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Any former catholics wanna red pill me on catholics

  1. #61
    Originally posted by infinityshock Children aren't a resource to be competed for

    only if theyre fat and ugly
  2. #62
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny only if theyre fat and ugly

    They're for hog food
  3. #63
    is hog an euphimism for fat and ugly pedos ?
  4. #64
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny is hog an euphimism for fat and ugly pedos ?

    Either or
  5. #65
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    protestant church: well they will probably appear as a human we think

    other skitzos : BE NOT AFRAID, MORTAL

  6. #66
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    actual nutters

  7. #67
    Third Temple African Astronaut
    Originally posted by infinityshock The bible is fiction.

    It's plagiarized from earlier civilizations and cultures


    Go be Atheist elsewhere, SETian
  8. #68
    Third Temple African Astronaut
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood protestant church: well they will probably appear as a human we think

    other skitzos : BE NOT AFRAID, MORTAL

    I left the Protestant church. the PCA was A-OK when I was growing up. chill. no real head trips..cept that time the minister walked in our home and caught his son with my bro and a bag of weed. called my entire family Demons. wrote a letter to each of us telling us not to come back to church. i should have saved mine.

    he left and the PCUSA took over. they're the Gay Flag people
  9. #69
    Third Temple African Astronaut
    I never hated LGBTQ ever. i was kind of spiritualy "You be you" vibe.

    but then the leftist cunts radicalised it. fuck them. pyscho fucking cunts.

    dont say God is Gay and cool with it.

    Everyone sins. so go to church but stop turning it into a fucking platform of your specific lifestyle. I MEAN WT ACTUAL F?

    Im a sinner, you're a sinner.. we all sin. go to church. talk to God. sorry God. then feel good, hug a fellowship and we used to have cookies and coffee afterwards. chit chat. some people used it for business purposes. buttheads.

    but you know.. whatever.

    2012.. <----- We all died. Purgatory. this is a test. has to be. lots of people believe this shit. Mayan Calender whatever. something weird happened. I used to have Fellowship with the Minister Camping. the dude in 2011 said the world was going to end. I went to his fellowship as a kid. he lived in my hometown. dude had a stroke after the year came and went. Maybe he was right in a way. everything went downhill.

    why? is this Normal to you guys? is the world FUCKING NORMAL? is it just a fucking coincidence? is it Synchronicity? is it Happenstance?

    we all just go with the flow and not lose our fucking selves like BOARD THE BUS. but for how fucking long before you say FUCK THIS SHIT?

    go worship your WHITE GUILT faggots. I hate no one but im getting really fucking annoyed with Kill Whitey shit.
  10. #70
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Third Temple Wrong.

    Go be Atheist elsewhere, SETian

    Demonstrable fact

    Go read the epic of gilgamesh

    Go be a cultists somewhere else, cultist
  11. #71
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Third Temple I never hated LGBTQ ever. i was kind of spiritualy "You be you" vibe.

    but then the leftist cunts radicalised it. fuck them. pyscho fucking cunts.

    dont say God is Gay and cool with it.

    Everyone sins. so go to church but stop turning it into a fucking platform of your specific lifestyle. I MEAN WT ACTUAL F?

    Im a sinner, you're a sinner.. we all sin. go to church. talk to God. sorry God. then feel good, hug a fellowship and we used to have cookies and coffee afterwards. chit chat. some people used it for business purposes. buttheads.

    but you know.. whatever.

    2012.. <—– We all died. Purgatory. this is a test. has to be. lots of people believe this shit. Mayan Calender whatever. something weird happened. I used to have Fellowship with the Minister Camping. the dude in 2011 said the world was going to end. I went to his fellowship as a kid. he lived in my hometown. dude had a stroke after the year came and went. Maybe he was right in a way. everything went downhill.

    why? is this Normal to you guys? is the world FUCKING NORMAL? is it just a fucking coincidence? is it Synchronicity? is it Happenstance?

    we all just go with the flow and not lose our fucking selves like BOARD THE BUS. but for how fucking long before you say FUCK THIS SHIT?

    go worship your WHITE GUILT faggots. I hate no one but im getting really fucking annoyed with Kill Whitey shit.

    White power, sieg Heil, mother ficker
  12. #72
    Third Temple African Astronaut
    Originally posted by infinityshock White power, sieg Heil, mother ficker

    Not jumping on board with that shit. that's just radical Left actually as well. Hitler was a Socialist. a National Socialist. borderline commie. even buddied up with Stalin before fucking him in the ass and rolling into Poland.
  13. #73
    Third Temple African Astronaut
    straight road from A to B. No Forking off. Dont go fork yourself. Im not on the Fence either. Im not sitting on the fence and going Yeah you're right, now you're right too on both sides.

    Im walking out of that neighborhood. that's what a Centrist is.

    Stop taking the Alternative to the same retarded party
  14. #74
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by Third Temple I left the Protestant church. the PCA was A-OK when I was growing up. chill. no real head trips..cept that time the minister walked in our home and caught his son with my bro and a bag of weed. called my entire family Demons. wrote a letter to each of us telling us not to come back to church. i should have saved mine.

    he left and the PCUSA took over. they're the Gay Flag people

    there is a resurgance movement to take back those churches from woke groups

    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood

    The liberal secular theology folx believe women can be ministers and gays can be married because they aren't as obsessed with the bible being law, while the other side lives by the traditional example and follows the bible literally and believes we can understand it and there are real laws and rules to follow.

    I probably lean towards more of the liberal theological side where I think God is too powerful of a concept for mortals to understand but I don't think that means you should put pride flags up at a church, there is just no reason for that at all with a church, it's too political. Sins of the flesh, etc. I agree with the traditionalist and catholic stance on the issue, but I am not a traditional christian I don't go to confession or church on sunday because I think that's all mostly BS and too wordly.

    Lutherans I think are one of the few groups that haven't gone totally insane from all this, even their most liberal groups don't seem as bad as the others, but they are all still kinda skitzo
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  15. #75
  16. #76
    Third Temple African Astronaut
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

    thats a gem. thats a keeper
  17. #77
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Third Temple Not jumping on board with that shit. that's just radical Left actually as well. Hitler was a Socialist. a National Socialist. borderline commie. even buddied up with Stalin before fucking him in the ass and rolling into Poland.

    harry potter disagrees

    harry potter says white power

  18. #78
    Third Temple African Astronaut
    Originally posted by infinityshock harry potter disagrees

    harry potter says white power

    he's J'ewish dude. is this a movie or a look alike? Why is everyone being a Nazi. we fought Nazis. maybe the bad J'ews are the ones from communist Russia and Godless who saw they could come over to Israel and own a place of their own and rule shit all KGB-shitty like and mean and controlling to other J'ews not accepting of it. so they out of fear and peer pressure joined along. these are not all of the J'ews. there was a head Rabbi in Palestine in 1948 who rejected them (Bolshevist) coming to Palestine to form a State of Israel and these guys pretty much reject it today because it's not apart of the Messiah to come. you can't force Israel.

    Im not saying who-is and who-isn't but it's clear there present exist there. It's not THE FUCKING J'EWS. you might be focusing on the fuckers who don't follow their own religious belief or created a secular version of it.

    Fucking Haters on this site. Give me some more Jeff Hunter photos, Fucking cunts. I'll move along. Someone post more Meta photos
  19. #79
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    it's from Harry Potter and the Chamber of Gas
  20. #80
    Third Temple African Astronaut
    I'll be accused of hating LGBTQ because I said they shouldn't run church and say Gods a gay and it's all cool.

    everyone should go to church and just shut up and let the preacher preach the word and just accept that. no flags. no agendas needed.

    then whatever. see you next sunday.

    this world is so unreal its like a surreal film by David Lynch
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