \ | \ | \_ | \_ |BLUE BIRD/TRSI
    \ | | (________/ | / | / | / |
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    NoDe1: +46-54-113486 NoDe2: +46-54-INVITED NoDe3: +46-54-SOON!


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    [AยกRaDDer v3.1 By AยกRcรธ]
    it dosen't matter how fast you are - Unicorn are faster!
    ____\ \_______________________________________________________
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    ยฏยฏ/ / / / / / /____/ / / / / / /\
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    \____\/Dt/AFL \____\/ \____\//\
    ______ DEiCiDE WORLD HQ! /\______ /\ ____ _ __
    \___ /\_____/\__________________/ \___/ \___/\____/
    Da RuLerS: Guardian/Deicide ยญ DEXter/AFL - Sorcerer/Decicde - Cre8or/ XTD

    NoDe #1 +46 -31- 581610
    NoDe #2 +46 -31- 58SOON
    ______ /\______ /\ ____ _ __
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    \ \ \ \ \ \ / \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \
    \_\/\_\/\_\/ \_____\/\_____\/\_____\/\_\/\_\/\_______\/
    LOCKED AT 38400 RUNNING 14.4k USR HST/ASL/V42.Bis
    | THE NUMBER IS +46-16-124431 OPEN 24h a Day |
  10. Instigator Naturally Camouflaged [the staring tame crusher]
    731th posts
  11. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]

    Return to Computer Futures Home Page
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    A.I. In Space:
    Past, Present & Possible Futures

    Jonathan V. Post

    CEO: Computer Futures, Inc.

    3225 N. Marengo Ave.

    Altadena, CA 91001

    (818) 398-1673

    Dr. Donald D. Rose

    CEO: Creativision Consulting

    1033 Hilgard Ave., #214

    Westwood, CA 90024

    (310) 208-1171


    While Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become increasingly present in recent space
    applications, new missions being planned will require even more incorporation of AI techniques.
    In this paper, we survey some of the progress made to date in implementing such programs, some
    current directions and issues, and speculate about the future of AI in space scenarios. We also
    provide examples of how thinkers from the realm of science fiction have envisioned AIรs role in
    various aspects of space exploration.

    Dedicated to Dr. Isaac Asimov: scientist, writer, visionary,


    1. Introduction

    One morning as I was leaving for my space program job, my two-year-old son Andrew

    Carmichael Post pleaded with me to stay home. "Don't go to work, Daddy" he said,

    hitting me with a coherent beam of cutons, the quanta of cuteness, "stay home and

    play with me all day."

    "I wish I could, Darling, but I need to go to work."


    "Because I need to get some money."

    "But I have money for you Daddy, wait..." and he ran to his room, rummaged

    around, and returned. "Here, I have have two monies. You can have them.

    Now stay home with me."

    I thanked him for the two pennies, and tried again. "Andrew, I must go to work to help

    build rockets and robots."

    "Rockets and robots are my two favorite toys. We could make rockets and robots


    I did finally get away to work, not without regrets, and just realized as I

    rewrote this column that its subject is nearly identical to my son's enthusiasm.

    Rockets and robots or, more broadly, space exploration and artificial intelligence.

    As humans venture further away from Earth, the need for autonomous systems, and

    hence capabilities developed for Artificial Intelligence (AI), will increase dramatically.

    The increased danger inherent in longer duration missions, among other reasons, will

    make the role of AI essential -- e.g., to avoid or minimize the need for humans

    on such missions, and to augment the abilities of those humans still present.

    In this article -- the final science column for Quantum and the only one co-authored

    with Dr. Donald David Rose -- we discuss some of the applications already developed

    for space applications, then venture further into the hypothetical future to discuss

    how various domains of space investigation might benefit from AI.


    Along the way, after

    (1) this introduction, we will discuss:

    (2) the control and diagnosis of space-related environments by expert systems;

    (3) Traversing Extraterrestrial Sites with Telerobotics and Virtual Reality,

    dumbots and replibots;

    (4) Artificial Intelligence for Scientific Investigation, including data analysis

    and discovery.;

    (5) a survey of Science Fiction Definitions and Science Fictional Space Travel

    (including androids, waldos, terraforming, faster-than-light, and space opera);

    (6) a survey of Science Fictional Views of Computers and Robots (including cyborgs);

    (7) Science Fictional Views of Artificial Intelligence; and

    (8) a wrap-up and conclusion section, just down the hall from the holodeck.

    There used to be a Reference section to this column, which drew heavily on [Mike Ashley's

    The Illustrated Book of Science Fiction Lists, NY: Cornerstone (Simon & Schuster),

    1982], and [Jakubowski, Maxim and Edwards, Malcolm, The SF Book of Lists, NY:

    Berkley, November 1983] but these references have been chopped up and sprinkled through

    the text -- it might slow down the plot, but it takes that dry academic taste out of your


    Fire up your rockets and power up your robots, here we go!

    2. Environment Maintenance

    Several AI systems have been successfully developed and deployed to control and/or

    diagnose space-related environments, e.g., to ensure that hardware and software are

    performing within desired parameters, and finding the cause of faults when they occur. For

    example, diagnosis as well as control of hardware and software has also been proven in expert

    systems, such as g2 (developed by Gensym Corp.). The latter has been used to control and

    diagnose environments such as BioSphere2 (BS2) and the Space Shuttle. BioSphere2, in

    particular, provides an excellent testing ground for AI systems that will soon be needed in space,

    especially Lunar Base applications, since BS2 is an enclosed self-sufficient habitat that happens

    to be on Earth. Hence, knowledge learned by applying AI code in BS2 should be almost directly

    applicable to upcoming Lunar Base missions, and eventually Mars habitats as well.

    Whereas the above examples focus on AI applied to monitoring and diagnosis of entire

    environments involving several interacting systems, researchers have also developed and

    deployed many subsystem-specific programs for device and vehicle diagnosis. In

    fact, these make up some of the most common and successful applications of AI to space

    domains to date. For example, NASA has used a system called PI-IN-A-BOX to automate the

    diagnosis of equipment failure about the Space Shuttle. Another NASA project has been

    automating the diagnosis of a specific Shuttle subsystem (the Reaction Control System). This

    latter system is currently being tested on the ground, and will probably evolve into a system for

    use by ground-based mission controllers -- but a later more advanced version of this RCS

    diagnostician could wind up on the Shuttle or its descendant craft. Rockwell International has also

    been constructing expert systems, to diagnose other parts of the Shuttle such as its fuel cell and


    In summary, AI has already made valuable contributions to this field, and increases in flight

    duration and craft complexity (e.g., Space Station Freedom with its 30 year life span, as well as

    Lunar vehicles and habitats designed for continuous long-duration use) will make sophisticated

    "artificial diagnosticians" even more essential. In particular, programs will have to help unmanned

    vehicles repair themselves if needed, such as during unmanned rover "field trips".

    Current machine learning (ML) techniques, which have already been used to

    augment diagnosis systems, should help in this regard. For example, ML can be used to help

    predict impending faults before they occur, so that system disruptions and downtime can be

    minimized. (Fans of the film 2001 [Clarke, Arthur C., 2001: A Space Odyssey, NY: NAL, 1968;

    also see sequels (2010; 2061)] might note that the HAL 9000 computer exhibited such a

    capability, when it informed its crewmates that an earth-acquisition antenna was about to fail.) In

    general, the use of AI technology for diagnosis will greatly decrease the need for EVAs that are

    not related to purely scientific objectives.

    3. Traversing Extraterrestrial Sites

    Assuming that oneรs hardware and software are functioning normally, one of the most

    important tasks to do next is exploration. This includes deciding which sites should be

    investigated -- e.g., deciding which areas have greatest potential for scientific results and

    estimating the likely danger in getting there -- and then actually traversing to the sites of interest.
    Telerobotics (TR) could be used to decrease the number of human EVAs required on

    space missions. In fact, Marvin Minsky (a father of both AI and TR) observed that, if we had

    thought ahead, we could have had an inexpensive teleoperated rover doing meaningful traverses

    on the moon for the two decades that have elapsed since humans last left a footprint on our

    natural satellite. Since this indeed seems a cost-effective option, especially in relation to other

    proposed missions, we should certainly reexamine its use today as attention is refocused on the


    TR is part of the larger field of telepresence, itself a subarea of Virtual Reality (VR).

    The idea here is to put a human "virtually" in some dangerous locale (e.g., space) via one or more

    robots, which provide the virtual eyes and perform tasks with virtual limbs as the human remains in

    a safe haven. Intelligent software will be needed to develop effective telepresence capabilities -

    mainly via ground control in the near-term, but applicable in several space-based domains in the

    not-too-distant future. For instance, to decrease human risks in constructing and maintaining

    Space Station Freedom or remote interplanetary bases, a human could operate a robotic repair

    droid remotely from inside the Station, or from inside a habitat if the locale is a remote lunar or

    Martian site. Also note that, for relatively รฑterracloseรฎ applications (ranging from Earth to

    near the Moon) one could even perform teleoperations from Earth itself without
    appreciable lag.

    As far as longer-term longer-range robotics applications are concerned, one of the most

    exciting will be the return of our presence to the Moon and Mars. A major player in the latter

    domain is JPL, which has been developing intelligent robots to roam the Martian surface or

    other extraterrestrial sites in a way that can maximize scientific gain while minimizing time and

    danger to a mission. Looking further ahead, several intriguing and challenging issues are

    unfolding for robotic space domains. One general issue involves deciding on the best approach

    to designing and deploying robots, for both nearby and remote Voyager-like space missions.

    One of the most common ideas has been to build one or a few robots with complex, intelligent

    processing onboard each one.

    However, an alternate approach, favored by researchers such as MIT's Rodney Brooks,

    would use of tens or even hundreds of smaller, less (individually) intelligent robots per mission.

    His slogan is "small, fast, and out of control." One advantage of using an army of "dumbots"

    would be increased fault-tolerance. If you lose one robot, many others remain to finish the

    mission goals. Another approach would use one or more self-replicating robots. In fact, this latter

    idea might lead to a compromise between the first two approaches; one could deploy a small

    number of intelligent "replibots" which would create small dumbots during a mission, even

    replace those that fail as needed. The longer the duration of a mission, such as an extended stay

    at a lunar or Martian base, the more important replication or automated droid

    production becomes.

    NASA likes "small", NASA likes "fast", but NASA can't stand the risk of "out of control."

    This reaises the question of whether space exploration ought to be under the control of risk-

    averse government agencies, or risk-tolerent free enterprise corporations. Once the corporate

    world has "replibots", the balance will change forever. Nanotechnology is another path to

    replication, and a possible short-cut to planetary exploration, but that's a subject (however

    dear to my heart) outside the scope of this column.

    Maybe we go to space for political reasons, maybe we go for psychological reasons,

    maybe we go for profit, but as far as the academic world is concerned, the only reason that

    matters is science. Which leads us to the next topic....

    4. Scientific Investigation

    Once a human or machine is actually at a potentially valuable site, the priorities for AI

    applications shift to actual scientific tasks, such as chemical analyses, deciding which samples to

    carry back to a habitat or spacecraft, etc.

    One fruitful area of AI that applies to these and other scientific tasks is the field of data

    analysis and discovery. Several programs have been developed in this category. For

    example, NASA scientists have constructed and are refining the AUTOCLASS system, which

    automatically classifies data into meaningful groups. Its use to date has included classifying
    known star classes, as well as discovering new astronomical classes (e.g., separating data into

    classes having only very subtle differences in spectra). Such systems not only can lead to new

    knowledge, as just described, but will become essential for sifting through the mounting

    quantities of mission data being gathered from space missions.

    AUTOCLASS and other AI systems should aid efforts being made in the general area of

    "ground-based space exploration", including projects such as SETI (the Search for

    Extraterrestrial Intelligence), which begins a vastly enhanced search in Fall 1992. Sifting through

    mounds of extraterrestrial data and noise for meaningful intelligent signals seems like an ideal

    challenge for AUTOCLASS or related systems.

    But what are the criteria for "meaningful signals?" The most efficient communications,

    according to Claude Shannon's theory of channel capacity [Shannon, Claude,

    Communications Theory, MIT Press, 1945] are statistically indistinguishable from noise.
    It looks

    like a noisy universe out there -- but maybe that's a million interstellar civilizations just
    to save on

    the galactic phone bill! Which leads us right into the topic of Science Fiction....

    5. Past Looks into the Future: Science Fiction Definitions and Science
    Fictional Space Travel

    Science Fiction (SF) preceded science fact in every major qualitative aspect of computers,

    artificial intelligence, robotics, and space flight. The more than 140 citations scattered through

    text from the extensive former reference sectio, represents the tip of the iceberg. Science fiction

    is, among other things, a visionary literature that has many definitions. Among these, and relevant

    to this paper:
    "Science fiction is a branch of fantasy identifiable by the fact that it eases the 'willing
    suspension of disbelief' on the part of its readers by utilizing an atmosphere of scientific credibility
    for its imaginative speculations in physical science, space, time, social science, and philosophy."
    [Moskowitz, Sam, Explorers of the Infinite, 1963]
    "We might try to define science fiction in this broader sense as fiction based upon
    scientific or pseudo-scientific assumptions (space-travel, robots, telepathy, earthly
    immortality, and so forth) or laid in any patently unreal though non-supernatural setting
    (the future, or another world, and so forth.) [de Camp, L. Sprague, Science Fiction Handbook,
    "Science fiction is that branch of literature that deals with human responses to changes in
    the level of science and technology." [Asimov, Isaac, Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine,
    March-April 1978]
    The legacy of Isaac Asimov, one of SFรs best known progeny (who passed on as this
    paper was being prepared), includes many concepts that influenced AI, such as the invention of
    the word robotics, and the famous รฑThree Lawsรฎ that he (followed by countless others) felt
    should govern their use. Asimov also influenced generations of scientists and technologists,
    such as Marvin Minsky, himself one of the top experts in robotics and a pioneer of both AI and
    Science Fiction, of course, supplied the original word robot, from the Czech "robota"
    (laborer), in a stage play [Capek, Karel, R.U.R. (Rossum's Universal Robots), play opened in
    Prague, 26 January 1921].
    Science Fiction provides [Williamson, Jack, "The Cometeers", Astounding, May 1936]
    the related term android (hence the contraction droid), meaning a robot with a humaoid
    appearence or, more commonly, an artificially created organic humanoid.
    Science Fiction also predicted teleoperation, with the word waldo [Heinlein, Robert A.,
    "Waldo", 1942], which was adopted when the technology came into existence later.
    Even the most sub-literary "pulp" science fiction absorbed the spirit of
    scientific/engineering methodology: "If you could translate a problem into computer terms, then
    there was no problem that you couldn't answer. It all depended on a man's ability to translate. To
    get the feel of a problem. To sense it. To view the whole cosmos as a huge mathematical
    equation." [Fanthorpe, R.L. (Robert Lionel), The Asteroid Man, Badger: SF35, 1960].
    Science fiction created, over three centuries of speculation, the enthusiasm with which
    the real space program was born. Three centuries? Yes, and we begin by very briefly considering
    15 very early and very unusual books about space voyages [Ashley, Mike, The Illustrated Book of
    Science Fiction Lists, NY: Cornerstone (Simon & Schuster), 1982]. In the two following sections
    (6. Science Fictional Views of Computers and Robots; and 7. Science Fictional Views of Artificial
    Intelligence) we relate space travel with AI.
    A Voyage to the World of Cartesius [Daniel, Gabriel, A Voyage to the World of Cartesius,
    1692] fictionally explores the cosmos of rotating vortices hypothesized by Descartes circa 1640, a
    cosmos recently confirmed by studies of the origins of the solar system, of spiral galaxies, and of
    accretion disks around black holes.
    The History of Israel Jobson [Wilson, Miles, 1757] starts by climbing a ladder to the moon
    from Pen-Y-Ghent, Wales. This mountain now is a major center for hang-gliding. And "ladders",
    "beanstalks", "skyhooks" and "space elevators" and other words now apply to the notion of
    tethers which have indeed been proven feasible in principle to dip down to planetary surfaces and
    carry payloads into orbit with no expenditure of fuel [Clarke, Arthur C., The Fountains of Paradise,
    NY: HBJ, 1978];[Sheffield, Charles, The Web Between the Worlds, NY: Ace, 1979]. The
    protagonist then takes the first fictional tour of the solar system and beyond, albeit in a version of
    Elijah's chariot.
  12. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]

    An Ascii-Art History of Humanity
    by Jorn Barger v 1.01 3 May 1997

    This is meant to be read slowly, each screen an object of contemplation.
    My intent was to simplify without losing perspective, while maintaining
    depth and avoiding cliches. Lots of the ideas should be new and

    For more detail, see <URL:>

    Maybe the universe originated 10-20 billion years ago, in a Big Bang.

    A one-line scale model of the Solar System:
    (1 character-width = 12 million miles)

    . . .
    ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
    S M V E Mars asteroids Jupiter Saturn

    [ SMVE = Sun - Mercury - Venus - Earth ]

    At this scale, the sun is 1/12th of a character wide, while
    Jupiter and Saturn are really invisible, at 1/100th of a char.
    The Moon's orbit around Earth is about 1/20th of a character in diameter.

    A closer view:

    ( ) o
    Earth Moon

    1 char = 5000 km

    Evolution began several billion years ago, probably with delicate C------W
    chains of RNA units that occasionally managed to reproduce C--------W
    themselves. Adding DNA as well as RNA made this process less C--------W
    delicate and more accurate. C-------W
    Every DNA sequence embodies a long history of 'squeaking thru' W
    nature's perils. This is not _memory_, but rather useful W--C
    'hallucinations'. Mutations are genetic 'hallucinations', and W-----C
    only the useful ones survive. W--------C
    By one billion years ago, the value of sharing DNA via sexuality W--------C
    was well-established, but biologists acknowledge that we've W-----C
    hardly begun to understand the rules of this evolutionary 'game'. C
    Apparently the main purpose of sexual reproduction is to outrun C--W
    the parasites, who keep managing to adapt to every *specific* C------W
    genetic makeup. C--------W
    Around 600 million years ago, the Cambrian Explosion generated C-------W
    a profusion of new biological forms, surely with the help of C----W
    sexual reproduction. W

    Evolution began several billion years ago, probably with delicate C------W

    ns of RNA units that occasionally managed to reproduce C--------W
    themselves. Adding DNA as well as RNA made this process less C--------W
    delicate and more accurate. C-------W
    Every DNA sequence embodies a long history of 'squeaking thru' W
    nature's perils. This is not _memory_, but rather useful W--C
    'hallucinations'. Mutations are genetic 'halucinatons', and W-----C
    only the useful ones survive. W--------C
    By one billion years ago, the value of sharing DNA via sexuality W--------C
    was well-established, but biologists acknowledge that we've W-----C
    hardly begun to understand the rules of this evolutionary 'game'. C
    Apparently the main purpose of sexual reproduction is to outrun C--W
    the parasites, who keep managing to adapt to every *specific* C------W
    genetic makeup. C--------W
    Around 600 million years ago, the Cambrian Explosion generated C-------W
    a profusion of new biological forms, surely with the help of C----W
    sexual reproduction. W

    Evolution began several billion years ago, probably with delicate chains
    of RNA units that occasionally managed to reproduce themselves.

    Adding DNA as well as RNA made this process less delicate and more accurate.

    Every DNA sequence embodies a long history of 'squeaking thru' nature's
    perils. This is not _memory_, but rather useful 'hallucinations'.
    Mutations are genetic 'hallucinations', and only the useful ones survive.

    By one billion years ago, the value of sharing DNA via sexuality was
    well-established, but biologists acknowledge that we've hardly begun to
    understand the rules of this evolutionary 'game'. Apparently the main
    purpose of sexual reproduction is to outrun the parasites, who keep
    managing to adapt to every *specific* genetic makeup.

    Around 600 million years ago, the Cambrian Explosion generated a profusion
    of new biological forms, surely with the help of sexual reproduction.

    ,_ . ._. _. . _ , .
    , _-\','|~\~~ ~~ ~~/ ;-'-' ~-', ,;_;_, ~~-
    /~~-\_/-'~'--' \~~| \,/' _-| / / |_/~-/-/~~ ~~--~~~~'---_
    / ,/'-/~ '\./', '|,'|~ ' ._/-, /~~
    ~/-'~\_, '-,| '|. ' ,\ /'~ / /_ /~
    .-~ '| '',\~|\ _\~ ,_ . . /|
    '\ /'~ |_/~\\,-,~' \ " ,_,/ |
    | / . _-~'\_ _~| \ ) /
    \ __-\ ./ ~ |\ \_ / ~
    ., '\ |x | \\_' ~| /~\ \~ ,
    ~ \ '-, \,' /\/ |
    ,~'\_ \_ _, /' ' |, /|'
    65 million years ago / \_ ~ | / India \ ~'; -,_.
    dinosaurs died out, | ~\ | | , was an '-_, ,; ~ ~\
    the Atlantic was \, / \ / /| island ,-, ,
    half its current width, | ,/ | |' |/ then, and ,- ~ \ '.
    & our ancestors were ,| ,/ \ ,/ the coastlines \ |
    small furry climbers / | ~were all different.-~~-, / _
    with good eyes and | ,-' ~ /
    grasping fingers. / ,' The 30 million generations since
    ',| have explored every imaginable social
    ~' structure hundreds or thousands of times.
    This intelligence is encoded in our DNA as social intuition, regarding
    territory, dominance, and sexuality.

    _ , . ,_ . ._. _. .
    ;-'-' ~-', ,;_;_, ~~- , _-\','|~\~~ ~~ ~~/
    / / |_/~-/-/~~ ~~--~~~~'---_ /~~-\_/-'~'--' \~~| \,/' _-|
    , '|,'| 50-100,000 years ago,_/-, /~~ / ,/'-/~ '\./ '
    ,\ /'~ modern humans spread /_ /~ ~/-'~\_, '-,| '|. '
    _\~ ,_ . out over the /| .-~ '| '',\~|\
    |_/~\\,-,~' \ planet... ,_,/ | '\ /'~
    _-~'\_ _~| \ ) / | / .
    ./ ~ |\ \_ / ~ \ __-\
    |..from a \\_' ~| /~\ \~ , ., '\ |, ~-_ .
    \north African, \,' /\/ | ~-_' ;
    \_ _, origin/' ' |, /|' '\_,~'\_
    ~ | / \ ~'; -,_. / and \_
    | | , '-_, ,; ~ ~\ |reached~\
    \ / /| ,-, , -, \, here /
    | |' |/ ,- ~ \ '. | 10 ,/
    \ ,/ \ | ,|000 /
    ~ -~~-, / _ / yrs|
    ~ / |ago-'
    ~ / ,'
    Their culture worldwide included fire, bow and arrow, ',| ~
    fishnets, baskets, tame dogs, burial of dead, and *speech*. ~'
    Details like politics and religion had thousands of variations
    that their simple vocabulary was incapable of articulating precisely.
    Land belonged to the tribe that defended it. Ancestor worship was also
    universal. There may have been marco-polo-type individuals who travelled
    thousands of miles on foot.

    ,_ . ._. _. . _ , .
    , _-\','|~\~~ ~~ ~~/ ;-'-' ~-', ,;_;_, ~~-
    /~~-\_/-'~'--' \~~| \,/' _-| / / |_/~-/-/~~ ~~--~~~~'---_
    / ,/'-/~ '\./ ' , '|,'|~ ' ._/-, /~~
    ~/-'~\_, '-,| '|. ' ,\ /'~ 10,000 yrs ago the /_ /~
    .-~ '| '',\~|\ _\~ ,_ . ice age ended, /|
    '\ /'~ |_/~\\,-,~' \ less rain fell, |
    | / . _-~'\_ _~|agriculture arose.) /
    \ __-\ ./The Nile|\ \_ / ~
    ., '\ |, ~-_ . | produced \\_' ~| /~\ \~ ,
    ~-_' ; \ pharaohs '-, \,' /\/ |
    '\_,~'\_ \_ _, 5000 /' ' |, /|'
    / \_ ~ | years/ \ ~'; -,_.
    | ~\ | ago, (& the best'-_, ,; ~ ~\
    \, / \ / /| sculpture ,-, , -,
    | ,/ | |' |/ ever...) ,- ~ \ '.
    ,| ,/ \ ,/ \ |
    / | ~ -~~-, / _
    | ,-' while human culture shifted from ~ /
    / ,' reasonable equality to ~
    ',| ~ *large-scale technology*
    ~' requiring new ways of thinking, and
    new strategies for social _mindcontrol_:
    1) Meet resistance with fast-escalating violence.
    2) Impose a social mythology that resistance is wrong.
    Diverse tribes had to be integrated. Land belonged to the ruling family.
    Myths of inequality had to be introduced. Rulers' new inaccessibility
    enabled irresponsibility. The citizenry evolved self-consciousness via
    self-control: deference to the absent ruler.

    ,_ . ._. _. . _ , .
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    unleashes an unending \_ ~ | / \ ~'; -,_. for
    series of violent | ~\ | | , '-_, ,; ~ ~\ long
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    to formulate ethics / ,' revere a jedi revolutionary, executed 2000
    in words. ',| years ago for claiming *all* are equally beloved
    ~of god, and that *only the homeless are blameless*
    ...still everyone interprets these doctrines differently.

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    /~~-\_/-'~'--' \~~| \,/' _-| / / |_/~-/-/~~ ~~--~~~~'---_
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    win a huge '\ |, ~-_ . |F \\_'P~|D /~\ \~ , Spanish
    advantage when ~-_' S ;BFD \B '-, \,' /\/P |S British
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    advances allow / D\_ ~ | / \ ~'; -,_. Dutch
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    hypocritical, and / S | ~ -~~-, / _
    hierarchical. | ,-'The printing press carries the record ~ /
    / ,' of humanity's limited self-insight to~
    Individual ownership ',| ~ a mass audience, with Greece and Rome
    of land via inheritance. (via Islam) providing the foundation.

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    /~~-\_/-'~'--' \~~| \,/' _-| / / |_/~-/-/~~ ~~--~~~~'---_
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    ~/-'~\_, '-,| '|. ' Blake ,\ /'achieve new levels of /_ /~
    .-~ '| '',\~|\ Karl _\~ psychological subtlety /Mendeleev
    American colonists /'~ Marx |_/~\\,-,~' in language.,_ inventories
    revive democratic / . _-~'\_ _~| \ the chemical
    models based on __-\US Civil War/ ~ |\ \_ / elements.
    native American\ |, ~-_ raises | \\_' ~| /~\ \~ ,
    societies. ~-_' industrialization '-, \,' /\/ |
    '\_,~'\_ to a \_ _, /' ' |, /|'
    Darwin / \_ new ~ | / Colonies \ ~'; -,_.
    undermines | ~\ level. | | , rebel '-_, ,; ~ ~\
    religious \, / \ / /| worldwide, ,-, , -,
    models. | ,/ | |' aristocracies,- ~ \ '.
    ,| ,/ \ ,/are overthrown.\ |
    / | ~ -~~-, / _
    | ,-' ~ /
    / ,' ~
    ',| The process of scientific discovery is defined.

    ,_ . ._. _. . _ , .
    , _-\','|~\~~ ~~ ~~/ ;-'-' ~-', ,;_;_, ~~-
    /~~-\_/-'~'--' \~~| \,/' _-| Joyce / / |_/~-/-/~~ ~~--~~~~'---_
    / Ruthless ,/'-/~ '\./ conquers|,'|~ Communism vs ._/-, /~~
    ~/-'~\_, greed '-,| 'literature ,\ /'~ Capitalism proves an /_ The
    .-~ '|prevails',\~|\ with _\~ ,_ . . unequal /| brain-
    '\ /'~ Ulysses, |_/~\\,-,~' \ " battle. ,_,/ computer
    | /then throws it_-~'\_ _~| \ ) metaphor
    Hollywood \ __-\into disarray/ The ~ |\ \_ / is proposed
    takes over '\ |, ~-_ with . | genetic \\_' ~| /~\ \~ , while
    popular ~-_' Finnegans\ code is '-, \,' /\/ | behavioral
    mythmaking. '\_,~'\_ Wake. \_ _,broken./' ' |, /|' science
    / \_ ~ | / \ ~'; founders.
    |Industry\ | | , '-_, ,; ~ ~\
    \poisons/ \ / /| ,-, , -,
    The broadcast nature/ Academia | |' |/ ,- ~ \ '.
    spectra are ,| ,/ substitutes\ ,/ \ |
    dominated by the / | status-wars ~ -~~-, / _
    corporate agenda. | ,-' for scholarship. ~ /
    / ,' ~
    ',| ~

    ,_ . ._. _. . _ , .
    , _-\','|~\~~ ~~ ~~/ ;-'-' ~-', ,;_;_, ~~-
    /~~-\_/-'~'--' \~~| \,/' _-| / / |_/~-/-/~~ ~~--~~~~'---_
    / ,/'-/~ '\./ ' , '|,'|~ ' ._/-, /~~
    ~/-'~\_, '-,| '|. ' Elvis ,\ /'~ / /_ /~
    .-~ '| '',\~|\Costello_\~ ,_ . . /|
    Birth-control /'~adds anger |_/~\\,-,~' \ " ,_,/ |
    pill creates| / . to the _-~'\_ _~| \ ) / Internet
    a sexual \ __-\ rock mix./ ~ |\ \_ / ~challenges
    revolution, '\ |, ~-_ . | \\_' ~| /~\ \~ , broadcast
    challenging ~-_' Cyc project\ '-, \,' /\/ | monopoly.
    taboo after taboo.'\_,~'\_tries to\_ _,Bonobo /' ' |, /|'
    / \_ create ~ |'Eden'/ \ ~'; -,_.
    Electric guitar and | ~\ mind found! , '-_, ,; ~ ~\
    rock'n'roll re-awaken\, / in a \ / /| ,-, , -,
    the urge to freedom. | ,/computer by| |' |/ ,- ~ \ '.
    ,| ,/an inventory\ ,/ \ |
    Sociobiology uses / | of human ~ -~~-, / _
    Darwin for a new | ,-' experience. ~ /
    approach to ethics. / ,' ~
  13. CandyRein Black Hole
  14. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  15. CandyRein Black Hole
    Iโ€™m eating grapes
  16. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    A Complete Guide to Petro - Venezuelaโ€™s Cryptocurrency Driven Attempt to Attain An Edge
    by Eduardo Prรณspero

    The Venezuelan cryptocurrency is a question mark, an oddity, a riddle wrapped up in an enigma. Up to this day virtually every article about it, and there are a lot, refers to the Petroโ€™s mysterious quality in one way or another. Maybe theyโ€™re covering their bases and I probably am too, but that doesnโ€™t make the Petro any less mysterious. Or controversial. Or prohibited by Trump, who via an executive order dated March 19, 2018 declared: โ€œAll transactions related to, provision of financing for, and other dealings in, by a United States person or within the United States, any digital currency, digital coin, or digital token, that was issued by, for, or on behalf of the Government of Venezuela on or after January 9, 2018, are prohibited as of the effective date of this order.โ€

    On the other side of the fence, as last year came to a close, Maduro said about his hopes for the Petro to be used in international petroleum commerce: โ€œIn 2019 we have a chronogram for it to be sold in Petros and in this way to continue freeing ourselves from a currency used by the Washington elite.โ€ And in a tweet from about that time he doubled down on the idea that the cryptocurrency would โ€œbreak the blockade imposed by the imperialism.โ€ Using the same social network, Venezuelaโ€™s other president Juan Guaidรณ, attacked: โ€œMaduro says the Petro will be backed by the oil belt, so it isnโ€™t Crypto Currency, it might be an electronic bond with backing or some fraud nobody will believe. Definitely a Scam-Currency.โ€ Clearly, a polarizing topic on which credible information is hard to come by.

    The Petroโ€™s white paper was heavily criticized as soon as it hit the web. Alex Van de Sande from the Ethereum Foundation took special offense to the idea that the coin was Chรกvezโ€™s brainchild: โ€œFirst of all it was inspired by Chavez, the first person in history to think that currencies should be backed by things. Screw capitalist pig Satoshi, Chavez basically invented crypto.โ€ But lo and behold, thereโ€™s video evidence to back that up. On
    to the press: โ€œWe have the idea, and Iโ€™m going to talk about it publicly for the first time, of an international currency, and the mere idea excites me: The Petro. Petro coin. Mainly based in the huge oil reserves that some countries like ours have. Just like in another time, to emit currency, said emission had to be sustained in gold. And the US is the culprit to have broken the reference to the gold standard. And thatโ€™s when the debacle started.โ€

    (Quote starts at 4:06)

    I tried to contact both SUNACRIP (Superintendencia Nacional de Criptoactivos) and the superintendent Joselit Ramรญrez via social media for months to no avail. They promote social media as their main channel of communication, so I insisted. Nothing. I tried calling 0800-SUNACRIP and the responder refused to put me through to the department of communications, he interrogated me about my intentions and finally said I had to come in person or write an e-mail. I asked if someone with answering power was going to meet me there, he declined to respond. I wrote the e-mail, the address wasnโ€™t available on the website so maybe someone would answer my polite questions. Nothing. I couldnโ€™t get the official point of view.

    In the meantime, I found the next best thing: Asonacrip. A private association with ties to the government, on their official history they talk about โ€œgoing to the battle of ideas and discussion putting together their first proposal to advance in the construction of a CriptoNation.โ€ One of the founders made said proposal to โ€œDante Rivas (a key figure in the implementation of technological platforms for the Venezuelan government), who invites him to organize a symposium on the BCVโ€. The Banco Central de Venezuela is the central bank of the country and controls its monetary policy. So, Asonacrip plays in the big leagues from the start.

    The organization did respond to my request, provided an email and received the questions. They confirmed their participation and promised the answers for the next few days. Then, radio silence. I insisted by all possible channels for weeks and didnโ€™t even got a reason for the disappearance. Nothing. I couldnโ€™t get the official point of view indirectly either. Since my questions couldโ€™ve been the problem, I asked them to just send me a statement on the state of the Petro. Silence. So much for โ€œgoing to the battle of ideas and discussion.โ€ Still, since Iโ€™m tenacious, letโ€™s quote the founder Josรฉ Angel Alvarezโ€™s latest article, in which he defines the Petro as a stablecoin and declares: โ€œ... today weโ€™re on a really important phase for the Petro, everything is starting to make sense, and weโ€™re talking about the relationship created between the Petro and Bitcoinโ€™s value.โ€ But... is it starting to make sense?

    I interviewed four cryptocurrency enthusiasts from different walks of life to get their take on the elusive Petro.

    Mariana liserdo: An economist with postgraduate studies in Project Management and Oil International Politics and Commerce. She is a professor of both Pre and Postgraduate studies at the UCAB and serves as a consultant in planning, budget and project management for private companies. Follow her on Twitter.
    Josรฉ Lanz: a lawyer with an economy and strategic planning background, Lanz started dealing with cryptocurrencies as a hobby in 2016. By the next year, he was trading full time and covering the industryโ€™s coming and goings for Ethereum World News, CryptoCrimson and Decrypt Media. Follow him on Twitter or add him on LinkedIn.
    Arturo Castro: Venezuelan based in Buenos Aires, heโ€™s the host of โ€œCyber Boothโ€ at Radio Capital Argentina. A weekly chat show in which he discusses technological topics with experts and leaders of the industry. Follow him on Twitter or Instagram.
    Luis Carlos Dรญaz: both a journalist specialized on the Internet and a cyberactivist, heโ€™s been writing about the net and teaching people how to use it for more than a decade. Heโ€™s also a radio personality, a podcaster, and a speaker. Follow him on Twitter and support him on Patreon.

    Letโ€™s start with Mariana liserdoโ€™s take on the current state of the project: โ€œIt didnโ€™t accomplish what it announced. It hasnโ€™t captured any interest or capital interested in buying it. Thereโ€™s no way to verify the relationship between the currency and the reserves that are supposed to back it up. The fact that the government assigned and updated the value of the coin at will has made it a non-appealing active for investors.โ€

    Raising similar concerns, Arturo Castro is worried about the opacity of the project: โ€œThere is no data, benchmarks or reliable information about the true reach and figures of the project. Even though some values are supposed to have been defined, theyโ€™re not connected or subject to anything real. The formula posed in the whitepaper to calculate the Petroโ€™s value doesnโ€™t mean anything if you take into account that, in spite of the fluctuating values of the implicated factors, the price gets set by the โ€œhead of stateโ€ in a nationwide broadcast.โ€

    Josรฉ Lanz will get more positive as the report progresses, but: โ€œFor what I see is a greatly manipulated project right now, which is reducing its credibility. Technologically itโ€™s ready, but I think the authorities donโ€™t have the political determination to work with a stablecoin, canโ€™t handle the monetary policy with a non-inflationary token, plus theyโ€™re selling the Petro like something itโ€™s not.โ€ What does he mean by that?

    Letโ€™s go back in time for a clear vision: On August 30, 2018, Reuters published a detailed investigation on the existence of the Petro, it concluded: โ€œIt turns out that Venezuelaโ€™s petro is hard to spot almost anywhere. Over a period of four months, Reuters spoke with a dozen experts on cryptocurrencies and oil-field valuation, traveled to the site of the pledged oil reserves and scoured the coinโ€™s digital transaction records in an effort to learn more. The hunt turned up little evidence of a thriving petro trade. The coin is not sold on any major cryptocurrency exchange. No shops are known to accept it.โ€

    Nevertheless, on Abri 20th of the following year, with a little experiment, Josรฉ Antonio Lanz confirmed the coin exists and informed: โ€œVenezuelans are slowing beginning to trade petros. Theyโ€™re doing it on state-sanctioned exchanges and informally among themselves. And theyโ€™re doing it for reasons ranging from the practical to the political.โ€ In our own interview, about this death and resurrection show, Lanz said: โ€œI see it as getting more useful every day. Thereโ€™s more speculation and trading volume around the token. There are exchanges that are trading it, there are online stores and businesses that accept it. Everything is still underground but I see it taking flight. Nevertheless, politics still influence this tokenโ€™s market a lot.โ€

    At the end of his report for Decryptmedia, Lanz denounces: โ€œ... sudden and inexplicable changes to its whitepaper; unfulfilled promises of major listings on top exchanges; and unexplained shutdowns of the platform have all done more to damage the petroโ€™s credibility than any critic of the president ever could.โ€ And that leads us to the whitepapers. Letโ€™s be clear, the world is complicated and the only constant is change, projects have the right to alter their initial plans. But they also have to face the consequences that to do so brings, and a big one is the loss of trust.

    On the original Petro whitepaper, released in January 2018, they announce: โ€œThe Pre-sale will start on February 20, 2018, and will consist of the creation and sale of an ERC20 token on the blockchain Ethereum platform. This process will promote and guarantee demand for Petroโ€™s Initial offering, which will be carried out later.โ€ And then they promise that the amount of Petro created for said Initial Offering will be fixed, and โ€œThe Venezuelan State will not be able to make new emissions Petro.โ€

    The revised whitepaper, released on October 2018, doesnโ€™t mention tokens, declares that itโ€™ll have โ€œits own BlockChainโ€ and the promise of a fixed amount is fuzzier: โ€œThe Petro will have as many emissions as there is place in relation to the fixed reserves as the main backup, in a ten years lapse. Each emission will have a finite quantity to issue, therefore, Petro is finiteโ€. On the first one, the coin is backed by 5,342 million barrels from a specific oil field, on the second one, itโ€™s supported by a basket constituted by oil, gold, iron, and diamond. There are substantial and fundamental differences between the documents.


    There was a time there, in between the two whitepapers, when the Petro tokens were going to be hosted in the NEM platform instead of Ethereum, but that phase was short-lived. For a direct report, letโ€™s quote the Reuters investigation: โ€œIn March, a NEM account claiming to be operated by the Venezuelan government issued 82.4 million tokens as part of an ICO associated with a digital coin described as the petro. Those appeared to correspond to a set of โ€œpreliminaryโ€ coins described in the white paper that buyers could later swap for petros once the ICO was complete.

    Around 2,300 of those tokens were transferred to 200 anonymous accounts in small quantities in early May, NEM records show. (...) If sold at the price set by Maduro based on oil prices at the time, the sale of those tokens could have raised about $150,000, according to Reutersโ€™ calculations.โ€

    According to Maduro, though, the presale generated 735 million Dollars. An extraordinary amount that would make it one of the most successful ICOs in history. Suspicious, opposition mouthpiece Caracascronicles responded: โ€œThe NEM blockchain (the network for transferring PTR) allows anyone to see the full record of transactions, and there have been zero โ€” all petros are controlled by one address. So how exactly did they raise that much money?โ€ As it usually happens regarding the Venezuelan situation, itโ€™s hard to know who to believe, where the truth lies, on which side the ball is. Especially considering that, since then, Maduro claimed the crypto asset has raised $5 billion.

    Nowadays, the operation has its own blockchain up and running, as Josรฉ Lanz confirmed: โ€œI wanted to verify that the Petros effectively were tokens running on a blockchain or if they simply were seats on a database. I downloaded a Petro-compatible-wallet even though it wasnโ€™t available in the Play Store. This wallet generated an address and my friend sent me some tokens heโ€™d already bought. The transaction went through and I could see the Petros both in my address and in the block explorer.โ€

    The experiment continued: โ€œThen I wanted to test if the ones for sale in the governmentโ€™s official site were real. I opened an account, sent some Bitcoins that were exchanged for Petros, which I sent to my unofficial wallet and once again could audit the transaction in the explorer. Then I sent them to a reporter that wanted to run a similar test and got the same results.โ€

    That reporter works for Criptonewsz, which through a deposit re-confirmed that itโ€™s possible to send and receive Petros. They also noticed: โ€œThrough the NEM based application, several other aspects also got unfolded. It looks that the oil-backed cryptocurrency highly resembles โ€˜Dash.โ€™ Talking about the similarities, Petro too like Dash, has thirty-four characters. It also uses the upper and the lower case letters including numbers.โ€ The similarities with Dash were first spotted by Ethereumโ€™s developer Joey Zhou and are hard to ignore, the report continues: โ€œFor anyone familiar with the Dash altcoin, they know its main features โ€“ instant sending, master nodes, the X11 mining algorithm, etc. These are some of the features that it seems that the Venezuelan government decided to include in their own whitepaper.โ€

    Furthermore, Criptonewsz found another interesting thing out: โ€œThis discovery also led to further revelations about other 5000 PTR transactions with their addresses on the blockchain. These other transactions are active and are earning tokens. However, the worth of these 5000 PTR is still not very clear because different Venezuelan entities offer a totally different rateโ€. So the coin is out there and probably spreading.

    But if weโ€™re trying to evaluate its success, letโ€™s focus on the initial $735 million: shouldnโ€™t that amount have a direct positive impact on a countryโ€™s economy? Knowing that for sure is well above my paygrade. It seems like it probably should, but I canโ€™t be sure. One thingโ€™s for certain, though: it hasnโ€™t, Venezuelaโ€™s collapse keeps breaking all kinds of records. And hearts. Also, there has not been an official announcement about that moneyโ€™s destiny. On April 2018, Maduro said about $1 billion were going to be deposited in the central bank as reserves, but did it happen? There were no public plans to begin with, the whitepaper discusses ample funds to keep developing the project but they all come from within it. The earnings, the spoils of war, are not mentioned.
    No cryptocurrency is an island

    For the Petro to prosper, it needs international support. We already established how the US feels, in fact, theyโ€™ve recently doubled down on their stance by sanctioning a Russian bank saying: โ€œWhen the failed Venezuelan cryptocurrency, called the Petro, launched in 2018, Evrofinance emerged as the primary international financial institution willing to finance the Petro. Early investors in the Petro were invited to buy the cryptocurrency by wiring funds to a Venezuelan government account at Evrofinance. Evrofinanceโ€™s involvement in the Petro demonstrated Maduroโ€™s hope that the Petro would allow Venezuela to circumvent U.S. financial sanctions.โ€

    The whole country, on the other hand, is not ready to commit. Despite high hopes from Maduroโ€™s camp regarding dealings in Petro with Russia, at the end of last year, Deputy Finance Minister Sergei Storchak declared to the press: โ€œRepresentatives of our tax service, the Central Bank, were there during the presentation of the cryptocurrency, which Venezuelans are now introducing. But no more than that. As for payments, there is nothing yet.โ€ Which may be a fancy way to say no. In a previous report, the shoe was on the other foot, โ€œVenezuela has not offered to repay part of its debts to Russia using the countryโ€™s cryptocurrency, Konstantin Vyshkovsky, head of the finance ministryโ€™s state debt department, told reporters.โ€

    As for the OPEC, the other huge client/ partner the Venezuelan government had in mind, a search on their website with โ€œcryptocurrencyโ€ as a keyword just produces two reports from the same event in which they comment on Minister of Petroleum of Venezuela Manuel Quevedo Fernรกndezโ€™s participation by saying: โ€œHe pointed to the emergence of alternative forms of payments and said that โ€œone of the innovative things [Venezuela] has done is to explore the creation of a new cryptocurrency.โ€ Much work and research remains to be done in this regard, he noted.โ€

    Since the international efforts have had only marginal results, Maduroโ€™s government focused its attention on the internal market. They chained salaries to the Petro, unilaterally decided to use it to pay old-age pensions and the Christmas bonuses, more recently designated it as โ€œmandatory payment required to register a brand or patentโ€ and, starting November 1st, 2019, everything related to passports will have to be paid in Petros.

    Mariana liserdo chimes in: โ€œThere can be payments to employees, pensioners and people related to public administration in Petro, but all the while that coin is not accepted, exchange to Fiat currency will always be necessary.โ€ And Lanz thinks that if the Petro is to contribute to Venezuela facing its economic crisis, the government should: โ€œPay salaries in Petro and provide the option to convert them at banks or exchanges. Itโ€™s not the same to receive X Petros than receiving Bolรญvares with the government saying: โ€œThis equates to your Petrosโ€.

    A few weeks after he said that to us, President Maduro ordered the countryโ€™s biggest bank - Banco de Venezuela - to โ€œopen Petro transaction desksโ€, which Lanz himself reported for CryptoCoinsNews. He did manage to interview ASONACRIPTโ€™s president Josรฉ Angel Alvarez, who about this
  17. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]

    The Stellar Newsletter: Soroban on Futurenet, Built on Stellar: Arf, Meridian On-Demand
    Stellar Development Foundation

    Stellar Development Foundation

    8 min read
    Nov 16, 2022

    Executive Director Message
    Hello, Stellar Ecosystem,

    Given the events of last week, and the harmful aftermath, itโ€™s easy to lose perspective. Itโ€™s easy to forget the incredible progress weโ€™ve seen in blockchain adoption. And itโ€™s even easier to dismiss the real-world solutions that wouldnโ€™t be possible without this technology.

    Importantly, what happened with FTX is NOT a commentary on blockchain, its usefulness, or its future. The demise of FTX was about leverage โ€” something that is not unique to the crypto-sector. We need to shout this from the rooftops as often as we can until everyone hears it and understands it.

    We believe deeply in Stellar and the benefits of blockchain technology generally. We know the problems it already solves, and that its future has even more depth. We know there are large shifts in the broader blockchain ecosystem that are surprising and grab big headlines โ€” but they donโ€™t undermine the value of the technology and what we will accomplish. Now, more than ever, the industry needs to shift its focus to real-world use cases and the good blockchain can do for the people who need it most.

    And Iโ€™ve seen glimmers of this focus swirling in the Stellar network and ecosystem the past few weeks. Here are some examples:

    Soroban is now live on futurenet. You are now free to tinker and mess around with smart contracts on Stellar, so come join the fun at Sorobanathon: First Light. Weโ€™ve got $100 million to give away to people who contribute code, create tutorials, and more โ€” so donโ€™t walk, run!
    We spent a wonderful three days in Rome, Italy for Meridian 2022 with the Stellar ecosystem and community, and we wouldnโ€™t have spent it any other way. You can read all about what happened here and find the sessions on-demand here, but Iโ€™ll tell you my favorite part of the event was attending the talks that I wasnโ€™t a part of โ€” I learned so much and just enjoyed seeing different leaders give their views and perspectives on our industry, the work being done on Stellar and what more we need.
    Stellar Quest Live Series 5 is happening right now! Itโ€™s been a while since our favorite gamified coding experience had one of these runs, and this time, itโ€™s all about Soroban. Check out all the details you need to know here
    $5 million worth of XLM was granted to the winning projects of the Stellar Bridge Bounty Program, aiming to build interoperability between Stellar and other DeFi ecosystems. Letโ€™s give a round of applause to: Allbridge, Axelar, Cubist, Kaladin, and Multichain!
    SEPs are the butter to the Stellar anchorsโ€™ bread, and we have all of it in one nice crusty baguette with the Stellar Anchor Platform. The Anchor Platform makes it easier for businesses to access Stellar by translating a businessโ€™s existing API structures into SEP-compliant interfaces.
    The Stellar Community Fund has now entered the โ€˜discussion phaseโ€™ of Round #11. Everyone can weigh in on the selected project submissions and even give live feedback during the candidate pitches, so hop on Discord! Those verified to vote can do so until December 4th.

    What I mentioned above is just a small fraction of what took place last month. Catch up on the latest and greatest of Stellar and the ecosystem in the rest of our newsletter.

    Built on Stellar: Arf

    Arf is a global settlement banking platform, revolutionizing the way money is used. Learn how they are giving businesses access to new markets and liquidity through Stellar.


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    SDF offers a free Horizon instance you can use to interact with the Futurenet
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    Futurenet is limited to 100 operations per ledger and one smart contract transaction per ledger
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    Soroban Smart Contracts

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    Designed For

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    Soroban is designed with scalability in mind. Boost performance with multi-core scaling, an optimized fee model, and without pesky serialization loops. Soroban also tackles the elephant in the room head-on by addressing the problem of state bloat.
    Real-World Utility

    Connect to Stellarโ€™s exceptional interoperability by accessing its wide variety of on-chain assets and worldwide on and off-ramps. Also, benefit from five-second contract finality on a proven and mature network boasting 150 TPS.

    Grants & Funding
    $100M Adoption Fund

    The Stellar Development Foundation launched the $100M Soroban adoption fund to encourage and support developers as they learn, experiment, build, and scale projects on Soroban. Kickstart your project with supporting programs like the Stellar Community Fund (SCF), an open-application awards program to support developers and startups building on the Stellar network and Soroban. Qualified submissions may receive awards of up to $100,000 worth of XLM at a time. SCF rounds run every 4 weeks.

    Install the Rust toolchain and Soroban CLI to begin writing your first Soroban smart contract. Learn more and continue building by going to the Soroban documentation. Or check out all available Soroban-related learning materials, programs, and more in Sorobanland.

    use soroban_sdk::{contract, contractimpl, symbol_short, vec, Env, Symbol, Vec};

    pub struct HelloContract;

    impl HelloContract {
    pub fn hello(env: Env, to: Symbol) -> Vec<Symbol> {
    vec![&env, symbol_short!("Hello"), to]

    mod test;
  18. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    ห– หšโŠน แ–ญเฝฒเผแ–ซเพ€ โŠนหš ห– หšโŠน แ–ญเฝฒเผแ–ซเพ€ โŠนหš ห–
  19. Enigma African Astronaut [memorize my carmelite sway]
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood ๐“€€ ๐“€ ๐“€‚ ๐“€ƒ ๐“€„ ๐“€… ๐“€† ๐“€‡ ๐“€ˆ ๐“€‰ ๐“€Š ๐“€‹ ๐“€Œ ๐“€ ๐“€Ž ๐“€ ๐“€ ๐“€‘ ๐“€’ ๐“€“ ๐“€” ๐“€• ๐“€–๐“€— ๐“€˜ ๐“€™ ๐“€š ๐“€› ๐“€œ ๐“€ ๐“€ž ๐“€Ÿ ๐“€  ๐“€ก ๐“€ข ๐“€ฃ ๐“€ค ๐“€ฅ ๐“€ฆ ๐“€ง ๐“€จ ๐“€ฉ ๐“€ช ๐“€ซ ๐“€ฌ๐“€ญ ๐“€ฎ ๐“€ฏ ๐“€ฐ ๐“€ฑ ๐“€ฒ ๐“€ณ ๐“€ด ๐“€ต ๐“€ถ ๐“€ท ๐“€ธ ๐“€น ๐“€บ ๐“€ป ๐“€ผ ๐“€ฝ ๐“€พ ๐“€ฟ ๐“€ ๐“ ๐“‚ ๐“ƒ ๐“„ ๐“… ๐“† ๐“‡ ๐“ˆ ๐“‰ ๐“Š ๐“‹ ๐“Œ ๐“ ๐“Ž ๐“ ๐“ ๐“‘ ๐“’ ๐““ ๐“” ๐“• ๐“– ๐“— ๐“˜ ๐“™ ๐“š ๐“› ๐“œ ๐“ ๐“ž ๐“Ÿ ๐“  ๐“ก ๐“ข ๐“ฃ ๐“ค ๐“ฅ ๐“ฆ ๐“ง ๐“จ ๐“ฉ ๐“ช ๐“ซ ๐“ฌ ๐“ญ ๐“ฎ ๐“ฏ ๐“ฐ ๐“ฑ ๐“ฒ ๐“ณ ๐“ด ๐“ต ๐“ถ ๐“ท ๐“ธ ๐“น ๐“บ ๐“ป ๐“ผ ๐“ฝ ๐“พ ๐“ฟ ๐“‚€ ๐“‚ ๐“‚‚ ๐“‚ƒ ๐“‚„ ๐“‚… ๐“‚† ๐“‚‡ ๐“‚ˆ ๐“‚‰ ๐“‚Š ๐“‚‹ ๐“‚Œ ๐“‚ ๐“‚Ž ๐“‚ ๐“‚ ๐“‚‘ ๐“‚’ ๐“‚“ ๐“‚” ๐“‚• ๐“‚– ๐“‚— ๐“‚˜ ๐“‚™ ๐“‚š ๐“‚› ๐“‚œ ๐“‚ ๐“‚ž ๐“‚Ÿ ๐“‚  ๐“‚ก ๐“‚ข ๐“‚ฃ ๐“‚ค ๐“‚ฅ ๐“‚ฆ ๐“‚ง ๐“‚จ ๐“‚ฉ ๐“‚ช ๐“‚ซ ๐“‚ฌ ๐“‚ญ ๐“‚ฎ ๐“‚ฏ ๐“‚ฐ ๐“‚ฑ ๐“‚ฒ ๐“‚ณ ๐“‚ด ๐“‚ต ๐“‚ถ ๐“‚ท ๐“‚ธ ๐“‚น ๐“‚บ ๐“‚ป ๐“‚ผ 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    CURSE OF ODIN แ›ˆแšบแ›Ÿแ›š แ›–แšพแ›žแ›– แšขแšขแ›Ÿแ›žแšจแšพ แšขแšขแ›Ÿแšฑแšขแšพ แ›‰แ› แšบแ›Ÿแ›šแ›‰แšจ. แ›žแšข แšขแšขแšจแšฑแ› แ›žแ›–แ›—แ›Ÿ แ›’แšจแ›šแ›žแ›–แšฑแ›–แ›‹ แšขแ›Ÿแ›šแ›Ÿแšพ แ›‹แ›แšพ แšขแšขแ›Ÿแ›‰ แ›’แ›แšฑแ›–แšพแšดแ›แ›. แ›แšบแšข แ›’แ›แšทแšขแ›Ÿแ›š แ›–แšพ แ›‹แ›แšพแ›แšบแšทแšขแšพแ›, แ›‹แšขแšพแšพแšจ แ›–แšฑแšจ แ›‹แšขแ›แ›‹แ›แ›–แšฑ; แ›แšบแšข แ›’แ›แšทแšขแ›Ÿแ›š แ›–แšพ แš แšฑแ›แ›แšจ, แšขแ›Ÿแ›šแ›šแšจ แ›–แšฑแšจ แ›‹แšขแ›แ›‹แ›แ›–แšฑ; แ›แšบแšข แ›’แ›แšทแšขแ›Ÿแ›š แ›–แšพ แšขแšขแ›Ÿแ›žแšจแšพ, แ›‹แ›Ÿ แšบแ›– แšขแšขแ›Ÿแ›šแšจ แšฒแ›Ÿแšพแ›žแšจ: แ›‹แ›Ÿแ›‹แ›– แ›’แ›–แšพแšฑแ›–แšพแšดแ›, แ›‹แ›Ÿแ›‹แ›– แ›’แ›šแšขแ›Ÿแ›แšฑแ›–แšพแšดแ›, แ›‹แ›Ÿแ›‹แ›– แ›šแ›แ›žแ›แšฑแ›–แšพแšดแ›: แ›’แ›–แšพ แ›‰แ› แ›’แ›–แšพแšจ, แ›’แ›šแšขแ›Ÿแ› แ›‰แ› แ›’แ›šแšขแ›Ÿแ›žแšจ, แ›šแ›แ›ž แ›‰แ› แšทแ›–แ›šแ›แ›žแ›–แšพ, แ›‹แ›Ÿแ›‹แ›– แšทแ›–แ›šแ›แ›—แ›แ›žแšจ แ›‹แ›แšพ
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