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5000 rockets hit Israel

  1. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    RT is unironically full of j'ews, just j'ews with possibly different objectives

    PressTV is not bad as far as the Iranian perspective goes, and Gaza Now has probably been the best source for on the ground footage
  2. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by aldra RT is unironically full of j'ews, just j'ews with possibly different objectives

    PressTV is not bad as far as the Iranian perspective goes, and Gaza Now has probably been the best source for on the ground footage

    that. al jazeera is decent for anti-j­ew propaganda but their reporters keep getting blown up by tanks.
  3. Originally posted by Third Temple Believe it or not, there are some Chinese or Mongolian with J'ewish lineage.

    you're just a straight up Nazi.

    Zhou Dynasty for one (Cho Chow Zhou) pronounced "Joe" btw.

    Chinese J'ewish Institute

    no, its not pronounced joe.

    get your mental well first before dabbling in muh kulture and history.
  4. Originally posted by aldra 48 hours according to pro-J'ew sources, then israel starts bombing South Lebanon (they already were, but more indiscriminately I guess). anti-J'ew sources reporting similar but I haven't seen them state a timeframe.

    they must think they're nearly done with Gaza if they're opening fronts with both Yemen and Lebanon; I expect more pressure from unexpected directions as they spread themselves thinner. I also expect US vassals like Jordan and KSA to start actively working against them (if in subtle ways) as it becomes harder for them to define a resolution.

    israel has put itself in a situation where it cannot make concessions or they'll lose their ethnostate, so I can't see them doing anything but escalating further and further.

    their SAMSUNG OPTION and direct US involvement seem inevitable. I don't like to make definitive predictions but I honestly can't see anywhere else it's going.

    the ass-calation is designed to bring the US into the fray.

    theyre now testing the carrier groups air defense capabilities and when they run out of missiles intercepting smallish unguided rockets then it will be interesting to watch.

    will shaheed or gayraktar magically appear ?
  5. Originally posted by aldra RT is unironically full of j'ews, just j'ews with possibly different objectives

    PressTV is not bad as far as the Iranian perspective goes, and Gaza Now has probably been the best source for on the ground footage

    ground footages when it suits their narrative.
  6. Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    Your opinions?
  7. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Originally posted by Donald Trump

    jedis funded a fake hate crime (or whatever) against themselves.

    I hate when hasbarists corrupt the truth like this, and it would be remiss of me to let it slide when the tables are turned: it's not a "fake hate crime", it's just a statement of the facts as they see them. To obfuscate that fact with an "or whatever" is a disgustingly underhanded way to reframe this act of protest as something nefarious. You would do well to be more charitable with your interpretations of events, lest you accidentally descend into the realm of the parodic as you did here.
  8. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny the ass-calation is designed to bring the US into the fray.

    theyre now testing the carrier groups air defense capabilities and when they run out of missiles intercepting smallish unguided rockets then it will be interesting to watch.

    will shaheed or gayraktar magically appear ?

    That's not how it works. It's called IADS...for integrated air defense in they use more than just missiles. They just like advertising the missiles 'cause the chicks dig it.

    They also use other things...aircraft and electronics jammers. On a nuke powered ship the jammers will run forever...or at least until the guy who's pressing the 'fire' button gets a sore finger.

    If they get one of the western coalition ships it'll be with an air- or water-drone...or a sub that makes it past a western sub.
  9. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Meikai I hate when hasbarists corrupt the truth like this, and it would be remiss of me to let it slide when the tables are turned: it's not a "fake hate crime", it's just a statement of the facts as they see them. To obfuscate that fact with an "or whatever" is a disgustingly underhanded way to reframe this act of protest as something nefarious. You would do well to be more charitable with your interpretations of events, lest you accidentally descend into the realm of the parodic as you did here.

    Everyone hates hebes
  10. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Wariat Your opinions?

    Stop posting idiot links, idiot
  11. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by aldra We cannot be indifferent to the pain of the people of Gaza and do nothing. Our new actions are a Yemeni veto against the American veto. Has Netanyahu threatened to attack Yemen? Let's see what he is going to do, please carry out your threat to taste more pain!

    fuck Yemen is cool

    various maritime authorities have reported an 'incident' involving an israeli-owned ship in the Bab Al-Mandab strait, Yemen's almost certainly involved
  12. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    also the IDF has released a video of them airdropping supplies to their units in Khan Younis. it's interesting because they've rarely used airdrops in the previous wars, the implication being that the situation is difficult and they're having trouble keeping their ground supply lines running.
  13. Third Temple African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny no, its not pronounced joe.

    get your mental well first before dabbling in muh kulture and history.

    STFU You Slavic half Breed. Go back to Eastern FUCK where you belong
  14. Third Temple African Astronaut
    Originally posted by infinityshock Everyone hates hebes

    I don't. cept the politician and hollywood types

    stop making racist shit up, fag

  15. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by aldra also the IDF has released a video of them airdropping supplies to their units in Khan Younis. it's interesting because they've rarely used airdrops in the previous wars, the implication being that the situation is difficult and they're having trouble keeping their ground supply lines running.

    someone needs to give hamas some SAMs...
  16. Third Temple African Astronaut
    Originally posted by infinityshock someone needs to give hamas some SAMs…

    you don't even care for Hamas you just want to see that area melt down into full blown nuke shit

    you people suck
  17. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Third Temple you don't even care for Hamas you just want to see that area melt down into full blown nuke shit

    you people suck

    im rooting for hamas because the kikes stole their land. israel belonged to the palestinians for a longer time frame than the j­ews occupied it

    but yes, if all three abrahamic cults mutually wiped each other off the face of the earth i would laugh at them all, knowing theyre all finding out they were lied to and they dont have 73 virgins or 2000 slaves waiting for them in appreciation for their sacrifice
  18. infinityshock Black Hole

    j­ew propaganda, but entertaining none the less

    their MOUT techniques sucks. for the cost of all that ammo they literally wasted they could have launched a 40mm grenade or tossed a frag for much cheaper. no grasp of the concept of 'cover'...and the idiot standing in front of the window...classy.
  19. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by infinityshock im rooting for hamas because the kikes stole their land. israel belonged to the palestinians for a longer time frame than the j­ews occupied it

    it's not even really that for me. if they could conquer the land and subjugate the people it'd be one thing, but the whole process is disgustingly hypocritical, parasitic, underhanded and designed to be as miserable as possible.

    they claim a moral right to do whatever they want based on their magic book, parasitically exploit the resources of the states that back them (literally running enormous terror campaigns to oust the British authorities so that they could take the land, then expecting the same British to pay for them to keep it) and cannot find equilibrium with the remainder of the population that they drove out.

    they impose self-destructive policies that they fight tooth-and-nail against domestically on states that they have effective control over, they claim persecution while they nepotistically occupy the most powerful positions everywhere they go, and if they're ever actually prosecuted for the crimes they commit they flee to israel to escape punishment. nothing is their fault and they do not respect their hosts.

    their current policy is literally to abuse the Palestinians into dangerous, violent retards, then force them out of their homes and use their outsized influence in western countries to resettle the now-useless, criminal eaters there to be the goyim's problem.
  20. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    it's also funny to me that they claim to be 'the only democracy in the middle east' when Iran is actually significantly more democratic (not that I consider democracy to necessarily be a positive thing anyway). religious minorities (most significantly J'ews and Christians) in Iran get dedicated seats in parliament and their government is laid out similarly to the British monarchy and the US legislature - they have the Ayatollah at the head who doesn't really do much, and they have the Guardian Council which is more or less the same thing as the US Supreme Court - the difference being that instead of ensuring the law complies with the US constitution, they ensure that the law complies with Shiia Islamic doctrine.

    Arabs in israel don't even get to be full citizens, let alone any serious representation.
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