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Military Genius Zelensky wants Ukrainians to throw molotovs at Russian tanks

  1. Elbow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Russia should drop a 50mt nuclear warhead on the Pentagon.

    Boomers have done their level best to destroy everything, and as they ungracefully fade from the world they poisoned with their existence, the fact that the destruction was not complete gnaws at them. They crave the full nuclear exchange they once feared.
  2. Originally posted by Elbow Boomers have done their level best to destroy everything, and as they ungracefully fade from the world they poisoned with their existence, the fact that the destruction was not complete gnaws at them. They crave the full nuclear exchange they once feared.

    Boomer doomers.
  3. Originally posted by Donald Trump

    Good morning sirs.

    easy come, easy rape
  4. Number13 African Astronaut [dispute my snotty-nosed seagull]
    Originally posted by Donald Trump That was hardcore cringe. Putin is a scumbag for not blowing Zelensky up.

    It might have gone different if someone competent was in charge though
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  5. you dont know what competence is if it fucks u in the ass.
  6. Number13 African Astronaut [dispute my snotty-nosed seagull]
    Originally posted by Charles Ex Machina you dont know what competence is if it fucks u in the ass.

    Competence isn't losing a shitload of your country while having a manpower advantage lol

  7. Wow. The jedis are openly sending the goyim to die, and bring the Noahide (Genesis 9:13) flag to Kiev.

    The rainbow is God's guarantee to the jedis that, because they conned him into a shitty deal, he won't bring any more floods to punish them for immorality (like sexual degeneracy).

    So basically they can do whatever they want. No wonder the rainbow flag was big with gay kaballistic ashkenazis like Harvey Milk back in the day.

    And the one place I never seen it before, they are bringing it. Kiev will be gay.

    The goyim will have all been sent out to die, fighting the Russians. Those left, will fly the rainbow flag along the star of david, and won't even say "thanks, goy".
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  8. Originally posted by Number13 Competence isn't losing a shitload of your country while having a manpower advantage lol

    Originally posted by Charles Ex Machina you dont know what competence is if it fucks u in the ass.
  9. ner vegas African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Charles Ex Machina

    point he's making is the Zelensky hasn't been personally targeted specifically because anyone else in his position would likely fuck up a whole lot less
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  10. Originally posted by ner vegas point he's making is the Zelensky hasn't been personally targeted specifically because anyone else in his position would likely fuck up a whole lot less

    we dont really know whats his objectives are and therefore cant know for certain if hes competent in executing and dischsrging his duties and without which, can never be able to determine his competency.

    thats my point.

    i mean, who and whose interests is he serving ? honestly not ukrainians dats fo sure.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  11. Zelensky's five year term as President is over. He is now a dictator. That's the correct term for someone granted dictatorial powers in a time of crisis.
  12. Rabbi T. Weed Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Donald Trump

    Wow. The jedis are openly sending the goyim to die, and bring the Noahide (Genesis 9:13) flag to Kiev.

    The rainbow is God's guarantee to the jedis that, because they conned him into a shitty deal, he won't bring any more floods to punish them for immorality (like sexual degeneracy).

    So basically they can do whatever they want. No wonder the rainbow flag was big with gay kaballistic ashkenazis like Harvey Milk back in the day.

    And the one place I never seen it before, they are bringing it. Kiev will be gay.

    The goyim will have all been sent out to die, fighting the Russians. Those left, will fly the rainbow flag along the star of david, and won't even say "thanks, goy".

    The "Noahite" flag has 7 stripes symbolizing the Noachian Laws, you cretinous sheep. That arch only has 5 stripes. I know you goyim are not much better than animals, but until now I had presumed at least that you could count. If this is the level of intelligence we are to expect from goyim, thanking you would be pointless anyway. It would be like thanking an ox or an ass.

    Vile antisemitism is everywhere I look these days and it wearies me. We Jеws are not responsible for every little thing that "going wrong" with the world.

  13. I'm a pretty non-violent guy, but I'd love to have Taras in a cellar.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  14. ner vegas African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Donald Trump

    I'm a pretty non-violent guy, but I'd love to have Taras in a cellar.

    everyone should be fed to Russian artillery and barrier squads!

    but not me!
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!

  15. There's something satisfying about seeing military hardware crush civilian vehicles.

    Sucks for the driver.

    And probably having military hardware be so massive gives no advantage anyway.

    That heavy steel looks cool, but it slows the truck down and its not stopping a bullet anyway.

    Lightweight things like drones and paragliders are the way to go.

  16. Russian drone operations near Chasov Yar, deep in Donetsk province, a region that Russia has claimed as a Russian province.

    Imagine the damage one of these grenades does to a body - they don't kill with the blast, they use shrapnel to do the damage, like a shotgun. Zelensky will use every Slavic Ukrainian body as fodder for Russian drones.
  17. Originally posted by aldra that minefield video is rough as fuck

    pretty much everyone steps on a mine

    Just rewatched that.

    That is pretty bad.

    9:15 especially.

    Backup (file is 134MB):
  18. Originally posted by Donald Trump Just rewatched that.

    That is pretty bad.

    9:15 especially.

    Backup (file is 134MB):

    All they had to do was stay on the personnel carrier's tracks, but nope, too stupid.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  19. The war could be over in a day if all the Russian soldiers surrendered to the Ukrainians, and all the Ukrainian soldiers surrendered to the Russians.

    Instead they fight each other for fuck all. Military pensions and a life as a stump monster.

    Apparently this is the guy at 9:15.
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