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Military Genius Zelensky wants Ukrainians to throw molotovs at Russian tanks

  1. Third Temple African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra they sold off the bulk of their manufacturing base to China and now other countries like Vietnam and other SEA states, and haven't really needed to bulk-manufacture artillery shells since maybe Korea or Vietnam, but have lately had to deal with (or at least supply armies that have to deal with) wars where they can't rely solely on air superiority

    Ukraine's showed that industrial warfare is very much still a thing when you're not shooting at brown people without a serious military

    Oh. ok. Im not very knowledgable about war stuff but thank you for that Aldra.

    can a laser destroy one of these fired at you and blast it in mid fire-flight?
  2. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    lasers aren't really practical for destroying projectiles because with the ones we currently have, it takes too long for the beam to heat the projectile enough to damage it and can be mitigated with things like reflective paints. theoretically a laser would be more effective against something like an artillery shell because it flies along a predictable path so you could keep the beam on it longer but traditional guns and counterbattery fire are far cheaper and more effective

    the current laser weapons like PERESVET and the KALINA complex are designed to blind surveillance craft and low orbit satellites to make targeting difficult
  3. Third Temple African Astronaut
    People are going to have to start wearing laser goggles soon because people out there will be blinding people

    especially with the hard to see yellow lasers blinding people in the day time. you'll be blind before you register it
  4. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    there was a guy on pol who used to brag about his high powered lasers and said he was going to blind feds

    he got raided by the feds and didn't blind anyone
  5. Originally posted by infinityshock because modern millenials cant handle such strenuous work or such heavy weights

    This is modern manufacturing looks like. No one touches the product.
  6. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by aldra how recent are those prices though? because I've read in multiple places due to lack of supply and labour costs they're paying $2000-$6000US for the basic ones now

    about 10 or 15 years ago when i was more involved in such things
  7. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Donald Trump

    This is modern manufacturing looks like. No one touches the product.

    some products need to have human interaction for a proper end result.

    high explosives being one of them
  8. Originally posted by Third Temple thats not very many is it?

    well if the goal is to fill your rectum thats one too many but if ..//
  9. Originally posted by Donald Trump

    This is modern manufacturing looks like. No one touches the product.

    soft drinks arent weapons of war.

    you cant forge shells the way you can draw soft drink cans.
  10. Originally posted by infinityshock some products need to have human interaction for a proper end result.

    high explosives being one of them

    no its not.

    its the lack of existing machine and robots to do that.
  11. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny soft drinks arent weapons of war.

    you cant forge shells the way you can draw soft drink cans.

  12. Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    They should just use terminators or robots on the battlefield with drones and unmanned aerial vehicles.
  13. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny no its not.

    its the lack of existing machine and robots to do that.

    there are some things robots just cant do...or at the very least cant do as cost-effectively as a human
  14. Originally posted by infinityshock there are some things robots just cant do…or at the very least cant do as cost-effectively as a human

    Like mining cobalt... small black hands work far better than gray metallic ones.
  15. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Kingoffrogs Like mining cobalt… small black hands work far better than gray metallic ones.

    thats what small children are for. they use them for diamond mining (j­ews) and illegal mineral mining (niggers)

    the reason is their small size

    fun fact: the children are worked in the mine shafts totally naked. one reason is because its hot as fuck in the mines but the real reason is to keep the children from stealing anything expensive. they also get plugged in the asshole at the end of their work shift (IF theyre allowed to leave the mine) to check to see if anything is being smuggled out.

    another fun fact: during 1700s...1800s...orphaned white children were 'adopted' or purchased from orphanages by j­ews to be used as chimney sweeps. their policy was if a child got stuck and couldnt be removed its carcass was left to decay and replaced from the orphanages

    to this day they find the remains of small children in old chimneys and walled-off fireplaces.
  16. Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
  17. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Wariat

    no one is clicking on your shitty link, retard
  18. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by infinityshock to this day they find the remains of small children in old chimneys and walled-off fireplaces.

    couldn't you just snake it like a drain
  19. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by aldra couldn't you just snake it like a drain

    they didnt have that high tech stuff back then. orphaned white children were cheaper
  20. Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    Originally posted by Wariat

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